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Do you have a son? Is there an important boy in your life? If so, Christina Hoff Sommers has an important warning. Oddly enough, it’s a lousy time to be a boy in America, she explains during a telephone interview from her home in Maryland. While girls are generally applauded and admired, she says, boys are often feared like the plague.

As she writes in the opening of The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism is Harming Our Young Men: As the new millennium begins, the triumphant victory of our women’s soccer team has come to symbolize the spirit of American girls. The defining event for boys is the shooting at Columbine High. During our talk, Sommers notes the myriad programs that try to boost girls’ academic and self-esteem skills, the result of feminists decrying the injustices girls have suffered in classrooms over the years. But Sommers argues that it is actually boys who now lag behind girls, not vice versa.

In fact, she says, the average 11th-grade boy writes like an eighth-grade girl. He’s three years behind in writing and a year-and-a-half behind in reading. Yes, she knows that boys are slightly ahead in math and science, as a rule. However, there are lots of programs to help girls (and Sommers makes a point to say she’s not criticizing those programs). What angers her, though, is that similar programs to help boys are practically non-existent.

If anything, she explains, boys are viewed as the privileged beneficiaries of the patriarchal system, but nothing could be farther from the truth, especially with a low-achieving boy. Many of today’s educational strategies deny the types of experiences that help boys learn. They love competition, hierarchy, and striving for excellence, Sommers says. If we take that away, you take away all that’s important for boys. For years, feminists have pointed out the plight of under-achieving, low self-esteem girls, such as those depicted in Carol Gilligan’s popular book, In a Different Voice. What’s more, Sommers argues that a handful of organizations, including the American Association of University Women and the Wellesley Center for Research on Women, have added to the problem by shaping gender policy in our nation’s schools. Sommers, who took academic feminists to task in her 1994 book Who Stole Feminism?, says these groups have promoted misleading and incorrect data, an assertion she probes in her book.

The War Against Boys discusses the problem in detail and offers some solutions. For starters, suggests Sommers, boys need their own watchdog group. Nothing ideological, Sommers warns, but simply people who like boys and understand them. Members might include the YMCA, the Boy Scouts, Boys’ Town, Harvard’s Alvin F. Poussaint, and Michael Gurian, author of the insightful book, The Wonder of Boys.

Sommers explains that she would also like to see a major correction in the schools of education in their offerings on gender education. She recommends a new study be required reading: Trends in Educational Equity of Girls ∧ Women by the U.

S. Department of Education.

While it’s very honest about the areas in which girls need help, she says, it’s the best account of how boys need help too. Sommers hopes that when teachers across the country hear the phrase gender equity, they will stop thinking of Carol Gilligan’s ideas, and instead think of The War Against Boys, the Department of Education study, or research by Judith Kleinfeld.

Meanwhile, what can parents of boys do to help? Sommers a former professor of philosophy and the mother of a teenage son and an older stepson offers several recommendations during our chat: Be aware that there are many who do not like boys, who view the natural tendencies of boys to be pathological, a defect to be overcome. I don’t think there are many teachers like this, but there are going to be some who have taken seriously what they have read. . . . Be prepared to be an advocate for your son and for all the little boys in the class. Be aware that you’re going to have to make special efforts in teaching boys reading, writing, handwriting, and organization. These skills do not come to most boys as naturally as they come to most girls, Sommers explains. She adds that it’s helpful to make sure teachers include stories and books that feature adventure, heroes, and action, all of which are likely to appeal to boys.

All parents need to realize that boys can behave in all sorts of ways without being mentally unstable. There’s a whole repertoire of wild, normal, little boy behavior. The standard play of little boys is rough and tumble, and women mothers and teachers have never fully understood it and liked it. In her book she describes a stunned California mother whose son was punished for running during recess, and nearly suspended for jumping over a bench. Sad to say, Sommers says, normal youthful male exuberance is becoming unacceptable in more and more schools. Sommers has had to go to bat for her own son, who once got in big trouble during a school field trip for jumping up and swatting a restaurant awning that the class passed on the street. The author stresses the need for gentlemanly, moral behavior, yet she believes the natural tendencies of little boys must be better understood.

Sommers ends The War Against Boys with a stirring call for action: We have created a lot of problems, both for ourselves and for our children. Now we must resolutely set about solving them. I am confident we can do that. American boys, whose very masculinity turns out to be politically incorrect, badly need our support. If you are an optimist, as I am, you believe that good sense and fair play will prevail. If you are a mother of sons, as I am, you know that one of the more agreeable facts of life is that boys will be boys. Alice Cary writes from Massachusetts.

Do you have a son? Is there an important boy in your life? If so, Christina Hoff Sommers has an important warning. Oddly enough, it's a lousy time to be a boy in America, she explains during a telephone interview from her home in Maryland.…

Review by

Photographers and nature lovers will be captivated by Chased by the Light (NorthWord Press, $35, 1559716711), a new book of photographs from world-renowned nature photographer Jim Brandenburg. The book grew out of a self-assigned challenge: to take just one picture a day for the 90 days of fall. Each photograph would be a true original, like a painting, and would capture a scene in Brandenburg’s beloved home, the boreal forest of northern Minnesota.

Through 90 stunning color photographs ranging from 350-year-old cedars to the aurora borealis to the bloody pawprint of an injured wolf and insightful journal entries, Brandenburg evokes the spirit of this wild and isolated place. In the process, he captures something more as well.

As National Geographic editor William Allen observes in his foreword, with every frame we see the breadth of nature in a single shot.

Photographers and nature lovers will be captivated by Chased by the Light (NorthWord Press, $35, 1559716711), a new book of photographs from world-renowned nature photographer Jim Brandenburg. The book grew out of a self-assigned challenge: to take just one picture a day for the 90…

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Veteran novelist Howard Fast shows his versatility as a storyteller with his latest work, Redemption, which combines several popular genres into a no-frills entertainment that will undoubtedly please his many fans.

The novel opens with New York detectives searching the Wall Street offices of murdered broker William Sedgewick Hopper, shot once through the back of the head as he was about to sign a $1,000,000 check. There are many clues in the case which soon reveal that Hopper was quite corrupt and ruthless in his financial practices. He was a much-hated man under the growing scrutiny of the law.

A month earlier, Ike Goldman, a 78-year-old retired law professor from Columbia University, comes to the rescue of a much younger woman, Elizabeth Hopper, as she is about to take a suicidal plunge from one of New York City’s most celebrated bridges. Something clicks reluctantly between this distraught young woman and the compassionate senior. It is to Fast’s credit that this May-December relationship is handled with a simple, tasteful restraint, rather than the usual dirty-old-man leering approach. He makes their emotional union seem as natural as breathing, without the slightest hint of lewdness or vulgarity.

Despite the warning of several friends, Goldman opens his life to Liz, as he calls her, deeply touched by this vibrant woman who has reached out to him. She, in turn, is won over by his generosity and compassion for her troubled life. He gives to her without asking anything in return. While sex is an important glue in most relationships, it is the shared spiritual, emotional awakening that both people experience that strengthens their bond.

All of that is shattered with the murder of her husband, the infamous Mr. Hopper, who she later confesses beat and abused her viciously. With his trademark clean, uncluttered prose, Fast saves his best work for the courtroom drama that unfolds in the latter part of the book. If there is a defect, it is that this portion of the story is somewhat rushed, not giving the reader the full benefit of the suspense generated here. That is heightened when Liz’s defense team suffers a few setbacks during the proceedings, offering every indication things will end badly for the woman.

Regardless of the occasional abruptly ended scene or slight stiffness in some of the dialogue, Redemption continues the lengthy career of Howard Fast with great distinction. It is the perfect book for a relaxing afternoon at the beach, deftly entertaining but never challenging or too demanding.

Robert Fleming is a journalist in New York City.

Veteran novelist Howard Fast shows his versatility as a storyteller with his latest work, Redemption, which combines several popular genres into a no-frills entertainment that will undoubtedly please his many fans.

The novel opens with New York detectives searching the Wall Street…

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It’s a wild world In case you need to be reminded that the third rock from the sun is a strange and wonderful world, turn to the Simon ∧ Schuster Encyclopedia of Animals: A Visual Who’s Who of the World’s Creatures ($50, 0684852373), edited by Philip Whitfield. A brief introduction explains classification by evolutionary kinship, and the rest is pure fun. The 2,000+ illustrations are lovely, the information astonishing, the very names worthy of Lewis Carroll: bandicoot, pudu, stink badger, greater racquet-tailed drongo, crested serpent eagle, marbled salamander, secretary bird. (Quick: How can you tell a dibatag from a gerenuk?) The king cobra’s head can be as big as a human’s, and it is the only snake known to create a nest for its eggs. The young of the Nile mouthbrooder fish hatch inside the mother’s mouth and return to it when frightened. The naked mole rat’s social structure is more like that of insects than of mammals. This is not trivia. This is a gorgeous family album our own.

It's a wild world In case you need to be reminded that the third rock from the sun is a strange and wonderful world, turn to the Simon ∧ Schuster Encyclopedia of Animals: A Visual Who's Who of the World's Creatures ($50, 0684852373), edited by…

Review by

Somewhere, come July 21, Ernest Hemingway will be celebrating his 100th birthday. In less ethereal realms, the celebrations, or preparations for them, already have begun. In April, at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston, a gaggle of high-profile writers gathered to debate the wisdom of posthumously publishing manuscripts that authors leave behind, such as is being done now with Hemingway’s True at First Light. (Their consensus: not wise at all.)

Elsewhere, around the time of his natal day, the celebrations will start in earnest (no pun, et cetera) in places associated with Hemingway: his hometown of Oak Park, Illinois; Petoskey, Michigan, where his family had a summer home; Piggott, Arkansas, the family home of Hemingway’s second wife, Pauline Pfeiffer, where he wrote much of A Farewell to Arms; Key West, site of his most famous residence; and the area of Sun Valley/Ketchum, Idaho, where the author departed this life in 1961 via a self-inflicted shotgun wound to the head.

Is all the celebrating warranted? After all, the professoriate laid the ax to the base of this mighty oak in the 1970s and just about succeeded in bringing Hemingway’s reputation down. Postmodernists, feminists, and assorted other academicists took exception to his public persona and private failings and threw the art out with the artist: misogynist, they called him, and war lover, promoter of blood sports, boor, bully, drunk, anti-Semite, self-promoter, womanizer, betrayer of wives and friends.

Well, nobody’s perfect. On the other hand, all he did was help change the way we perceive our existence — a shift of continental proportions — and, even more, the way we express that perception. His great achievement is his plain, telegraphic prose, learned as a newspaperman, a medium that perfectly reflected its message. A generation or more of hopeful writers strove to imitate that style.

Hemingway was part of a time, before the book culture broke down, when writers could be heroes and young men and young women set them as their models. Hundreds of thousands may admire John Updike today, but few try to write like him and no one wants to be him (aside from possibly Nicholson Baker). James Jones, for example, not only imitated Thomas Wolfe, he seemed to want to be him. And almost everybody with literary pretensions wanted to be Hemingway.

Some of this imitation was good and some bad. I happen to think one of the best is Signed with Their Honour, a 1942 novel by the Australian James Aldridge. Hemingway himself could write bad Hemingway with the best of them, notably in Across the River and into the Trees (wickedly parodied by E.B. White in an essay, “Across the Street and into the Grill.”) Even For Whom the Bell Tolls, while a great novel, borders on self-parody.

Some say that, aside from a few short stories, Hemingway wrote only one work of towering stature, The Sun Also Rises. I say you must add to that A Farewell to Arms and, one floor down, For Whom the Bell Tolls — and throw in The Old Man and the Sea, which spurred his being awarded the Nobel Prize, for good measure.

Two big things Hemingway challenged — old values and old ways of expressing them. That is why Sun begins with a long discussion of Robert Cohn, a relatively minor character. Cohn represents the false, romantic values that Hemingway attacks, using Romero, a young bullfighter, as his chief instrument.

Hemingway called Farewell his Romeo and Juliet. It is both a wonderful love story and, together with All Quiet on the Western Front (published in the same year, 1929), one of the century’s first great antiwar novels.

If Hemingway was bad at anything in his great novels, it was dialogue. But his narrative style, with that deceptively lulling repetition of “and,” is justly adulated. A too-brief excerpt from Farewell: “In the bed of the river there were pebbles and boulders, dry and white in the sun, and the water was clear and swiftly moving and blue in the channels. Troops went by the house and down the road and the dust they raised powdered the leaves of the trees.”

Plain and simple, so plain and simple it would seem to be unexceptionable. Yet it was like nothing that had gone before, and it changed everything. Now that the vogue for imitating him is past, his like will not be seen again. And that, my children, is the real reason he deserves to be called Papa.

Somewhere, come July 21, Ernest Hemingway will be celebrating his 100th birthday. In less ethereal realms, the celebrations, or preparations for them, already have begun. In April, at the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston, a gaggle of high-profile writers gathered to debate the wisdom…
Review by

It’s still a dangerous world out there. Despite the breakup of the Soviet Union, or perhaps because of it, there are plenty of powder kegs across the globe, waiting to be lit. Some of them are due to the dispersal of the weapons of a cash-poor U.S.


R.; some, like the Middle East, the horn of Africa, and Northern Ireland, will be with us always. Without doubt, the biggest threat to freedom worldwide is Communist China, a country seemingly capable of doing anything to further its aims, from stealing secrets to brutally repressing dissent within its borders.

It is into this mix that writer Patrick Robinson sends his latest protagonists over 100 of them the crew of the nuclear submarine U.S.

S. Seawolf. Assigned to a covert reconnaissance mission in the South China Sea, routine quickly becomes deadly, and following a tragic mishap, the Seawolf and its crew fall into the hands of the Chinese. It quickly becomes apparent that their captors have no intention of letting them go ever. What’s worse, a member of their crew harbors a secret that, if discovered, would make the sub’s capture pale in comparison.

The Seawolf’s command crew knows they must hold their crew together until help arrives if it ever does but with personnel dying at the hands of the Chinese, they don’t know how long they can hold out. It’s up to a no-nonsense admiral, a disgraced colonel, and a crack team of Navy Seals to get the crew of the Seawolf out of their isolated prison before they are tortured into giving up the Seawolf’s secrets. And what about the sub herself? Full of detail, U.S.

S. Seawolf will please the Tom Clancy/Technothriller crowd; its rousing climax coupled with a shocking ending will leave Robinson’s fans hungry for his next book.

It's still a dangerous world out there. Despite the breakup of the Soviet Union, or perhaps because of it, there are plenty of powder kegs across the globe, waiting to be lit. Some of them are due to the dispersal of the weapons of a…
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Art of the Twentieth Century is the first comprehensive survey of modern and contemporary art since Robert Hughes’s benchmark Shock of the New. And like Hughes, the four authors contributing to this two volume set expertly blend historical record and biographical detail to provide a rousing, insightful portrayal of the workings behind the art of this century.

The entire first volume is devoted to painting. The author, Karl Ruhrberg, traces a remarkably seamless line from the innovations of the Impressionists in the late 1800s to the up-to-the-minute workings of contemporary artists around the world. Even veteran art enthusiasts will be startled by the freshness of the abundant images chosen to illustrate the book which pioneer relationships between artists of different countries.

The distinct treatment of categories on sculpture, new media, and photography in the second volume sets this book apart from previous surveys of 20th-century art which repeatedly accorded lesser status to these artforms than to the progression of painting. Different authors handle each section and provide a unique opportunity to trace the development of artists within these fields unimpeded by the simultaneous advances in painting. Additionally, a large portion of the second volume is comprised of helpful biographical sketches of all the artists discussed in the book. Art of the Twentieth Century offers a bright, pleasurable overview of the most dynamic period of development in the visual arts. It is compiled so skillfully that a tour through the cornucopia of illustrations alone will continually inspire new apprecations for the often difficult art of our times.

Art of the Twentieth Century is the first comprehensive survey of modern and contemporary art since Robert Hughes's benchmark Shock of the New. And like Hughes, the four authors contributing to this two volume set expertly blend historical record and biographical detail to provide a…

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The summer is as good a time as any to add new friends to your life, and reading The Saving Graces is certain to add at least four: Emma, Rudy, Lee, and Isabel. By the time you’ve finished the novel, you will feel as though you not only know these four women, but you’ll miss them the way you miss good friends.

Each of these four friends takes turns telling the story of the Graces a group of women who years ago began meeting periodically to discuss a women’s topic. Chapter by chapter, each woman reveals details about herself through the choices she makes in what to reveal about the others, until you’re gradually aware that you have become one of this group and are being told things the others don’t know.

Rudy and Lee slowly reveal the unhappiness of their marriages one of them finally deciding to end the destructive relationship and the other discovering the real reason for her unhappiness. Emma, who thinks of men as speed bumps, is very open with the reader about her coveting a married man. While the other three eventually learn about her unfulfilled longings, she lets only the reader and one other friend know who he is and what a road block he has become. Isabel, the oldest of the Graces, seems to emanate grace and wisdom as she faces the hardest decisions. In the end, it is her wisdom and foresight that allow the Graces to continue after what could have caused the group to disband.

Men, hairstyles, an abandoned dog, and food not exactly women’s topics, but as Emma puts it, We’ve already talked about everything under the sun. There’s nothing left. As in a typical group of friends, someone disagrees. Lee thinks they’ve all become lazier and just find it easier to gossip than to organize a discussion topic. Thank goodness for disorganization! It is what allows us to learn the story of four unusual women who form a group we would all like to join. It is what allows us to think of each of them as a new friend and to miss each one the minute the last page of The Saving Graces is read.

Jamie Whitfield writes from her home in Hendersonville, Tennessee.

The summer is as good a time as any to add new friends to your life, and reading The Saving Graces is certain to add at least four: Emma, Rudy, Lee, and Isabel. By the time you've finished the novel, you will feel as though…

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The arts Jack Mitchell has been a preeminent photographer of the fine and performing arts for a generation. His portraits of dancers, painters, and theater people have adorned the covers of Dance magazine and the Arts and Leisure section of the New York Times on countless occasions. Some of these elegant images are assembled in Icons and Idols: A Photographer’s Chronicle of the Arts, 1960-1995.

The black-and-white portraits, dramatic and at the same time subtle, include some of the biggest names in the business: Robin Williams, Andy Warhol, Gloria Swanson, and Leonard Bernstein, just to name a few. Mitchell’s poignant snapshots of John Lennon and Yoko Ono, perhaps his most recognizable work, were taken days before the legendary singer/songwriter was murdered. Icons and Idols would make a welcome gift for any fan of either the arts or the print media.

The arts Jack Mitchell has been a preeminent photographer of the fine and performing arts for a generation. His portraits of dancers, painters, and theater people have adorned the covers of Dance magazine and the Arts and Leisure section of the New York Times on…

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It is a new millennium in Gotham City, and even as businesses pull the skyscrapers ever higher, criminals drag the streets ever lower. It has been two decades since an aging Bruce Wayne hung up his bat-costume and retired. As the authors write in their introduction, “For many of Gotham’s citizens, theirs is a city without hope, because it is a city without a hero.” But then a new hero comes along, a young man who becomes Bruce Wayne’s latest protŽgŽ no mere sidekick this time, not another Robin, but a younger incarnation of Batman. It is time to take on a new generation of criminals, and Wayne is too old to do it by himself. A new Batman is needed.

Based upon the Warner Bros. Network’s popular animated series, this handsome, colorful 50-page oversize paperback includes profiles of the characters, what writers call “backstory,” information on the new Batcave and Bat-weapons, and three full-size posters. Kids will get to follow the working partnership of Bruce Wayne and young Terry, his girlfriend Dana Tan (“Call me when you’re ready to commit more time to me than to Bruce Wayne.”), and perennial villains such as Mr. Freeze. Newcomers include the Jokerz, a gang who dress as clowns and imitate the crimes of the Batman’s former arch-enemy, the Joker. This book is fun, lively, and filled with Bat-trivia. It could not possibly be more colorful. The only problem is that the elderly Bruce Wayne looks too much like Boris Karloff. However, how many kids will remember Boris Karloff?

It is a new millennium in Gotham City, and even as businesses pull the skyscrapers ever higher, criminals drag the streets ever lower. It has been two decades since an aging Bruce Wayne hung up his bat-costume and retired. As the authors write in their…
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The challenge of writing a modern Southern novel must be daunting. After all, what remains to be uncovered? There are the familiar narrative landmines of racial subplots, off-kilter aunts, small-town characters, and the trauma of growing up in a world and a region that just doesn’t make sense to most adults and certainly not to a sensitive, aware ten-year-old boy. In his second novel, Tommy Hays, a native of Greenville, South Carolina, steps right into the fray, taking the genre and infusing it with a direct, understated honesty all his own.

In the Family Way begins in Greenville with the seminal event in Jeru Lamb’s world: the death of his older brother, Mitchell. It is an event that sends Jeru’s otherwise normal mother to embrace Christian Science for solace, convinces his father to quit his steady job at an advertising agency to devote himself with equal zealotry to literary ambitions, and casts a bizarre, tragic pall over three generations of the Lamb family in general. Jeru, it seems, must learn to deal with the loss in his own way. Then, with his mother’s unexpected pregnancy a development strongly against her doctor’s orders Jeru suddenly has more fears of loss to confront.

Told through Jeru’s eyes, Hays’s novel tackles the daunting task of presenting a believable young narrator clever enough to relate an engaging story while not being so wise that the author’s voice seeps through. Hays does a credible job. We may never fully accept Jeru as merely a young boy limited by what someone his age would know, but at the same time readers will relish the particular youthful integrity Jeru brings to the search for meaning in his world. This act of creating such a memorable and convincing narrator is where In the Family Way succeeds, and it separates Hays from the rush of recent Southern fiction. At its best moments, the novel contains too much truth to be merely a novel. At times there is so much veracity in the choices, the words, and the decisions Hays makes, readers will find themselves wondering how much of this fiction is based on fact. How much of Tommy Hays can be found in the touching, engaging story of Jeru Lamb? After all is done, perhaps that is the sign of success in fiction, creating a character who lives in our thoughts after the last page is read.

Todd Keith is a freelance writer and website manager.

The challenge of writing a modern Southern novel must be daunting. After all, what remains to be uncovered? There are the familiar narrative landmines of racial subplots, off-kilter aunts, small-town characters, and the trauma of growing up in a world and a region that just…

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YE OLDE CURIOSITY SHOPPE What’s your poison? Editor’s note: Each month we see lots of books. Some of the curious arrivals are featured in this space.

So, what is this love affair between cooking and crime-solving? According to Jo Grossman and Robert Weibezahl, the authors of A Taste of Murder: Diabolically Delicious Recipes from Contemporary Mystery Writers, dining and dying share a lengthy history. And here Weibezahl and Grossman honor that tradition with a sinfully tasty collection of killer cuisine from America’s most popular mystery writers. Recipes include: The Kinsey Millhone Famous Peanut Butter and Pickle Sandwich by Sue Grafton (for a different twist, we suggest frying it up Elvis style), Sea Bass in Orange Sauce by Richard North Patterson, Chili from (who else?) Joe R. Lansdale, Salami a la Chama River by Tony Hillerman, Irene Kelly’s Favorite Asparagus Linguine by Jan Burke, and Aunt Zell’s Pecan Pie by Margaret Maron, just to name a few.

In this book where mystery meets meat, there’s also a chapter (cleverly titled No Place to Meat ) for vegetarians, proving that deadly dishes don’t really have to be dead.

How delicious to discover that these masters of crime are also master chefs. We just can’t think of a better book for the mystery reader or food lover in your life. With chapters like The Pot Thickens and Kneadless Violence how can you go wrong? (And as if you needed one more reason to acquire A Taste for Murder, the authors are donating a portion of their profits to From the Wholesaler to the Hungry, a national organization that helps cities develop programs to distribute fresh produce to low-income adults and children.) Moses McGuire’s Almost Patented Teriyaki Salmon by John T. Lescroart Shopping List: 2 pounds of salmon fillets (not salmon steaks), skin on Juice of one lemon 1/2 cup of soy sauce 1 teaspoon dried thyme 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Fresh tarragon and thyme, chopped Butter Preparation: Mix lemon juice, soy sauce, dried thyme, and olive oil in a wide, shallow container and place fillets skin side up into the marinade. Let stand at least an hour, but refrigerated overnight is better. Prepare barbecue. When coals are ready and very hot, oil grill lightly, then place fillets skin side down directly on grill. If using kettle grill, cover. If not cover with aluminum foil tent and watch for flames. Do not turn fish over. Cook at least six minutes, but no more than ten minutes. Salmon should be orange/pink at the surface with the skin quite burned. Dot with softened butter into which you’ve beaten fresh chopped tarragon and thyme. If desired, heat marinade to boiling, and serve as additional sauce for dipping or for rice, etc.

Serves 4.

The above recipe was reprinted with permission from A Taste of Murder, a DTP Trade Paperback by Bantam Dell Publishing Group. ©1999 Jo Grossman and Robert Weibezahl

YE OLDE CURIOSITY SHOPPE What's your poison? Editor's note: Each month we see lots of books. Some of the curious arrivals are featured in this space.

So, what is this love affair between cooking and crime-solving? According to Jo Grossman and Robert…

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Sure, I thought when I agreed to do this review, how hard can it be to review a kid’s book about baseball? Besides, John Ritter’s Choosing Up Sides got a lot of notice and major awards last year. Maybe he’s the new Matt Christopher. But as I read Over the Wall, I knew Ritter had a bigger game plan than just a sports story. Thirteen-year-old Tyler Waltern is in New York visiting his cousins for the summer. His dad’s been depressed and withdrawn since accidentally running over Tyler’s sister about ten years earlier, and Tyler welcomes the chance to get away. He and his cousin Louie play summer league baseball, and Tyler is sure he is “God’s gift to baseball.” He is truly outstanding at the sport, except for one flaw his explosive temper. Fortunately, Tyler has a coach who is concerned about the total development of the young player rather than just his athletic skill. When Coach Trioli witnesses Tyler’s temper, he gives the young man more than straight talk. They visit the scene of the violent Vietnam anti-war protests on Wall Street in the 1960s, and Coach describes the death of a close friend in those protests. “Lots of ways to solve a problem. But fighting’s the worst. It’s the easiest. It takes the least courage.” Tyler, partly because of his intense desire to be on the All-Star team, takes the first steps toward control.

He advances further toward maturity when his aunt takes him and his cousins to Washington to see the sights, notably the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial Wall where their grandfather’s name is inscribed. In the aftermath Tyler hears about his own father’s opposition to the war, and he begins the struggle most of us face from time to time about the morality and methodology of winning whether it’s in war or baseball. Even putting up a monument to the dead can bring trouble, as Tyler and his cousin Breena (a semi-romantic interest) discover near the end of the story. But Tyler has learned that “when I’m less afraid, I’m less angry. Weirdest thing!” Ritter, who lives in San Diego, has filled the book with well-researched background about baseball, the cities of New York and Washington, and American response to Vietnam not to mention a double entendre for Over the Wall. Only in a couple of instances does it bog the storyline. He knows his baseball lingo for sure. He’s written at least a three-base hit for junior-high kids, their parents, and at least one grandmother.

Sure, I thought when I agreed to do this review, how hard can it be to review a kid's book about baseball? Besides, John Ritter's Choosing Up Sides got a lot of notice and major awards last year. Maybe he's the new Matt Christopher. But…

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