Shannon Hale, beloved for novels like The Goose Girl and Princess Academy (which received a Newbery Honor), is also on top of the graphic novel game, notably with her bestselling Real Friends series, illustrated by LeUyen Pham, and the Eisner-nominated Rapunzel’s Revenge, which was cowritten with her husband, Dean Hale. Illustrated by Marcela Cespedes, who has previously worked with Nickelodeon and Disney, Dream On tells the story of Cassie Carpenter, whose chaotic home life is interrupted by a letter telling her she is the grand prize winner of a magazine sweepstakes. Will this solve all of her problems?
Shannon Hale, beloved for novels like The Goose Girl and Princess Academy (which received a Newbery Honor), is also on top of the graphic novel game, notably with her bestselling Real Friends series, illustrated by LeUyen Pham, and the Eisner-nominated Rapunzel’s Revenge, which was…