Linda M. Castellitto

What happens to a mother when her husband, her children's father, dies? In Designated Daughter: The Bonus Years with Mom, D.G. Fulford steps in as "the sibling who would try to take up the empty space that had always been filled by Dad." (Fulford's brother is author and former Chicago Tribune columnist Bob Greene.) Each chapter is co-written by Fulford and her mother, Phyllis; they offer stories that are by turns funny and poignant, and familiar in their glimpses of what it's like to be the surviving spouse or child. They're frank about these "bonus years," and how their changed relationship required some rebalancing—of Fulford's own approach to motherhood, Phyllis' ability to be independent and both women's perspective on what matters and what can be laughed off. Designated Daughter offers a hopeful vision of what mother-daughter relationships can be.

Riding Shotgun: Women Write About Their Mothers, edited by Kathryn Kysar, contains 21 thoughtful explorations of memory, discovery and the mother-daughter bond. The writing in this collection is superb, thanks to the skill and thoughtfulness of the contributors, which include accomplished novelists, poets, journalists and essayists such as Jonis Agee and Sandra Ben&and#237;tez. There are photos, too, lovely in both their familiarity awkward poses in dress-up clothes, mom-and-baby candids and diversity. Riding Shotgun is an honest, memorable collection worth savoring and sharing.

Frances Richey raised her son, Ben, on her own. He grew up to become an Army captain and Green Beret who served two tours in Iraq, secret missions in a war his mother does not support. Writing poetry helped Richey, a former corporate executive who has been a yoga and meditation instructor for the last 15 years, cope with her fear for her son. Her poems in The Warrior: A Mother's Story of a Son at War are powerful in their evocation of the emotional battles fought every day by the people who are left behind, worrying and wondering: "My son is always leaving. / Sometimes he looks back / and waves good-bye. Sometimes / he just disappears." and "It was easy to think of warrior / as a yoga posture, until my son / became a Green Beret." One Mother's Day, Richey didn't hear from Ben; she writes about it in "Incommunicado." But this mother's story has a happy ending: Ben, who first deployed in 2004, returned home in 2006.

Former president Jimmy Carter is no stranger to author-dom: He's written more than 20 books, including An Hour Before Daylight, Our Endangered Values and Beyond the White House. A Remarkable Mother is both a biography of his mother, the indomitable Miss Lillian, and a memoir of his relationship with her over the course of her life (she died in 1983 at age 85). Lillian was born in Georgia, the fourth of nine children. Carter recounts stories of her formative years in the rural South, her work as a nurse during World War I, and her volunteer work for the Peace Corps. It's interesting to read about Miss Lillian's role as "America's first mama": She visited the White House often, accompanied her son on official state missions and "played a key role in [Carter's] crucial support from African Americans." Photos help tell the story of Miss Lillian, who is shown with family and foreign dignitaries alike. She is talking and smiling in nearly every one.

Each of us makes choices about our personal style from how we look and the objects we treasure to the career paths we follow. According to fashion and interior designer Carrie McCarthy, and Danielle LaPorte, a writer and communications strategist, identifying and embracing a particular style philosophy can help us be more mindful of and deliberate with our life choices. In their book Style Statement: Live by Your Own Design, they share their own statements and feature portraits of women who embody various style statements; descriptions of characteristics common to those styles; and questions to help readers determine and interpret their own preferences for certain colors, flowers, foods, art forms and the like. Think Color Me Beautiful, but for your life, not just your makeup colors.

From longtime fans who've seen Breakfast at Tiffany's countless times to those who discovered the gorgeous gamine via a Gap commercial, Audrey Hepburn has seemingly endless appeal. What Would Audrey Do? Timeless Lessons for Living with Grace and Style offers advice for emulating the icon's style and approach to life. Author Pamela Keogh gives oversized sunglasses and ballet flats their due, but she goes beyond signature fashion to ponder whether Audrey would have a MySpace page, sit for an interview with Oprah or admit she learned lessons from her strict mother (no, probably, yes). WWAD? offers thought-provoking and fun anecdotes, quizzes and decorating tips, but it also contains plenty of biographical detail. Keogh also describes Audrey's work with UNICEF, for which she served as an ambassador until her death in 1993 at age 63. WWAD? is a well-rounded read for the Audrey aficionado, or anyone who wants to live life with a bit more panache.

Any woman who's suffered through a mom-induced blind date will find herself laughing—and cringing—in sympathy with the writers who contributed to Have I Got a Guy for You: What Really Happens When Mom Fixes You Up. The essay collection, edited by Alix Strauss (author of the short story collection The Joy of Funerals), contains 26 stories by women who've experienced some rather interesting fix-ups thanks to their well-meaning, but misguided, mothers. Standouts include "Letters to Gelman," about a mom's sudden and complete obsession with the producer of "Live with Regis and Kathie Lee," and "Dentists + Dragons," in which the writer's suitor, a dentist and screenwriter wannabe, drags her to a Dungeons & Dragons convention and presents her with a skimpy costume. There are positive outcomes here, too. One date becomes a good friend; another becomes a husband; and plenty of women emerge from their dates creeped out but wiser.

What happens to a mother when her husband, her children's father, dies? In Designated Daughter: The Bonus Years with Mom, D.G. Fulford steps in as "the sibling who would try to take up the empty space that had always been filled by Dad." (Fulford's brother…

Felicia Sullivan grew up in 1980s Brooklyn, in the un-hip section where poverty, drugs and crime are facts of life. The author's mother, Rosina, was herself a criminal and a drug addict, as well as a breathtakingly selfish and uninterested parent. Even worse, she engaged in emotional and physical abuse, frequent near-overdoses, and chronic unreliability—the epitome of a bad role model. The list goes on and on, and the sadness builds with every page of Sullivan's memoir, The Sky Isn't Visible from Here, as it becomes clear that the author's efforts to be a good girl did not capture her mother's attention.

Sullivan evokes the tempo of her confusing existence by jumping from the present to the past and back again; no matter the time period, there is always an underlying sense of the author's shame and yearning. Sadly, readers who have endured this sort of parent, or know people who have, will not find many aspects of Sullivan's memoir surprising or unfamiliar. As in many addiction memoirs, there are depictions of the inevitable consequences of drug and alcohol abuse—alienated friends, hours lost to blackouts, loss of a job and the like. Sullivan's, that is: While the author is a high achiever (she graduated from Fordham, earned a master of fine arts degree from Columbia, and is a two-time Pushcart Prize nominee) she's also done a lot of shoplifting and consumed a great deal of alcohol and cocaine in her attempts to forget her past. Fortunately, she made peace with her former life, admitted and faced her addiction, and is now creating a new sort of future.

There is another bright spot in Sullivan's story: She has maintained a relationship with Gus, the kindest and most loyal of her mother's ex-boyfriends. She writes touchingly of their time together, and thanks him in the book's acknowledgements. It's heartening to learn that, despite all she has endured—and put herself through—she has maintained a loving relationship with this man, whom she considers her father. Of course, his affection can't make up for the grief Sullivan clearly feels at not having had the kind of mother she longed for. But he may well have been just the life raft she needed.

Linda M. Castellitto writes from North Carolina.

Felicia Sullivan grew up in 1980s Brooklyn, in the un-hip section where poverty, drugs and crime are facts of life. The author's mother, Rosina, was herself a criminal and a drug addict, as well as a breathtakingly selfish and uninterested parent. Even worse, she engaged…

Black, with a dash of red
Cathie Black, the president of Hearst Magazines, wants to help you lead the 360&anddeg; life a balanced existence in which personal happiness isn't trumped by the pursuit of professional success. Black is an excellent resource for such advice: During her 40-year (and counting) career, she's been the first woman publisher of New York magazine; president and publisher of USA Today; president and CEO of the American Newspaper Association; and is now overseer of 19 big-name magazines, including Esquire, Good Housekeeping and O, The Oprah Magazine. Her insight will prove useful even for those with less extensive resumes. She shares personal stories including ones about her own missteps and career counsel in Basic Black: The Essential Guide for Getting Ahead at Work (and in Life), and urges the reader toward a focus on a happy life vs. the largest paycheck, the nicest office or the most power.

Magazine-philes will delight in insider information about the likes of Rupert Murdoch, Tina Brown and Atoosa Rubenstein. There are strategies for handling criticism and adjusting to staffers' individual styles, plus job-seeker how-to sections that offer useful if not groundbreaking advice (use spell-check, don't lie on your resume, invest in quality paper). Basic Black is a clever hybrid of autobiography and career guide; the author's straightforward, knowledgeable voice makes it an engaging read and a valuable resource. Another nice touch is the use of red ink throughout for chapter headings and major points it's a perfect expression of the flair Black brings to the boardroom.

The dangerous book for career girls
Caitlin Friedman and Kimberly Yorio waste no time in The Girl's Guide to Kicking Your Career Into Gear. On page one, they cite a 2005 Harris Interactive poll that indicated 41 percent of U.S. workers were dissatisfied with their jobs. Their prescription for joining the other 59 percent? Acknowledge that you deserve a fulfilling career and start planning for it now. The authors, who also wrote The Girl's Guide to Starting Your Own Business and The Girl's Guide to Being a Boss (Without Being a Bitch), are the founders/principals of public relations firm YC Media. Their media savvy provides a strong foundation for their message: It's time for readers to conduct their own promotional campaigns by mapping out a plan, networking and increasing awareness, and keeping an eye out for new opportunities. The authors' advice is attuned to current trends in addition to typical interview-preparation tips, they suggest careful editing of MySpace profiles and recommend covering up tattoos. Real-life tales feature women in all sorts of jobs; quizzes and lists help with soul-searching; and the confronting coworkers will not kill you section should prove invaluable. One caveat almost all the profiles are of women who work in or near Manhattan. If readers can get past the city-centrism, they'll find lessons that apply to workers nationwide.

You may just want to quit
Brian Kurth's Test-Drive Your Dream Job: A Step-by-Step Guide to Finding and Creating the Work You Love is excellent for dreamers looking for ways to become doers. Kurth went through his own career transformation when, in 1999, he realized he was a living, breathing Dilbert. Although he enjoyed his job and was paid well, it wasn't exciting anymore but starting a company for people who wanted to try out their dream jobs certainly was. Today, Vocation Vacations is in full swing; clients spend one to three days with mentors in jobs ranging from cheesemonger to sword-maker (there are more traditional jobs, too, such as architect and veterinarian). Test-Drive Your Dream Job is both an engrossing chronicle of Kurth's journey to creating his own dream job and a sourcebook for those who can't afford a mentoring fee or would prefer to set up a test-drive themselves. The book delivers by offering lists of questions to ask potential mentors; charts to help in establishing an action plan; and reality-checks about money, health insurance and the impact a life-change might have on your relationships. Anecdotes about successful dreamers are inspiring, while profiles of those who needed a dream-adjustment demonstrate the importance of taking action: Regardless of the result, you'll have useful experience and information. Kurth notes that many of us accept the ordinary because we've been conditioned to, but it's OK to want something different or better. Really.

What if your job is boring and your coworkers are annoying? You've got security and a steady paycheck, right? Think again, Dan Miller says in today's volatile workplace, there are no guarantees. And, he explains, the moment you realize that meaningful, purposeful and profitable work really is a possibility . . . all of a sudden, complacency and Ôcomfortable misery' become intolerable. The author of 48 Days to the Work You Love also works as a career coach, speaker and Internet radio-show host. He made mistakes en route to the busy business-life he enjoys now, and shares an important lesson: You have to create your own definition of success, or you're not going to be happy for long. To that end, he offers probing questions, Revolutionary Insights, anecdotes about passion-pursuers famous and unknown, and a healthy dose of tough love in his latest book, No More Mondays: Fire Yourself and Other Revolutionary Ways to Discover Your True Calling at Work. Might you have overlooked an opportunity while you were waiting for the perfect situation to find you? And who's making you stay at that job you hate, anyway? (Hint: look in the mirror.) There are strategies for readers who don't want to quit their jobs just yet, and straight talk about finances. Establishing a timeline is key, as is doing lots of reading the books, websites and articles in his Resources section are a good start. Approaching the usual in unusual ways can lead to solutions, Miller writes, including, presumably, eradicating the dreaded Monday blues.

Black, with a dash of red
Cathie Black, the president of Hearst Magazines, wants to help you lead the 360&anddeg; life a balanced existence in which personal happiness isn't trumped by the pursuit of professional success. Black is an excellent resource for such advice: During…

The folks at Phaidon have come up with a subversive approach to art history: Rather than examining a particular country or era, they've decided to explore what was happening around the world at various points in time 30,000 years' worth of time, in fact. That explains why 30,000 Years of Art: The Story of Human Creativity Across Time and Space has more than 1,000 pages and weighs an arm-straining 13 pounds. The history begins in 28,000 B.C. with Germany's Lion Man of Hohlenstein-Stadel and concludes with an as-yet-unfinished American work, Roden Crater. In between, there are works from China, Italy, Syria, Greece and more; the artwork ranges from sculptures to paintings to masks to collages. The timeline and glossary at book's end add context, and its design encourages art-immersion: There is one piece of artwork per page, with explanatory text tucked away at the bottom or side. There, like the best museum guides, it quietly makes information available, but doesn't distract the viewer from the art.

Tony Bennett recently turned 80, and he's been busy. Over the last 12 months, he toured in support of his latest album, won his 15th Grammy and was named a Jazz Master by the National Endowment for the Arts, among other endeavors. But Tony Bennett in the Studio: A Life of Art & Music, written with Robert Sullivan, doesn't simply detail the beloved crooner's credentials. Instead, it offers a chronicle of his life as a creator of music and art. Even Bennett devotees may not realize the breadth and longevity of the singer's artistic explorations. His watercolors, oils and pencil drawings (signed Benedetto, his family name) appear on every page, along with select memorabilia from his music career and plenty of quotes and anecdotes. For the full-on Bennett experience, readers may want to listen to Pop ART Songs, a CD included with the book, as they turn the pages.

Thanks to the novels Girl in Hyacinth Blue and Girl with a Pearl Earring (which was made into an Oscar-nominated movie), Johannes Vermeer's renown has moved well beyond art historian and student circles. Vermeer, first published in the Netherlands in 1975, has been updated to offer a look at three art historians' perspective on the life and work of the 17th-century Dutch painter. Albert Blankert is a Vermeer scholar based in the Netherlands; the late John Michael Montias lectured and wrote books about 17th-century Amsterdam; and the late Gillies Aillaud was a French painter and playwright. The inclusion of various primary documents yields fascinating details; maps from an Atlas of Delft, for example, show the location of Vermeer's birthplace, not to mention vantage points for some of his paintings. There are color plates of the artist's 30-plus works, and a wealth of detail about Vermeer's influences, style and technique.

In his epilogue to Creature, Andrew Zuckerman harks back to family museum visits during which his five-year-old self was fascinated by the animals he saw in dioramas taxidermy rendered them motionless and timeless. For this book, Zuckerman welcomed into his New York City photography studio a surprising array of animals, from a squirrel to an Asian elephant. A white background throws his images into sharp relief: A millipede glistens, a black leopard's eyes are beautifully blue and a wild boar gives a knowing sidelong glance. There is an extreme close-up of frothy pink feathers, and a long view of a lion. Devotees of photography, science, museums, animals and design will think this unusual book lovely, even meditative.

The folks at Phaidon have come up with a subversive approach to art history: Rather than examining a particular country or era, they've decided to explore what was happening around the world at various points in time 30,000 years' worth of time, in fact. That…

Unlike many of his fellow authors, John Green always intended to write books for young adults. " Most of the YA authors I know wrote a book and then were told it was YA, but I always wrote with that audience in mind," Green says. "I wanted to be a part of the process of broadening and deepening what it means to write for teenagers." If critical acclaim is any indication, he has certainly chosen the right career path. Green won the Printz Award for excellence in young adult literature for his first book, Looking for Alaska, a compelling portrait of the students at an Alabama boarding school. When he accepted the award at the American Library Association convention in June, Green says his parents brought along two books he wrote at the age of eight: It Just Isn't Fair, about a nerd who gets ridiculed, and Me and Mitch Learned a Lesson, an anti-bullying book.

Another bully appears in Green's new novel, An Abundance of Katherines, but he's a tiny part of a larger picture. The novel offers an offbeat, but ultimately wise, perspective on failed romance, even as it explores the challenges, hilarity and occasional moments of beauty on the path to adulthood. Green makes liberal use of footnotes and anagrams which, in the wrong hands, might be distracting. Not here; instead, his sly asides and wordplay-centric plot twists make the story even more fun, and the anagrammatic dedication to his wife, Sarah Urist Green, is an odd yet touching work of poetry. A snippet: Heart-reassuring/Signature Sharer/Easing rare hurts.

Though the couple lives in New York, the author spoke with BookPage from Chicago, where he and Sarah are spending a few months (she's working at the city's Museum of Contemporary Art). During an earlier stint in the Windy City, Green was on the staff of Booklist, an ALA publication, doing production and database management. "I was very fortunate that there was a great emphasis on everyone being book people, passionate readers," Green says of the experience. " I got the chance to review a lot of books, and it made a huge difference in my . . . writing life and reading life."

Green says he wrote An Abundance of Katherines while he was still working at Booklist, but adds, "it was really created after I left. The book took its form in revision." During that revision Green estimates 80 percent of the words changed over several additional drafts the novel assumed its final, unusual shape.

At the book's core is Colin, a recent high school graduate and former child prodigy who attempts to apply mathematical principles to his checkered romantic history. Colin is determined to prove The Theorem of Underlying Katherine Predictability, which will help him understand why he's been dumped by 19 girls named Katherine.

Colin's friend Hassan is a clever sort who gets impatient with Colin's mooning about, so the two teenagers set off in search of a little edification and a lot of adventure. They find it in Gutshot, Tennessee, where they befriend a girl named Lindsey and her mother, the local tampon-string factory owner who offers them a job and a place to stay for the summer. Two obvious questions might be: 1. Tampon-string factory? and 2. Does the theorem work? Green says he knew a girl in high school whose father owned just such a factory, and yes, it does.

Getting the theorem to make sense was a bit challenging, so he sought the help of his friend Daniel Biss, a 28-year-old Green describes as a genius, one of the best mathematicians in the world. (He's also an assistant professor at the University of Chicago and a research fellow at the Clay Mathematics Institute.) The two worked on the theorem together, starting with the idea that a relationship can be represented by a graph in which the x-axis represents time, and key events a date, a vacation, a breakup can be plotted track the relationship's highs and lows, beginning and end. Green and Biss tested the theorem with their own ex-girlfriends as well as famous celebrity couples such as Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson.

"It's right 100 percent of the time," Green says. He emphasizes, though, that " I wrote [the theorem] to be beautiful. It's meant to be something to look at, with gorgeous clean lines. It was important to me to write a book a math idiot like me could enjoy completely without ever stopping to look at the math." Green isn't selling short his YA audience, though. The author routinely hears from his teenaged readers, "who are an amazingly smart and interesting bunch of people. I've been really impressed by the quality of their thinking." It is for those readers as well as any mathematicians inclined to pick up Katherines that Green worked to ensure the book's math is correct. "I wanted people who have the inclination to be able to look more deeply and to show readers that math can become a language, and a graph can tell a story."

John Green rearranged the letters in Linda M. Castellitto's name, and came up with the anagrams A slim, not little, cad and Maniac dolt tells it, among others.

Unlike many of his fellow authors, John Green always intended to write books for young adults. " Most of the YA authors I know wrote a book and then were told it was YA, but I always wrote with that audience in mind," Green says.…

When imagining an act of heroism, a toilet typically doesn't come to mind. However, in a Carl Hiaasen story, when commodes help save the day, it makes perfect and hilarious sense.

Flush, Hiaasen's second book for young readers (the first, 2002's Hoot, garnered a Newbery Honor) includes the author's trademark mix of environmentalism, healthy skepticism of authority figures and a paradisiacal Florida Keys setting. Unfortunately, the area's wonderfully clean air and sparkly blue waters are turning stinky and murky, due to the local casino-boat owner's nasty habit of secretly, illegally emptying the boat's sewage tanks into the ocean.

That's where our hero, young Noah Underwood, comes in. His father, Paine—an irrepressible sort with good intentions and a not-so-good handle on his temper—sank the casino boat, the Coral Queen, to protest the owner's unsavory actions. Paine's protest landed him in the county jail, and he won't let Noah's mom bail him out until he feels he's made his point, and maybe done a couple of television interviews. Of course, Noah's mom is hardly thrilled, and although she loves Paine, she is mightily tired of the upheaval created by his penchant for dramatics.

Noah and his younger sister Abbey (named after conservationist/writer Edward Abbey) hatch a daring, dangerous plan to prove their dad right and save their parents' marriage—all while avoiding the wrath of a persistent pair of neighborhood bullies, keeping their actions a secret from their mother and trying to figure out the identity of an old pirate-guy who keeps emerging from the woods to rescue them.

Fans of Hiaasen's will be delighted by Flush: good guys Noah and Abbey, plus a couple of kooky-but-kind accomplices named Lice (a sometime-drunk) and Shelly (his sometime-girlfriend and a bartender on the casino boat), take on the bad guys in a comedic, cleverly described conflict that builds to a wild, and wildly satisfying, finish.

Along the way, Hiaasen neatly mixes tension and humor. Will Noah be all right after he crashes into something large and alive during a frantic swim through the dirty water? (Sure he will; it was only a sleeping manatee.) Will good triumph over evil? (Come on, it's not going to be that easy.) As he has in previous works for adults and kids alike, Hiaasen manages to be emphatic but not heavy-handed with his messages, whether urging kindness to the earth, or reminding readers that tolerance of loved ones' foibles is something to strive for (though it's all right, of course, to be miffed at lawbreakers). Fans of Hoot will likely feel Flush is worth the three-year wait: after all, it's got appealingly nutty characters, a colorful beachy setting and plenty of guffaw-inspiring goings-on. And just think how great this book will look on your bathroom bookshelf!

Linda Castellitto writes from Rhode Island, where there are no manatees but plenty of quahogs.

When imagining an act of heroism, a toilet typically doesn't come to mind. However, in a Carl Hiaasen story, when commodes help save the day, it makes perfect and hilarious sense.

Flush, Hiaasen's second book for young readers (the first, 2002's Hoot, garnered…

For National Book Award-winning author Pete Hautman, the experience of writing his latest young adult novel, Invisible, was an intense and unusually speedy one.

The author says most of his books take several years to write, but when he got the idea for Invisible, I wrote the first draft in five weeks. I was almost obsessed. He adds, In a sick, depressing way, it was a joy to write. That’s quite a caveat, but an understandable one: the narrator of Invisible is Doug Hanson, a witty kid with a knack for model-railroad building and a host of disturbing hobbies and behaviors, including an unhealthy fascination with fire and an unsavory habit of spying on a female classmate. Despite Doug’s moral lapses and odd behaviors, Hautman succeeds in making him a sympathetic character. Young readers will surely relate to Doug’s feeling of adolescent invisibility, his exasperation with the seemingly clueless adults he encounters daily and his singular focus on his best friend, Andy. Nearly every kid has someone they call their best friend, Hautman says. As you get older, friendship becomes more complex, it changes. I wanted to write about that kind of pain, about a kid who lost his best friend and couldn’t make that transition. Hautman launched his writing career in 1993 with a mystery, Drawing Dead, and followed it with a series of crime novels. His first book for young adults was Mr. Was (1996), and he went on to write four other inventive teen novels, including Godless, the National Book Award-winning story of a boy who starts a religion by worshipping the town water tower. The author says his young adult works come from a different emotional and intellectual place than his adult books. In my adult books, I’m writing for the reader I am when I read a popular novel, I demand to be amused, and that justice is done in the end. I don’t want to have to ponder the book after I’m done with it. In writing for young adults, Hautman has a different goal: When I’m writing YA [young adult] books, I’m interested in vicariously experiencing the emotions and drama the world has to offer. As a teenager, I wanted ambiguous endings, books that perplexed and made me think. He adds, I think of YA as coming-of-age stories about kids taking on adult responsibilities for the first time, in terms of friendship, sex, violence, any number of things. It’s about discovering your personal power, and how you can affect the world. The collision of Hautman’s curiosity about personal power and a wrong turn in a shopping mall resulted in the creation of a key element of Invisible Doug’s intricate, time-consuming model railroad, made from thousands of wooden matchsticks. In a mall somewhere in Arizona, late at night, I ended up in a room filled with an enormous model railroad, Hautman recalls. I talked to the three old guys there, members of a model train club. They were so proud of what they’d done. The experience stuck with Hautman. I became fascinated by the kind of mind that embraces this hobby and the notion of imposing yourself on a miniature world, making yourself God. It is just this sort of imposition that proves impossible for Doug to maintain. His destructive actions are ultimately revealed, culminating in a scene that is at once astonishing, sad and thought provoking but definitely not for the faint of heart.

On a lighter note, Hautman and his wife, poet Mary Logue, are co-authoring a series of middle-grade mysteries. Another adult mystery is due out next year, plus a YA book titled Rash. Hautman will work on these projects from his home in Golden Valley, Minnesota, which he shares with Logue and two toy poodles.

And, in the wake of his National Book Award, Hautman has been traveling and giving talks at schools and conferences. It’s really nice to be acknowledged as a writer. It’s given me a lot of new readers, he says. We writers are all desperate for attention. We hide in our rooms and hammer away on our keyboards . . . and we really want the world to come to us.

For National Book Award-winning author Pete Hautman, the experience of writing his latest young adult novel, Invisible, was an intense and unusually speedy one.

The author says most of his books take several years to write, but when he got the idea for…

Top-selling author Louise Rennison has once again captured the more hilarious elements of the teen experience with Away Laughing on a Fast Camel: Even More Confessions of Georgia Nicolson. Although the title doesn’t mention nunga-nungas or snogging, never fear: written in Rennison’s trademark, freewheeling, made-up-word-laden style, Away Laughing picks right up where Dancing In My Nuddy-Pants left off.

The action takes place during two eventful months in the life of Georgia, a self-obsessed, yet kind teenager who’s got an upbeat, wacky personality and a keen eye for the humor in ordinary situations. Her minute-by-minute descriptions of the showdowns between her cat, Angus, and Mr. And Mrs. Across the Street are some of the book’s funniest bits.

There are, of course, many funny bits in Away Laughing, and Rennison’s talent for character development adds to the book’s compulsive readability. Although Georgia chatters on about numerous people, from best friend Jas to hapless teacher Elvis Attwood, each one is memorable.

Georgia fends her way through a forest of vexation, frustration and hormonal fluctuation. Her boyfriend, the Sex God, has gone away and hardly ever writes, but then there’s Dave the Laugh, a friend who gives her good advice and is also pretty sexy. Georgia’s parents seem intent on embarrassing her with their mere existence, and her little sister, well, here’s a quote: “My life is over and I am a mad toddler’s playdough person.” Drama aside, though, Georgia’s a good kid whose love for her imperfect parents and sister is evident beneath the harrumphing and eye-rolling. She’s also a character with a knack for creative linguistics. Some words have “osity” at the end for emphasis (“dignity” becomes “dignitosity”), while others are recognizable as English words or expressions, such as “bacofoil” instead of “aluminum foil.” There are certain words, though “boy entrancers” and “pingy pongoes” come to mind for which it’s best to rely on context clues, or turn to the glossary in the back of the book. Easy-peasy! Linda M. Castellitto writes from her marvy home in Rhode Island.

Top-selling author Louise Rennison has once again captured the more hilarious elements of the teen experience with Away Laughing on a Fast Camel: Even More Confessions of Georgia Nicolson. Although the title doesn't mention nunga-nungas or snogging, never fear: written in Rennison's trademark, freewheeling, made-up-word-laden…

Julie Anne Peters' newest novel, Luna, is a wonderfully crafted story about a young girl named Regan and her brother, Liam. Liam is unhappy in his boy's body, and has, ever since he can remember, wanted to be a girl. And so, at night, under the gentle light of the moon, he becomes one a carefree girl named Luna.

Regan is supportive of her brother, and patiently allows him to wake her up each night as he slips into her room and tries on girlhood, with the assistance of her clothing and makeup. She joins him in keeping his secret from their parents and their peers, and empathizes with the pain he feels at not revealing his true self.

A breaking point is approaching, however: The teenaged Liam decides he is no longer willing to hide his true identity, and Regan is afraid of what will happen if he shares his secret with their family, friends and schoolmates. Will they be understanding and kind, or will they ostracize him? Will Liam always need her to be constantly by his side always ready to listen, to praise his girlhood, to be nearly consumed by him just as she is beginning to learn more about her own place in the world?

Peters has written several acclaimed novels for teens and middle-grade readers, including Define "Normal" and Keeping You a Secret. In Luna, her skill shines through in her honest and sensitive exploration of what can happen when a relationship shifts, when people need to stretch and grow as individuals and risk possible damage to their strong connection. Her portraits of the children's parents, and her depictions of Luna's tentative forays into public places, are powerful and memorable. So, too, is Luna as a whole: It's an important story told in a way that will surely educate and inspire its readers, be they transgender teens who have heretofore felt alone and misunderstood, or the people who love them.

Julie Anne Peters' newest novel, Luna, is a wonderfully crafted story about a young girl named Regan and her brother, Liam. Liam is unhappy in his boy's body, and has, ever since he can remember, wanted to be a girl. And so, at night, under…

Gloria Whelan—winner of the National Book Award, poet and author of numerous books for children and young adults—has with Chu Ju's House created an engrossing, well-researched novel that is educational and poetic, emotional and suspenseful.

Chu Ju is a 14-year-old girl who lives in rural China with her mother and grandparents. Chu Ju's grandmother exerts a negative force on the household and its inhabitants, as does the government, which restricts the number of children each family may have. And so, when another "unremarkable girl baby" is born to Chu Ju's mother and her grandmother tries to sell the baby so the family might try again to have a boy Chu Ju decides to leave home so that her baby sister might stay.

Whelan uses rich language to convey the beauty of modern-day China, its fields and villages, rice paddies and rivers. She also paints a distressing picture of the realities of the orphanages filled with unwanted girls, and the poverty of many of China's citizens. During her travels, Chu Ju earns her keep by working on a fishing boat and a silkworm farm. Whelan's description of the silk worms their feeding cycle, the great concert of the worms' chewing sounds is particularly fascinating.

Along the way, Chu Ju yearns for her family but knows she must keep moving to remain safe and undetected. She encounters many kind strangers and eventually befriends an elderly woman named Han Na whose son has moved to Shanghai. While helping Han Na with farm work, Chu Ju learns more about the ways in which the Chinese government seeks to tamp down the knowledge of citizens, to silence their questions.

The conflict between the law and the desires of the populace mirrors Chu Ju's own internal struggle, her rebellious nature and her wish to have things the way they used to be. The story's resolution is just as powerful and true as the pages leading up to it; readers will surely close the book feeling they have learned something about China past and present, and the universal desire to define and discover a place called home.

Gloria Whelan—winner of the National Book Award, poet and author of numerous books for children and young adults—has with Chu Ju's House created an engrossing, well-researched novel that is educational and poetic, emotional and suspenseful.

Chu Ju is a 14-year-old girl who lives…

A prolific author of innovative fiction for middle readers and young adults, Janet Taylor Lisle returns with The Crying Rocks, a book that skillfully weaves history, mystery and humor into a solidly entertaining story.

As in Lisle's previous award-winning novels Afternoon of the Elves and The Art of Keeping Cool, the central characters in The Crying Rocks are likable, inquisitive children who become consumed by their quest for knowledge. Thirteen-year-old Joelle has lived, since she was eight, with Aunt Mary Louise and Uncle Vernon in a small Rhode Island town. They're a happy family, but Joelle's memories of her earlier years are a hazy mishmash of images a confusing compendium of feelings and recollections made all the more uncertain by her adoptive parents' refusal to discuss her heritage. Joelle is disturbed that she cannot remember her early years and responds to her parents' avoidance by discounting her own history as well. She brushes off curiosity about her striking appearance, which is different from that of other kids. And, because she feels unsure and awkward in her own skin, Joelle resists getting friendly with anyone at school. Thus, Joelle finds seven-year-old Misti Martin highly irritating: Misti is one of a gaggle of elementary schoolers who are convinced Joelle is not a mere 13-year-old. They think she is royalty! The kids' devoted pursuit of Joelle is a strong comedic thread that loops through the book and helps balance Joelle's oft-serious demeanor and mentality.

The solidity of Joelle's emotional wall is shaken a bit when Carlos, her classmate, remarks that she looks like a girl in a painting that hangs in the school library. At first she scoffs, but then she feels compelled to see the painting and realizes that she does indeed look like one of the Narragansett Indians depicted in the artwork. As Joelle's friendship with Carlos grows, he teaches her about the history and folklore of the area. He is an avid arrowhead collector and shows her spots in the woods where the Narragansetts lived, gathered and hunted more than three centuries before. The Crying Rocks rocks said to be haunted by the spirits of unwanted children figure prominently in their explorations. It is hard to separate legend and reality in the woods. Joelle and Carlos both have strong emotional reactions to the mysterious place, and shortly after their visit to the site, both of them come to terms with important family issues. The magic of the woods and the Indians' history make a fascinating backdrop to Joelle's coming of age. She begins to forge a connection to her past, but it is only after a family tragedy that the story of her true parentage unfolds.

In The Crying Rocks, Lisle, who has won both a Newbery Honor and Scott O'Dell Award for her previous work, has created a believable marriage of history and fiction. The ending is exciting, replete with cathartic revelations and best of all a heartening example of the power of family love.


Linda M. Castellitto writes from Rhode Island. She hasn't found any arrowheads yet.

A prolific author of innovative fiction for middle readers and young adults, Janet Taylor Lisle returns with The Crying Rocks, a book that skillfully weaves history, mystery and humor into a solidly entertaining story.

As in Lisle's previous award-winning novels Afternoon of the Elves and…

The Center of Everything is an engaging, intelligent first novel, written in forthright prose studded with moments of poetry. Moriarty's depiction of young Evelyn is intriguing and engaging; the author has created in her a winsome, acutely observant young girl.

When we first meet Evelyn, she is 10 years old and exasperated with her single mother Tina, a loving woman who cannot seem to keep a job and is dating a married man, to boot. It quickly becomes clear that Evelyn often acts as the adult in this relationship, and she grows into a studious, serious teenager who doesn't quite fit in with her classmates. Her struggles to find her place in school, in her family, in the world, are sympathetically and realistically depicted. Evelyn possesses wisdom of the beyond-her-years ilk, but she is still a child and encounters the disappointments and feelings of failure that accompany the universal Adolescent Experience.

There is, of course, a compelling subset of literature comprised of books that feature a prematurely adult child as the central character. The Center of Everything joins the ranks of those who get it right, because Moriarty is not afraid to make Evelyn fallible. For example, we feel for Evelyn as she naively continues to hope that her friend Travis will return her love, even when it is plain he has fallen for her pretty friend, Deena. And we cheer for Evelyn when, years later, she painfully yet resolutely puts Travis off and informs him that he has chosen the future with Deena he is now trying to avoid.

The moments when Moriarty's characters find comfort and beauty in their lives are marked by a lyricism that is woven throughout The Center of Everything. Evelyn's place at the center of everything is, at the outset, both geographical (she lives in the center of Kansas, in the center of the United States) and emotional she feels overwhelmed, seemingly the hub of the activities of her friends, family and schoolmates. As Evelyn matures, we realize along with her that sometimes, being central to others' lives can be an honor, a source of comfort and confidence we can carry with us as we venture beyond the center of our own small universes.

Linda Castellitto writes from Rhode Island.


The Center of Everything is an engaging, intelligent first novel, written in forthright prose studded with moments of poetry. Moriarty's depiction of young Evelyn is intriguing and engaging; the author has created in her a winsome, acutely observant young girl.

When we first meet Evelyn, she is…

I can safely say I'd given the sex life of badgers nary a thought until I read the first sentence of Tom Robbins' latest wacky whirlwind of a novel, Villa Incognito. Leave it to Robbins to begin his eighth book with a story about a mythical Japanese shape-shifting, sake-slurping animal with an incredibly strong sex drive, a scrotal sac large enough to serve as a parachute(!), and a penchant for music and mischief. Thankfully, a detailed description of the animal's nether regions segues into a funny, loop-de-loop story in which the Tanuki (is he a dog? a raccoon? a man?) has many adventures, seduces a winsome farm girl and leaves behind a legacy of lusty, fun-loving offspring.

The story then shifts from the ancient times of the Tanuki to the present day, wherein we learn a mysterious priest/drug-smuggler has been arrested. Said smuggler is actually one of three philosophical-discussion-loving MIAs who decided to remain in Vietnam after the war. The trio lives in Laos, a village populated by accomplished high-wire walkers, among many eccentric sorts. The beautiful Lisa, who grew up in Laos and has been romantically involved with two of the three men, returns to the village when she hears of the arrest, and we are treated to her interesting history she is a descendant of the first Tanuki and has of late been traveling with a circus (she trains tumbling tanukis). Other highlights in this frenetic novel include a dramatic ode to mayonnaise, amusing portraits of the priests' sisters, and the history behind Laos' population. Robbins' fans will not be disappointed by this latest book; it contains all his trademarks the friendly tone, the careering plot lines, the impressively strange characters sprung fresh and vivid from his brain. Those who aren't fond of Robbins would do well to read something else. If the author's other works confounded or irritated you, this one will, too.

Linda Castellitto writes and reads compulsively in Rhode Island, where there are no tanukis, as far as she can tell.

I can safely say I'd given the sex life of badgers nary a thought until I read the first sentence of Tom Robbins' latest wacky whirlwind of a novel, Villa Incognito. Leave it to Robbins to begin his eighth book with a story about…

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