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<B>The tumultuous times of England’s greatest writer</B> While the works of William Shakespeare are for the ages, they were written in a particular place and time. We can better appreciate the Bard’s achievement if we are aware of events and profound changes that took place during the Elizabethan era, particularly in London, that significantly influenced him. Frank Kermode, the eminent British literary critic and historian of 16th and 17th-century literature, provides this important context in <B>The Age of Shakespeare</B>. This gem of a book gives us an historical overview of national politics, the place of religion, the development of professional drama and theater and changes at many levels of society in the early stages of capitalism, as well as the little we know for certain about Shakespeare’s life, conjectures about it and insights into the plays.

Kermode characterizes Shakespeare as "only the grandest of the poets" during a time when the arts, especially poetry and theater, flourished. While his importance cannot be underestimated, Shakespeare’s "was an age of vast and various poetic achievement, a period unparalleled in the history of anglophone poetry." Many of these poets wrote for the theater as well, although those who did not included Edmund Spenser, usually regarded as the master poet of the period. It may be that Shakespeare’s original intent was to be a page-poet rather than a poet for the stage. He may have turned to the theater to make a living.

<B>The Age of Shakespeare</B> also explores in some detail the fascinating subject of the development of dramatic blank verse, the writing format that Shakespeare preferred and perfected. With regard to the poet’s influence on language, Kermode states, "it is hardly too much to call it a revolutionary change in dramatic language, even a transformation of English itself, now alive to a new range of poetic possibilities." Still, Kermode doesn’t discount the acting skills of Richard Burbage and other veteran actors, who enabled Shakespeare to create his many complex characters; he devotes much attention to the development of acting styles of the time.

Shakespeare’s history plays represent a fourth of his total theatrical output. Despite the possibility of censorship, they dealt with the sensitive subject of royal secession, on the minds of many people during the Tudor period. In those days, Kermode asserts, "the whole issue was bound up inseparably with religious differences, and religion could mean war." Many English Catholics, for example, believed that Elizabeth was not a legitimate ruler and should therefore be ousted from the throne. <I>Macbeth</I>, of all the great tragedies, is considered by Kermode to be most relevant to current events in early 17th-century England. Kermode highlights the allusions to the Gunpowder Plot of 1605 and the interrogation of the conspirators involved, while tagging the Weird Sisters as a reference to the King’s well-known interest in witchcraft. This authoritative companion to William Shakespeare’s works, life and times is consistently enlightening and entertaining. <I>Roger Bishop is a bookseller in Nashville and a contributing editor to BookPage.</I>

<B>The tumultuous times of England's greatest writer</B> While the works of William Shakespeare are for the ages, they were written in a particular place and time. We can better appreciate the Bard's achievement if we are aware of events and profound changes that took place…

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Four Sides, Eight Nights: A New Spin on Hanukkah, by Rebecca Tova Ben-Zvi, lives up to its subtitle. This new spin on Hanukkah is child-friendly, fun and educational: a rare mix. It is a dense little book that reads as light as my latkes should be. Facts galore—about history, religion, trivia, science, food and customs—are organized in manageable bites, including marginalia with fascinating tidbits. Charming, detailed pencil drawings invite young readers to actually read the thing, and young listeners to ask what it says.

The author goes beyond Maccabees and grandma’s latkes (although no Hanukkah book would be complete without these two pillars of identity) and gets practical with "Eight Hanukkah Dos and Don’ts"; creative with ideas for homemade dreidels and gifts; scientific with probability and physics; and historical with yes, the Maccabees, but also with the stories behind "the" dreidel song and the Hanukkah custom of eating dairy foods.

The chapters on dreidels illustrate the depth of the whole book. We don’t just get the rules of the game, we get ancient origins (sheep knucklebones as dice); games using tops from Greek, Roman, Japanese, French, Korean and English traditions; a list of "top" fun gaming units for playing dreidel (chocolate kisses, etc.); and an introduction to friction, inertia, tangential points and speed as they relate to the art and science of dreidel. (By the way, the average dreidel speed is 3,300 revolutions per minute.)

I haven’t even mentioned the molten lead, elephants and "very dangerous cheese," but you can read about these factoids before wrapping this book to give to your favorite kid, parent, grandparent or teacher.

Joanna Brichetto negotiates Hanukkah and all Jewish holidays as a graduate student in Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt University.

Four Sides, Eight Nights: A New Spin on Hanukkah, by Rebecca Tova Ben-Zvi, lives up to its subtitle. This new spin on Hanukkah is child-friendly, fun and educational: a rare mix. It is a dense little book that reads as light as my latkes should…

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Charles Darwin died in 1882, but his theory of evolution lives on, debated by generation after generation. As for the evolution of the theory itself, author Randal Keynes, great-great grandson of Darwin and a descendant of economist John Maynard Keynes, gives us some unique insights in Darwin, His Daughter, and Human Evolution. Keynes believes Darwin’s life and science were intertwined and offers a fascinating, detailed look at Darwin’s family life and the impact the death of his beloved 10-year-old daughter Annie had on his work. In a chest of drawers he inherited from his grandmother, Keynes found Annie’s writing case. Among her mementos were the notes Darwin kept throughout Annie’s illness and a "memorial" of her, in which he describes her character and joyful spirit. We sense Darwin’s profound loss, even at a time when the death of a child was not uncommon. Unlike his wife Emma, who was a devout Christian, Darwin, an agnostic, could find no solace in religion for dealing with Annie’s death. Religious belief at the time held that humankind was on a higher level than animals. Suffering and illness were meant for man’s moral improvement. In contrast, Darwin believed that death was simply a natural process. Humans were on the same plane as the rest of life and subject to the same evolutionary forces.

Based on his work as a naturalist, Darwin first developed his species theory in 1838, three years before Annie was born. It was 21 years and many re-workings later that he published The Origin of the Species. In The Descent of Man, published in 1871, Darwin dealt with the animal ancestry of mankind. Both of these works were brought into sharper focus, according to Keynes, as Darwin reflected on Annie’s life and death.

Drawing on a wealth of previously unseen material, including personal diaries and family photographs, Keynes gives the reader a thorough understanding of Darwin’s life and times. Interweaving religion, medicine, science, poetry and philosophy, he offers a thought-provoking portrait of a grieving father who became a ground-breaking scientist.

Ellen R. Marsden writes from Ashburn, Virginia.


Charles Darwin died in 1882, but his theory of evolution lives on, debated by generation after generation. As for the evolution of the theory itself, author Randal Keynes, great-great grandson of Darwin and a descendant of economist John Maynard Keynes, gives us some unique…

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Richard Lederer is a language maven. He’s written 30 books on the subject, has a syndicated newspaper column called “Looking at Language” and hosts a weekly show on San Diego Public Radio. For Lederer, language is a thing to be celebrated, and rather than adopt a critical tone or bother to chastise the illiterate he opts for lucid and enthusiastic reportage on words and their development and usage. A Man of My Words: Reflections on the English Language is a feast for the “verbivore” (as Lederer calls himself), featuring dozens of chapters revolving around reflections on the writing life (his own and others much more famous) and touting the wonders of English, the world’s largest, most diverse and amazingly eclectic language, which contains nearly four times the number of words (616,500, according to the Oxford English Dictionary) as its nearest competitor, German. Other topics up for discussion in Lederer’s comprehensive collection include word origins, American dialects, proverbs, “fadspeak” (words derived from pop, social and business cultures), discussions on pronunciation (including the dreaded “NOO-kyuh-lur” for “nuclear,” botched by politicians from Eisenhower to the present day) and the important effect of regionalisms on language.

With unswerving faith in humankind’s innate expressive adaptability, Lederer seeks to make sense of the natural progression of word and usage development and catalog its change and growth with intelligence and delight. By and by, Lederer also shares some personal reminiscences on family life and his travels and work all word-related, of course including his interesting duties as an interpreter of the exact legal meaning of a ballot-box political referendum for the state of Maine. Challenging quizzes make for diverting reading or even for light gamesmanship with fellow word-fanatical friends. This thoughtful, rigorously literate volume engages from first page to last but works just as well as an item for random browsing. Martin Brady writes from Nashville.


Richard Lederer is a language maven. He's written 30 books on the subject, has a syndicated newspaper column called "Looking at Language" and hosts a weekly show on San Diego Public Radio. For Lederer, language is a thing to be celebrated, and rather than…

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The Eight Nights of Chanukah, by LeslŽa Newman, is a brief, colorful picture book that transposes another Christmas tradition to a Jewish key. Sung to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas, the new words enumerate all the accompaniments of Hanukkah: seven latkes frying, six dreidels spinning, five bags of gelt, four matzoh balls and so forth. Young children will enjoy pointing to and counting each item embedded in the cozy pictures by award-winning artist Elivia Savadier. She provides long-overdue scenes of religious Jewish life showing multigenerational families with a spectrum of hair and skin colors.

Joanna Brichetto negotiates Hanukkah and all Jewish holidays as a graduate student in Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt University.

The Eight Nights of Chanukah, by LeslŽa Newman, is a brief, colorful picture book that transposes another Christmas tradition to a Jewish key. Sung to the tune of The Twelve Days of Christmas, the new words enumerate all the accompaniments of Hanukkah: seven latkes frying,…
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Edward O. Wilson is firmly established as one of the most important scientific minds of our time. Beginning as a near-sighted Alabama kid with a love of insects, he has made himself into a world-class expert on social animals, evolutionary change and ecology. After Sociobiology and his splendid autobiography Naturalist, as well as many other books, Wilson’s trophy shelf is packed with two Pulitzers and the Crafoord Prize (biology’s Nobel), not to mention every other major scientific award. Like a number of other evolutionary biologists, Wilson has turned into a passionate ecologist. His latest book, a slender but potent volume entitled The Future of Life, is not only a call to action but, equally important, a plan of action to prevent species and habitat loss. National interest in conservation has never been so strong and interest in nature in general is on the rise. Wilson points out, for example, that more people visit zoos in the U.S. than attend professional sporting events.

What Wilson clearly demonstrates is a bitter irony that nature is even more richly diverse and magnificent than we ever realized before the past few decades, and that the spread of humanity like an infection across the globe is killing species at an unprecedented rate. Nature requires variety to remain healthy; only human beings attempt to deny its enriching diversity. Wilson analyzes current methods of addressing such issues and then lays out alternative procedures. For example, with governments focusing on other issues, much of the burden for reform falls to non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that can coordinate citizen effort and serve as liaisons with governments. All of this, to use the great phrase of environmentalist Rene Dubos, requires thinking globally and acting locally. It can be done. Will it happen? Wilson quotes conservationist John Sawhill, who until his death last year was the visionary president of The Nature Conservancy: "In the end, our society will be defined not only by what we create, but by what we refuse to destroy."

Michael Sims’ next book will be
Adam’s Navel, a natural and cultural history of the human body.


Edward O. Wilson is firmly established as one of the most important scientific minds of our time. Beginning as a near-sighted Alabama kid with a love of insects, he has made himself into a world-class expert on social animals, evolutionary change and ecology. After…

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Science is not now, nor has it ever been, a glamour job. It involves patience, focus and the ability to withstand disappointment time and time again. Today’s scientists can use modern technology to do many repetitive tasks, and they usually do their work in a clean and safe environment. Not so for men like Thomas Willis. In an environment that would make most modern researchers turn and run, he discovered the basic laws of brain function using tools closer in time to the bronze age than the computer age. Carl Zimmer’s new book, Soul Made Flesh: The Discovery of the Brain and How It Changed the World, is Willis’ story, a fascinating look at the medical pioneer who dared to explore the seat of the soul.

The 17th century was a pivot point in history, a time when men began to get past the spiritual in order to explore the purely physical workings of the human body. Only one generation removed from an Italian genius whose explorations triggered a near-excommunication, Willis was more like Edison than Galileo, using tools available to all, and a constantly inquisitive mind, to delve into the mechanics of the brain. Zimmer paints a vivid picture of the life and times of this stubborn 17th-century trailblazer. Through sheer persistence and a lot of dissections Willis and his colleagues managed to discover the workings of the brain and nervous system, and while their theories regarding the mechanisms of its workings were flawed (postulating humors and spirits as the carriers of signals along the nerves electrochemical reactions being unknown at the time), in principle they were correct.

Soul Made Flesh is a personal story told against an epic backdrop. While highly successful in his own time, Willis left behind a legacy more far-reaching than he could have dreamed. We are in his debt, and in Zimmer’s as well for his hugely entertaining portrait of this scientific hero. James Neal Webb writes from Nashville.

Science is not now, nor has it ever been, a glamour job. It involves patience, focus and the ability to withstand disappointment time and time again. Today's scientists can use modern technology to do many repetitive tasks, and they usually do their work in a…
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Merry Hanukkah? The yearly tension felt by some who negotiate Hanukkah amid the Christmas season gets an ironic twist in several new books. Given the diversity of even single-faith families, this may not be a surprising move. Whether trend or coincidence, it means more books for children, which is always a happy result.

"Old man Scroogemacher was as sour as a pickle and had a tongue like horse-radish." The first sentence of Hanukkah, Shmanukkah! gives a forshpice (appetizer) of the Yiddish flavors that follow—a hint that Dickens’ A Christmas Carol has undergone a religious and cultural conversion. Yes, the most unloved character in the most beloved Christmas story has been appropriated for the other big holiday in December. As odd as it may seem, author Esmé Raji Codell pulls off the switcheroo with humor, history and heart.

Codell folds Dickens’ universal themes of social justice, class and belonging into a particular place and time of Jewish history. Scroogemacher is a merciless factory owner on New York’s Lower East Side until, courtesy of three visitors—the Rabbis of Hanukkah Past, Present and Future—he learns how to be a real mensch (human being). Along the way, readers witness the rededication of the Holy Temple in Maccabean times (the event Hanukkah commemorates), a perilous transatlantic journey to Ellis Island, and the eventual good life in the Golden Land (present-day America), created from the hard work and labor reforms of immigrants who kept alive Old World traditions in a New World.

Readers unfamiliar with Yiddish terms will find the glossary invaluable, and two bibliographies (one for kids, one for adults) point to resources on the Jewish immigrant experience and Jewish history in general. Illustrations pepper at least every other page, keeping visual interest throughout a fairly long story, and the artist’s conception of the Rabbi of Hanukkah Future (a wise woman with reading glasses) is not to be missed.

Joanna Brichetto negotiates Hanukkah and all Jewish holidays as a graduate student in Jewish Studies at Vanderbilt University.

Merry Hanukkah? The yearly tension felt by some who negotiate Hanukkah amid the Christmas season gets an ironic twist in several new books. Given the diversity of even single-faith families, this may not be a surprising move. Whether trend or coincidence, it means more books…

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As far as author Greg Klerkx is concerned, NASA has been milking its three-decade-old Apollo success far too long. As he sees it, President Kennedy’s challenge of “landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth” became not only a mantra for NASA’s finest hours, but an endpoint for the agency’s goals and achievements. In Lost in Space: The Fall of NASA and the Dream of a New Space Age, Klerkx argues that the agency has not fulfilled the promises of the Space Age. Further, he says the initial Space Age has already passed us by, ending with the explosion of space shuttle Challenger in January 1986.

Klerkx, a former journalist and former director of resource development for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) Institute, is the outsider’s insider. For the most part, Lost in Space is an informed chronicle of the activities of the space community at-large. Through his many contacts among former astronauts, engineers, scientists and space enthusiasts, Klerkx is privy to the work being done on the next generation of space transport, rovers and living environments. Klerkx is also a wonderful writer, whose accounts of visiting Star City for Dennis Tito’s Mir launch and roughing it at the Haughton-Mars Project site near the Arctic Circle are among the best parts of the book.

For all the attention this book will get for its harsh portrayal of NASA, Klerkx doesn’t call for a complete elimination of the agency. He does, however, argue that NASA bungles, if not outright sabotages, any attempts to do the job “faster, better, cheaper,” to use the words of former NASA chief Dan Goldin. Klerkx suggests forgetting about the glory days of the Cold War and instead looking to the early days of aviation when government efforts were matched with private initiative for inspiration. He also echoes space tourist Tito’s conclusion that the next space race is already under way, with the Russians leading in the commercialization of space. Putting humans back into the equation and embracing space tourism, reasons Klerkx, may be the only way NASA can and should participate in the new space age. MiChelle Jones writes from Nashville.

As far as author Greg Klerkx is concerned, NASA has been milking its three-decade-old Apollo success far too long. As he sees it, President Kennedy's challenge of "landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to Earth" became not only a mantra for…
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Children today are more likely to have seen the Walt Disney 1940 film version of Pinocchio than to have read the original book. That’s just one reason why The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi, illustrated by Roberto Innocenti, would make a welcome addition to a child’s library. Another is the stunning, imaginative art by the renowned Italian illustrator Innocenti, who has also illustrated the Nutcracker and A Christmas Carol.

Collodi, an Italian journalist (his real name was Carlo Lorenzini) first published Pinocchio, the story of a mischievous and misbehaving wooden puppet, in 1881. This beautiful re-release will take readers young and old on an imaginative journey into another world. Pinocchio’s travels are filled with adventure he is ambushed, almost eaten by a fisherman, flies on the back of a pigeon and gets swallowed by a gigantic shark. Innocenti, one of the finest artists working in the field, created more than 50 magnificent illustrations for this handsome, high-quality edition. Children will be enthralled by his depiction of busy marketplaces, bright farmyard scenes, mysterious winter landscapes and even the inside of the giant shark.

Deborah Hopkinson’s picture book, Apples to Oregon, was recently named a finalist for the Oregon Book Award.

Children today are more likely to have seen the Walt Disney 1940 film version of Pinocchio than to have read the original book. That's just one reason why The Adventures of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi, illustrated by Roberto Innocenti, would make a welcome addition to…
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One hundred years ago last summer, in another hour of national grief, Theodore Roosevelt, 42, became the youngest man ever appointed president of the United States. He assumed office following the murder of William McKinley, who was shot by an anarchist at the Pan-American Exhibition in Buffalo.

The press had reported the president was recovering, and Roosevelt went on vacation in the Adirondacks to reassure the American people. But well-meaning doctors botched the effort to remove the bullet from the ailing McKinley. A messenger waving a telegram found the family atop a mountain, and Vice President Roosevelt sped through the night by buggy and train. While he was en route McKinley died, and the great responsibility, for which TR had been seemingly destined, devolved onto him. Thus there came to the White House one of the greatest presidents in America’s history.

In The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt (1979), author Edmund Morris told of Roosevelt’s meteoric ascent from New York assemblyman to colonel of the Rough Riders to governor of the Empire State to Vice President. Morris’ second volume, Theodore Rex, begins with that dark ride of September 14, 1901, then chronicles the two presidential administrations that ended eight years later.

Perhaps TR’s single most important contribution to American history was the creation of the modern presidency. Roosevelt saw the need to apply the power of the federal government to the regulation of big business. Manufacturers, financiers and railroad barons had come to dominate the nation’s life, often abusing their power through combinations in restraint of trade and exploitative working conditions in factories, mines and fields. Roosevelt asserted the concept of "the public interest," with Washington as its guardian. His administration sued to bring marauding corporations within the restraint of the law. It went on to seize the isthmus at Panama for the digging of the great canal, broker a settlement of the war between Russia and Japan, achieve campaign finance reform and create vast reserves of parklands, natural monuments and wetlands. TR the hunter even loaned his name to the Teddy Bear.

Morris’ book is a triumph of biographical art. Roosevelt strides through these pages as he strode across American life. Morris is a skillful literary stylist, and this long book flies by in the reading. The exuberance, the energy and the large, hearty, boisterous and sweet nature of TR abound here. So do insightful personal and character sketches of TR’s intimates, friends, supporters and enemies. Roosevelt was much more than a president. He had significant and substantive achievements as an explorer, naturalist, sportsman, historian and journalist. He was also a devoted husband and father, and somehow found time to write 35 books. He had as great a capacity for life as anyone you’re ever likely to meet, and 100 years after his presidency, TR’s life and accomplishments remain an asset and inspiration for our country.

James Summerville of Nashville serves as a trustee of the Theodore Roosevelt Association. 


One hundred years ago last summer, in another hour of national grief, Theodore Roosevelt, 42, became the youngest man ever appointed president of the United States. He assumed office following the murder of William McKinley, who was shot by an anarchist at the Pan-American Exhibition…

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<b>The Jungle Book: Mowgli’s Story</b> <b>The Jungle Book: Mowgli’s Story</b> by Rudyard Kipling, illustrated by Nicola Bayley, is the perfect choice for a child who loves animals. Kipling’s stories about the man-cub, Mowgli, have delighted readers since 1894. This volume includes three separate stories: Mowgli’s Brothers, Kaa’s Hunting, and Tiger! Tiger! In this exquisitely designed edition, well-known British artist Bayley has created warm, colored pencil artwork that evokes a far-off jungle. Bayley’s art brings Mowgli and his animal friends to life for a new generation of readers.

<i>Deborah Hopkinson’s picture book,</i> Apples to Oregon<i>, was recently named a finalist for the Oregon Book Award.</i>

<b>The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Story</b> <b>The Jungle Book: Mowgli's Story</b> by Rudyard Kipling, illustrated by Nicola Bayley, is the perfect choice for a child who loves animals. Kipling's stories about the man-cub, Mowgli, have delighted readers since 1894. This volume includes three separate stories: Mowgli's…
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During most of his adult life, Abraham Lincoln was a conscientious, ambitious mainstream politician. He was regarded by many in his own time and since as the least experienced and most ill-prepared man ever elected president. What distinguished Lincoln from other presidential hopefuls? How was he able to attract the support to win nomination and election? William Lee Miller explores Lincoln’s life and career from a unique perspective and helps us to better understand the man within the context of his times in his thoughtful, stimulating and very readable new book, Lincoln’s Virtues: An Ethical Biography.

"To an unusual degree," Miller writes, "Lincoln rose to political visibility by moral argument." Not as a moral philosopher or a prophet, however, but as a politician. The author writes, "it was exactly the prudent adaptation of the political possibilities, on the one side, that made the moral argument effective on the other. He managed, while responsibly attending to the political complexities and while dealing respectfully with those who disagreed, to state with great force, clarity, and persistence the moral argument at the foundation of the new majority-seeking party." Miller traces Lincoln’s life "selectively, for its moral meaning." He shows how Lincoln developed his own views and beliefs early on, regardless of differences with family and friends. We see Lincoln’s disciplined intelligence and strong will assert themselves, along with an appreciation for concrete reality. "Lincoln developed a confidence in his own powers of understanding and judgment that would be a key to all his accomplishments," writes Miller. This would include what the author calls a moral self-confidence as well.

It would be hard to exaggerate the importance in Lincoln’s moral biography of his 1854 speech in opposition to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which extended slavery to those territories. Lincoln wrote that he was "losing interest in politics when the repeal of the Missouri Compromise aroused me again." In his address, Lincoln said the heart of the matter was that the new act "assumes there can be a moral right in the enslaving of one man by another," something that had not been assumed before. Miller regards this speech as better than anything Lincoln said in the debates later with Stephen A. Douglas.

Miller guides us masterfully through Lincoln’s public career from 1854-1860, when he was engaged in "moral clarification" with the Declaration of Independence as his main criterion. During this period, and as president, Lincoln "would always oppose slavery strongly but within the law, under the Constitution, affirming the continuing bond of the Union." Throughout the late 1850s, Lincoln used his political skills to shape the Republican Party of Illinois, keeping focused on the new party’s defining objective of opposition to extending slavery because it was a moral evil. Miller notes that "For all his caution about the racial prejudice of his audience, Lincoln would make repeated affirmations of a humane universalism and egalitarianism." This outstanding interpretative biography does not always portray a flawless hero. In addition to some missteps, practical political calculations figured in all of Lincoln’s major decisions that had a moral basis. But Lincoln was a politician, and Miller deftly demonstrates how brilliantly he was able to weave morality and politics together.

Roger Bishop is a regular contributor to BookPage.

During most of his adult life, Abraham Lincoln was a conscientious, ambitious mainstream politician. He was regarded by many in his own time and since as the least experienced and most ill-prepared man ever elected president. What distinguished Lincoln from other presidential hopefuls? How was…

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