Arizona horticulturalist Noelle Johnson, sometimes known as the “AZ plant lady,” shares her expertise and longtime passion for gardening in a hot, dry climate in this informative guide to gardening in our changing climate. The Water-Smart Garden: Techniques and Strategies for Conserving, Capturing, and Efficiently Using Water in Today’s Climate . . . and Tomorrow’s, of course, is not simply for those living in or near the desert, but also has practical use for gardeners elsewhere. As Johnson notes at the outset, “shrinking water supplies also are occurring in more temperate regions.”
Johnson’s clear, accessible text begins with some basic information about how plants use water. Throughout, she aims to assuage concerns that a waterwise garden only consists of rocks and cacti. She includes chapters on plant choices, building drought-resistant soil and watering efficiently—in other words, giving gardeners essential tools and techniques to plan, make changes and maintain a sustainable garden. Johnson’s chapter on capturing rainfall and passive water harvesting is especially useful, as precipitation patterns shift. Tips, graphics and photographs demonstrate how to maximize available water throughout the year.
Not much of a gardener? The Water-Smart Garden will also be a great choice for those who don’t wish to spend much time or money on their yard and want to keep water bills low. Johnson’s book includes charts to help gardeners and homeowners choose the best trees, shrubs, vines and plants for their region. Simply put, if you’re a gardener concerned about the climate, this book is for you.