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All Children's Coverage

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As Aesop said, no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Two picture books contain memorable messages for kids learning to be kind in ways both big and small. Both feature a diverse cast of characters, showing young readers how to reach out to the vast world around them.

A simple incident of classroom embarrassment becomes occasion for an exquisite treatise on the subject of kindheartedness in Be Kind (ages 3 to 6). Tanisha, a young black girl, spills grape juice all over her new dress, causing her multiracial class to burst into laughter. The white narrator tries to help by announcing, “Purple is my favorite color.” The plan backfires, however, as Tanisha runs into the hallway, seemingly in tears.

While painting a picture for Tanisha in art class, the narrator ponders, “What does it mean to be kind anyway?” Many things, this student muses, such as making cookies for a lonely old neighbor, asking a new girl to be a partner, or saying hi to Omar or Rabbi Mandelbaum in the park. Pat Zietlow Miller―author of the marvelous Sophie’s Squash books―allows the narrator’s thoughts to meander from local (“Maybe I can only do small things.”) to global, as small acts “spill out of our school” and ”go all the way around the world.”

Jen Hill’s lively illustrations soulfully portray Tanisha’s mortification amid classroom giggles as the narrator looks on with concern. Subsequent pages reveal an array of characters whose kindnesses reach around the world to Africa, Asia and the Middle East. On its final pages, Be Kind returns to Tanisha’s dilemma, reaching a subtle, satisfying conclusion.

Open your heart and umbrella wide―that’s the message of this seemingly simple tale for preschoolers, The Big Umbrella (ages 4 to 8). A raincoat-clad child of indeterminate sex grabs an umbrella and heads out into the city streets. This anthropomorphized “big, friendly umbrella” that “likes to help” wears a big grin as it stretches wider and wider to shelter an increasingly diverse group: a runner, a ballerina, a huge duck, a hairy (but friendly) monster, a dog, and more. The final spread (“There is always room”) reveals a bustling, sun-filled street chockfull of diversity, including a woman in a hijab, a young man in a wheelchair and a dad sporting a Mohawk.

Author-illustrator Amy June Bates’ watercolor, gouache and pencil scenes provide the perfect backdrop for this heartwarming tale, co-written with her seventh-grade daughter, Juniper. Minimal text drives their message home, allowing the illustrations to become the focal point of this celebration of inclusion and generosity.

As Aesop said, no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Two picture books contain memorable messages for kids learning to be kind in ways both big and small. Both feature a diverse cast of characters, showing young readers how to reach out to the vast world around them.

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February is a special time for celebrating seminal figures and events from African-American history. Six new books pay tribute to the black pioneers of the past—trailblazers who made progress on the road to equality.

Sandra Neil Wallace’s engaging biography Between the Lines: How Ernie Barnes Went from the Football Field to the Art Gallery (ages 4 to 8) is a powerful story about the importance of dreams. Young Ernest loves to draw. When it rains, he scribbles figures in the mud with a stick. In his sketchbooks, he captures scenes from his Durham, North Carolina, neighborhood. He wants nothing more than to become an artist, but in the 1940s South, his chances are slim. When a coach recruits him for the high school football team, Ernest begins a successful career in sports. He’s offered 26 scholarships and plays with the pros. But through it all, he holds onto his desire to express himself—and in the end his dreams pay off. The story of his transition from athlete to artist is brought to vivid life through Bryan Collier’s rich illustrations. Featuring breathtaking examples of Barnes’ work, this is a top-notch introduction to an important artist.

Vashti Harrison’s mini-encyclopedia of African-American heroines, Little Leaders: Bold Women in Black History (ages 8 to 12), is accessible, informative and appealing. Featuring 40 brave and brilliant women who made significant contributions in the areas of politics, art, sports, education and entertainment, the book includes capsule biographies and magical portraits that capture each woman’s unique vocation. Readers will find a wide range of notables in this delightful anthology. Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Ella Fitzgerald, Zora Neale Hurston and Raven Wilkinson are among those who receive tribute. Harrison also spotlights contemporary figures such as Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey and Julie Dash, and she provides a thoughtful reading list and information on additional resources. Her inviting illustrations—certain to capture the imaginations of little readers—make the book extra special. This outstanding volume is a great way to connect kids with role models and a title that’s sure to spark further study.

In The United States v. Jackie Robinson (ages 4 to 8), Sudipta Bardhan-Quallen delivers a fascinating chronicle of the early life of baseball legend Jackie Robinson. Young Jack grows up under segregation in Pasadena, California. His family is shunned by the neighbors, but Jack’s mother encourages her children to believe in themselves. A star athlete in college, Jack enlists in the army after Pearl Harbor is attacked, and there he continues to experience discrimination. One day, he sits down in the middle of the army bus, and the driver orders him to move to the back. When Jack refuses, he’s court-martialed and finds himself facing the threat of jail time. During the agonizing trial that follows, he holds tight to his beliefs—and comes out on top. R. Gregory Christie’s textured, impressionistic illustrations add a wonderful sense of history to the story. Youngsters will find a hero in this compelling tale.

Libba: The Magnificent Musical Life of Elizabeth Cotten (ages 5 to 8) by Laura Veirs is a spirited homage to a folk icon. Libba finds music in everything, from the sound of the river to the movement of the train. She tries out her brother’s guitar, but because he’s right-handed, Libba—a leftie—has to flip the instrument over and play it backwards: “Nobody else played that way, but it was the way that felt right to Libba.” Libba practices and writes her own tunes, but as the years go by, her music falls by the wayside. When she goes to work for composer Ruth Crawford Seeger, Libba finds the inspiration to play again. With the Seegers’ help, she launches a successful musical career with engagements around the world. In her delicate, expressive illustrations, Tatyana Fazlalizadeh does a masterful job of tracing the arc of Libba’s life from eager girl to dignified grande dame. Readers will love learning about this innovative performer.

Sharing history through verse, Andrea Davis Pinkney tells the story of the final days of Martin Luther King Jr. in Martin Rising: Requiem for a King (ages 9 to 12). Featuring lyrical, impressionistic pieces as well as more concrete compositions, the book looks at the key events of 1968 via a diverse group of 39 poems. “Roar” chronicles a march in Memphis by striking sanitation workers, whose cause precipitates Martin’s fateful April visit: “They cling / to the peace-dream / of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.” The bold, exclamatory “Shattered” captures the spirit of the March 28 protest Martin leads in Memphis: “Four words / shout simple affirmations / of their humanity: I AM A MAN.” From the sense of portentousness that grows on April 3 to the dramatic events of the following day, Pinkney portrays the passing of a remarkable man, using language in innovative ways. Brian Pinkney’s swirling, cascading, colorful illustrations provide an exhilarating backdrop for an outstanding collection of poems that’s destined to become a classic.

Monica Clark-Robinson’s Let the Children March (ages 6 to 9) is a stirring account of the 1963 rally in Birmingham, Alabama, known as the Children’s Crusade. Clark-Robinson presents the story from the perspective of an African-American girl who goes to church with her family to hear Martin Luther King Jr. speak. When she learns that her mother and father will lose their jobs if they take part in the upcoming demonstration, the girl joins other young people who protest on behalf of their parents: “Hand in hand we marched—so frightened, yet certain of what was right for our freedom.” Beautifully realistic illustrations by Frank Morrison communicate the upheaval of the day—the girl is arrested with other youngsters—but there’s also a sense of hope in the story’s final scene of a desegregated playground filled with children. This is an impressive tribute to a group of courageous leaders.

February is a special time for celebrating seminal figures and events from African-American history. Six new books pay tribute to the black pioneers of the past—trailblazers who made progress on the road to equality.

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March is a time for paying tribute to the pioneering heroines who paved the way for the generations of women after them. Three new biographies for young readers will introduce three extraordinary ladies who made lasting contributions in science and math.

With a title that’s hard to top, Joan Procter, Dragon Doctor: The Woman Who Loved Reptiles, by Patricia Valdez, is sure to intrigue little readers. As a girl in London during the early 1900s, Procter entertained an unorthodox fondness for snakes, lizards and turtles, which she studied with keen enthusiasm. Well-suited for a career in science, she eventually became curator of the Reptile House at the London Zoo—the first woman to hold the position. Asked to redesign the Reptile House, Procter created a cutting-edge enclosure with light and heat, along with plants similar to those found in the creatures’ native environments. Her career took off when two Komodo dragons—seven-foot-long lizards, one of whom Procter befriended—are brought to the zoo, attracting worldwide attention. Felicita Sala’s soft, colorful illustrations bring the story of Procter and her cherished reptiles to vivid life. There’s plenty to love about this playful biography of a trailblazing zoologist.

Tanya Lee Stone chronicles the remarkable career of a 19th-century math whiz in Who Says Women Can’t Be Computer Programmers? The Story of Ada Lovelace. The daughter of poet Lord Byron, who deserted the family early on, young Ada was raised in Kent, England, by the strict Lady Byron. In an effort to curb any capriciousness her daughter might have inherited from her flighty father, Lady Byron made sure Ada received a first-rate education with an emphasis on mathematics. But there was no denying Ada’s creative side—she longed to design a pair of wings or a horse-shaped flying machine. When Ada met inventor Charles Babbage and assisted him with his calculating device, the Analytical Engine, she wrote what’s considered to be the first computer program. Stone’s story of how she comes into her own as a mathematician features whimsical illustrations by the incomparable Marjorie Priceman. Inspiring from start to finish.

Demi provides a fact-filled yet accessible biography of a groundbreaking female physicist in Marie Curie. Born in 1867 in Warsaw, Poland, Marie—called Manya by her family—was an eager student who was captivated by her physics-teacher father’s scientific instruments. But she experienced her share of hardships and made the best of it after the deaths of her mother and sister. Given the opportunity to study in Paris, Marie attended the Sorbonne and graduated at the top of her class with degrees in physics and math. While in Paris, she also met and married like-minded scientist Pierre Curie. In the midst of raising children and keeping house, she conducted important research with Pierre involving radiation. The hard work paid off when the pair received the 1903 Nobel Prize in Physics. The first woman to receive the award, Marie had a history-making career. Demi’s luminous, finely detailed illustrations enliven this fascinating tale of a rare genius.

March is a time for paying tribute to the pioneering heroines who paved the way for the generations of women after them. Three new biographies for young readers will introduce three extraordinary ladies who made lasting contributions in science and math.

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Four terrific new collections of verse will show beginning readers that the possibilities for poetry are everywhere—in the backyard, on city streets and even (surprise!) in the classroom. Here’s to the poets of tomorrow!

Sarah Grace Tuttle pays tribute to the wonders of the outside world in Hidden City: Poems of Urban Wildlife. Tuttle’s playful poetic romp through the great outdoors features pieces inspired by the insects, plants and—of course—animals that can be found in urban areas. Her free-verse poems are filled with strong imagery and arresting phrases. In “Falcon Fledge,” a baby peregrine falcon on a high-rise building “teeters thirty-two stories above / busy sidewalks and a traffic jam.” In “At the Park,” under the limbs of a willow tree, “two ducks dabble down— / heads underwater / tail feathers above.” “Community Garden” celebrates a flourishing neighborhood flower bed, where “snakes sun themselves / by the graffitied wall.” From a pesky mouse to a fierce feral cat, this memorable collection introduces youngsters to an intriguing cast of wild characters. Amy Schimler-Safford’s multilayered illustrations bring depth, richness and color to the proceedings. Little readers will enjoy identifying the wild creatures in this collection.

A book that hints at the splendors housed in America’s largest museum, World Make Way: New Poems Inspired by Art from the Metropolitan Museum of Art, edited by Lee Bennett Hopkins, features contributions from a group of acclaimed writers, including Marilyn Singer and Naomi Shihab Nye. Writing in response to images by Mary Cassatt, Kerry James Marshall, Gustav Klimt and other artists, each poet expresses a unique voice and vision. Julie Fogliano’s poem “Cat Watching a Spider” is the perfect companion to Ōide Tōkō’s painting of the same name, thanks to its brevity and playful rhyme scheme: “so silent and certain / a spider / can cause / a watchful and wondering cat / to pause.” In “Early Evening,” a poem inspired by Winslow Homer’s radiant “Boys in a Dory,” Charles Ghigna writes of “a watercolored world / where we float and dream, / soft and serene.” Filled with breathtaking reproductions of the artists’ work, World Make Way is an excellent tool for teaching young readers about the delights of visual art and the pleasures of poetry.

Angela McAllister uses poetry to explore endangered environments in the innovative book, Wild World. Rainforest and coral reef, desert and savanna, the Arctic and the outback—all are highlighted in this globe-trotting anthology of evocative free-verse poems. McAllister’s lovely, lyrical works provide fascinating perspectives on the Earth’s varied—and fragile—natural habitats while inspiring mindfulness and a sense of stewardship. “The Wild World is in danger, / Calling with many voices for your care. / What we see may soon be gone,” McAllister writes in the introductory poem. From “Mountain,” a natural monument “born in a collision of continents,” to “Prairie,” in which “plains of tall bluestem brush the bison’s shaggy hide,” this wide-ranging volume captures the essence of each locale. Thanks to the crisp illustrations of Danish design team Hvass and Hannibal, the book delivers a realistic visual sense of each setting. Wild World is the perfect blend of poetry and environmentalism.

Irene Latham and Charles Waters collaborate on a one-of-a-kind collection with Can I Touch Your Hair?: Poems of Race, Mistakes, and Friendship. This lively anthology focuses on 5th-graders Irene and Charles (younger versions of the authors themselves), who get paired for a poetry project that they aren’t thrilled about. “Now I’m stuck with Irene?” Charles, who is African American, thinks. “She hardly says anything. Plus she’s white.” The engaging poems that follow chronicle everyday experiences—a beach trip, shopping, Sunday worship—and demonstrate the contrasting viewpoints of the two partners. In “Hair,” Irene describes her blond locks as “a curtain I can hide behind,” while in “Strands,” Charles gets angry when his hair attracts unwanted attention from a schoolmate. “My fists clench,” Charles writes, “and my face gets hot.” Artists Sean Qualls and Selina Alko work in a collage style that’s deceptively simple, creating childlike illustrations filled with color and texture. This is a winning anthology that offers important lessons about diversity and connection.

Four terrific new collections of verse will show beginning readers that the possibilities for poetry are everywhere—in the backyard, on city streets and even (surprise!) in the classroom. Here’s to the poets of tomorrow!

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Nothing’s better than a spending a long, lazy day at the seashore! Get the young ones ready for summer with these three buoyant tales of fun in the sun.

Lori Mortensen’s If Wendell Had a Walrus (ages 4 to 8) is the heartwarming story of one boy’s quest to find an out-of-the-ordinary companion. Wendell dreams of having a walrus as a sidekick. They’d tell jokes (“What do walruses like to chew? Blubber gum.”), climb trees and build forts. Hoping to find this longed-for friend, Wendell heads to the seashore, where he throws a bottle containing a message—addressed to a walrus—into the water. At the beach, he crosses paths with a boy who’s on a similar quest, and the two become buddies. Wendell soon finds that there’s no longer a need to wish for a walrus thanks to his newfound human pal. Illustrated by Matt Phelan, whose vivid pencil and watercolor illustrations lend a special charm to the story, this richly imaginative tale is filled with the warmth of sun, sand and true companionship.

Megan Maynor’s delightful book The Sandcastle That Lola Built (ages 3 to 5) demonstrates the importance of creativity and community. During a perfect beach day, Lola is erecting a fancy sand tower, complete with sea glass, when a foot squashes her construction. The foot belongs to a boy with a Frisbee, whom Lola enlists to help repair the damage. They’re soon joined by a youngster with a toy bulldozer who digs a moat around the castle. As their work progresses, a girl collecting shells joins the squad. When a wave wipes out the castle, Lola is heartbroken until her mates persuade her to build again. Inspired by the classic nursery rhyme “This Is the House That Jack Built,” Maynor’s book is a fresh and fun take on the traditional tale. Kate Berube’s mixed-media illustrations bring texture and color to this high-spirited tale of teamwork.

Pie Is for Sharing (ages 2 to 6), by Stephanie Parsley Ledyard is a lovely tale that takes place during a summer celebration. Starting with homemade pies being passed around by a group of youngsters picnicking on a lakefront beach, the story moves on to other items that can be shared, including a book, a ball, the branches of a tree and a sun-warmed towel. Ledyard’s text is lyrical and poetic: “Other things for sharing: a jump rope, your place in the middle, a rhyme, time . . . ” Jason Chin’s watercolor and gouache illustrations are beautifully realistic and add extra appeal to the story. Ledyard’s tale ends with a Fourth of July fireworks show—an impressive display that the group enjoys together. The upshot of this sweet story: Happiness means making sure everyone gets a piece of the pie.

Nothing’s better than a spending a long, lazy day at the seashore! Get the young ones ready for summer with these three buoyant tales of fun in the sun.

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Plan some family storytime this Father’s Day with one of the four new warmhearted books below that celebrate dads and families. These sweet, silly and love-filled tales are sure to make any dad feel extra special. 

Good Morning, Harry—Good Night, Daddy (ages 4 to 8) by Katy Beebe is a delightful celebration of a father and son’s bond. As the story opens, Harry’s father sets off for work in the evening as a conductor on an overnight train while Harry, Mummy, Gran and Baby settle in for the night. Beebe artfully juxtaposes their separate stories, alternating between scenes on the train, where Daddy looks after passengers, and scenes at home, where it’s almost bedtime for Harry: “Whoo-whoo sings the train, rocking on its way. ‘Too-ra-lee, Too-ra-loo,’ sings Mummy, winding down the day.” The concurrent stories come together when Daddy returns from work the next morning, and the family is reunited. Valeri Gorbachev’s detailed illustrations bring out the warmth of Beebe’s tale. The final scene of the book is a playful moment between father and son, making it clear that every day is Father’s Day at Harry’s house.

In Davide Cali’s funny, furry family tale, Great Dog (ages 3 to 7), a father-and-son canine pair peruses portraits of their four-legged forebears and discuss their distinguished pedigree. From Aunt Doris, a courageous firedog, to Uncle Tibor, a champion runner, their relatives were all Great Dogs who the young son hopes to emulate. Anxious about living up to such high ancestral standards, he asks his father, “What about me? What will I be?” Dad is ready with the right answer: “No matter what,” he replies, “you will be a GREAT dog.” Each canine portrait is accompanied by a fold-out page with scenes of each dog’s remarkable exploits, and the book’s final spread reveals a surprise. Animal lovers of all ages will adore Miguel Tanco’s droll dog illustrations. This wry, uplifting story is just right for sharing with Dad on his special day.

Written and illustrated by popular Instagram artist Soosh, Dad by My Side (ages 4 to 8) is a tender little tale that captures the special connection between dads and daughters. The narrator—a tot with braided pigtails—enumerates all the things she loves about her father: “With Dad by my side, there’s nothing we can’t do. He knows how to make me smile,” she begins. “He’s not afraid to look silly.” Whether he’s presenting a puppet show or getting stuck in a hula hoop, Dad is clearly game for anything, and Soosh portrays him as a big, bearded figure who’s capable, comforting, sensitive and completely worthy of his daughter’s adoration. Her gorgeous watercolor illustrations beautifully depict the duo’s special relationship. Featuring simple, poetic text and a heartfelt message, this is an ideal gift book.

In Laura Krauss Melmed’s Daddy, Me, and the Magic Hour (ages 3 to 6), a spunky youngster can’t wait for the special time after supper when he and his father go for a stroll. The boy views their evening walks as a time of discovery and excitement and calls it “the Magic Hour.” As they begin their trek, “bright, loud daytime is getting softer.” Neighbors are doing yard work and joggers and dog owners fill the sidewalks. After they swing at the playground and catch fireflies, darkness begins to fall, and it’s time to head back home. “One swoop, and I’m up on Daddy’s shoulders. . . . Together, we make a quiet giant who can almost reach the moon,” the boy says. Sarita Rich’s bold, expressive illustrations communicate the boy’s sense of wonder surrounding the outside world—and his admiration for dad. This fun father-son adventure will inspire families to implement Magic Hours of their own.

Plan some family stor time this Father’s Day with one of the four new warmhearted books below that celebrate dads and families. These sweet, silly and love-filled tales are sure to make any dad feel extra special. 

Sweeping fantasies are this year’s biggest trend in children’s and teen literature—think breathtaking action, complex world building, magical abilities and bands of young heroes who must save the day.

Like any great high fantasy should, Jaleigh Johnson’s The Door to the Lost opens with a series of maps depicting the land of Talhaven and the grand city of Regara, where “magic is dying,” only to be found in the abilities of 327 seemingly orphaned children who have been mysteriously jettisoned from their magic-filled homeland known as Vora.

A young girl known as Rook happens to be one of these magical refugees, and she and her friend Drift survive in Regara by offering their magical skills on a sort of black market. Rook’s particular talent is creating doors—she simply draws a rectangle with a piece of chalk and channels thoughts of her destination in order to open a portal. But one client’s door goes horribly wrong, and Rook lets in a giant Fox, whom she discovers is actually a shape-shifting boy from a snow-filled world. Can Rook and Drift get Fox back home again when they’re not even sure how to get there?

Johnson’s spell-casting cast of young heroes will entertain and endear, and their sweet adventure will help young readers grasp some key details of the refugee crisis in a way that never feels ham-fisted.

The latest middle grade novel from Printz Honor-winning author Garret Weyr, The Language of Spells, is an extraordinary tale that meshes real historical events with a winning cast of magical creatures.

As this magic-filled journey begins in 1803, we meet a young dragon known as Grisha in the Black Forest. He’s young and carefree and enjoys eating acorns and playing by the stream—until one day, a heartless sorcerer imprisons him in a teapot. Grisha’s teapot is sold to the highest bidder, and for hundreds of years, he silently observes the world as it changes around him. When his enchantment is finally broken, he’s reunited with a group of dragons in Vienna during World War II. But the lives of the once mighty dragons are now controlled by the Department of Extinct Exotics, an organization that refuses to allow them to return to the forest and instead assigns them strict jobs and curfews. On a night off in a hotel bar, Grisha meets a human girl named Maggie, and the two forge a sweet and powerful friendship built on empathy and honesty. Soon, the two join forces to face their fears and investigate what happened to the city’s missing dragons.

Katie Harnett’s black-and-white illustrations kick off each chapter and add to the classic European fairy-tale atmosphere, and Weyr’s allegorical tale never glosses over a heart-rending detail or passes up a chance for a gorgeous turn of phrase, making this an ideal read-aloud that fantasy lovers of all ages can enjoy.

Puccini’s opera Turandot is based on a Persian fairy tale about a princess who challenges her suitors to solve three riddles in order to win her hand. If they fail, they will be executed. As one would expect from an opera written in 1924 set in the “mystical East,” there isn’t much historical accuracy to be found—but the original fairy tale was inspired by a Mongol warrior woman named Khutulun, who declared she would only marry a man who could beat her in a wrestling match. It is within this Mongol Empire that author Megan Bannen sets her retelling of Turandot, The Bird and the Blade (Balzer + Bray, $17.99, 432 pages, ISBN 9780062674159, ages 13 and up).

Slave girl Jinghua is on the run with deposed Mongol Khan Timur and his kindhearted son Khalaf. Timur wants to raise an army to take back his lands. Khalaf wants to marry the princess Turandokht by solving her riddles and, as her husband, restore his father to power. Jinghua, who thinks both plans are idiotic, is hilariously blunt about her chances of surviving either of them, but less open about her growing feelings for Khalaf.

Bannen plays with time in her YA debut, beginning with the trio’s arrival at Turandokht’s palace and then flashing back to their dangerous journey there. The awkward attraction between Jinghua and Khalaf, plus Timur’s caustic sarcasm, makes this novel surprisingly funny. But after Bannen reveals the utter devastation behind one character’s self-deprecating facade, it’s a relentless rush to the finale as Jinghua tries to save Khalaf.

Bannen’s prose grows ever more lyrical, soaring to match her ambition as The Bird and the Blade arrives at an unforgettable climax.

For some reason, there are an awful lot of new YA novels in which women are endangered or oppressed. Grace and Fury by Tracy Banghart is one of the most compelling of the bunch.

Serina Tessaro and her sister, Nomi, travel to the capital city of Bellaqua where Serina will compete for a chance to become one of the Heir’s Graces. Banghart doesn’t spell it out all at once, but Graces are essentially glorified concubines who represent the ideal subservient woman. The sisters are shocked when rebellious Nomi is chosen, and soon Serina takes the fall for one of Nomi’s crimes and is sent to Mount Ruin, a prison island.

Nomi’s storyline has the romantic entanglements and sparkling settings common to YA fantasy, but Banghart presents both with queasy suspicion. The beautiful rooms and pretty gowns of the Graces are mere decoration for another type of prison, and it is impossible to fall in love with a man who might see you as a possession or a tool.

Meanwhile, the all-female prisoners of Mount Ruin are forced to fight for rations, and Serina’s lifelong training to become a Grace surprisingly helps her excel in her new environment. As she begins to enjoy the camaraderie and mentorship of other women for the first time in her life, Serina’s feminine ideal quickly transforms from elegant consort to ferocious warrior. After all, in a society that constrains women at every turn, both roles offer a way to survive.


This article was originally published in the July 2018 issue of BookPage. Download the entire issue for the Kindle or Nook.

Sweeping fantasies are this year’s biggest trend in children’s and teen literature—think breathtaking action, complex world building, magical abilities and bands of young heroes who must save the day.

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These rollicking picture books feature animals who get mixed up in some outrageous situations. High jinks and humor ensue in five slapstick stories for young readers. Reading has never been more uproarious!

Sterling, Best Dog Ever by Aidan Cassie is a heartwarming parable about a lonely pooch’s search for his place in the world. Sterling is living in a box in an alley when he gets a crazy idea. He sneaks into the Butlery Cutlery Company’s warehouse, takes a ride down the silverware assembly line, gets packed up in a box of brand new forks and is soon delivered to the Gilbert family’s front door. As a skinny critter with a silvery coat, Sterling blends right in with the utensils at first glance, but the Gilberts quickly realize that he’s different. Their daughter befriends him, and Sterling is determined to please her and keep up the ruse. Instead—with the help of his new friend—he learns the importance of being himself. Cassie brings Sterling’s changeable nature to vivid life through vibrant, playful illustrations. This is a sweet story that addresses important ideas about self-esteem and individuality.

The confused little girl in Mark Iacolina’s Did You Eat the Parakeet? is convinced her cat has made a meal of her pet bird, but readers know from the get-go that this isn’t the case. It’s a silly scenario that’s sure to elicit lots of laughs during storytime. The girl takes her cat to task: “Did you eat the parakeet? He was right there on his tiny seat! He was such a small and scrawny bird. To eat him would be absurd!” The frustrated feline soon sets the girl straight, and all is well—until her pet mouse goes missing! Iacolina’s rhyming text is irresistible, and his stick-figure illustrations, embellished with patches of color and pattern, are wonderfully expressive. There’s lots to love about this story of pet ownership gone awry.

Jim Averbeck’s touching Trevor features a solitary canary who longs for someone to sing with. Perched in his “safe, boring cage,” Trevor is feeling dejected until he spies a lemon hanging on a branch outside the window. Mistaking it for a bird, he leaves his cage and flies to the tree with a seed as a gift. Although the lemon remains strangely silent, Trevor builds a nest where they can live together. When the lemon disappears during a storm, Trevor is alone again, but not for a long. The kernel he brought as a gift has sprouted into a sunflower, and its seeds attract a feathered flock who welcome him as one of their own. Amy Hevron’s lovely acrylic-on-wood illustrations have eye-catching texture. Filled with hope, this gentle book shows that friendship can materialize at the perfect moment.

Deborah Underwood’s madcap Walrus in the Bathtub is filled with splish-splash fun. Mom, Dad and the kids are excited about their new house. It has a large yard and a big bathtub that—surprise!—is already occupied by an enormous walrus. He’s having a leisurely soak as the family arrives on move-in day, accidentally creating some “bathtub tidal waves.” Between the walrus’ pool parties (er, bathtub parties)—complete with friendly seagulls and a blasting boombox—and his unendurable singing, the family’s nerves begin to fray. Despite the efforts of a plumber, a firefighter and a wildlife rescuer, the walrus won’t budge from the tub, which means the family might have to move out, but perhaps the troublesome walrus is just a little misunderstood. Matt Hunt’s bright, vivid illustrations are chock-full of details, including lots of floating soap bubbles. Bath time will never be the same once the kiddos get a look at this book.

Leo is a wee infant when he goes flying overboard—and away from his frantic parents—during a boat trip. Following the accident, he’s cared for by friendly sea lions. In A Home for Leo, Vin Vogel tells the delightful story of the boy’s life by the ocean. Leo has fun with his new family—they teach him to swim and catch fish—although he doesn’t quite fit in with them. After he’s unexpectedly reunited with his parents, Leo is one happy lad, but he misses his animal pals. Can he find a way to bring his two lives together? Vogel’s energetic, cartoonish illustrations add to the appeal of Leo’s adventures. This out-of-the-ordinary story has a heartwarming ending, as Leo and his parents find the perfect home—by the sea, of course.


This article was originally published in the July 2018 issue of BookPage. Download the entire issue for the Kindle or Nook.

These rollicking picture books feature animals who get mixed up in some outrageous situations. High jinks and humor ensue in five slapstick stories for young readers. Reading has never been more uproarious!

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The end of summer signals the start of something big: a new school year! To get little readers ready for what lies ahead, try one of these five picture books that capture the infectious energy of the back-to-school season and offer loads of encouragement, inspiration and fun.

Coaxing anxious students into the classroom proves to be a challenge in Mae’s First Day of School by Kate Berube. Mae is less than excited about the start of school. She crawls under the bed and tells her parents, “I’M. NOT. GOING.” When Mae finally leaves the house and arrives at school, she hides in the branches of a tree outside. But she isn’t alone: Rosie, another anxious pupil, soon perches beside her, and the pair commiserates over a cookie. “What if no one will play with me?” Rosie says. “Or what if I have to read—I don’t know how!” A surprise visitor to the girls’ hideout helps them realize that together they can brave the day.

Berube’s endearing illustrations of the two fretful students and their most feared classroom scenarios strike a chord. This charming book is the perfect remedy for first-day fears.

Bug School is “abuzz with hundreds of shiny, scurrying shapes,” but nobody—not even Miss Orb, the spider teacher—takes note of new student Heidi. A stick insect with a narrow physique, Heidi blends right in with the scenery. Author Aura Parker tells the story of this adorable, overlooked insect in her ingeniously illustrated Twig. When a student named Scarlett mistakes Heidi for a stick and tries to use her in a craft project, Heidi finally speaks up and becomes the center of attention as Miss Orb and the other bugs work to make her feel welcome. Because she’s tall and thin, Heidi—no longer shy—can help with all kinds of activities, and her school year gets off to a promising start. Teeming with bustling bug activity, this sweet story provides plenty of back-to-class inspiration.

If your kids are heading to class for the first time this year, Priscilla Burris’ Hello School! is the perfect read to prep them for the big day. From meeting their new teacher to finding the right cubbyhole and painting in art class, the kids in this appealing book gradually become accustomed to life in the classroom. Important lessons like learning how to listen and share (especially at snack time!) reinforce this gentle story of what it’s like to be a new student. With friends to meet, letters of the alphabet to learn and songs to sing, the first day turns out to be “the best day ever!” Burris’ expressive illustrations capture a sense of wonder as the youngsters make discoveries about their new environment. This light-hearted look at the classroom routine can help readers establish expectations for the year ahead.

Alexandra Penfold celebrates diversity in the uplifting All Are Welcome. In this bright, inviting book, the school semester kicks off right, with an atmosphere of warmth and hospitality in which a diverse set of pupils from many different cultural backgrounds feel at ease: “In our classroom safe and sound. Fears are lost and hope is found. Raise your hand, we’ll go around. All are welcome here.” Using rhymed stanzas throughout, Penfold details the students’ day, from music class, where they play a variety of instruments, to lunch and more.

This is an inspiring tale that showcases a group of youngsters—each with individual talents and traits, as made clear by Suzanne Kaufman’s irresistible illustrations—who are united by their differences. It’s a simple story that offers a big back-to-school boost.

Set on the planet of Boborp, Best Frints at Skrool features the pair of extraterrestrial pals from author and illustrator Antoinette Portis’ Best Frints in the Whole Universe. This time, Omek and Yelfred are ready to tackle the school year together—until a newcomer arrives.

The best friends blast into a classroom filled with colorful aliens, but during recess, Yelfred finds a new friend named Q-B, and Omek feels left out in the cold. The trio squabbles and gets into trouble at lunchtime, but they soon discover that three friends can have more fun together than two. Portis’ playful space creatures and creative vocabulary—“skrool” for school; “skreecher” for teacher—add to the book’s out-of-this-world attraction. There’s no better way to usher in a new school year than this laugh-out-loud tale of life in an intergalactic classroom.


This article was originally published in the August 2018 issue of BookPage. Download the entire issue for the Kindle or Nook.

The end of summer signals the start of something big: a new school year! To get little readers ready for what lies ahead, try one of these five picture books that capture the infectious energy of the back-to-school season and offer loads of encouragement, inspiration and fun.

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Two new picture books feature a cast of furry friends who delight in goofy wordplay. Young readers will learn about rhyming and the creative possibilities of language—that is, if they can stop giggling long enough.

If your good-bye idioms are limited to alligators and crocodiles, Take a Hike, Miles and Spike!, the hilarious picture book from the creative duo behind the equally funny Give Me Back My Book!, will expand your rolodex of farewell phrases. As hounds Miles and Spike walk past all sorts of woodland and farm animals, they bid such rhyming departures as “Take care, Grizzly Bear!” and “Peace out, Rainbow Trout!” But the digitally enhanced, comic-like illustrations set against vibrant colors reveal that these canine companions are not as friendly as their words suggest. Instead, they help themselves to logs from the moose’s forest, corn from the crow’s pasture and flowers from the butterfly’s garden, cramming them all into their backpacks.

When the dogs, thirsty from trying to carry the now heavy packs, try to claim a water source for their own, the other animals decide that they have had enough: “Take a hike, Miles and Spike,” they yell. Miles and Spike realize their mistakes and return the pillaged items, hoping to make amends and regain the trust of their friends. They invite the other animals to join in their excursion, resulting in more amusing rhymes from “Want to go, Buffalo?” to “Join the fun, everyone!” Miles and Spike prove that learning manners can be enjoyable.

Who doesn’t like a good knock-knock joke? Bear is in his comfy pajamas under a warm quilt, and he’s ready for bed. Right when he’s about to fall asleep, he hears a loud knock, or rather a “KNOCK KNOCK” at the door. After Bear asks who’s there, he hears that it’s Justin. Of course, the groggy Bear wonders, “Justin who?” It’s a fox carrying a large stack of firewood who’s “Justin the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by!” Soon there are more knocks—and more puns—as birds arrive with streamers, a raccoon shows up with a pot of soup and other woodland friends come bearing cupcakes, balloons and hot chocolate.

Even more entertaining than author Tammi Sauer’s wordplay in Knock Knock are the colorful and comical illustrations from Guy Francis that depict the adorable animals with animated features. While the woodland creatures happily take over Bear’s home, his mounting annoyance and sleepiness are evident. With clues in the illustrations, young readers will understand the jokes and recognize that the animals’ preparations are for a surprise hibernation party for Bear long before the character does. And as the friends tuck Bear into his bed for the winter, observant children will also notice fun details like a Goldilocks bedtime story. When the season turns to spring, it’s Bear who has the last laugh. Awake with renewed energy, he hurriedly sets out to visit his friends, giving a knock—or rather a “KNOCK KNOCK”—on their doors. This amusing picture book is for readers who can grin and bare a clever pun.

Two new picture books feature a cast of furry friends who delight in goofy wordplay. Young readers will learn about rhyming and the creative possibilities of language—that is, if they can stop giggling long enough to articulate the lessons.

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It’s never too early to teach kids about acceptance and compassion. This month’s roundup features three uplifting titles that focus on the importance of creating unity in a world that’s often defined by difference.

In his irresistible new tale, The Wall in the Middle of the Book, Jon Agee uses a smart premise to impart important lessons about camaraderie and connection. A brick wall splits each spread of the book into two sections: A pint-size knight stands on one side, and a group of fearsome creatures—a tiger, a rhino and (oh no!) an enormous ogre—stand on the other. The knight is thankful for the protection that the brick divide provides. But when an emergency occurs and help quickly arrives from the other side of the wall, he realizes that friendship can arise when it’s least expected. Agee’s appealing illustrations and clever approach to storytelling make this a standout story. With a valuable message about conquering fear and reaching out to others, it has the makings of a classic.

Bestselling adult author Dave Eggers introduces readers to the concepts of community and public engagement in the smart, accessible What Can a Citizen Do? In this inspiring book, a diverse cast of young change-makers transform an isolated island into an inviting space and provide a sense of belonging to an unexpected guest—a bear in pink pants! Eggers weaves simple civics principles into the whimsical plotline, and his rhyming text is full of memorable quotes: “A citizen’s not what you are—a citizen is what you do. A citizen cannot forget the world is more than you.” Shawn Harris’ dynamic illustrations, creatively rendered in paper collage, provide an easy point of entry for readers. Parents who are looking to cultivate community-mindedness in their little ones will find rich lessons here.

In The Very Last Castle, Travis Jonker tells the story of a town with a mystery at its center: a strange, medieval-looking fortress. “For reasons no one could remember,” Jonker writes of the castle, “no one ever came out. And no one was allowed in.” Young Ibb passes the castle each day and wonders what’s inside. (Her grandfather says snakes; her friend Alex suspects giants.) After Ibb bonds with the castle’s lonely caretaker, she persuades him to let the community in. Soon the townspeople are welcome onto the grounds, where they find a world of beauty and enchantment. In his striking watercolor illustrations, Mark Pett depicts Ibb as a spunky girl in yellow boots. She’s a heroine with an open heart, an open mind and the courage to ignore preconceived notions. Youngsters will love this story of discovery and acceptance.

It’s never too early to teach kids about acceptance and compassion. This month’s roundup features three uplifting titles that focus on the importance of creating unity in a world that’s often defined by difference.

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We’re spotlighting a group of terrific new picture book biographies for young readers that focus on the lives of three outstanding artists. Their stories prove that while the path to achievement is often indirect, with perseverance, anything is possible.

Michael Mahin’s When Angels Sing: The Story of Rock Legend Carlos Santana (ages 4 to 8) provides an intriguing look at the life of the Mexican-American guitar whiz known as Santana. Following in the footsteps of his violin-playing father, young Carlos longs to be a musician. His father’s violin produces “a sound that made angels real,” and Carlos, seeking to replicate its effect, moves through a range of instruments, finally connecting with la guitarra. During his teenage years in 1960s San Francisco, Carlos encounters new sounds and influences, including the Beatles and B.B. King, which he synthesizes into what becomes his signature Latin-rock style. With the formation of the Santana Blues Band, his musical dreams come true. Mahin mixes Spanish terms into a narrative that’s fact-filled yet poetic, and José Ramírez’s folk-art inspired illustrations provide the perfect complement to the text. This an accessible and appealing introduction to a game-changing guitarist.

Hudson Talbott chronicles the life of a groundbreaking painter in Picturing America: Thomas Cole and the Birth of American Art (ages 6 to 8). As a young lad in his native Britain, Thomas Cole (1801-1848) roams the countryside, making sketches from nature. In 1818, he and his family immigrate to America, eventually settling in New York, and his interest in art solidifies. Encouraged by a patron, Cole explores the wilderness of his adopted home. A boat trip up the Hudson River provides him with the inspiration for grand, expansive landscape paintings and inaugurates a new art movement, characterized by a spirit of inquiry and exploration, known as the Hudson River School. Talbott has written a fascinating account of Cole’s career, and his gorgeous watercolor illustrations do their subject justice. At once entertaining and instructive, this lovely biography is just right for young readers with artistic aspirations.

An esteemed photographer who documented New York City’s street-fashion scene for almost four decades, Bill Cunningham died in 2016 at the age of 87. Deborah Blumenthal tells his story in the delightful Polka Dot Parade: A Book About Bill Cunningham (ages 4 to 8). A Boston native, Cunningham made hats for a time before turning to photography—an art he taught himself. Exploring Manhattan by bike, he captured the city’s fashion-forward inhabitants with his camera, and his snaps appeared regularly in the New York Times. Cunningham’s instinct for fashion earned him acclaim and honors, including the Legion of Honor from the French government. Masha D’yans brings Cunningham and his sartorially splendid subjects to vivid life in whimsical watercolor illustrations. This loving tribute is the perfect way to acquaint a new generation with Cunningham’s contributions to the culture of couture.

We’re spotlighting a group of terrific new biographies for young readers—captivating picture books that focus on the lives of three outstanding artists. Their stories prove that while the path to achievement is often indirect, with perseverance, anything is possible.
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“For most immigrants, moving to the new country is an act of faith. Even if you've heard stories of safety, opportunity, and prosperity, it's still a leap to remove yourself from your own language, people, and country. Your own history. What if the stories weren't true? What if you couldn't adapt? What if you weren't wanted in the new country?”—Nicola Yoon

Amidst the recent news headlines surrounding immigration and border laws, it’s easy to forget that many of these immigrants are children. As migrant children adjust to a new home, a new language and a new set of customs, they need books that authentically reflect and affirm their experiences and feelings. Equally important is the need for children born in the United States to gain small insights into life as an immigrant. These five stories of struggle and triumph, loneliness and connection, and isolation and belonging will spark classroom conversation, affirm migrant children’s feelings, and build empathy for those who are making a home in a new world.

Mustafa by Marie-Louise Gay

“Mustafa and his family traveled a very, very long way to get to their new county.” He dreams of his old country “full of smoke and fire and loud noises” and wakes up to find himself in a new country but, as him mom reminds him, “under the very same moon.” Mustafa ventures down into a neighborhood park and takes great joy in the green trees, bugs that remind him of jewels, and flowers that look like his grandmother’s teacups. He crosses paths with a girl and her cat but is intimidated when he can’t understand her words. As the weeks pass, Mustafa continues to visit the park taking delight in the changing seasons. One day he waves to a group of playing children, but they don’t notice prompting him to ask his mother, “am I invisible?” At last, the young girl with the cat succeeds in communicating with Mustafa and a new friendship is born. A gentle and honest story, Mustafa is accessible for children of all ages and a valuable read aloud for all classrooms.

Creative Writing—Invite students to examine the title and dedication pages. They show Mustafa’s family with their belongings on their heads and backs as they board a ship that carries them to their new country. Ask to children to imagine moving to a new country and only being able to take a few possessions. After a brief class discussion let them journal about the items they would bring if they had to flee to a new country.

• Nature Walk—Mustafa loves to explore the park next to this apartment building. He takes great delight in things Americans take for granted—green grass and red birds hiding in trees. With their journals in hand, take your students outside for a nature walk and encourage them to look anew at the world around them. After 5-10 minutes of walking, stop and let children draw or write about the things they noticed “with their new eyes”. Mustafa sees flowers shaped like his grandmother’s pink teacups and others that look like dragon tongues. Encourage children to create metaphors for the things they find on the nature walk.

Saffron Ice Cream by Rashin Kheiriyeh

Rashin can’t wait for her first trip to an American beach. As she and her family make the trip from Brooklyn to Coney Island, Rashin reminisces about her trips to the Caspian Sea beach in Iran. Through her memories, readers will the understand that the differences between the two beaches are significant. In Iran, after a breakfast of halim, the family drives five hours to the beach where “big, long curtains divided the sea into two sections—one side for men to swim in and the other side for women.” On the subway headed to Coney Island, Rahsin misses her friend Azadeh and wonders if the sea in America will be as endless, blue, and beautiful as it is in Iran. When they arrive, Rashin’s homesickness reaches its peak and when she discovers the ice cream truck doesn’t carry saffron flavored ice cream, she begins to cry. A young girl behind her in line encourages Rashin to try chocolate crunch ice cream. The two girls become fast friends and Rashin has no problem following the Coney Island beach rule: To have fun, fun, fun. By focusing on a single experience, Saffron Ice Cream shows how very different daily experiences can be in a new country. The colorful illustrations and lighthearted prose make for an upbeat and relatable immigrant story.

Venn Diagram—Saffron Ice Cream begs for a venn diagram. As a class, create a venn diagram comparing the Coney Island and Caspian Sea beaches. Be sure to leave enough room in the overlapping portion to list the ways the beaches are similar. Use this diagram to spark a conversation about similarities and differences between cultures. If you have migrant children in your class, let them talk about experiences and traditions they remember from their home country and how they are similar and different to those in the United States.

Geography—Using a world map and Google Earth, locate Coney Island and the Caspian Sea. Let the children make observations comparing the two beaches. Show them Coney Island’s Stillwell train station as well. For many students in rural and suburban classrooms, riding a subway is a foreign experience.

Different, but essentially the same—Young Rashin is homesick for Iran and her Caspian beach, but at the end of the book she understands that though the two beaches are different, the most important aspects (family, friendship) transcend cultures. In the past few years, I have discovered several strong picture books highlighting the differences and (more importantly) the similarities between cultures. Make these pictures books a part of your classroom for the entire year. Culture awareness and acceptance is a gift that will stay with children for the rest of their lives. My favorites include This Is How We Do It (Lamothe) Same, Same, But Different (Kostecki-Shaw), This is the Way We Go to School (Bauer), The Sandwich Swap (Al-Abdullah), Everybody Cooks Rice (Dooley), Mirror (Baker) and Around the World in a Bathtub: Bathing All Over the Globe (Bradford).

The Dress and the Girl by Camille Andros, illustrated by Julie Morstad

Beginning in Greece, “back when time seemed slower and life simpler, there was a dress. A dress much like many others, made for a girl by her mother.” The girl and the dress enjoy their life in Greece, but long for something “singular, stunning, or sensational.” They don’t wait long because one day their story changes and they board a ship headed for a new life in America. The dress is put in a trunk—a trunk that gets lost during the journey. The dress is separated from the girl for many years and travels the world searching for the girl. At long last, it comes to rest in a thrift store where the girl, now a mother herself, finds it and passes it along to her daughter. Showing the importance of family history, The Dress and the Girl is a simple story with magnificent illustrations recounting the journey to Ellis Island that was common for so many immigrants at the turn of the century.

Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty—Peek under the book’s jacket at the cover. You will be greeted by a magnificent illustration of the Statue of Liberty as seen by immigrants as they disembark the ship. Take a virtual field trip to the Statue of Liberty National Park and let students view the statue from across the water. Zoom in closer and read the inscription at the base of the statue. Write it on the board or a piece of chart paper. After a class discussion, keep it hanging in your classroom to remind students that the United States is open to all people. My students also loved the live cam view located in the torch of the statue.

Oral family history—The dress holds significance for the girl because it is a family heirloom and traveled with her from her home country of Greece. Use the story to launch an oral family history project. With the help and input of students, develop a short family history questionnaire for them to use with their parents, grandparents, or other relatives. One of the questions can be about treasured family heirlooms. Use this opportunity to teach and develop students’ interviewing and conversational skills. Let them practice interviewing each other before conducting a family interview.

Book pairing—Read aloud one of my all-time favorite picture books, My Grandfather’s Coat by James Alyesworth and compare the two stories.

Ella and Monkey at Sea by Emilie Boon

Told through the eyes of a young girl and her stuffed monkey, Ella and Monkey at Sea is perfectly pitched for young children. The story opens with Ella hugging her grandmother, Oma, before boarding a ship bound for America. During the long journey across the ocean, Ella’s emotions are transferred to monkey. Monkey “wants his own bed at home,” he “misses Oma and dinners at home,” and “says no” when the other children ask him to play. Eventually, Ella moves through feelings of homesickness to feelings of hope and excitement for their new country. I read this simple yet effective story aloud to a group of kindergarten students and the empathy stirred by Ella’s honesty was evident on their young faces.

Creative Writing—Ella’s emotions are transferred to her beloved stuffed monkey. Allow children time to share a special recent experience. Afterward, tell them to retell/write the story from the perspective of their most beloved stuffed friend.

Art Therapy—When Ella is sad she colors a picture with “angry black,” “scared gray” and “cold blue.” At the end of the book, she colors a picture of a cheerful yellow sun. Discuss how colors reflect emotions. Put some soft music on and let children create their own feelings pictures. For more color and emotion books, be sure to read Niko Draws a Feeling (Chris Rackza) and My Blue Is Happy (Jessica Young).

Front Desk by Kelly Yang

Ten-year-old Mia Tang works the front desk at her parents' Calivista Motel. Life isn’t easy for Mia’s family, Chinese immigrants who have been in the United States for two years. Living in a room behind the motel’s office, they work around the clock serving the customers of the motel and ensuring that the customers are happy. The American dream seems anything but dreamy as the family battles several unfortunate events including an abusive robber, a broken washing machine and a stolen car. Equally hard are the cultural challenges and racism Mia faces at school. Raw and believable, Mia’s voice is strong making her struggles relatable for students who share her migrant experience and opens a window for students who have never felt the isolation and confusion that accompanies navigating a life in a new country.

Struggles and Triumphs—Reflecting the story of most immigrants, Mia experiences many challenges as she adjusts to life in America. Because of her hard work and grit and the kindness of others she also experiences several triumphs. Before reading Front Desk, make a “Struggles & Triumphs” chart. Keep it easily accessible so that it can be updated at the conclusion of each read-aloud time.

If I owned a motel—Mia dreams of being a writer, and toward the end of the story she enters an essay contest with an essay titled, “If I Owned a Motel.” Encourage children to design and plan their own motel or restaurant. Visit the websites of several family-owned businesses and discuss components of a small business including marketing, theme and customer service. Invite children to write their own essays and share their small business plans with the rest of the class.

These five stories of struggle and triumph, loneliness and connection, and isolation and belonging will spark classroom conversation, affirm migrant children’s feelings, and build empathy for those who are making a home in a new world.

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