Once described as “recklessly loyal,” Arden Huntley has always taken pride in putting her loved ones first. However, as junior year wears on, Arden begins to wonder why no one—not her fame-seeking boyfriend, her haphazard best friend nor her absent parents—seems to appreciate her loyalty. Then she discovers a blog written by a boy named Peter, a kindred spirit, and begins to feel as though she’s finally found someone who understands. When she reaches her boiling point, she decides to drive to New York and track the blogger down. In the wild night that ensues, Arden learns that Peter isn’t who he’s made himself out to be, and that, just maybe, Arden isn’t either.
The premise of Leila Sales’ fourth novel is an eyebrow-raiser: A high school girl, fed up with being taken for granted, heads off to New York City to find a blogger she’s developed a crush on. That said, Sales pulls it off. Her prose is sharp and witty, making for a breezy (but still edgy) read in a tone reminiscent of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. And while her characters could do with a little more complexity, they're all dynamic and relatable. Most importantly, Arden’s growth throughout the novel sets an important example for teen readers—especially girls—who have grown up believing it’s their duty to please everyone around them. While it’s important to take care of our loved ones, we have to learn to take care of ourselves first.