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This year marks the 77th anniversary of America's Black History celebration, a memorial that began in 1926 as Black History Week and has since expanded into a month-long tribute to African-American culture and heritage. The idea for this time of remembrance originated with Carter G. Woodson, a black scholar and Harvard graduate who chose February as a time for commemoration because two important figures in African-American history, Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln, celebrated birthdays during that month. The creation of the NAACP and the death of Malcolm X also occurred in February, making the time an especially appropriate one. Woodson would be pleased with the variety of titles published this year in honor of the celebration he initiated.

This Far By Faith: Stories From the African American Religious Experience, the companion volume to the PBS television series airing in June, explores the role of religion in black culture. Written by Emmy Award-winner Juan Williams, author of Eyes on the Prize, and Quinton Dixie, the book blends research, interviews and input from noted contemporary religious figures with unforgettable photographs and archival material. The book contains fascinating tales of people on fire with faith, like Sojourner Truth, whose absolute trust in God allowed her to walk away from an unjust owner and campaign for the rights of women and African Americans. We read of the establishment of the storefront church as blacks migrated north, the indispensability of the largely Protestant church in the Civil Rights movement and the rise of the controversial Nation of Islam. This Far By Faith is a wonderfully comprehensive evaluation of the ways in which African Americans have worshiped, as well as a moving tribute to the life of the spirit.

The path to freedom

As Ann Hagedorn's novelistic Beyond the River: The Untold Story of the Heroes of the Underground Railroad demonstrates, Harriet Tubman wasn't the only guide on the clandestine path to freedom. The book begins long before Tubman takes up her courageous, dangerous cause and focuses on the brave white abolitionists around the town of Ripley, Ohio, one of the railroad's first and most notorious stations. Hagedorn recounts in thrilling detail the risks these men and women took by helping desperate slaves escape to freedom. Reverend Elijah Lovejoy was the first white abolitionist to be murdered for the cause in 1837, but the book's real protagonist is John Rankin, who dedicated much of his life to the freeing of fugitive slaves and lived to see the Emancipation Proclamation. Tubman herself became active in the 1850s, joining courageous figures like John Parker as one of the few black conductors who actually went South to guide people out. Beyond the River is full of compelling stories of narrow escapes, near-misses, stunning acts of bravery and eventual vindication.

At the crossroads

The focus of Stephan Talty's provocative book Mulatto America: At the Crossroads of Black and White Culture: A Social History is the tumultuous intermingling between blacks and whites in this country a social phenomenon that gave rise to pioneers like Paul Robeson and Marian Anderson, who stepped into arenas previously restricted to whites and brought them to new levels of brilliance. Covering miscegenation, both literally and figuratively, from the years before the Civil War to contemporary times, the book is an insightful study of American cross-culturalization.

While the volume examines the impact of light-skinned entertainers such as Lena Horne and Dorothy Dandridge, as well as sexy, silky-voiced crooners Nat King Cole, Sam Cooke and other black notables who used the blending of black and white to their own advantage, Mulatto America also documents the adaptation of black culture by whites a social appropriation that has given rise to modern icons like Eminem. Talty, a journalist who has written for The New York Times Magazine and the Chicago Review, delivers an intelligent and accessible analysis of race in this country with Mulatto America.

Glimpses of history

Freedom: A Photographic History of the African American Struggle, with text by scholars Manning Marable and Leith Mullings, presents a vivid overview of the African-American experience from 1840 to the present. The visuals, edited by noted photographer Sophie Spencer-Wood, depict just about every aspect of black American life, with photos that range from early shots of slaves to the Fisk Jubilee Singers. Divided into five sections, each with an introduction, the book includes class photos, pictures of lynchings, shots of literary lights like Langston Hughes and Zora Neale Hurston and images of ordinary people working at ordinary jobs. We see the heroes of the Civil Rights movement, including Rosa Parks being fingerprinted after her arrest, and Martin Luther King Jr. posing with calm dignity for his mug shot. Tellingly enough, one of the last photos in this beautiful volume is of a bored-looking Condi Rice at a policy meeting with Colin Powell and President Bush. Freedom is a groundbreaking book.

Remembering the ladies

In Praise of Black Women by Simone Schwarz-Bart is the second entry in a four-volume series that pays homage to remarkable African-American females in history. Focusing on the slavery era, this generously illustrated book features folk tales, history and personal writings, and spans four centuries, beginning with the 1400s. From the Congo to the French West Indies, from Canada to Boston, In Praise of Black Women shares the stories of unforgettable figures like poet Phillis Wheatley; Anastasia, the patron saint of Brazil's black population; and escaped slave Ellen Craft. Full of rare photos and historical documents, this book is a wonderful tribute to the female spirit.

Arlene McKanic is a writer in Jamaica, New York.

This year marks the 77th anniversary of America's Black History celebration, a memorial that began in 1926 as Black History Week and has since expanded into a month-long tribute to African-American culture and heritage. The idea for this time of remembrance originated with Carter G.…

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Andrew Jackson, our seventh president, held ideas about the role of government that were shaped by his experience on the American frontier. In that environment, ambitious men vied for wealth, property and political power in the midst of hardship and violence. Unless we understand Jackson within the context of his pre-presidential years, according to historian Andrew Burstein, we cannot appreciate his actions as president or understand why he was both so loved and so hated.

Burstein explores the life and times of Old Hickory in his consistently illuminating new book, The Passions of Andrew Jackson.

Politics in Jackson's day was vicious and often violent, and he thrived in the atmosphere. Burstein notes that Jackson possessed two paradoxical personality traits: "imperiousness (unassailable opinions) and identification with the democratic (folk) temper." When viewed in the context of Jackson's political generation, the author says, Jackson "was not necessarily any more fierce, profane, or irrational than his competition." The author is keenly aware that many others have written about Jackson; two approaches distinguish his study. First, as he has done in his books about Thomas Jefferson and others, the author effectively dissects Jackson's correspondence, which shows him to be more than a man of action.

Second, Burstein emphasizes Jackson's friendships, showing the reader who Jackson identified with and why. Friendship was important to Jackson, but only on Jackson's terms. Some of his close friends became bitter enemies, though he regarded himself as one who "never abandoned a friend, without being forced to do so, from his own course toward me." Burstein skillfully reveals the complex central figure in his narrative while also conveying the upheaval taking place in the country during the era of western expansion. Despite Jackson's flaws, Burstein believes there is a strong case that he was the right leader to help fulfill the founders' vision of a "manifest continental destiny." This rewarding study convincingly explains how and why he filled that role.


Roger Bishop is a frequent contributor to BookPage.

Andrew Jackson, our seventh president, held ideas about the role of government that were shaped by his experience on the American frontier. In that environment, ambitious men vied for wealth, property and political power in the midst of hardship and violence. Unless we understand…

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<B>You’ve come a long way, baby</B> Single women of America take note life is good. Parents and friends may nag you about getting hitched, but no one questions your right to go to college and have an interesting job, a house, a car even a live-in boyfriend. Most women under 50 take for granted the idea that they can be smart, sexy, successful and respectable without men in their lives. But journalist Betsy Israel’s insightful new book, <B>Bachelor Girl: The Secret History of Single Women in the Twentieth Century</B>, takes a revealing look at just how far the single woman has come.

Drawing on private journals, newspaper articles and personal interviews, Israel pieces together a fascinating history of single women in America, from 19th-century spinsters to today’s <I>Sex and the City </I>icons. She takes readers into the factories of 1870s New York, where some single working girls took up part-time prostitution to supplement their $2-a-week salary. And she conveys the dismay of 1940s-era women who worked in factories and white-collar professions during World War II only to be sent back home after the war or viewed as job stealers if they stayed on.

Israel packs more than a century’s worth of information into a detailed and entertaining overview of the bachelor girl’s evolution. She also presents snapshots of women’s lives against a backdrop of society’s changing attitudes as depicted in the media. While single women have more opportunities than ever before, the pressure to marry and follow traditional paths is still prevalent.

By and large, however, today’s society accepts that a single woman can live life on her own terms. For those girls and the country’s women in general, Israel’s <B>Bachelor Girl</B> serves as a reminder, as well as a yardstick: You may have come a long way, but don’t forget the countless hardy souls who made it possible. <I>Rebecca Denton is an editor and writer in Nashville.</I>

<B>You've come a long way, baby</B> Single women of America take note life is good. Parents and friends may nag you about getting hitched, but no one questions your right to go to college and have an interesting job, a house, a car even a…

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Take the uncertainty of the past year and extend it over a decade, and you have an approximation of what the 1960s were like. The tumultuous era is captured in Daniel Ellsberg’s fascinating new book Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers (Viking, $29.95, 480 pages, ISBN 0670030309). Ellsberg, a Harvard graduate, U.S. Marine and during the ’60s hardcore advocate of America’s fight against Communism, was enlisted by Lyndon B. Johnson to serve in the Pentagon during the Vietnam War. As an insider in the Defense Department, Ellsberg had access to information that convinced him of the futility of Johnson’s war policies, and in 1969 certain that he would be jailed for his actions he leaked to The New York Times a copy of the Pentagon Papers, a 7,000-page document on U.S. decision-making in Vietnam that helped to end the conflict. Spanning the years between his entry into the Pentagon and Nixon’s withdrawal from the presidency, Secrets is ultimately a memoir about Ellsberg’s crisis of conscience. His struggles to tell the truth to power evolved into his momentous decision to take matters into his own hands. In telling his unforgettable story, he skims over much of his personal life. (He does, however, admit to taking his 12-year-old son along when he copied the Pentagon Papers.) A compelling look into the workings of power, Secrets is the story of a hero and a patriot.

Take the uncertainty of the past year and extend it over a decade, and you have an approximation of what the 1960s were like. The tumultuous era is captured in Daniel Ellsberg's fascinating new book Secrets: A Memoir of Vietnam and the Pentagon Papers (Viking,…
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Those of you struggling to please a fella with the right Christmas gift can step up to the plate with confidence this holiday season, because the bases are loaded with great books for guys. Whether you're planning purchases for dad, husband or son, consider the following selections they're guaranteed to score big with the average American male. Though they fell a bit short of the World Series this past baseball season, the New York Yankees, founded in 1903, remain baseball's most storied franchise. In commemoration of the team's 100-year anniversary comes Yankees Century: 100 Years of New York Yankees Baseball, a glorious chronological history featuring a comprehensive text by veteran sports editor Glenn Stout, who covers the on- and off-field exploits of the Bronx Bombers. The book also features essays by all-time-great sportswriters and Yankee aficionados such as Ring Lardner, David Halberstam and Ira Berkow. Selected by co-editor Richard A. Johnson, the photos in Yankees Century show the greats in action or in repose, in celebration or in reflection, including some wonderful archival shots from the era pre-dating the construction of Yankee Stadium. Informative and browsable sidebars and appendices offer statistical data on individual and team achievements, as well as thumbnail portraits of the most important Yankee players, managers and front-office executives through the years.

A book with a much broader sports subject is The Gospel According to ESPN: Saints, Saviors & Sinners, edited by former Life magazine managing editor Jay Lovinger. The concept here is a tad esoteric, yet within the volume's general theme equating American sports fanaticism with religious fervor Lovinger pulls together wonderful writing and skads of color and black-and-white photos that illustrate not only the U.S. sporting life but elements of our popular culture, too. After an interesting and typically quirky introduction by notable (and so-called "gonzo") journalist Hunter S. Thompson, the text fans out into five basic sections "Prophets," "Fallen Angels," "Saints," "Saviors," and "Gods" written by superior journalists including Robert Lipsyte, Peter Carlson, Le Anne Schreiber, Ralph Wiley and George Plimpton.

Among the some 30 various athletes falling into appropriate categories are Muhammad Ali, Pete Rose, O.J. Simpson, Tiger Woods, Ted Williams, Larry Bird and Billie Jean King. There's also coverage of two world-class racehorses, Ruffian and Secretariat. The pictorial material is simply a diverse delight, including action shots of the athletes, excerpts from pertinent cartoons (e.g., "Doonesbury"), Time and Life magazine covers, old baseball cards, reproductions of classical art, childhood Polaroids, and many priceless candid photos of the subjects in both somber and silly moments. Scattered throughout the text are fun lists of sports-related trivia.

So OK, maybe a lot of guys are driving European- and Japanese-made imported automobiles these days, but that shouldn't stop any car buff from wanting to partake of Russ Banham's The Ford Century: Ford Motor Company and the Innovations That Shaped the World. Banham, a business writer for magazines such as Forbes and Time, offers a readable and consistently interesting text that charts the history of the industry giant, from Henry Ford's first Quadricycle, constructed in a brick shed in the rear of his Detroit home, to the company's more recent advancements in SUV and truck design. But Banham doesn't merely describe the Ford product here. We also learn all about the generations of the Ford family and their recurring role in the business; the development of assembly-line manufacturing; labor issues; safety and environmental modifications; high-profile management figures such as Lee Iacocca; Ford's presence on the racing-car scene; and the company's role as a vital cog in military production during wartime. The accompanying photographs wonderfully illustrate Banham's corporate history. Many of these images, drawn from private collections and the Ford Archives, have never been published, and they are remarkable in their variety and their scope, including advertising art, pertinent views of items of pop culture and rare photos of Henry I hanging out with his buddy Thomas Edison. Of course, the car photos are purely captivating, especially a center section featuring a color cavalcade of models ranging from the 1914 Model T, to the 1941 Lincoln Continental, to the 1955 Thunderbird, to the 1964 Aston Martin DB5 (James Bond's favorite mode of transport), on up to the 1991 Ford Explorer. In many ways, the history of Ford Motor Company is the history of modern American business. This rare volume's conscious attempt to place Ford and its products within the American sociocultural context is hugely successful.

Finally, for the more free-spirited motorist male, there's 100 Years of Harley-Davidson, written by Willie G. Davidson, grandson of one of the company's co-founders. Believe it or not, the famous motorcycle manufacturer's story is similar to Ford's. Run by a tight-knit family, the Harley-Davidson enterprise has been characterized by dedication to quality and a vested interest in its much smaller but incredibly loyal customer base. Davidson relates the company history with pride and clarity, discussing mechanical and styling innovations, marketing successes and failures, the rise of H-D dealerships, H-D's production of vehicles for military use, and the motorcycle's growing image as one of rebelliousness (which he primarily discounts as the by-product of exaggerated media hype). With candor, Davidson also revisits a decade-long period in the 60s and 70s when the company was sold to a multinational conglomerate, a relationship that didn't work out (the family has since regained ownership). But with all due respect to Davidson's narrative, the approximately 500 color and black-and-white photos tell the story a bit more vividly. All the pictures are stunning, especially a series of double-page spreads featuring popular cycle models, along with descriptions of stylistic innovations and a rundown of powertrain and chassis specifications. A beautiful book, as singular as Marlon Brando in The Wild One, the film that made motorcycles famous.

Martin Brady writes from Nashville.

Those of you struggling to please a fella with the right Christmas gift can step up to the plate with confidence this holiday season, because the bases are loaded with great books for guys. Whether you're planning purchases for dad, husband or son, consider the…

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Here's the news, buckaroos: Those rootin'-tootin', pistol-packin' papas (and mamas) who made the old West wild are ridin' herd again. That's right with their old-fashioned, aw-shucks etiquette, quicksilver dexterity and quiet stoicism (not to mention their ways with a horse), cowboys continue to romance us. BookPage hits the dusty trail this month with a trio of titles commemorating a great American icon. So saddle up and come along.

Douglas B. Green, better known as Ranger Doug of the musical group Riders in the Sky–the fringed foursome whose heavenly harmonies and cornball comedy have made them public radio favorites also happens to be a scholar of American roots music. You heard right, partner: the Riders' melodious yodeler and rhythm guitarist is now o-fficially an author. Green's new book Singing in the Saddle: The History of the Singing Cowboy surveys the cowboy tradition in country music, examining its history and repertoire, as well as the performers who made it famous on radio, stage and screen.

From early crooner Carl T. Sprague, who recorded the first cowboy hit, When the Work's All Done This Fall, in 1925, to timeless troubadours Jimmie Rodgers and Tex Ritter, to the Western revival of the present-day, Singing in the Saddle doesn't miss a beat of the cowboy's musical history. Spotlighting favorites like Gene Autry and Roy Rogers, as well as those singing cowgirls of the '30s Patsy Montana and Louise Massey, the book offers a discography and timelines, all painstakingly compiled by Green. The inimitable musician-turned-author spent 30 years researching the volume. (That's a whole lotta book-learnin'.) The result is a briskly paced narrative filled with movie stills, photos and other cowboy arcana that's sure to lasso the hearts of country music fans everywhere.

Lovers of The Wild Bunch and Gunsmoke will have a boot-stompin' good time with Holly George-Warren's Cowboy: How Hollywood Invented the Wild West. Looking at early dime novels that dished sensational stories about the shoot-'em-up, rough-ridin' ways of the West, celluloid epics that celebrated the image of the wholesome, white-hatted cowboy, and TV serials whose handsome heartthrobs trotted through the dusty streets of Kansas cowtowns, George-Warren demonstrates how the myth of the range evolved in the media, shrewdly exploring the gap between the image and the reality of the wild frontier.

They're all here the gunslingers, the outlaws and the pioneers, the hard-working cowpokes and their starlet sidekicks. With chapters on screen idols like Clint Eastwood, Gary Cooper and the Duke, and on the portrayal of African Americans in the West, Cowboy, full of classic photos and fun Western graphics, reveals the truth behind the legend of America's first real heroes.

A salute to the ladies who sit proud in the saddle, Rodeo Queens and the American Dream looks at the lives of the gals who ride in the ring as royalty. Known as the sweethearts of the rodeo, these beauty queens, resplendent in buckskin and rhinestones, are picked to kick off rodeo festivities across the country, baiting crowds with their stylish horsemanship and eye-catching outfits. But these fine-looking fillies are more than mere ornaments. Beginning in the 1930s, author Joan Burbick, an American studies instructor at Washington State University, traces the history of the strong womenfolk whose contributions to rodeo culture rival that of their bronc-bustin' male counterparts. Residents of the rural West, many of the queens Burbick interviewed for the book are skilled ranchhands who were raised on horseback, capable of breaking horses and branding beeves women who have witnessed the waning of farm life. Queens from the '50s and '60s, rodeo's golden age, share memories of the gender conflicts and racial issues that molded the sport and the towns that sponsored it, while modern-day monarchs describe the glitz of the commercialized, televised contest. Poignant and unique, these are personal stories that intersect with the history of our nation. A wonderful souvenir of a rural and urban spectator sport that dates back to the 19th century, Rodeo Queens is an invaluable collection of memories from women who can still recall how the West was won.

Here's the news, buckaroos: Those rootin'-tootin', pistol-packin' papas (and mamas) who made the old West wild are ridin' herd again. That's right with their old-fashioned, aw-shucks etiquette, quicksilver dexterity and quiet stoicism (not to mention their ways with a horse), cowboys continue to romance us.…

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In a passage in Moby Dick, Herman Melville offered this counsel to other authors: "To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme." Rick Atkinson emphatically does both in his newest work, An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943. This initial volume of his Liberation Trilogy covers the crucial first years of America's involvement in World War II, the most destructive war in the planet's history. The book's main strength is its arsenal of battle-by-battle accounts, which will engross military history fans and have war buffs hovering over their maps for hours.

Complementing the battlefield exploits, Atkinson drawing upon thousands of letters, diaries, memoirs and official and unofficial records has unpacked facts that will lift many eyebrows. For instance, he finds Churchill, in Casablanca for a meeting with Roosevelt, lounging about in a pink gown and sipping breakfast from a bottle of wine. We're told that Patton in front of a mirror practiced the scowl to accompany the salty language that marked his s.o.b. demeanor. Atkinson also reports that throughout the campaign Montgomery kept a photograph of arch foe Rommel hanging above his desk. And we learn that Rommel, after Hitler angrily rejected one of his suggestions, confided to his son about the Fuhrer: Sometimes you feel that he's not quite normal. Although the war ended in 1945, An Army at Dawn is sure to rekindle the debate over the lingering question: Could the fighting have been brought to a quicker end if the Allies had first struck Hitler's forces in Europe? Whatever the answer, Atkinson leaves no doubt he thinks the effort spent in North Africa was critically important because it enabled an inexperienced, bumbling U.S. army to forge itself into an effective fighting machine.

A former Washington Post assistant managing editor and Pulitzer Prize winner, Atkinson's book puts him on a fast track toward becoming one of our most ambitious and distinguished military chroniclers. An Army at Dawn takes us as far as Montgomery's defeat of Rommel and the liberation of Africa. Then the Allies as Atkinson will do in his next book looked northward to another continent.

An Army veteran and ex-newsman, Alan Prince lectures at the University of Miami.

In a passage in Moby Dick, Herman Melville offered this counsel to other authors: "To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme." Rick Atkinson emphatically does both in his newest work, An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943. This…

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If you ever chuckled when you heard the phrase battle of the sexes,” thinking to yourself, that’s no battle, child,” Francine Prose’s book might make you reconsider. In The Lives of the Muses, Prose explores nine of the most tortured, devious relationships known to art and science. But instead of focusing on the famed artist in each couple, she looks at his lover, spouse or eroticized friend the artist/thinker’s muse, in other words.

People who saw Sharon Stone in the screen hit The Muse may scoff at the idea of a woman who can channel brilliant ideas to a genius. But, for Prose, there’s no getting around the role that women have played in bringing to fruition some of the world’s great masterpieces, from Samuel Johnson’s dictionary to the surrealist fantasies of Salvador Dali to the song lyrics of John Lennon.

Contemporary readers may find Prose’s chapter on Yoko Ono the most interesting. Was she the bloodsucker so many Beatle fans painted her to be, or did she inspire Lennon to think outside the rock and roll box? The truth lies somewhere in the gray area between those two extremes, Prose thinks. She wonders out loud how much of the contempt for Ono was racial prejudice and misogyny masquerading as compassion for John.

Lou Andreas-Salome will be less well-known to Prose’s readers, but she is arguably the most interesting and eclectic of Prose’s subjects. Andreas-Salome was a serial muse whose life intersected meaningfully with Frederick Nietszche, poet Rainer Rilke and Sigmund Freud. She liked to juggle two men at a time, while steadfastly refusing to have sex with anybody, including her husband, until her mid-30s when she entered into an extramarital affair with Rilke, who was 10 or so years her junior.

Prose’s fascinating book sheds light on a group of extraordinary women who filled a variety of roles some were lovers; some just friends. Some sought money and recognition, while others went after the ephemeral something akin to spiritual insight. In the end, what they all seemed to share was a deep, abiding hunger to be more than ordinary. And so they were. Lynn Hamilton writes from Tybee Island, Georgia.

If you ever chuckled when you heard the phrase battle of the sexes," thinking to yourself, that's no battle, child," Francine Prose's book might make you reconsider. In The Lives of the Muses, Prose explores nine of the most tortured, devious relationships known to…
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In A Brilliant Solution: Inventing the American Constitution, author Carol Berkin recalls the period following the end of the Revolutionary War when the Articles of Confederation were in force as the governing code for the new United States. Designed with an eye toward decentralizing power, the Articles worked so well that the young nation soon found itself without any significant power. Its army was small and inconsequential; its credit was ruined; and the 13 states tended to conduct themselves as wholly independent political units.

Against this backdrop, Berkin, conveys the desperation and passion of the men who met in Philadelphia in the summer of 1787 to design America’s new constitution. They were men of wealth and comfort,” she says, landowners, slaveholders, lawyers, merchants, land and securities speculators, and an occasional doctor or clergyman,” who were crafty enough to know that premature leaks could scuttle their proposed ship of state. Consequently, they agreed to keep the details of their discussions secret from the public.

Although the universally revered George Washington and Ben Franklin were both active in the convention, they were less assertive than such younger colleagues as James Madison and Alexander Hamilton. From May 25, when the ground rules were laid down, until September 17, the day the document was signed, the debates surged this way and that, often creating the least expected of political allies. Relying on first-hand accounts and doling out the events as they actually occurred, Berkin adds drama and color to what might have been little more than an annotated set of minutes.

The author, a professor of American history at the City University of New York, rounds out her story with an account of the document’s ratification and of Washington’s inauguration as president. Appended to her engaging narrative are copies of the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution as initially approved, as well as thumbnail biographies of all the representatives to the convention.

In A Brilliant Solution: Inventing the American Constitution, author Carol Berkin recalls the period following the end of the Revolutionary War when the Articles of Confederation were in force as the governing code for the new United States. Designed with an eye toward decentralizing…
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In Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War, writer/historian T.J. Stiles has produced what must be considered the definitive James biography of this generation. Unlike previous authors who emphasized James as the daring train and bank robber, Stiles seeks to understand the world of rural western Missouri, into which Jesse Woodson James was born in 1847. His family lived in a section of the state later dubbed Little Dixie” where slaves constituted fully 25 percent of the population. At age three Jesse suffered the loss of his father, a Baptist preacher who died in California during the Gold Rush. Jesse’s widowed mother, the six-foot-tall Zerelda Cole James, imbued in her sons, Jesse and his brother Frank, a passionate devotion to slavery, the Southern cause and, eventually, secession.

When war came in 1861, Frank James, 18 years of age, volunteered to fight for the Confederacy. Because he was only 15, Jesse was prevented from joining his brother. As Stiles makes clear, a turning point in the life of the James family occurred in 1863, when pro-Union state militiamen, in search of Frank, stormed the family farm, took Zerelda into custody and forced her to sign an oath of loyalty to the United States. An enraged Jesse immediately joined other Confederate bushwhackers in guerrilla actions against their pro-Union neighbors. In short order they looted stores, killed an abolitionist minister and wreaked terror and mayhem in Clay County and beyond.

Outraged by such Union atrocities” as the Emancipation Proclamation, James and his comrades refused to surrender and acknowledge Confederate defeat in 1865. Chaos continued to ravage Missouri in the postwar years, when retribution hung in the air,” and neighbors persisted in settling scores with neighbors. War had torn apart the state’s political landscape, and new factions and parties sought favor. As Stiles demonstrates, Jesse James was among those who attempted to influence the course of state politics. Although ever the outlaw, robbing banks and railroads from Iowa to Kentucky, James was motivated by politics, as well as plunder. He sent intensely partisan and articulate letters to newspapers in which he condemned Republicans and deplored the Radical Reconstruction of the South. All the while, the American public devoured stories of James’ narrow escapes and epic adventures. By 1882, when he was gunned down in St. Joseph, Missouri, he was a figure as publicized as the president.” As gracefully written as a novel, and convincingly argued throughout, this is biography at its finest. Dr. Thomas Appleton is professor of history and associate director of the Center for Kentucky History and Politics at Eastern Kentucky University.

In Jesse James: Last Rebel of the Civil War, writer/historian T.J. Stiles has produced what must be considered the definitive James biography of this generation. Unlike previous authors who emphasized James as the daring train and bank robber, Stiles seeks to understand the world of…
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Kevin Starr calls the Golden Gate Bridge America’s greatest bridge. It’s a debatable point. There is, for example, the Brooklyn Bridge, which Starr acknowledges has inspired far more great art (but fewer movies) than the bridge he says “embodies a beauty at once useful and transcendent.”

But Starr may be biased. He is a native San Franciscan, the author of the monumental seven-volume history of California collectively called Americans and the California Dream and the foremost public intellectual in the state. He is also a highly regarded scholar, and as a scholar he sees the bridge not just as a remarkably graceful engineering marvel but also as a text to be interpreted and contextualized. He says, for example, that the bridge “announced to the world something important about the American imagination and the American stewardship of the continent, at its best,” and elsewhere compares it to the Parthenon, “Platonic in its perfection.”

This is interesting to a point. But the book is at its absolute best in the middle chapters when Starr steps down from Olympus and gives us the nuts and bolts of the building of the bridge. Starr was once California’s state librarian and knows well the ins and outs of its contentious politics. His account of the turf and money battles surrounding the making of the bridge—and of the fragile or Napoleonic egos of the bridge’s proponents and opponents—is shrewd and gripping. Even better is his compact account of the actual construction.

Starr has seemingly read everything about the bridge and proves himself a master of synthesis and selection. He sprinkles his account with fascinating nuggets of information. Who knew, for example, that the bridge, completed in May 1937, was delayed because the War Department feared it would threaten military navigation? Or that its construction manager established the hard-hat requirement that would become standard in the construction industry—and also provided his men with sauerkraut juice to kill their Monday-morning hangovers (which did not become a standard)? Starr even devotes a chapter to suicides from the bridge, not just because this is part of its renown, but because a suicide barrier is at the center of a very contentious contemporary political fight.

Starr’s occasionally plodding prose does not always equal the grandeur of the bridge he celebrates. But his slender Golden Gate is surely the best compact account of this American icon currently in print.

Kevin Starr calls the Golden Gate Bridge America’s greatest bridge. It’s a debatable point. There is, for example, the Brooklyn Bridge, which Starr acknowledges has inspired far more great art (but fewer movies) than the bridge he says “embodies a beauty at once useful and…

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For most Americans, the name George McGovern is inextricably linked to his 1972 presidential campaign, a race that ended in a crushing, landslide victory for Richard Nixon. But McGovern's life has other interesting chapters, and in his latest book, historian Stephen Ambrose describes one of them in vivid detail.

Thousands of young, eager volunteers lined up to be pilots during World War II, and The Wild Blue: The Men and Boys Who Flew the B-24s Over Germany 1944-45 tells their story by focusing on one bomber, the Dakota Queen, its pilot George McGovern and its crew. McGovern, a South Dakota preacher's son, was a 19-year-old college sophomore when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor. He immediately volunteered for service and less than three years later was piloting one of the big, unwieldy B-24 Liberator bombers. Completing 35 missions over Europe, McGovern went on to earn a Distinguished Flying Cross for his service.

Although McGovern's war experiences may come as a jarring surprise to those who recall his opposition to the Vietnam War, Ambrose sees the former senator as "a good representative of his generation," who was willing to put his own life on the line to secure an Allied victory.

Ambrose, who has chronicled the experiences of the infantry soldier in several previous World War II books (Band of Brothers, D-Day, Citizen Soldiers), captures the air campaign with his usual skill, bringing the characters and their harrowing missions to life. He recently answered questions about the book for BookPage.

When did you first meet George McGovern? I met George after the '72 campaign, when he was still teaching at Duke. He was kind enough to invite me there to lecture to a couple of his classes, and during the ride back to the airport, he told me some great stories about the campaign (since I was working on Nixon at this time, this was meat and potatoes), and his time in the 15th Air Force. As a result of this and other conversations, UNO [University of New Orleans] where I taught, invited him to come to our summer school in Innsbruck, Austria. Our friendship has flourished ever since.

What did you think of his anti-war stance during the '72 campaign? I agreed with what his campaign stood for, and in my own way, worked for McGovern in 1972. McGovern was reluctant to trumpet his war record during the campaign. Why do you think he was willing to talk about it now? None of the press people ever seemed to be interested in bringing it up nobody ever asked him about it, to my recollection. There are millions of veterans out there that this same thing is true of. They're not so much reluctant to recall what they experienced, but they are not going to volunteer anything if no one asks. In George's case, I just think that he felt the time had come to share his story. He told me once that he never discussed the war with anyone at any length when he was still in politics. By the same token, I don't think he was trying to effect some sort of catharsis by conducting extensive interviews with us, or that he feels he owes his grandchildren a legacy of some sort. He certainly didn't do it because he's running for office. I obviously can't speak for the man, but I think he is justifiably proud of his record of service, and he wanted George McGovern to tell George McGovern's story.

In your research for Wild Blue, what did you learn about McGovern's war experiences that surprised you? How difficult it is to fly that plane, above all. Plus the fact that someone at the ripe old age of 23 had such heavy responsibilities. He had the lives of every one of his crew literally in his hands, which is an experience that I'll never have. I've done a bit of pretend flying in a B-24, and the experience was humbling the amount of eye-hand coordination needed, the patience and judgment involved, and so on. The Air Force did an absolutely marvelous job at finding suitable personnel, and at turning these kids into skilled pilots in a very short period of time by today's standards.

What qualities made McGovern a successful pilot? Number one: professionalism. He knew how to handle that plane and was always alert when he had to be damn near whenever he had the controls. His leadership and concern for his crew was exceptional as well. He tried his best to make sure that they had dry socks, and that there was heat on in the plane, that everyone's oxygen equipment was functioning properly, and so on. As far as physical attributes, George has excellent coordination and eyesight he has phenomenal depth perception, which in the pre-radar age was a vital asset. He wasn't a mechanical genius; most of those pilots weren't. But he had good judgment, a confidence in himself, and a sound understanding of weather and navigation the same set of skills that make for a good pilot in this day and age.

In what ways was he typical of the young men who flew the Liberator? George was the same age as these guys and there were many of them, including George, who hadn't even finished college. All thrown into a situation where you're bored 95 percent of the time and terrified for the remainder. But in a lot of ways, it's impossible to come up with one definitive type of the "typical" GI. Some pilots surely drank, cursed and gambled more than George, some were probably more well read than he was at the time, some more religious it just varies on an individual basis. But George was certainly not a run of the mill pilot he was a pilot among his peers.

Are you hopeful that this book will give the American public a new respect for McGovern? Of course. I felt at the time of the election that he should have pressed the issue of his war record a bit more. For whatever reasons he chose not to. But yes, I would like the American people to know more about what he did during the war. I hope this will foster, not so much McGovern's appeal or a wider audience, but the understanding that you don't necessarily have to be a hawk to be patriotic. McGovern is one of the greatest patriots I know, and his anti-war stance doesn't make him any less of one.


For most Americans, the name George McGovern is inextricably linked to his 1972 presidential campaign, a race that ended in a crushing, landslide victory for Richard Nixon. But McGovern's life has other interesting chapters, and in his latest book, historian Stephen Ambrose describes one of…

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Name recognition just wasn't an issue when Winston S. Churchill began a 27-year career in Parliament in 1970. But being the grandson and namesake of the great World War II-era British leader hasn't opened every door. When the young Winston identified himself to two burly, disbelieving Chicago police officers amidst the riots at the 1968 Democratic Convention, he got a swift nightstick on the noggin for his trouble. A New York cabby once told him,  "If you're Winston Churchill, then I'm Marilyn Monroe."  And then there are always the daunting comparisons.

"My grandfather's life is a constant reproach to me and to everybody,"  Churchill says during a call to Belgium, where he is on summer holiday.  "How little one is able to achieve by comparison! Not only did he produce some 50 volumes of history, biography, and speeches, but nearly 500 canvases as an artist, some of them of remarkable quality. And in his spare time he managed to beat the daylights out of Adolf Hitler as well."

Four of the volumes Sir Winston produced make up his massive A History of the English-Speaking Peoples, for which he received glowing reviews and the 1953 Nobel Prize for literature. Buried within these volumes is a fresh and vigorous account of the development of the United States, which Winston S. Churchill has seamlessly edited into the very enjoyable and very readable The Great Republic: A History of America.

"I had long known of my grandfather's writings about America and his love of America,"  Churchill explains,  "and it just struck me as amazing that the history of America which he had written had never been published in this format. To this day mainstream American readers are probably oblivious to the fact that Winston Churchill wrote a rather good history of their country."

Rather good indeed. Sir Winston writes with wit and verve and a capacious understanding of politics and governance. As his grandson says,  "It certainly isn't the work of an academic historian who has scribbled in his ivory tower. This is somebody who knows the world." The American world Sir Winston presents to the reader is just unfamiliar enough to be exceptionally interesting. Although the son of an American mother and proud of his American blood, Sir Winston escaped the hypnotic pull of our founding mythologies. So, for example, while acknowledging the contribution of George Washington and his heroic struggle to keep a revolutionary army in the field, he attributes British losses not to Washington's generalship but to larger strategic matters, such as Britain's inability to bring overwhelming force against the colonial armies because the French dominated the sea and bottled up the British navy in port. What we get is certainly a recognizable version of our history, just not the one we're likely to hear from other historians. That The Great Republic is so cleverly written is simply an added pleasure.

Sir Winston's writing is probably best when describing the battles of the Civil War. Such gruesome and heroic struggles clearly energized him. According to his grandson, he tramped many of the battlefields on foot during a 1929 visit to the United States. He impressed into service somebody who as a small boy had witnessed some of the heaviest fighting. He brings to his descriptions all of his knowledge as a soldier who had fought in many battles on four continents, as well as his power as a strategist, politician, and historian.

Churchill's history of the United States ends about 1900. His grandson fills the void by presenting a fine selection from Churchill's articles and speeches about 20th-century America. Some of these are the expected ones the famous Iron Curtain speech delivered in Fulton, Missouri, and his speeches before Joint Sessions of the U.S. Congress. But there are surprises here, too—a review of Upton Sinclair's book, The Jungle, in which Churchill displays an unexpectedly intense social conscience, and a very funny 1933 article on American food called  "Land of Corn and Lobsters."

The Great Republic concisely demonstrates what an exceptional writer Winston Churchill was, something that may surprise Americans who think of him primarily as a politician. According to his grandson, Sir Winston derived virtually all of his income from his pen, which is why by the end of the war six years when he had been unable to earn anything he was effectively bankrupt. When Churchill announced that he had to sell his beloved home, Chartwell, wealthy friends and well-wishers purchased the place for posterity. Churchill lived there until he died in 1965 at the age of 90.

Winston S. Churchill has vivid memories of his grandfather standing at his upright desk at Chartwell correcting page proofs. "It was a literary factory there. When he was at home he had a large team two or three researchers, mostly Oxford historians who would be preparing material, looking up facts and figures, and a relay of two or three secretaries that he kept busy until the early hours. He really drove himself."  Sir Winston had no speechwriters, and according to his grandson, put "approximately one hour of preparation into each minute of delivery. And that's why the speeches are so damn good!"

Like his grandfather and father, the mercurial Randolph Churchill, Winston S. Churchill has had a dual career as a politician and a journalist. In the 1960s he spent a number of years working as a war correspondent and notes that the only time he sustained any injuries was "in a place called Chicago in 1968." He and his father co-authored a book on the Six Day War which remains the standard work on that war. Since retiring from politics, he has written a well-regarded biography of his father and continues to contribute articles to the Wall Street Journal and various European newspapers and magazines.

Winston S. Churchill remembers his grandfather not as the awesome personage of history, but as wonderfully warm and approachable, intensely human, with a lively sense of humor. He adds,  "I learned quite a bit as a journalist from my grandfather and various things as a politician from him. But above all, I learned about independence of mind to stand up for what you believe, come what may."  

Alden Mudge is a reviewer in Oakland, California, and a regular contributor to BookPage.

Name recognition just wasn't an issue when Winston S. Churchill began a 27-year career in Parliament in 1970. But being the grandson and namesake of the great World War II-era British leader hasn't opened every door. When the young Winston identified himself to two burly,…

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