Stephenie Harrison

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Rakesh Satyal’s second novel is the ambitious and universally relatable tale of three Indian Americans—Harit, Ranjana and Prashant—who set out on individual journeys to carve a space in their lives where they feel they truly belong. Timeless and true, No One Can Pronounce My Name provides a new voice and a 21st-century face to great American fiction.

Unsurprisingly, given the title of the book, your characters are constantly encountering people who butcher and mispronounce their names. What’s the worst/oddest way your own name has been pronounced (outside of a Starbucks)?
This is a tie: I was once called “Raquel”—I wish the person had at least had the presence of mind to append “Welch” to it—and another time, I was called “Rafiki,” as in the monkey from The Lion King. Can you feel the “oof” tonight?

It seems like most American novels featuring immigrants are either set in New York or California, as though foreigners only ever land in one of two places when they settle in America. No One Can Pronounce My Name largely takes place in a rather generic Midwestern city in Ohio, the state where you grew up. Why did you feel it was important to set your novel here? Did you feel that this particular setting allowed you to explore certain themes or ideas that—perhaps somewhat ironically—a larger, more cosmopolitan city would have stifled or restricted?
There is a certain decorum, one might even call it politesse, to living in the Midwest, a kind of geniality tempered by manners, and I find that it often makes it harder to parse out the subtleties of human interaction. There is not necessarily the straightforwardness of being on one of the coasts or the kind of performed grandeur of being in the South, for example. This, to me, makes an ideal setting for challenging what we think of as “ethnic” literature because it almost forces a writer to mine the base-level reactions of people in ordinary social situations, from dining out to driving to attending a religious gathering. Since I was dealing with a collection of characters that has had a hard time navigating tricky social structures, it felt all the more fitting to set the book in the Midwest and have them trying to solve their particular problems as well as the obstacles posed by such an environment.

Another thing that sets No One Can Pronounce My Name apart from many other novels featuring immigrant protagonists is its nuanced and multifaceted exploration of sexuality and gender identity. These are topics that you also explored in your Lambda Literary Award-winning debut novel, Blue Boy. How do you believe your newest novel advances the discussion of these issues?
A key theme of this book is the idea of what society prescribes for people’s understanding of their sexuality versus what they themselves believe to be true. In the case of Harit—one of the main characters—he’s had assumptions made about his sexual identity by other people but has largely avoided such self-introspection, even though he has the benefit of middle age. What I wanted to show in this novel was his journey to exploring that identity—but not defining it in any conventional way that would play directly into the established gender binary. And I wanted to be certain not to recklessly conflate issues of gender with issues of sexuality—a common problem in fiction. What I think/hope that I’ve accomplished here is a nuanced approach to explicating those topics but in a compassionate and humorous way.

Your new book features three main protagonists, each at a different stage in his or her own life. Of the three, which character did you relate to the most and why? Which character did you find the most challenging to write?
Ranjana is quite possibly the closest to me, mainly because she loves writing but isn’t sure to what extent her writing is exceptional or necessary. But Harit was a real challenge. He is based loosely on a man that I met several years ago who was the “uncle” of a high school friend—“uncle” used here, as it often is, to describe a tenuous social connection that may or may not have been familial. This man was in his mid-40s and unmarried and lived with his mother, and there was this unspoken assumption by the community that he must have been gay because of these circumstances. I was fascinated and somewhat disheartened by this assumption because it didn’t allow for how he himself felt about his life and how he saw the world. So, trying to examine the innermost thoughts of a person like that became both my mission and my greatest challenge.

What’s one of the biggest stereotypes that you believe exists about Indian Americans and their families that you hope your book addresses and may help readers to think differently about?
One of my main goals with this book was to take the common tone of an “ethnic” or “Indian” book—which is often tragic or grief-stricken—and instead, to show a lot of humor and joy and farcical misunderstandings. There are a lot of struggles inherent in the process of immigration—and we are certainly seeing that in our current political mome—but I didn’t want to overlook the genuine moments of levity and jollity because there are so many of them, and they more accurately define people’s day-to-day lives, I think.

And indeed, although No One Can Pronounce My Name tackles some very serious and sad topics, there are many moments of levity and throughout the book. Can you talk a bit about your approach to including comedy in your writing?
One thing that I came to learn about myself as a writer in working on this book is that my writing is often about who is happening moreso than what is happening. That is, I love creating characters who feel very true-to-life but who are almost so specific as to be mysteries to themselves as they are to other people. In this book, people from disparate backgrounds who hold very different worldviews bump up against each other, and that, to me, leads to an ideal comedic state, even if some of the things that the characters have experienced are harrowing. It is only through meaningful interaction that people sort out their differences, and I believe that this thinking forms the core of the humor in this book.

In addition to writing fiction, you have also worked in publishing for many years and currently work as a senior editor for a major publishing house. Given the number of manuscripts you’ve worked on, what’s one literary trope or trend you feel has been done to death and hope to never see again?
I know that this may seem like a cop-out, but I really don’t think that anything is off-limits as long as you try to bring a fresh perspective to it. For example, including a narrative about a writer was a very intentional choice I made in this book, and although that is a trope that has occurred many, many times in literature, I saw it as a particular challenge that I wanted to take on and try to tackle in a unique way. I think that I’ve succeeded, but that’s not really for me to say. What I do think I did, however, was bring to that challenge all of the warmth and willingness to understand that I could.

Readers may be surprised to hear that you have quite the set of pipes on you and that you occasionally perform cabaret and even went so far as to sing your acceptance speech at the Lambda Literary Awards. If you’re heading out for an evening of karaoke, what’s your signature song?
The number of times that I have sung George Michael’s “Father Figure” in public likely exceeds the number of pages in this book.

What are you working on next?
I’m already halfway through a new novel, and I’m very happy with it. Just kidding. I have a very murky premise for a new book and am terrified at even trying to get it down on the page until I’ve stopped hyperventilating from seeing this current book into our turbulent world. . . .

ALSO IN BOOKPAGE: Read our review of No One Can Pronounce My Name.

Timeless and true, No One Can Pronounce My Name provides a new voice and a 21st-century face to great American fiction.

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Elements of Maggie O’Farrell’s life have inspired her writing, but it is only now—after publishing seven novels and birthing three children—that she has found the courage to tell the full story.

Provocative and profound, O’Farrell’s memoir, I Am, I Am, I Am: Seventeen Brushes with Death, is a meditation on the many miraculous moments in her life when she stared down death and lived to tell the tale. From almost drowning off the coast of England (and then again in Africa) to escaping the clutches of a serial strangler, the book—and O’Farrell’s life—is chockablock with scenes highlighting the fragility and tenuousness of life. It is her most personal book to date, and yet it is also a book she never intended to write.

“I never, ever thought I would write a memoir,” the Northern Irish author confides during a call to her home in Edinburgh, Scotland. “It felt sort of an impossibility to me. . . . I used to always kind of joke that I was about as likely to write a memoir as I was to become an acrobat. Of course, if you’ve read the book, you realize how impossible it would be for me to be an acrobat!”

O’Farrell is referring to the collateral damage from what is perhaps her most serious near-death experience: As a child, she contracted encephalitis, which confined her to bed for nearly two years. Doctors offered grave predictions, including life confined to a wheelchair and even death.

Instead, O’Farrell defied all odds, not only pulling through but also regaining the ability to walk unassisted and to hold a pen. Decades later, although she still retains physical limitations that place a career in acrobatics well out of reach, she has largely perfected the art of hiding the remnants of her illness.

She began practicing this at the age of 13, when her family moved from Wales to Scotland. She recalls thinking at the time, “I can reinvent myself, I can be somebody else. I don’t have to be the girl who was disabled in a wheelchair. I can just become a girl who’s a bit rubbish at sport, who falls over a bit and drops stuff. A bit of a klutz.”

And so her past became secret, even from close friends. Therefore, a memoir in which she reflects on her most vulnerable moments seems a paradoxical choice. She agrees, admitting that she has “much more ambivalence about the book because of how exposing it is.” However, she says, “I have always felt that you don’t necessarily choose the books; the books choose you.”

With a laugh, she recalls how her unintentional memoir crept into being: “I’ve always kept diaries . . . and in the back I write longer pieces. And this book—the memoir—just sort of rose up out of these notebooks. I had written a third of it before I really admitted to myself that I was actually writing a book!”

She was so stunned by this revelation that when O’Farrell finally told her agent what she was working on and they drew up her contract, she initially refused all monetary advances on the manuscript in case she changed her mind and decided not to publish it. In order for the contract to be made legal, she agreed to accept £1, but says, “Even up until a week before publication, I was waking up at night thinking, ‘Should I just say it’s all off?’ ”

“I was about as likely to write a memoir as I was to become an acrobat.”

Despite her reservations, a force greater than fear kept pushing O’Farrell to write: Her middle child, Astrid, was born with chronic eczema and experiences episodes of anaphylactic crisis that take her to the emergency room with frightening frequency. Though far from the traditional bedtime tales, O’Farrell’s stories have proven helpful to her daughter in coming to terms with her own struggles.

“One of the jobs of being a parent is you have to metabolize what they’re going through and hand it back to them in a form that they can understand,” O’Farrell says. “I found myself very challenged as a mother, trying to explain to a 3- or a 4-year-old why it is they were in so much pain, why it is they were in an ambulance or an ICU. The only thing I found that really helped her in those situations was telling her stories.”

Just like her mother did as a girl, Astrid “lives with a lot of restrictions,” O’Farrell explains. “But it’s really, really important to me to impart the message to her that even though she has parameters which she needs to live within . . . she has to live the biggest and the best life that she possibly can. Always and every day. So I will be the first mum to shout, ‘Yeah, climb that tree! Go higher! Jump in that cold water! Just do it, do it!’ And she is.”

It is for this reason that O’Farrell ultimately views I Am, I Am, I Am as life-affirming. “I think there is something very universal about the near-death experience. I think we’ve all had them, whether we admit it to ourselves or not. And I think those moments change us. I think we come back from them different—altered—and it makes us newly conscious about why we want to come back, why we want to carry on living and also what we stand to lose had we lost that fight. . . . For me the book is about life. The life lived around those moments.”

As we wrap up our conversation, O’Farrell is interrupted by a stampede of footsteps, swiftly followed by a chorus of giggles. Her children have arrived home from school and are clamoring for her attention. We end our call because, after all, there are trees to be climbed and cold water to be jumped into, and no one knows better than O’Farrell and her family how lucky they are to be able to do just that.

“I definitely think of myself as incredibly lucky, not unlucky at all,” O’Farrell says. “What I hope people will take away from the book is just the fact that I nearly died, but actually, I didn’t. We didn’t. We’re all still here.”


This article was originally published in the February 2018 issue of BookPage. Download the entire issue for the Kindle or Nook.

Author photo by Murdo Macleod.

Elements of Maggie O’Farrell’s life have inspired her writing, but it is only now—after publishing seven novels and birthing three children—that she has found the courage to tell the full story.

Interview by

Linda Holmes has garnered a well-deserved following as a pop culture correspondent for NPR and the host of the podcast “Pop Culture Happy Hour,” so we wanted to hear her thoughts on publishing her debut, loving rom-coms, watching baseball and handling critics.

In addition to adding “author” to your resume, you are also the host of a successful entertainment and culture podcast on NPR, previously edited NPR’s pop culture blog and cut your teeth writing online by recapping television shows. When did you first have the idea to write a novel? In what ways did writing a work of fiction challenge you?
I have wanted to write a novel . . . always. I can’t remember when I didn’t think that would be the absolute greatest thing I could do. But I would start things, write a few pages and just get intimidated that I couldn’t keep going. I played around with writing fiction for many years and got a little more serious in 2012, when I decided to devote some time to this story. But again, I worked on it for a while, then left it alone. I didn’t pick it up again until sometime in the fall of 2016.

Everything is challenging, of course, but I think this was challenging in that you’re just entirely driving the thing yourself. There’s nothing to react to; there’s no structure that comes from the outside, like there is when you’re recapping a television show and you go scene by scene. The blank slate is wonderful but also intimidating.

Read our starred review of ’Evvie Drake Starts Over.’

Having spent so much time professionally critiquing and analyzing the artistic output of others, how does it feel to now be on the other side? Is it daunting or liberating knowing that once the book is published and in the hands of readers, it will take on a life of its own?
What’s funny is that I’ve been on the receiving end of criticism always. The pieces I’ve written are their own work, and they come in for plenty of positive and negative feedback. So it’s nothing new to have people share their opinions of what I’m doing and whether it’s any good. I think that helped me be prepared for this experience, although I’m sure some part of me will find it painful in a new way when somebody inevitably says something strangely devastating. It’s awful, in a way, to have no control over what happens—that you send the book out into the world, and then it just does whatever it does, and people like it or they don’t. But it’s invigorating, too. There comes a moment when you have to say that you’ve done everything you can to write a book you’re really proud of, and that has to be enough. Everything else is gravy.

A few years ago, everyone was talking about how the romantic comedy was dead. Now, everyone is talking about how romantic comedies are back and hotter than ever. Why do you think the rom-com has recently rebounded, and do you think the newfound respect and popularity we’re seeing for the genre over in films is translating to the book world as well?
I don’t think books ever really stepped away from romantic comedy. A lot of contemporary romances are, in effect, romantic comedies. I think it’s less that romantic comedies ever went away and more that they became elements of other things. For instance, there are romantic comedy elements even in a movie like Return of the Jedi. So sometimes we go through a phase in which romantic comedy is floating on its own, like during the ’90s boom. And then sometimes we go through a phase in which we see romantic comedy as part of action movies or part of other comedies we wouldn’t classify as rom-coms. But romantic comedy never dies. Somebody you’re attracted to making you laugh is very intoxicating, so I’m never worried about the genre as a whole.

One of Evvie’s biggest self-care strategies following the death of her husband is reading copiously. Do you have a particular go-to comfort read (or author or genre) that you turn to during trying times?
For sure. I think reading contemporary romance, appropriately enough, has always been that way for me. Anything that offers me some optimism, which love stories usually do. Start with Lucy Parker’s behind-the-scenes London theater stories.

Evvie’s roommate and love interest, Dean, is a retired professional baseball player, who is infamous for flaming out after developing a career-ending case of the yips. You obviously did a lot of research into this phenomenon, but what about it initially sparked your interest?
I remember seeing a video of Mackey Sasser, who was a catcher for the Mets who got the yips and couldn’t toss back to the pitcher. It’s so bizarre and baffling, seeing someone who’s worked to develop a skill his whole life and just suddenly can’t do it and doesn’t know why. It’s still largely an unsolved mystery why exactly this happens and how it can be solved, and it has profound impacts. That made it very compelling.

What’s one romance trope that you wish would disappear from all books and movies henceforth?
I could do without the makeover sequence. Usually, if somebody has to see you in a particular dress to see you in a romantic context, they’re not quite seeing you in a romantic context—at least not a romantic context I would envision. They’re seeing you in a wish-fulfillment context, or an image-building context.

Like your protagonists Evvie and Dean, you have quite a bit of experience with starting over: Many years ago, you worked as an attorney before transitioning into writing online and to your current position as a podcast host and event moderator/interviewer (and now author!). What’s one piece of advice you would give someone whose life has zigged when they expected it to zag?
If you’re lucky enough, as I was, to have the ability to make some of those unexpected swerves, don’t be worried that it’s too late or that you can’t do something new after 30, or 40, or whenever. There’s time, there really is. Everyone has obligations, and of course you have to keep in mind which ones it’s important for you to accommodate. But the desire to try things doesn’t naturally expire.

What’s your best comeback to people who argue that baseball is boring?
Baseball isn’t boring; it’s rhythmic. It’s meant to often be a little more quiet than a lot of other sports, punctuated by action. If you looked at a baseball game, it would look like small stitches in a piece of fabric. A series of little dots of action, surrounded by this wonderful atmosphere of relaxation and, just, blue sky—ideally. I think the sky is important to baseball, as much as I respect domes.

Putting a twist on the desert island question, if you were stuck on a desert island and could only access one of the following mediums—radio/podcasts, television/movies, music or books—which would you pick and why?
Oh wow. That would be a very sad island. I think I would probably choose books. And then I’d probably write in them. It’s very hard for me to imagine being isolated from the ability to write. That’s a scary thing. So you have to give me a pen. And then I’ll just write in the margin of the books after I read them.

What’s one question no one has asked you about your book that you really wish they would (and how would you answer it!)?
Nobody has asked me whether Evvie’s best friend, Andy, is meant to be possibly somebody she could have dated—nobody has really asked me about whether there’s meant to be romantic tension between them. That surprises me a little, but perhaps it shouldn’t. Because the answer is no, and maybe the fact that people don’t ask means I successfully got that across.

How do you plan to celebrate Evvie Drake’s publication day, and what’s next for you?
I plan to celebrate by being really busy all day, but I also hope to have dinner with friends and maybe take a deep breath and think about how long I’ve wanted this for myself. It’s very easy to get wrapped up in worrying about it, in how the book will be received. Somebody I’m friendly with told me it’s very important to try to take a moment to enjoy it. So I’m going to try to do that. And then it’s back to work at my regular job—and back to writing another book. I can’t talk about it yet, but I’m pretty excited about some of the ideas I’m working on.

Author photo by Tim Coburn

What do the yips and romance have in common? Linda Holmes’ uplifting debut novel, Evvie Drake Starts Over.

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