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It is your character, and your character alone, that will make your life happy or unhappy. . . . And you choose it, says Senator John McCain in the introduction to his latest book, Character Is Destiny: Inspiring Stories Every Young Person Should Know and Every Adult Should Remember, written with his administrative assistant, Mark Salter. This collection of short biographies of both the great and the barely known in some cases, just snapshots within a life highlights examples of personal character worth emulating. Here are presidents and prison guards, warriors and washerwomen, scholars and slaves all lives that demonstrate how we can make our world better, richer and fuller. From honor to love, from faith to humor, McCain offers stories that help us understand what the human character can and should be. Written in a style that is both accessible enough for younger readers and thoughtful enough for their parents, this book rises above the ordinary. The senator is correct: these are stories worth reading and remembering, and they transcend politics of any sort.

It is your character, and your character alone, that will make your life happy or unhappy. . . . And you choose it, says Senator John McCain in the introduction to his latest book, Character Is Destiny: Inspiring Stories Every Young Person Should Know…
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No doubt about it: Allen Long inhaled. Running bales of high-quality marijuana from secret runways in Colombian jungles to the public university campuses of 1970s America, Long, the consummate hustler and riverboat gambler, lived the high life of a dope smuggler. He indulged nonstop, not only in the drugs he dealt, but also in wealth, women and toys.

In Loaded, author Robert Sabbag follows Long into the heart of the marijuana trade at a time when "smuggling aircraft were beginning to stack up over the Guajira [a coastal region in Colombia] like commercial flights over JFK." Sabbag, author of Snowblind an inside look at the cocaine trade recounts Long’s high-wire act in an exciting, page-turning adventure, complete with a cast of characters that few fiction writers could conjure. The brawny JD Reed has "arms the size of railroad ties, long brown hair, combed like that of a renegade cavalryman, and eyes as resolute as Manifest Destiny." When he wasn’t setting up portable runway lights in northeast California to help land planeloads of pot, Reed liked to tear big city phone books in half with his massive hands.

If only Long had stopped after the first half-dozen successful dope runs and bought some land or stock with his wealth. Instead, he scored and consumed cocaine by the ounce and invested $3.5 million in a final, winner-take-all marijuana buy. To move 60,000 pounds of Colombia’s Santa Marta Gold, Long and his partners employed a 170-foot ocean freighter, a DC-4 plane, a Sikorsky helicopter, a 5,000-gallon fuel truck and a few tractor-trailers. What happened next to Long is what eventually happens to all smugglers if they’re lucky.

Sabbag’s book is not an indictment of drug smuggling but rather an appealing behind-the-scenes look at a more innocent time in America’s infamous drug history. Crack wasn’t on the scene yet, nor were methamphetamine labs. The South American cartels hadn’t declared war on their own citizens, and all business was based on a post-1960s culture of a shared bong.

Still, whenever your work takes you to dimly lit warehouses, and the people you work with pay you with suitcases of cash or a bullet to the brain, it’s usually time to go straight.

Stephen J. Lyons writes from Monticello, Illinois.


No doubt about it: Allen Long inhaled. Running bales of high-quality marijuana from secret runways in Colombian jungles to the public university campuses of 1970s America, Long, the consummate hustler and riverboat gambler, lived the high life of a dope smuggler. He indulged nonstop, not…

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Obscure wars breed little known and forgotten heroes. The job of the historian is to resurrect these paladins and explain their deeds to a new generation. Stephen Decatur is one such forgotten soldier: the youngest captain in American naval history, a hero of two wars and the star of a new generation of civic leaders. His life, so replete with action and honor, is vividly chronicled by naval historian James Tertius de Kay in his latest book, A Rage for Glory: The Life of Commodore Stephen Decatur, USN. Decatur’s life was epitomized by the pursuit of glory, honor and fame, and de Kay admirably sticks to those core elements in his examination of the man and his many accomplishments. Decatur fought daringly against Barbary pirates, even torching a captured U.S. ship in the enemy’s own harbor, and likewise bested the British navy during the War of 1812, towing the frigate Macedonian 2,200 miles back to America as a trophy. Unfortunately, it was his code of honor that also led to Decatur’s fatal duel with his former comrade, James Barron. The duel imbues the entire narrative with its malevolent inevitability, and de Kay details a cogent conspiracy theory against Decatur that drew him to his death.

Decatur’s hero status is undeniable, but heroes are not infallible, and de Kay’s narrative suffers from occasional touches of hero-worship and hyperbole. Decatur’s arrogance is sometimes dismissed as elan, his failures as victories, and his death as a tragedy unparalleled in American history. Yet, this audacity of narration mirrors Decatur’s own boldness in warfare and self-promotion, creating a kind of synergy between the biographical portrait and the character at its center. In this well researched work of popular history, de Kay skillfully brings Decatur to life and weaves together a narrative that reads like an adventure novel. Jason Emerson is a freelance writer based in Fredericksburg, Virginia.

Obscure wars breed little known and forgotten heroes. The job of the historian is to resurrect these paladins and explain their deeds to a new generation. Stephen Decatur is one such forgotten soldier: the youngest captain in American naval history, a hero of two wars…
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One cannot examine the development of either Jewish or Christian faith without considering the greatest hero of the Jewish nation, King David. The Life of David, by former U.S. Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky, presents a philosophical and at times poetic journey through the life of David. In this entry from the new Jewish Encounters series, Pinsky explores both the historic David as well as the mythic and religious impact of his life. Using the Biblical account as his guide, Pinsky focuses not only on who David was, but what he meant to the Hebrew people, both during his own lifetime and today. Shepherd boy, kingmaker’s protŽgŽ, legendary hero, poet, musician, rebel, traitor, friend, tyrant, father, adulterer, murderer and a man after God’s own heart. All these descriptions can be applied to David, and Pinsky skillfully examines what they tell us about David, his world, his people and their mutual faith.

One cannot examine the development of either Jewish or Christian faith without considering the greatest hero of the Jewish nation, King David. The Life of David, by former U.S. Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky, presents a philosophical and at times poetic journey through the life…
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Duck, a cattle herder in a poor, isolated region of Chilean Patagonia, is in the midst of one his frequent drunken episodes. And he has a knife to the throat of his American friend, author Nick Reding."Why you here?" Duck asks."The road," answers Reding, who has been chronicling the life of Duck and his family for his book The Last Cowboys at the End of the World: The Story of the Gauchos of Patagonia. The incident lies at the heart of this beautifully novelized nonfiction work about the culture of Chilean cowboys, or gauchos, and their kin – a cattle – herding, hard – living bunch that includes the alcoholic Duck and his angry wife Edith, who believes her violent husband is possessed by the devil. The road to which Reding refers is the Careterra Austral, or the Southern Highway, a leg of the Pan American Highway, which runs through the United States, Central America and South America. The road for the first time forces interaction between the gauchos, whose lives have changed little since the 18th century, and the modern world that begins with the city of Coyaique, where the 21st century has definitely arrived.Serving as reporter, novelist and anthropologist, Reding presents the gauchos through keen observation and linguistic investigation. We learn, for example, the origins of the word "gaucho," most likely derived from huacho or guache, which means "orphan" in several Indian languages.The reader accompanies Duck and Reding on cattle drives and visits to distant neighbors. Meanwhile, the author weaves into his narrative the figurative language of fiction, relaying several of the gauchos’ mysterious, magical myths – stories that somehow arise from the austere reality of their daily lives.During the year he spends with Duck, Reding learns of the cowboy’s hopes for a better life in Coyaique – a desire that leads the family to the slums of that city, where the book comes to its sad conclusion.Reding renders the Patagonian landscape in wonderful detail. The end of the world may seem like a long way to go for a story, but the trip was more than worth Reding’s – and the reader’s – while.

Dave Bryan is a writer in Montgomery, Alabama.

Duck, a cattle herder in a poor, isolated region of Chilean Patagonia, is in the midst of one his frequent drunken episodes. And he has a knife to the throat of his American friend, author Nick Reding."Why you here?" Duck asks."The road," answers Reding, who…

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<B>The dark side of Guthrie’s glory</B> Populist righteousness and homespun eloquence marked the songs of Woodrow Wilson Guthrie, the Oklahoma balladeer whose career was as remarkable for its brevity as for its impact. But like a tornado churning across the prairie, Guthrie’s life was marked by turbulence, a struggle in which demons and angels battled and danced.

Author Ed Cray documents the singer’s life thoroughly and engagingly in the new biography <B>Ramblin’ Man: The Life and Times of Woody Guthrie</B>. Each page comes packed with details about Guthrie’s peculiarities his habit of not wearing underwear, or his aversion to the texture of peach fuzz, for example. Gradually these dots connect into a bizarre narrative, through which Guthrie traipses. His path seems aimless: months after being signed to host his own network radio show, he loses interest and drifts off to spend his days hitchhiking, his nights singing for pennies in saloons, and his mornings waking up drunk under bridges.

For 10 years he wandered through towns and hobo jungles, fell in and fled from love, and wrote about pretty much everything he saw. His songs came as fast as he could type them songs that recounted the trivial and the epochal with equal artistry. The best of them could summon Whitman’s spirit, dress it in sweat-stained denim, and send it into battle against capitalists, union busters and anyone else who blocked the sun from shining on the sainted working class.

Despite Cray’s painstaking effort to portray Guthrie, his subject’s character remains elusive. Guthrie could be brusque and crude to his closest friends. He could show up unannounced at someone’s house, spend the night crashed out on the couch and steal the silverware before slipping out the next day. He could guzzle free booze and insult the guests at parties thrown in his honor. He sometimes hit the women he worshipped. In other words, he could be a jerk.

Why? His illness the Huntington’s disease that wore him down for 13 years before killing him at 55 surely had something to do with it. But real insight into this process somehow hovers just beyond our apprehension, leaving Guthrie a figure in the distance: a minstrel onstage, a voice on the radio, a boxcar jockey, or a broken man, old before his time, always thumbing toward some new horizon.

<B>The dark side of Guthrie's glory</B> Populist righteousness and homespun eloquence marked the songs of Woodrow Wilson Guthrie, the Oklahoma balladeer whose career was as remarkable for its brevity as for its impact. But like a tornado churning across the prairie, Guthrie's life was marked…

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A further, pictorial glimpse of Bruce Feiler’s journey is Walking the Bible: A Photographic Journey, a beautiful companion piece to his earlier book, Walking the Bible. A collection of stunning photographs of the locations Feiler explores in his first book (as well as a few from the sequel), this book gives visual testimony to the majesty and sacred beauty that surrounded the ancient world and still surrounds us today.


A further, pictorial glimpse of Bruce Feiler's journey is Walking the Bible: A Photographic Journey, a beautiful companion piece to his earlier book, Walking the Bible. A collection of stunning photographs of the locations Feiler explores in his first book (as well as a…

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Imagine a childhood with almost no boundaries. Kids haphazardly look after each other. They get drunk with their mother and smoke with their dad. There’s no such thing as too many dogs. It’s a tomboy’s dream. That’s the kind of unfettered upbringing Alexandra Fuller had, coming of age in Africa, where her family migrated from one country to another in response to the swiftly changing political climates of the 1970s and ’80s.

In her memoir Don’t Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight Fuller is at her finest when drawing vignettes that capture her unorthodox, no-rules raising. One of the book’s many delightfully ironic moments takes place when Alexandra turns down her mother’s invitation to split a bottle of whiskey. But Fuller’s spotty parenting also has its dark side. At a very young age, she is assigned to keep an eye on her baby sister, Olivia. When, as children do, she becomes distracted, her little sister drowns. It’s clear that Fuller carries the sorrow of this loss into adulthood. Fuller’s portrait of her colorful and eccentric mother may be the memoir’s greatest strength. Fuller doesn’t downplay her mother’s drinking or other excesses. In one vividly depicted scene, her mother shoots up the kitchen pantry, utterly demolishing its contents, to kill a cobra. Though Mum has many likable and heroic qualities, Fuller does not whitewash her racist politics. As late as 1999, Mum gets drunk and brags to a visitor that she and her husband fought to keep part of Africa under white rule. A less adroit writer might bore the reader with long expository passages about the book’s revolutionary backdrop, the work done on her family’s succession of farms or the local economy. But Fuller chooses to string together the episodes from her childhood that best encapsule its original flavor. Unlike other authors who have chosen Africa as a backdrop, she doesn’t fill her pages with sunsets, wildlife and vast plains. Instead, Fuller concentrates on the psychological landscape of her family on which the dark continent’s wide-open spaces have left an irrevocable stamp.

Lynn Hamilton writes from Tybee Island, Georgia.

Imagine a childhood with almost no boundaries. Kids haphazardly look after each other. They get drunk with their mother and smoke with their dad. There's no such thing as too many dogs. It's a tomboy's dream. That's the kind of unfettered upbringing Alexandra Fuller had,…

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Ain’t got nothin’ but love babe: the Beatles invade America<p> Whether you’re old enough to have lived through Beatlemania or young enough to know only that one of these guys went on to play in Wings, Martin Goldsmith offers new twists on a fascinating subject in <b>The Beatles Come to America</b>. In this reflective account of the Beatles’ explosive arrival on the U.S. music scene in 1964, Goldsmith digs into the tale with such attention to detail that its freshness seems never to have faded. Discovering what went into designing the stage set for the Beatles’ first appearance on <i>The Ed Sullivan Show</i>, for instance, makes clear how portentous that broadcast turned out to be.<br />
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The story is put into a personal context as the author inserts himself into the narrative, both as a teenager bearing witness and an adult now looking back with some perspective. The opening pages, for example, take us along on his pilgrimage to Liverpool on a recent summer day. Where the Britney generation might see an unremarkable urban panorama, Goldsmith finds evidence of miracles a street called Penny Lane, a dank reliquary in the shadows of the Cavern Club and, briefly but gloriously, bonds with a couple of Russians drawn on their own <i>hadj</i> to the center of Strawberry Fields.<br />
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This magic blows through the book, past delightfully obscure anecdotes and insightful reflections that present the Beatles as both a tonic for the malaise that followed the Kennedy assassination and a harbinger of the feminist revolution. When the Fab Four, a little bewildered at what they had just unleashed, wave goodbye to America and fly back home, Ringo wonders, &quot;How in the world are we ever going to top this?&quot; Even the four &quot;mop-topped lads&quot; themselves had no idea how lasting their appeal would be. In the last chapter, Goldsmith takes us back to where it all began, to an epiphany so unexpected and yet so appropriate that we are left wondering how it could have been any other way than it was a world changed, forever and for better, by song. <i>Robert L. Doerschuk of Nashville is the former editor of Musician magazine.</i> </p>

Ain't got nothin' but love babe: the Beatles invade America<p> Whether you're old enough to have lived through Beatlemania or young enough to know only that one of these guys went on to play in Wings, Martin Goldsmith offers new twists on a fascinating subject…
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Where God Was Born: A Journey by Land to the Roots of Religion is Bruce Feiler’s sequel to his best-selling Walking the Bible. Feiler explores both the historical and geographical realities behind the latter books of the Hebrew Bible (known to Christians as the Old Testament), from the times of Joshua, the Judges and the Kings into the ages of the Prophets, the Exile and the Diaspora. Journeying to the Middle East, from Jerusalem through war-torn Iraq and even into the totalitarian theocracy of Iran, Feiler follows the transition of the Jewish faith from one based on a single location Jerusalem and the Holy Land to a faith which understood that God is bound to no location, but is everywhere. Tying ancient history, myth and legend with modern conflicts and experiences, Feiler searches not only for God’s personal call, but for his message to all people today how do we find in our common roots a mutual understanding of God, our world and each other? Where God Was Born is thought-provoking and challenging to individuals of every faith or none at all.

Where God Was Born: A Journey by Land to the Roots of Religion is Bruce Feiler's sequel to his best-selling Walking the Bible. Feiler explores both the historical and geographical realities behind the latter books of the Hebrew Bible (known to Christians as the Old…
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It is all quite mad. In Them: Adventures with Extremists British journalist Jon Ronson follows a number of characters, including Omar Bakri Mohammed, a Syrian living in London, whose loudly stated goal is a holy war on Britain, the country that shelters him.Omar, who calls himself Osama bin Laden’s man in London, stands around on street corners handing out leaflets and shouting things like "Be careful from homosexuality. It is not good for your tummy," though that is the least of his imprecations. It makes him sound winsome, which he is not. During the time Ronson spends with him (the late 1990s), Omar collects money for terrorist groups, calls for fatwas (death threats) against infidels and would gladly see Britain made into an Islamic nation by force.He lives off welfare money given him by the British government and cheerfully admits he uses British political and civil rights in order to try and destroy them. He gloats over American deaths on Sept. 11, and only when the government threatens to deport him does he begin to backpedal and squeal to Ronson that, of course, everyone knows he’s just a clown and not to be taken seriously.Omar is among the more potentially dangerous loose cannons popping off in Ronson’s entertaining and disquieting book about extremists in the United States and Europe. They are a varied lot, united in nothing yet sharing a common belief in a conspiracy of "Them," an elite group that rules the world by meeting in a secret room somewhere to decide such monumental issues as when to start wars, who gets elected president or prime minister, and how to control global financial systems.The only thing more startling than that is: Could the extremists be right? Ronson travels down byways both creepy and comical that make him doubt, if not his sanity, then the extremists’ lunacy.Take, for instance, the Bilderberg Group, universally dismissed as every extremist’s favorite fantasy. If it’s a fantasy, then why does Denis Healey, retired British Labor cabinet minister, heartily hail its existence and its goals – including the desire to eliminate extremist groups?Is it benign? Then why all the sinister cloak – if – not – exactly – dagger stuff that Ronson and another fellow are subjected to when they try to scout out Bilderberg’s annual meeting in Portugal and watch, open – mouthed, as cars carrying "many of the world’s most powerful people" roll past them to a meeting that no one will admit is taking place?Or take David Icke, a former sports journalist in Britain who has given himself over to the task of warning about a conspiracy to create a New World Order, with the additional information that its leaders are genetically descended from 12 – foot lizards. If he is so loony, why do so many establishment groups go to such lengths to demonize him and cancel his appearances?Are "they" doing it? What do "they" have to fear? Well into his book, Ronson writes, "My rationality had suffered a tremendous blow, and I now no longer knew what was possible and what was not."Despite his confusion, the author continues his journeys, traveling from Ruby Ridge to an auction of Nicolae Ceausescu’s shoes. Ronson finally ends up in the forests of northern California, where he sneaks into an opulently appointed sylvan glade to observe putative leaders of the New World Order at play: scores of well – known politicians and wealthy businessmen, sometimes naked, prancing about, urinating on trees, and attending the ritual burning of an owl image. Whether it’s sinister or simply sophomoric, Ronson wonders: The Branch Davidians were a cult and this is not?It is all quite mad. "Thank God I don’t believe in the secret rulers of the world," Ronson says. "Imagine what the secret rulers of the world might do to me if I did!"

Roger K. Miller, a former newspaper book editor and columnist, is a marketing writer in Wisconsin.

It is all quite mad. In Them: Adventures with Extremists British journalist Jon Ronson follows a number of characters, including Omar Bakri Mohammed, a Syrian living in London, whose loudly stated goal is a holy war on Britain, the country that shelters him.Omar, who calls…

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Even today, there are conflicting estimates of how many deaths the great influenza pandemic of 1918 caused worldwide. In 1927, an American Medical Association study set the total at a conservative 21 million. Some say it was closer to 100 million. In the U.S. alone, where the disease is generally believed to have originated, approximately 675,000 citizens died.

This natural horror coincided with the last months of carnage of World War I, but as John M. Barry points out in The Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History, the disease was even more devastating than the battles. “In the American military alone,” the author reports, “influenza-related deaths totaled just over the number of Americans killed in combat in Vietnam [47,420]. One in every sixty-seven soldiers in the army died of influenza and its complications, nearly all of them in a ten-week period beginning in mid-September [1918].” Unlike pneumonia, which tended to kill infants, the old and the weak, this virulent strain seemed to target those who were young, strong and in the prime of their lives.

Barry, whose other books include Rising Tide: The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927, tells three separate but intertwined stories here. The first traces the history of American medicine from its primitive beginning to the start of the war; the second chronicles the spreading tentacles of the pandemic; and the third follows the medical community’s efforts to analyze and treat the disease and search for a cure.

Throughout his account, Barry criticizes President Woodrow Wilson and his administration for creating an unquestioning, suppressive pro-war climate that kept the public from recognizing and reacting sensibly to the disease. Time and again, medical precautions were ignored and vital news withheld for fear of damaging the war effort. Barry’s heroes are such valiant and foresighted doctors as William Welch, Simon Flexner and William Gorgas, who were rigorous in their attempts to cap the outbreak.

Believed to have originated in Haskell County, Kansas, in early 1918, the influenza spread across the country in two waves. The first one, in spring, was relatively mild. The second one was a rolling slaughterhouse. That fall, in the Camp Devens army encampment near Boston, deaths from the flu rose to an average of nearly 100 a day. Doctors and nurses began dying too. In Philadelphia, one of the cities hardest hit, the daily death toll soared briefly to around 800. There were neither enough coffins nor enough gravediggers to handle the onslaught. Entire families became sick and often had to wait for days for their dead to be taken away. Still, a cowed and “patriotic” press ignored or played down the city’s plight.

While medical and public health advances were made as it raged on, the plague essentially burned itself out, subsiding in America almost as quickly as it arose. Barry’s book is afflicted with a textbookish excess of detail at least for the general reader but it serves as a clear warning that governments must be open with their people and generous in their application of resources if they are to contain such present menaces as AIDS and SARS and slow the progress of epidemics yet to come.

Even today, there are conflicting estimates of how many deaths the great influenza pandemic of 1918 caused worldwide. In 1927, an American Medical Association study set the total at a conservative 21 million. Some say it was closer to 100 million. In the U.S. alone,…
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The setting of Brian Strause’s emotionally charged debut novel is Columbus, Ohio, where 18-year-old Monroe Anderson lives with his family. Monroe’s life is irrevocably altered when he discovers his 11-year-old sister, Annika, unconscious in the family pool. Though he saves his sister’s life by administering CPR, she remains comatose. His father, a high-powered defense attorney, copes with the tragedy by becoming even more obsessed with his work. Monroe’s older brother Ben, a talented golfer, drowns himself in alcohol and suffers disastrous consequences. But it is Monroe’s grief-stricken, lonely mother who changes the most and becomes totally absorbed in her Catholic faith, engaging the prayerful assistance of the local parish priest and multiple members of the community. As Annika displays signs of stigmata, Monroe is concerned that her frequent visitors see her not as a person, but as a mere means to healing their various ailments.

As the events of the story unfold, readers are treated to Monroe’s first-person narrative, revealing his family’s darkest moments. From the second Monroe saves his sister’s life, he remains conflicted, feeling the contrast between the media hailing him as a hero and his parents viewing him as a failure for not coming more quickly to his sister’s aid. Unable to rationalize the local priest’s encouragement of the public to treat his sister as an idol, Monroe clashes with his mother and her boundless faith. Heartwarming and deeply moving, Maybe a Miracle sparkles as it highlights the cavernous depths of one family’s trauma. The devastating power of this tragedy is brilliantly portrayed with both the gritty realism and sarcasm that only an 18-year-old boy can convey. But this novel truly stands out because of its singular premise: can one family ever completely recover from a brush with tragedy? As Strause juxtaposes the Andersons’ crisis with those of other families, he reveals answers to this question. Readers will quickly warm to this charismatic writer’s deft exploration of human emotion. Sheri Melnick writes from Enola, Pennsylvania.

The setting of Brian Strause's emotionally charged debut novel is Columbus, Ohio, where 18-year-old Monroe Anderson lives with his family. Monroe's life is irrevocably altered when he discovers his 11-year-old sister, Annika, unconscious in the family pool. Though he saves his sister's life by administering…

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