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With the publication of At Canaan's Edge, historian Taylor Branch completes his massive Martin Luther King Jr. trilogy, an undertaking that began in 1989 with the Pulitzer Prize-winning Parting the Waters and continued in 1999 with Pillar of Fire. This final volume chronicles King's crusades, virtually on a daily basis, from Feb. 8, 1965, when the civil rights leader returned to Alabama for the start of another perilous voter-registration push, to his assassination in Memphis on April 4, 1968.

During those three bloody years, the indomitable King kept up pressure for desegregation in the South, expanded the rights struggle to the North (notably into Chicago), clashed increasingly with President Lyndon Johnson over the Vietnam War, kept the black power factions at bay within his own camp, crisscrossed the country to raise funds, persevered in the face of FBI director J. Edgar Hoover's dirty-tricks campaign against him and, to the end, remained an unshakable exemplar of nonviolent resistance. His moral clarity and physical stamina, as detailed here, were truly marvelous.

There's something to be said for Branch's stamina, too. He embarked on his study with the notion that it could be encompassed in a single book that could be finished within three years. "That was three times longer than I'd ever spent on another book," he tells BookPage from his publisher's office in New York. "I knew it was a big project, but obviously I didn't have any idea about the scope of it. The original proposal, written, I think, at the end of '81 or in early '82, defined it as pretty much what it turned out to be not a standard biography, but a narrative history of the era."

Through much of At Canaan's Edge, Branch has us peering over King's shoulder as he attends to the minutiae of organizing marches, placating contentious staff members and urging Johnson to put the weight and resources of the federal government behind the drive for racial equality. To achieve this level of intimacy, the author relied on a variety of inside sources. "Some of [the details] came from [FBI] wiretap records which are dated right down to the minute," he explains. "Those were very helpful in knowing exactly when things were said. But, also, there were a lot of different biographical records that were pretty detailed as far as what [King's] schedule was. Speakers tend to keep better diaries and better itineraries. Sifting through the reams of FBI transcripts was an ordeal," Branch says. "All you have to do is go to the FBI headquarters and be willing to sit in the basement in a windowless room and endure their security procedures, which are pretty rough. If you want to go to the bathroom, you have to ask for a security escort to come and take you to and from to make sure you're not flushing some document down the toilet."

Because relatively few of Johnson's White House tapes had been transcribed when Branch was conducting his research, he had an assistant go to the Johnson Library and screen for relevant material before applying his own ears to the task. Even at a distance of 40 years, it is painful to witness the widening chasm between King and Johnson over the war in Vietnam. Both were men of great promise. Like King, Johnson had a genuine, even passionate, concern for the downtrodden and disenfranchised. But while King pushed on as an idealist, the president bogged down as the political pragmatist who concluded he could not abandon a destructive war he didn't really believe in. We view Johnson's tragic decline with the same chilling fascination with which we watch King's approaching death.

A lesser thorn in King's side was the charismatic Stokely Carmichael, who popularized the concept of black power and increasingly argued for militant rather than nonviolent resistance. As the media-stirring concept caught hold, particularly among younger and more urban blacks, King found it harder to engage adherents to his approach. Branch interviewed Carmichael in the mid-1980s, after he had moved to Africa and changed his name to Kwame Ture. "[He] was very argumentative and ideological," Branch recalls. "To my mind, he'd lost a lot of his charm, although I enjoyed talking to him. He had less historical perspective on himself than anybody else I interviewed. He was completely blind to the notion that he didn't have a coherent philosophy. It was kind of left wing, but not left wing with Marx or any other white leader. It was kind of all black, but then the all-black parties in Africa his mentors over there all turned corrupt. So there was nothing inherently stable or inspiring about a society built around blackness. He was kind of trapped." Carmichael died in Africa in 1998.

Compounding the troubles suffered by the civil rights and peace movements during the last year of King's life, Branch contends, was Israel's dazzling triumph in the Six-Day War. "A lot of utopian processing of thought of what is possible through politics was spearheaded by Jewish intellectuals and had been for a century since the Civil War," Branch says. "After the Six-Day War, a lot of that got diverted into national security. National security policy has proven vital to Israel. I think it became pretty seductive. You had a lot of Jewish intellectual thought going into reconciling Jewish heritage with military policy on the part of the United States."

In the book, Branch observes that, "The Six-Day War accelerated an ideology of progress projected through rather than against the established power of the United States, allied with Israel as the strong model democracy of the Middle East. Black power served as a foil of squandered potential."

The centrality of nonviolence to democracy fascinates Branch. "As I was studying the civil rights era," he says, "one of the things that dawned on me . . . was that I wasn't just studying race relations and I wasn't just studying the interaction of religion and race in politics, but that I was studying democracy in its bare new bones. I have been pondering some project to try to foster more civic dialogue in America about what democracy is."

Branch says he hasn't settled on a topic for his next book. "But," he adds, "I know it will be short."

Edward Morris is a writer in Nashville.

With the publication of At Canaan's Edge, historian Taylor Branch completes his massive Martin Luther King Jr. trilogy, an undertaking that began in 1989 with the Pulitzer Prize-winning Parting the Waters and continued in 1999 with Pillar of Fire. This final volume chronicles King's crusades,…

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Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Rick Atkinson left the Washington Post in 1999 “to raise my game, to become a historian and use the longer lens of history” to write about World War II in Western Europe. He didn’t know that it would be 14 years before he typed the final words of The Guns at Last Light, the brilliant, more-than-worth-the-wait final volume of his epic Liberation Trilogy.

Atkinson did know from the outset that he faced daunting odds. An online search, for example, revealed something like 60,000 books devoted to World War II. The “Green Books,” the surprisingly well-written official U.S. Army history of WWII, run to 117 volumes. And the WWII archives of the Allied nations are seemingly endless. “The U.S. Army records alone—one service, one country—for World War II weigh 17,000 tons,” exclaims Atkinson, a self-described “archive rat,” during a call to the home he shares with his wife of 34 years, in Washington, D.C., abutting Rock Creek Park.

But for Atkinson, who was born in Munich in 1952 while his father, a career U.S. Army infantry officer, was serving in the occupation forces, WWII was “a part of the culture, a part of the landscape I grew up in. I think it’s part of my DNA.”

Then in the mid-1990s as a journalist, Atkinson “covered the endless successions of 50th-anniversary commemorations”—D-Day, the Battle of the Bulge, VE Day—and had two epiphanies. “One was that because this was one of the greatest catastrophes in human history, it was the greatest story of the 20th century, and it was just bottomless. I don’t think you tap out the greatest events in human history. There will be more to write about this forever. The other epiphany I had was that World War II did not start at Omaha Beach for the Americans. There were earlier D-days in Africa and in Sicily and southern Italy. It’s a triptych, and the three panels are Africa, Italy and Western Europe.”

Atkinson published An Army at Dawn, the first volume of the Liberation Trilogy, in 2002. Hailed for its narrative power, vivid detail and riveting blend of the human experiences of common soldiers and battlefield commanders alike, it won the Pulitzer Prize for history. It also established the narrative style that would serve Atkinson so well throughout the trilogy. Each volume has a prologue, an epilogue and 12 chapters divided into four parts.

WWII was “a part of the culture, a part of the landscape I grew up in. I think it’s part of my DNA.”

“I sort of stumbled on the structure for volume one,” Atkinson explains. “Like a gem cutter, I think, I was trying to understand the structure of the story and how the facets naturally cleave. Then because I wanted to signal that this is really one story and that each volume mirrors the others, I thought having a similar structure would help me accomplish that, if I could do it without it being forced.”

The shared narrative structure does not feel at all forced in The Day of Battle, Atkinson’s brilliant account of the war in Sicily and Italy in 1943-44. Nor in The Guns at Last Light, the new and final volume of the trilogy, which takes readers from D-Day preparations to German surrender.

In fact, the exceptionally well-written new volume possesses an epic grandeur, draws from a broad range of historical and literary references, mobilizes an astonishing array of little-known detail and illuminates both the strategic and human dramas of all-out warfare in ways that allow it to shine even more brightly than the other panels in the triptych. In the 14 years since he began work on the trilogy, Atkinson’s children have grown into adulthood—his son is a Justice Department lawyer in Washington, and his daughter is a surgical resident in Cincinnati—and Atkinson himself has grown into mastery. The Guns at Last Light should be read not just as a great work of narrative military history, but as an accomplished work of American literature.

“By the time we get to the third book,” Atkinson says, deftly side-stepping a question about his literary ambitions, “the war has metastasized from company-level actions of a few score or a few hundred men in North Africa to Army Groups in which literally millions are fighting one another. It allows a sweep. There’s a tapestry quality to the whole thing. It’s almost as if you’re trying to write the Bayeux Tapestry. It’s just a big, huge, sprawling, awful calamity that you have an opportunity to write about in the grandest terms as a military historian.”

Atkinson says he turned down an appointment to West Point after high school because he already knew he wanted to be a writer, and the military academy “was not only all male at the time, it was all engineering. That didn’t play to my strong suit.” He thought he might become a college English professor but left the University of Chicago after earning a master’s degree because he “decided teaching was just too sedentary for me.” He became a journalist instead, and then, 14 years ago, a military historian.

“The challenge,” Atkinson says of his craft, “is to take a story that people think they know and about which much has been written—good stuff, too, in many cases—and try to make it fresh, try to make it sound in the reader’s inner ear as if this is a story they haven’t heard before.”

To that end, Atkinson first recruits the extraordinary detail gleaned from burrowing deep into the archives, examining not just official records but personal journals, letters and memoirs. Then, like a good novelist, he writes his chapters in dramatic scenes, highlighting the titanic (and petty) clashes of ego among the Allied leadership and the harrowing efforts of troops on the ground. Even more importantly, throughout the trilogy and especially in this final volume, Atkinson writes with great power about the wrenching human cost of the conflict.

“There’s something at play here that’s just so heartbreaking,” he says. “So I try to take this industrial-strength catastrophe that we call World War II and bring it down to an individual level so that the singularity of death—it’s like a snowflake or a fingerprint—comes home to the reader periodically to remind them of what this is really all about.”

Atkinson adds, “My feeling is that the true ambition of a narrative historian should be to bring people back from the dead.” To which an avid reader can only say, amen.

Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Rick Atkinson left the Washington Post in 1999 “to raise my game, to become a historian and use the longer lens of history” to write about World War II in Western Europe. He didn’t know that it would be 14 years before…

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Lily Koppel's The Astronaut Wives Club offers a fascinating peek into the lives of the extraordinary women married to America's first astronauts. Over the years, the Astrowives formed a close-knit community, celebrating, encouraging, helping and comforting each other, ultimately creating dear friendships that are still going strong today. We asked Koppel some questions about her experience of writing the book and what it was like hanging out with America's first reality stars.

What sparked the idea for the book?

I saw a Life magazine photo of the wives in their skyrocketing beehives, outfitted in their swirling candy-colored Pucci minidresses, and turned to my husband, who is also a writer—and said, “Has a book ever been written about the wives?” I’ve always loved The Right Stuff and Apollo 13, and of course Mad Men, but I never realized how much I wanted to know more about these women until I saw that vintage picture. It was just the tip of the iceberg. It was an interest in the personalities, especially the women. When I found out that they actually have a Club—and that they raised their families in the Houston “space burbs” near NASA’s operations, in a community known as “Togethersville”—the whole thing was just amazing! I knew I had to write the book and tell their story. The emotional side of the space race.

How many of the wives did you interview? Were there any Astrowives who declined to participate?

I started by visiting the wives across the country, unlocking the secrets of this very exclusive club of women behind the astronauts with the “right stuff.” I let their stories, missions and characters guide me in an organic way, focusing on the wives who had the most interesting—and at times difficult—tales. I was lucky that the women were so forthcoming with me. Now in their 70s, they finally felt it was time to come clean. They told me about their friendships with Jackie Kennedy. Joan Aldrin, Buzz’s wife, gave me her diary to explore, which she kept on the Apollo 11 “Giant Step” world tour as her husband’s life was spiraling out of control. Finally, I sat down at my MacBook and started to write, which all in all took about three years. Although it is serious history, I always wanted it to read like a page-turner.

I interviewed more than 30 women, individually and together in groups. They were very encouraging of one another and felt this was the right time to participate in this book. A few I was not able to meet, but with stars like platinum-blonde Rene Carpenter (whom JFK made clear was his favorite), Betty Grissom and Marilyn Lovell (whom people are already familiar with from Apollo 13) all opening up their lives and homes to me, sharing their stories and memories (photo albums, scrapbooks—the Pinterest of the 1960s—and in the case of Betty Grissom, her vintage designer wardrobe purchased mostly from Neiman Marcus in the 1960s, including a pair of fur hot pants), I had more than enough material to work with.

At the height of their fame, the astronauts and their families were offered tons of freebies. What was one of the most wacky, outrageous things/services they were given? Did they ever turn anything down, for whatever reason? Did you get the sense that cash was ever in short supply for them?

These were like the first celebrity endorsements. There were dollar-a-year Corvettes provided for any astronaut. There were dollar-a-night rooms at the Holiday Inn in Cocoa Beach for any astronaut. With this instant celebrity came all of the Astro Goodies, as I like to call them. And there were many. And many that had to be refused, because it really turned into quite a scandal in the early ’60s when they moved to Houston and a contractor wanted to give all of the astronauts and their families free dream homes. The public absolutely erupted over this. The Astro families ended up building their own dream homes with the land and contractor rates given to them at bargain rates.

Cash was certainly in short supply for them back when the astronauts were military men. (The average pay for a military test pilot was $7,000 a year.) Then when the original seven were made spacemen overnight, the Astro families were splitting $500,000 from Life magazine for exclusive coverage of their lives, which meant about $70,000 a year for each family. It was like winning the lottery.

Later, financial hardships would hit home for some of the astronauts (after the Apollo program was canceled) and especially for the wives who were divorced from their husbands. In many cases, the women sold off valuable space memorabilia from “the good old days” just to survive and pull through and raise their kids.

In the book, you reference the 1963 publication of Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique. What effect do you think it and the subsequent Women’s Movement had on the wives?

The wives’ story isn’t all martinis and deviled eggs—it is also the launch of the modern woman. We see the Women’s Movement emerge through characters like platinum-blonde Rene Carpenter, who was opinionated, savvy and went onto write her own women’s newspaper column. People magazine described her as the “archetypal astro wife.” By the end of the book, she has adopted a Gloria Steinem-look and is hosting her own feminist television talk show, essentially taking on the patriarchy. There are many women among the Astrowives ranks who would “lean in” today.

What surprised you the most about these women?

The wives were like America’s first reality stars, with reporters embedded in their suburban homes. After their husbands became astronauts (and Life magazine bought the rights to the couples’ “personal stories” for half a million dollars), the astronaut families were all thrust into the spotlight. The wives' mantra throughout the space race was "Happy, proud, and thrilled." It was their "keep calm and carry on" motto, the women’s way of coping with having their lives turned inside out and the press camped out on their lawns during the missions. On top of dealing with your husband riding a giant stick of dynamite, the women had to worry about how all of America would receive them on television and the cover of magazines.

On the one hand, the wives were such integral parts of each other’s lives, sharing experiences no one else could possibly relate to. At the same time, though, they didn’t really get to commiserate with one another over the stresses, the dangers, the infidelities that plagued their lives and marriages, which gives their relationships a tinge of inauthenticity. Did this occur to you? Was it something you were able to reconcile over the course of writing the book?

Many wives experienced severe heartache and tension, and I felt deeply for them and tried to put myself in their shoes. It was because of this pressure-cooker environment that they had to rely on each other. Of course, all of the wives wanted to believe that their own husbands stuck to their training for all those weeks at the Cape, resisting the "Cape Cookies"—the pretty, tanned groupies who followed the astronauts as if they were The Beatles. Sadly, they also lost them to the space race. After the men came back from the Moon, many of the marriages fell apart as a result of a decade of living under severe strain. They hadn't known just how much their husbands' trips to space would change their lives on Earth. "It was hard for them to come home," said one wife, Faye Stafford. "Who could ever compete with the Moon? I was lucky if I could come in second."

To cope with the unique pressures of being married to a spaceman—from trying to live up to NASA’s impossible standards for the ideal housewife to dealing with absentee husbands constantly tempted by Cape Cookies—the wives banded together in the Astronaut Wives Club. Their saga, with its countless launch parties and endless bottles of champagne, at times seemed less like The Right Stuff and more like Valley of the Dolls Goes to the Moon. The women in the Astronaut Wives Club supported each other, but there was also a kind of competition between them. The women tried to remain above the competition, but sometimes that was impossible.

In the cutthroat NASA environment—where every man was vying for a flight position and the ultimate, a chance to go to the Moon—the women were terrified to say anything that could reflect badly on their husbands and cause them to lose out on a choice flying assignment. I don’t see the wives inability to share some of the innermost fears and loneliness with one another as inauthentic. I see it as part of the enormous burden they had to bear. The wives’ relationships have also evolved and today they are much closer than ever before, a symbol of the changing times we live in today and the fact that without all the competition they can finally be honest with each other. They still meet and get together with their friends—and remain closer than the astronauts. Astronaut wife Marilyn Lovell characterized the wives' enduring female friendships as proving ultimately more powerful than many of the marriages, saying, "I felt like we were on a mission together.

It seems like there could be a whole other book written about the children. What did they have to say about what it was like growing up as Astrokids? 

I talked to many of the Astrokids, and in many ways, growing up in a close-knit community of astronaut families who lived together in the Houston “space burbs,” as they were called, back when the space program was ramping up in the '60s, was growing up in the cradle of the American Dream! Journalists called their neighborhood “Togethersville,” a place where the astronaut families helped raise each other’s children and supported each other through triumph and tragedy. The Astrokids describe having an astronaut daddy as nothing unusual since all of their friends in the neighborhood had astronaut daddies too, or fathers who worked for NASA as engineers or contractors. Their mothers often had to pry them away from Star Trek to watch their dads' launch into space. It was also hard on the kids having a hero dad who was often an absentee father figure, so the Astrowives took on the role of “superhero mom” while the astronauts were away training for most of the week down at the Cape.

Can you share one of the more memorable (touching, funny) moments from your interviews with the wives?

Spending a girls’ weekend in Texas with Marilyn Lovell and her best friend Jane Conrad at the Lovells’ home. It was a girls’ slumber party, and I felt privileged to be made honorary Astrowife for the night. Jim “Houston, we have a problem” Lovell, played by Tom Hanks in Apollo 13, took us for a ride in his Cessna. At night, we kicked back over glasses of wine, and I took notes as me and “the gals” sat around talking late into the night in PJs and robes.

What’s up next for you? 

I remain dedicated to telling unforgettable, never-before-told stories. Perhaps unusual for a writer who has written two non-fiction books, I love reading the Harry Potters and books like that. One of my books in the near future will be a novel I’ve been dreaming about, and working on, for some time . . . but I can’t yet divulge what it is about. I’m superstitious like that. (The Astrowives, of course, had many superstitions and guards against jinxes, too.)

RELATED CONTENT: Read our review of The Astronaut Wives Club

Lily Koppel's The Astronaut Wives Club offers a fascinating peek into the lives of the extraordinary women married to America's first astronauts. Over the years, the Astrowives formed a close-knit community, celebrating, encouraging, helping and comforting each other, ultimately creating dear friendships that are still…

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During Nashville's Southern Festival of Books, Karen Abbot was able to sit down and chat with us about Liar, Temptress, Solider, Spy, a book that details the lives of four women who bucked societal convention, risked their lives and became spies during the Civil War. 

What initially inspired you to tackle such a little known topic in American history?
I was born and raised in Philadelphia, and I moved to Atlanta in 2001. And I was really struck by the fact that they’re still fighting this war down there. It really sort of seeps into life and daily conversation in a way it never does up North. I was just shocked by the Confederate flags on the lawns and the jokes about the “War of Northern Aggression.” It was all sort of driven home for me one day when I was stuck in traffic on 400—if you’ve ever been to Atlanta you know what I’m talking about—and I was behind a pick-up truck with a bumper sticker that said “Don’t blame me, I voted for Jefferson Davis.” (Who was, of course, the president of the Confederacy). I was just sitting there shocked, and I was behind this truck for hours. It just gave me the opportunity to really start thinking about the Civil War. Of course, my mind goes to, “Well, what were the women doing? And not just what were the women doing, but what were the bad women doing, the defiant women?” I wanted to find four women who lied, wheedled, avenged, flirted, shot, drank and spied their way through the Civil War. And I think I found four who do that.

What was one of the most surprising things that you discovered during your research into these women’s lives?
There were a couple of things. One has to do with Emma, who disguised herself as a man and enlisted in the Union army as Private Frank Thompson. I was wondering, how did she get away with this? There were about 400 women for both North and South who reportedly disguised themselves as men and enlisted. I came to the conclusion that [they were able to get away with it because] no one had any idea what a woman would look like wearing pants. They were so used to seeing women pushed and pulled into exaggerated shapes with their corsets, and the very idea of a woman in pants was so unfathomable, that even if she was right in front of them, they wouldn’t recognize it.

And also just the way that women were able to exploit their gender. Their gender was sort of a physical and psychological disguise. Physically, they’re hiding dispatches and weaponry in their hair and their hoop skirts. As a psychological disguise, if anyone accused them of treasonous behavior or espionage, their response was, “How dare you accuse me! It’s unbecoming as an officer and a gentleman, I’m a defenseless woman.” But of course, they were the farthest things from defenseless women. 

Do you have any all-time favorite historical figures?
Oh, god. So many. Where do I even start? I think the Everleigh sisters, who are the subjects of my first book. They were two madams who were sisters and ran a world-famous brothel in Chicago in the early 1900s. They were really fascinating and enigmatic characters. Also, Anne Bonny and Mary Read, the female pirates. I love them, too. They often dressed in drag, and people didn’t know they were women. I mean, obviously I have something about women dressing in drag.

What’s next for you?
Well, I’m thinking about a novel, which would be scary because it’s the first time I would attempt to do it. I wrote about her for the Smithsonian, and I can’t give up my love of history and facts, so it would be based in the history of Cassie Chadwick. She was a con-artist in Gilded Age New York, and she sort of lied herself into New York society. And then she disappears. There’s enough about her to do a blog post, but there’s not enough nonfiction sources to do a full book. So it would be the first time I would have to add flesh to the bones. I can’t decide yet if it’s going to be liberating or paralyzing. But I’m going to give it a shot!

Any authors you’re looking forward to seeing here at the Festival?
One of my friends, Joshilyn Jackson. I think everyone should go see her and Patti Callahan Henry. Also Ariel Lawhon; I love her book. Those were my three big ones. Oh, and Daniel Wallace, who wrote Big Fish!

Are you doing anything fun while in Nashville?
I was going to try and honky-tonk, but I should probably save that for when I don’t have to work the next day. Next time, though. 

(Author photo by Nick Barose)

During the Southern Festival of Books, Karen Abbot was able to sit down and chat with us about her latest book, Liar, Temptress, Solider, Spy, which details the lives of four women who bucked societal convention, risked their lives and became spies during the Civil War.

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The author of a new book on Perry Wallace, who broke the color barrier in SEC basketball in the 1960s, explains why he decided to tell Wallace’s little-known story.

Why did you want to write Strong Inside?
Perry Wallace is a fascinating, brilliant person who overcame tremendously painful and challenging obstacles to make history—and yet most people have never heard of him. It’s as if nobody knew the story of Jackie Robinson. So it was an incredible opportunity to get to tell this story. It’s one I’ve wanted to tell since 1989, when I was a sophomore at Vanderbilt and wrote a paper about Wallace for a black history class.

A lot of research went into this book. How long did you work on it?
Eight years. My first interview was with Perry’s coach at Vanderbilt, Roy Skinner, in the fall of 2006. I spent several years just doing interviews and research before I began writing.

What do you admire most about Perry Wallace?
There are so many things to admire about Perry—his perseverance, his character, his desire to always do the right thing—but what I admire most about him is his intellect. Spending the last eight years talking to him has been an incredible education for me on everything from human nature to race relations to parenting.

You were born too late to see Wallace play high school or college basketball. Of all the games you describe in the book, which one would you have liked to have seen in person?
I would travel back to Oxford, Mississippi, on February 9, 1968, to see his game against Ole Miss, the first time an African American had ever played a basketball game there. By all accounts, the abuse he took from the crowd was as bad that night as any of his career—but Perry played one of his best games, completely dominating in the second half.

How hard was it for you to come to terms with the day-to-day segregation and racial attitudes of the South in the 1960s?
It was important for me to place Perry Wallace’s story in the context of the place and times in which he operated. He grew up in Nashville at the height of the civil rights movement and as a 12-year-old would sneak downtown to watch the sit-ins at the lunch counters. In college, he met Martin Luther King Jr., Fannie Lou Hamer and Stokely Carmichael when they passed through town. Perry’s story is as much a civil rights story as a basketball one.

Did you get any suggestions from your father [journalist and author David Maraniss] about writing this book?
The best advice came through years of osmosis: just reading his great writing ever since I was a little kid. I used to spread The Washington Post over the dining room table, and our sheepdog Maggie would jump up on the table and finish my cereal while I read the paper. Rest of the family was still asleep, I guess.

Put yourself in Wallace’s shoes. Knowing what you do now, would you have attended Vanderbilt and broken the color line in the SEC?
I don’t know that Perry would do it all over again knowing what he knows. And as strong a man as he is mentally and physically, if he has those doubts, there’s no way I could do it.


RELATED CONTENT: Read our review of Strong Inside.


This article was originally published in the December 2014 issue of BookPage. Download the entire issue for the Kindle or Nook.

The author of a new book on Perry Wallace, who broke the color barrier in SEC basketball in the 1960s, explains why he decided to tell Wallace’s little-known story.
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Adept at spinning historical events into gripping narratives, Erik Larson couldn't resist the storytelling potential of the Lusitania

You started reading about the Lusitania on a whim. What was the discovery that led you to decide to write a book about its last crossing?
What drew me, really, was not so much any single discovery, but rather my realization that the array of archival materials available on the subject—the palette of narrative elements—would allow me to tell the story in a way it had not yet been told. Telegrams, codebooks, love letters, the submarine commander’s war log, depositions, interrogation reports—all of it. For me it’s like heroin.

You’ve always been a remarkable researcher, finding amazing details to tell your story. What were your biggest research scores for Dead Wake?
The best elements are the telegrams to and from the German U-boat that were intercepted and decoded by the British. It was kind of thrilling to see the actual paper decodes in the National Archives of the UK. Probably my favorite moment was when one box yielded the immense German codebook that opened the way for the British to begin reading all of Germany’s naval communications, with Germany utterly unaware. This was the actual book—the one that, according to one account, was recovered from the arms of a drowned German sailor.

Do you have a personal favorite among the passengers whose lives you so vividly describe?
Well, I’d have to say I particularly like Dwight Harris. His account, first of all, was very detailed—that’s why I chose him. That’s also why I chose my other central characters; I swoon for detail. But what I loved most was the charm of Harris’ story, which he told in a letter to his mother. He was a young guy, and was clearly tickled to have gone through this nightmare and survived. I also very much liked Theodate Pope. She too left a detailed account. But I especially liked her backstory. She was one of the country’s first licensed female architects; she was an early feminist, at a time when the term itself was brand new; and she was deeply interested in exploring the mysteries of the mind and the possibility that there just might be an after-life. She was a character with a lot of nuance, and I love nuance. Heroes, frankly, are boring. 

In your telling, the Lusitania itself has a kind of personality, “conceived out of hubris and anxiety.” Are there things you learned about the ship that you found particularly compelling?
Everything. At heart I’m still a little boy. But, what I found most compelling was the sheer physical effort needed to power the ship—the volumes of coal, the innumerable furnaces, all fed by men with shovels, 24 hours a day. One of the amazing things about the ship, and the era’s emphasis on speed, was that with all boilers operating it could move at 25 knots, or nearly 30 miles an hour, and cross the Atlantic in five days—faster than a typical crossing on the Queen Mary 2 today. No wonder its passengers, and captain, believed it to be invulnerable. 

Walter Schwieger, who commanded the U-boat that sank the Lusitania, was beloved by his crew and ruthless in his willingness “to torpedo a liner full of civilians.” Was he typical of U-boat captains during World War I?
One of my favorite archival finds was a collection of interrogation reports done by British intelligence agents who had questioned captured German submariners. These reports convey a vivid sense of the dangers of U-boat life, and of the character of U-boat commanders. All U-boat captains were achingly young, with wide variation in personality. Some were ruthless, some chivalrous, some kind, some brutal. At least one was renowned for his inability to hit anything with a torpedo.

Your portrait of President Wilson in emotional turmoil was fascinating. To what extent do you think his grief over the loss of his first wife and his later passionate pursuit of Edith Galt colored his responses to international affairs? 
It’s hard to say. Clearly at the time the Lusitania was sunk, Wilson’s emotional self was in an uproar, thanks to his incredibly passionate love for Edith, and this doubtless contributed to a remark he made in a speech in Philadelphia that fell flat. Like dead. He said America was “too proud to fight,” which utterly missed the point, and drew ridicule from his opponents. 

Capt. William Thomas Turner, whom you wonderfully describe as a man “with the physique of a bank safe,” ends up being scapegoated by the British Admiralty for the Lusitania sinking. Seems pretty outrageous, doesn’t it?
Seems outrageous to me, but the Admiralty had ample incentive to try laying the blame entirely on Turner. Too many secrets needed protecting. 

Winston Churchill, as head of the British Admiralty, has a behind-the-scenes role in the saga of the Lusitania. Did your research into his role in any way change your opinion of Churchill?
Not really. I love Churchill as a historic character. Always have, always will. He was a brilliant man imbued with a reckless energy, and he was utterly ruthless. What I hadn’t fully appreciated, however, was his role in the disastrous Gallipoli affair. His mad energy and ego cost him dearly in WWI, but served him very well in the war that followed.  

Do you believe, as some have suggested, that the British Admiralty’s failure to protect the Lusitania in spite of its secret intelligence of the whereabouts of German U-boats, was a deliberate gamble to bring the U.S. into the war?
There’s no smoking memo or letter or telegram to confirm it. And certainly, at first glance, you’d have to be skeptical that any agency would deliberately allow 2,000 people to be killed. On the other hand, the fact the Lusitania was left to itself, without escort, and with only the most cursory of warnings, is utterly mystifying. For one prominent naval historian, whom I quote in my book, the circumstances were profoundly perplexing. Late in life he found himself forced to conclude that some sort of conspiracy likely occurred. But, again, that’s only speculation. I lay out a collection of evidence; readers can do with it what they will. 

Why was it important for your narrative to include the details of an autopsy that you warn squeamish readers about in your introductory note?
First of all, the mere fact that someone would want an autopsy done on a body that had been in the water for 75 days struck me as incredible—the likely artifact of deep, shattering grief. But the whole saga of finding that gentleman’s body, and all that happened afterward, struck me as something that offered a brand new view of the era and its customs. Further, it’s new; I stumbled across it by accident in files in the U.S. National Archives in College Park, Md. And new is good—though finding new things was certainly not my goal. Story was my goal. 

You write that false facts about the sinking of the Lusitania have sort of entered the DNA of the history of this event. What are the most egregious errors, and how have you tried to counteract them?
The most significant misapprehension is that the sinking of the Lusitania immediately dragged America into World War I. It did not. During my work on the book I would ask friends and family how long they thought it took for America to enter the war after the sinking. Estimates ranged from two days to several months. But in fact, America did not declare war for two full years, and when Wilson gave his speech to Congress asking for such a declaration he never once mentioned the Lusitania.  

Finally, what are the unresolved mysteries about the sinking of the Lusitania that plague you the most?
By the time I finished my research I was pretty satisfied with my understanding of the event. It’s very clear that one commonly claimed “fact”—that the ship was armed with naval guns—was utterly untrue. There were no guns aboard the Lusitania. Another body of rumor holds that there was a secret cache of explosives in its cargo holds, possibly disguised as shipments of cheese or oysters, and that this accounted for why the ship sank so quickly. There may indeed have been a secret cargo, but whether such a shipment existed or not is irrelevant. Explosive cargo had nothing to with the sinking. The Lusitania sank that fine May afternoon because of the chance convergence of a multitude of forces. A single variation in any vector could have saved the Lusitania.

ALSO IN BOOKPAGE: Read our review of Dead Wake.


This article was originally published in the March 2015 issue of BookPage. Download the entire issue for the Kindle or Nook.

Adept at spinning historical events into gripping narratives, Erik Larson couldn't resist the storytelling potential of the Lusitania.
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Judy, a purebred English pointer born in Shanghai in 1936, was clearly one special dog: The only canine POW of World War II, she survived the grueling experience thanks to her friend and protector, Royal Air Force technician Frank Williams. When the transport ship on which the two were being moved came under attack, Frank pushed Judy through a porthole into the South China Sea to save her life. It was one of many close calls she would endure during more than three years in captivity.

Robert Weintraub, an author (The Victory Season) and sportswriter for Slate, the New York Times and other publications, tells the duo’s amazing story in No Better Friend: One Man, One Dog, and Their Extraordinary Story of Courage and Survival in WWII.

How did you first find out about Judy and get interested in this story?
Total serendipity. I happened to be flipping through the pages of a collection of lists and arcana called The People’s Almanac, which I’ve loved since I was a boy. I was just idly looking, but of course the writer in me was subconsciously on the lookout for a story. So when I saw a couple of paragraphs under the heading “The Pooch POW,” I knew I had to investigate further. The more I dug into Judy’s story after that, the more amazed I became. I knew I had to write about her.

His main priority was not his own survival but the safety of a dog he had just met. That’s pretty amazing stuff.

While No Better Friend focuses on Frank Williams and his partnership with Judy, it is also a fabulous explication of lesser-known aspects of WWII. Did you know much about this time period before beginning your research?
I’ve always been a WWII buff, so I knew the broad strokes, but I certainly had no idea about the incredible details of the evacuation of Singapore, the building of the “Death Railway” in Sumatra, and many of the other smaller but amazing stories in that corner of the Pacific theater.

The details of life in a WWII POW camp are riveting. How did you conduct your research? Were you able to visit any historic sites?
I was all set to go to Sumatra to visit the POW camps, but then I discovered that virtually nothing remains of them. Instead, I spent a lot of time in the U.K. National Archives and the research rooms at the Imperial War Museum, both in London, and I hired a professional researcher based there to further assist me. I visited Frank’s hometown of Portsmouth, and hunted through the files at the Merchant Navy Archives in Southampton. Many accounts, including some of Frank’s personal memories, were in Dutch, so I had to get those translated before using them. And of course, I read memoirs and histories and accounts of the camps by the dozens.

What impressed you most about Frank's story?
Probably the way he gave himself over so completely to the protection of an animal while he was so far gone physically in the camps. He suffered from severe hunger, malnutrition, malaria, dysentery and beriberi, along with physical punishment from the guards and the endless, punishing work. Yet his main priority was not his own survival but the safety of a dog he had just met. That’s pretty amazing stuff.

This must have been an immersion. How long did the book take to write?
Yes, it did take over my life for a good year and a half or more. It could have been more, of course, but at a certain point the publisher says that’s enough already, we’re printing this as is.

What surprised you the most as you uncovered the details of Judy and Frank's ordeal?
Several things—Judy’s ability to stay alive in the camps and along the railway was extraordinary, and how she managed to elude the guards through her uncanny communication system with Frank. How the other men along the railway took strength from Judy’s survival, and the inspiration they drew from her every day she wasn’t shot by the Japanese. And of course the very idea that Frank talked the Japanese commander into actually making Judy an official POW, with a serial number and everything, was historic and sets her story apart even from other stories of canine heroics during the war.

Do you have a dog? How does he/she compare to Judy?
I grew up with a great golden retriever named Rookie, who wasn’t nearly as intelligent or brave as Judy, but was great in his own way. I have a pair of young children, so we are waiting until they are able to take care of the dog (at least a little) to get one now. When I do, I’m sure it will be an English pointer!

What are you working on now?
I’m in the midst of a couple of longform pieces about sports for Grantland/ESPN and Sports Illustrated, and of course I’m busy publicizing No Better Friend!

If readers become interested in WWII after reading your book, what other reading recommendations might you have?
Boy, there are so many aspects of the war, so many titles. I’d say off the top of my head Hiroshima by John Hersey, D-Day by Stephen Ambrose, With The Old Bree: At Peleliu and Okinawa by Eugene Sledge, and A Bridge Too Far by Cornelius Ryan are must-reads.

And even though they are fiction, novels like War and Remembrance by Herman Wouk, Catch-22 by Joseph Heller and Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut do a great job of capturing what the war was like.


Deborah Hopkinson is an award-winning children's author whose many books for young readers include Sky Boys and the forthcoming Courage & Defiance: Stories of Spies, Saboteurs, and Survivors in World War II Denmark (Scholastic).

RELATED CONTENT: Read a review of No Better Friend.

Author photo: Liz Stubbs

Judy, a purebred English pointer born in Shanghai in 1936, was clearly one special dog: The only canine POW of World War II, she survived the grueling experience thanks to her friend and protector, Royal Air Force technician Frank Williams. When the transport ship on which the two were being moved came under attack, Frank pushed Judy through a porthole into the South China Sea to save her life. It was one of many close calls she would endure during more than three years in captivity.
Interview by

Stacy Schiff, author of The Witches, a brilliant, exceptionally well-researched account of the 1692 Salem witch trials, says her number one requirement when writing her prize-winning nonfiction books is “a big desk, an enormous desk!”

“You’re synthesizing massive amounts of raw material,” she explains during a call to her home just north of the grand, Beaux-Arts main branch of the New York Public Library on 42nd Street, a favorite haunt. Schiff speaks rapidly and with enthusiasm. “For whatever reason, I physically like to have the maps, my notes, the articles and the books all on my desk while I’m working. I just can’t do that on a small-size desk.”

In fact, Schiff works at two enormous desks—one in Manhattan and one in Canada. Throughout her married life, Schiff and her husband, a Canadian businessman, have had a commuter marriage. “He’s the one who does the commuting. The kids [two sons, 15 and 24, and a daughter, 21] went to school in the U.S. So for the school year we’ve always been here. He goes back and forth. Then in the summer and holidays, when I get a huge amount of writing done, we decamp to Canada.” Her husband, she adds, is “an incredibly astute reader,” one of two trusted first-readers of her work.

Admiring readers of Schiff’s Cleopatra, her widely hailed 2010 biography of the Egyptian ruler, or Vera, her Pulitzer Prize-winning biography of Vladimir Nabokov’s wife, know her to be a remarkable researcher. 

“I like to feel documents,” Schiff says, when asked about her methods. “I like to touch them, I like to smell them, I like to read them in the original!”

Schiff’s passion for primary documents proved particularly important in piecing together the story of a disturbing chapter in early American history.

“This is an episode we go to over and over again and can’t quite seem to resolve. It gets under the skin and enchants,” she says. “It’s a chapter that everyone thinks they know well but truthfully have great misconceptions about. Most people think the witches were burned. [They were hanged.] Most people have no idea that it included 19 people. Or that it took place over nine months. Or that men were also victims, including a minister! People aren’t sure about when it took place. Halfway between Plymouth Rock and Paul Revere, there’s this sort of strange wasteland in American history. You forget that there was this very different early America.”

Much of what is so compelling about The Witches is how vividly Schiff brings this very different era to life. 

Schiff offers a nearly day-by-day account of the conflagration that is tactile in its detail.

The Puritans lived in near-constant dread of Native-American attacks. They contended with starvation during long, arduous winters in tightly enclosed spaces. Little wonder, Schiff notes, that it was in January and February that the overworked, sensory-deprived adolescent girls in the household of Salem’s minister were overtaken by fits of twitching and barking. The affliction spread.

Add to the mix the foreboding Puritan sensibility, and a skeptical modern reader can almost begin to understand the diagnoses of witchcraft. Of her four years of working on the book, of “disappearing into another century,” Schiff says, “It was a pretty dark and chilly place to live. This is a very bleak religion, in which you are meant to feel at all times off-kilter and inadequate. You are haunted by that horrible Puritan riddle—am I going to be saved or am I going to be damned? At some point I thought the first line should have been, ’This is a book about anxiety.’ ”

The Puritans were also a highly literate and highly litigious people. Neighbor sued neighbor for trespass or pigs in the garden seemingly at the drop of a hat. Carefully kept court records bloomed. And the Puritan elite—political leaders, court officials and ministers—wrote voluminous letters and kept personal journals. But the records of the nine-month witchcraft mania are curiously spotty, perhaps deliberately so.

Nevertheless, by keeping a careful chronology and uncovering “the interesting coincidences, the patterns”—by reading between the lines—Schiff offers a nearly day-by-day account of the conflagration that is tactile in its detail. Building on an account by John Alden, an eminent community member who was one of more than 100 people jailed in the widening gyre of accusations before finally being released, Schiff offers an astonishing description of the packed, smelly, raucous courtroom in which the teenage girls writhed and flitted between judges and accused, pointing to witches in the rafters. And she shrewdly reverse-engineers the hazy record to help us understand the charges against George Burroughs, the little-known, Harvard-educated minister who was hanged for being the supposed leader of this confederacy of witches.

Schiff’s account also draws deeply on Cotton Mather, a young, charismatic, spiritual and intellectual leader of the colony, who was often equivocal as events unfolded. “He’s so fascinating, so unctuous, so prolific, so all over the place and so desperate for the spotlight,” Schiff says. “He shouldn’t be blamed, but he’s at the white-hot center every step of the way. Looking at [the originals of] his letters, I was able to see where he crossed out, what he had trouble with, what he stalled on, what he emphasized. It gives you a strong sense of what everyone was listening to because he’s among the top authorities on the subject.”

Noting that earlier books about the witch trials “are very thesis driven,” Schiff felt her book “could only work if you just tell the story.” While she does sow seeds along the way, only in the final chapters of The Witches does Schiff offer her own fascinating analysis of the complex set of causes that probably underlie the witchcraft charges, the sudden passing of the storm and the years of denial about the persecution of innocents. In Schiff’s telling, this is an old story with contemporary implications.

This narrative approach works so well because Schiff just happens to be a superb and witty writer. Asked about her sometimes droll humor, she says that after reading an early draft of the book, one Yale scholar told her he didn’t know the Puritans could be this much fun.

“I do feel,” she explains, “that at some point you can only write in your own voice. I was aware that I had to be careful with this book—it’s a very sobering subject. On the one hand, you need to feel sympathy for all of these people, including the ones who are driving the prosecution forward for what they consider to be their own good reasons. On the other hand, you need to be interesting and you need to be vivid and you need to be lively. I decided that even while I told this relatively dark story, there was no reason why I couldn’t sparkle on the page.”

And The Witches definitely sparkles.


This article was originally published in the November 2015 issue of BookPage. Download the entire issue for the Kindle or Nook.

Stacy Schiff, author of The Witches, a brilliant, exceptionally well-researched account of the 1692 Salem witch trials, says her number one requirement when writing her prize-winning nonfiction books is “a big desk, an enormous desk!”
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"It’s the best story in town, but no one has been able to get it,” a photographer told journalist Beth Macy soon after she arrived in Roanoke, Virginia, in 1989 to write for the Roanoke Times

He was referring to the tale of George and Willie Muse, young albino African-American brothers from a sharecropping family who had reportedly been kidnapped in 1899 from the tiny tobacco-farming community of Truevine, then displayed for decades as sideshow freaks by the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. They were billed under various stage names, including “Eko and Iko, Sheepheaded Cannibals from Equador” and “Ambassadors from Mars.”

It took Macy 25 years to unearth the brothers’ sad saga, requiring painstaking research on multiple fronts to try to “untangle a century of whispers from truth.” The result is a deeply moving and endlessly compelling book, such an intricate tale that it’s worthy of not one but two subtitles—Truevine: Two Brothers, a Kidnapping, and a Mother’s Quest: A True Story of the Jim Crow South.

Thankfully, Macy had the much-needed investigative chops, having been a Nieman Fellow at Harvard and written an award-winning bestseller, Factory Man. Still, she ran into plenty of dead ends, she says by phone from her home in Roanoke.

George Muse died in 1971, but Willie lived out his last years in Roanoke, cared for by his great-niece Nancy Saunders, the proprietor of a popular soul-food restaurant. As the family gatekeeper, Saunders wouldn’t let reporters anywhere near her beloved uncle.

“You’re too curious,” Saunders told Macy when she began inquiring, pointing to a sign that said, “SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP.” After dealing with decades of people knocking on her family’s doors, demanding to see “the savages,” Saunders had developed what Macy calls an “exterior toughness . . . so that people wouldn’t ask rude questions about her uncle.”

After Willie died in 2001, Macy was allowed to co-write a series of articles about the Muse brothers for the Roanoke Times, although Saunders remained guarded. Finally, on Christmas morning 2013, Saunders gave Macy her blessing to write a book, with one proviso: “No matter what you find out or what your research turns up, you have to remember: In the end, they came out on top.” 

The going was anything but easy; even seemingly simple facts proved to be roadblocks. “It’s so frustrating,” Macy explains. “George was born anytime between 1890 and 1901, and that’s a pretty big span.”

Macy began interviewing older African Americans who had grown up with the story. “Some of them just thought it was a hoax,” Macy says. “Some of them thought it was true; some of them lived near George and Willie in their later years and were scared of them like a Boo Radley figure.”

Macy drove the elders around town, listening eagerly as they shared memories sparked by passing landmarks. “Trying to figure out what happened was a challenge,” Macy recalls, “but also trying to figure out what the lore meant to people in the community as well as the family was a whole other layer of meaning to the story.”

In Truevine, Macy has created a vivid portrait of two men whose lives were forever upended one earth-shattering day in 1899.

Their observations and insights soon led to another revelation. “I don’t think I knew how much the book would be about race when I started,” Macy says. “The circus is such a whiz-bang thing, you think most of the book will be about that. But to me, those really palpable, gritty, daily experiences that African Americans had during Jim Crow, those were the most powerful things. I felt like it was an honor that people would tell me these stories and trust me to get it right.”

In Truevine, Macy has created a vivid portrait of two men whose lives were forever upended one earth-shattering day in 1899. Sideshow exhibits for decades, they became excellent musicians, playing multiple instruments and singing.

The boys were told their mother was dead, but in truth, she never stopped looking for them. Harriett Muse finally tracked them down and brought them home in 1927, after a truly heart-stopping showdown. This illiterate maid stood up to eight policemen at the circus, as well as the Commonwealth’s attorney, who happened to be the founder of the local Ku Klux Klan. Then she had the gumption to sue the Greatest Show on Earth, claiming it owed the family $100,000 in damages and back pay.

“How did she do it?” Macy wonders. “How did she bring them home, not get arrested, not get hurt? She had no protection; there’s never any mention that her husband was with her. It was her alone.”

Despite Macy’s exhaustive research, many questions remain unanswered. At one point she commiserated with Canadian historian Jane Nicholas, who urged her to keep digging. If we only wrote the histories of the people who left detailed records, Nicholas told her, “we would only get to know about the really privileged people. You have to piece together your evidence with empathy and conjecture.”

Even now, months later, Macy remains moved by this wisdom. “That’s my favorite quote of the whole thing,” she says. “That’s the heart and soul of this book. Because George and Willie’s history wasn’t just erased, it was never written down to begin with.”

Now it finally is, ready for the world to read.

ALSO IN BOOKPAGE: Learn more about Beth Macy and Truevine in Alice Cary’s Behind the Interview post.

RELATED: Watch the CSPAN Book TV broadcast of Alice Cary's interview with Beth Macy at the 2016 Southern Festival of Books.


This article was originally published in the November 2016 issue of BookPage. Download the entire issue for the Kindle or Nook.

It took Beth Macy 25 years to unearth the Muse brothers’ sad saga, requiring painstaking research on multiple fronts to try to “untangle a century of whispers from truth.” The result is a deeply moving and endlessly compelling book, such an intricate tale that it’s worthy of not one but two subtitles—Truevine: Two Brothers, a Kidnapping, and a Mother’s Quest: A True Story of the Jim Crow South.
Interview by

Holly Tucker's City of Light, City of Poison: Murder, Magic, and the First Police Chief of Paris tells a story so outlandish, one would be forgiven for thinking the book was historical fiction. But this tale of Parisian witches and possibly murderous noblewomen really did happen, and it rocked the foundation of one of the most powerful monarchies the world has ever seen—the court of Louis XIV at Versailles.

The Affair of the Poisons was a panic and, depending on who you believe, crime wave that swept through the French aristocracy. A group of prominent and powerful noblewomen, including some former mistresses of the king, were accused of buying poisons to kill their husbands or female rivals for the king's affections. In order to do so, they would have had to make contact with the infamous women of the Parisian criminal underworld. Tucker, a professor of French, Italian and Biomedical Ethics at Vanderbilt University, answered our questions about her riveting account of the affair.

As a French professor, you no doubt had read about this scandal many times. What made you decide to write a book about it yourself?
The Affair of the Poisons has long fascinated me as a specialist of early French history. Yet the story seemed initially just too murky and, frankly, too dark to let myself get sucked into it. I decided instead to write Blood Work: A Tale of Medicine & Murder in the Scientific Revolution, which tells the story of the first blood transfusions and the murder of the first blood transfusion patient by poisoning. Although this poisoning was not directly related to the Affair of the Poisons, I realize now that I was using my last book as an entrée into my next book. By the time I was finished with Blood Work, I just knew that I had to face my fears and dive in. Poison, magic, Paris and Louis XIV—the story was too extraordinary, the characters were too fascinating and their crimes too stunning.

The Affair of the Poisons was a notoriously wide-reaching scandal and given the state of police work at the time, it is difficult to draw conclusions about the culpability of those involved. Nevertheless, are there any people who you think you can say with confidence were either innocent or guilty?
While we can’t determine with absolute precision everything about the events that took place in the 1670s and 1680s in Paris and in the Sun King’s palaces, there is plenty that we can know for sure. The first was that poison was everywhere, even in the Cathedral of Notre Dame, where poisoners often met their clients and made sales. Second, there is also no doubt that at least one of Louis XIV’s most cherished mistresses visited the midwife/poisoner/witch, Catherine Voisin, on multiple occasions to buy love potions and to request spells. (I won’t say which one. No spoilers!)

Holly Tucker and Madame Savelli at Fromagerie Savelli in Aix-en-Provence.

Now for what we can’t be so sure of. Louis’s mistress was also accused of other unspeakable crimes—including rituals involving child sacrifices. Personally, I want to believe they are untrue. However, there is too much testimony from people who claimed to witness these ceremonies first-hand to dismiss the accusations entirely. The accounts generally line up with one another and some are told by people who willingly incriminate themselves, despite knowing that they’ll be executed for it. It’s up to my readers to decide for themselves, based on the evidence we have, what they believe happened. I’m really eager to hear what they say.

Despite the involvement of several famous mistresses of Louis XIV and some legendary criminals, you were drawn to Paris Police Chief Nicolas de la Reynie and made him the central character of your book. What is it about Reynie that fascinates you so much? And were there any individuals you found yourself repelled by?
As soon as I discovered La Reynie’s personal notes in the archives, I knew that I had to anchor the book around him. He was a highly principled man of great character and dedication, but becomes ethically—and I’d say morally—challenged as the true depths of the Affair are revealed. How far is La Reynie willing to go to learn the truth?

How long did the research process take for this book? Was there a source that was particularly helpful?
The book took four years to research. It would have been impossible without Les Archives de la Bastille, now housed at the Arsenal Library in Paris. After La Reynie’s death, all police and prisoner records were stored in rooms just off the interior courtyard of the Bastille. By 1775, the archive had outgrown the available space, and records began to clutter the public areas of the prison. Plans were underway to enclose the courtyard to create a large library, but the French Revolution got in the way. Hubert-Pascal Ameilhon, a prominent librarian and bibliophile, went to survey the damage once the violence died down. Fortunately, all the records before 1775 remained intact. He transferred them to the basement of a nearby church, where they stayed until finally finding their home at the Arsenal. Without this massive collection of manuscripts, City of Light, City of Poison would have been impossible to write. In fact, we probably wouldn’t know much about the Affair of the Poisons at all.

What most shocked you in your research into this scandal?
Where to begin! I think, like La Reynie, I was stunned at just how deep poisoning went in French society at the time. There were even stories and songs circulating about “inheritance powders” and “Saint-Denis soup,” which references the area of Paris where many poisoners worked. And again, like La Reynie, it also surprised me just how much commerce there was between Paris’s most notorious criminals and the nobility of Louis XIV’s court. That, and of course, the wild concoctions that poisoners cooked up. One type of poison alone had over 20 ingredients!

If you could travel back in time to one event or conversation to do with the Affair of the Poisons, which one would you choose to witness?
I wouldn’t be able to simply witness it. I’d want to help La Reynie out! In the fall of 1678, a noblewoman delivered a mysterious letter to a priest at the Eglise Saint-Paul, which still stands in the Marais neighborhood of Paris. The letter contained a reference to a “powder” intended for the king. The woman, whose identity will remain forever unknown, claimed she found it on the ground in one of the city’s premier shopping areas. She fled before the priest could ask her any more questions. If I could travel back in time, I would wait for her in one of the church pews and stop her from leaving so I could question her. La Reynie and I have some strong suspicions about who wrote that letter, and I think she might be able to help confirm it. Or at least, she might be able to lead us to someone who can.

You live in Nashville and Aix-en-Provence. What do you like best about living in France?
I love being part of the community there. Over time, I’ve gotten to develop a tight network of friends and to become friendly with many of the shopkeepers and market vendors. Aix is large enough for there to always be something interesting going on, but small enough where it’s not at all unusual to run into a friend and spontaneously grab a coffee at one of the many nearby cafés. It feels like everyone in my adopted town knows that I’m a writer and always asks about what I’m working on. It was so much fun to show off the cover of City of Light, City of Poison to Madame Savelli, owner of Fromagerie Savelli). We’ve known each other for 15 years now and I’m as fond of her as I am of all the cheese she sells—maybe even more. If you ever go to Aix, be sure to say hello for me!

Are there any other stories from history that you want to investigate?
I am working on a proposal for the next book as we speak, but have to keep topic under wraps for now!

Holly Tucker's City of Light, City of Poison: Murder, Magic, and the First Police Chief of Paris tells a story so outlandish, one would be forgiven for thinking the book was historical fiction. But this tale of Parisian witches and possibly murderous noblewomen really did happen, and it rocked the foundation of one of the most powerful monarchies the world has ever seen—the court of Louis XIV at Versailles.

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Charleston, South Carolina, played a central role in the state’s headlong rush toward secession in December 1860, an act that led to the outbreak of the Civil War four months later. Journalist Paul Starobin explores the "mania" for war that gripped the city in Madness Rules the Hour, a lively and informative look at the political leaders, preachers and propagandists who inflamed Charleston in 1860—with dire consequences for the Union.

A former Moscow bureau chief for Business Week, Starobin has been a contributor to The Atlantic, the New Republic, the Wall Street Journal and other publications. We asked him to tell us more about Charleston's pivotal role in the lead-up to war and the parallels between the pre-Civil War era and our current political climate of polarization.

What drew you to the subject of Charleston and the lead-up to the Civil War?
I have always been fascinated by the Civil War. When I lived in the Washington, D.C. area, I made walking tours of battlefields like Gettysburg and Antietam. So much has been written about the battles—I found myself drawn to the time before the shooting started. It started, of course, at Fort Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, and as I began to dig deeper, I came to realize that Charleston, the people who lived there, played a crucial role in launching the war. How did that happen? I felt driven to answer that question.

Why did Charleston have such an influential position in the South at that time?
Charleston had long played a dominant role in the slave trade and was more belligerent on the matter of protecting slavery than was any other city in the South. So radicals on secession, all over the South, were drawn to Charleston as a kind of lodestar on secession. The city personified the Old South—more so than Richmond or New Orleans, on a par with Savannah. Charleston also seemed to have a naturally immoderate personality—it tended towards extremes in its politics, in its revelries, in its opinion of itself. There seemed to be no middle ground in Charleston.

"I did find some people who feared the confrontation—but not as many as I expected. Charleston was on a bender."

Shed some light on your research process. Where did you start and what were your most rewarding sources?
I fairly quickly came to the conclusion that the best way to do the book would be in the form of a concentrated, granular narrative—so a reader could feel the pace, the urgency of the moment, as it was felt in Charleston at the time. I established a timeline for the year 1860 and by the time I was done with my research I had entries for just about every day and a file nearly 500 pages long. I needed to feel the year myself—the sights, sounds, smells, rhythms, all of it. Raw materials were crucial—I think to write history, you need also to feel your characters, to try to put yourself in their shoes, as hard as that can be for the more noxious characters. I put their portraits on my wall. Also maps, images of Charleston, pungent quotes, went on the wall. My best sources were in the archives of South Carolina's wonderful libraries—mainly in Charleston but also in Columbia, the state capital. They are a treasure trove of letters and diaries. And through the Google news archive, I was able to read on my home office desktop computer a full year's worth of The Charleston Mercury newspaper—an essential source for the book. I often began my day by reading a few days' worth of The Mercury. In my mind, at least, I was inhabiting a different time and place. Which was sometimes a welcome refuge from the present day.

What was the most surprising piece of information you unearthed while researching this book?
How joyful the secession cause was for so many ordinary citizens—the mechanics, the shopkeepers, the firemen, the ladies of all ages. It was like a party—the men marched through the streets singing martial songs and they drank innumerable toasts to the coming liberation of the South, the ladies wrote gushing poems to the bravery of their lads and stitched 'secession bonnets' and flags. White Charleston was so eager for a confrontation with the North, that when Lincoln's election was announced, in November, 1860, folks ran about the streets shouting, 'Hurra for Lincoln!' I did find some people who feared the confrontation—but not as many as I expected. Charleston was on a bender.

You catalog many forces that supported the rush to war. Is there one person or entity that deserves the most blame for leading the city of Charleston down this path?
It was a joint effort by a group of radical secessionists—really a collective more than any one person. In this group was a newspaper propagandist and his son, a gentleman merchant, a planter, and a federal judge. They are all to blame. So were the pastors who preached the gospel of secession from the pulpit. And more broadly, the white community of Charleston, which was overwhelmingly for secession—the community is also to blame. It somehow lost its capacity to think clearly.

Why were the citizens of Charleston so receptive to the calls for secession?
White Charleston experienced a crisis of fear and also what might be called a crisis of false hope. Fear in the sense that they believed, as they were told by the propaganda merchants, that their world was about to collapse with the election of Lincoln, the 'abolitionist' Republican, as President. So they had to break away from the Union. Immediately. False hope in the sense that they believed the fable that secession could be peaceful—because the cowardly Yankees would back away from a fight—and would lead to prosperity and security with the South taking its proud place as an independent nation of the world. I suppose they wanted to believe that very badly, so they did.

You write about many key figures in Charleston and in the Civil War. If you could sit down to dinner with one of the people in your book, who would it be?
I love this question! The answer is James Louis Petigru, a lawyer and town Elder—really a kind of social institution in Charleston. He was on the right side of the issue—he believed secession was utter folly, and told all of Charleston that, over and over—and he came up with with wonderfully barbed quips, like "South Carolina is too small for a Republic, but too large for an insane asylum." A man of immense charm, wit and vision. Ideal dinner companion.

What parallels do you see between our current political climate and the atmosphere in Charleston before the war?
Our current time, sadly, also is one of intense partisanship and polarization and venomous rhetoric. There is a lot of propaganda, on social media, on cable television—which was true of the highly partisan print press back then. Each side saying, thinking, the worst of each other. I don't think we are in a civil war at this point—we are obviously not in a shooting civil war. But are we on the threshold of such a moment? How would we know? I am keeping a running file called, New Civil War, to help me figure matters out.

As you describe in the final chapter of your book, Charleston was utterly devastated by the war—shelled daily by Union forces for 587 days and left in ruins. Did the people who pushed the city toward supporting secession pay a personal price for their actions?
Some of them did. The gentleman merchant, Robert Newman Gourdin, who organized a secret group to take the South out of the Union—he lost everything in the war and by life's end didn't even have the money to pay the laundress. The federal judge who tore off his robe and demanded 'secession now' after Lincoln's election—he was arrested by Union forces and thrown into jail. The editor of the pro-secession Mercury, Robert Barnwell Rhett Jr.—his newspaper collapsed. The planter-propagandist, John Ferrars Townsend—his magnificent mansion burned to the ground and at the war's end he was living in a shed.

What lessons can we take today from what happened in Charleston in 1860?
There is a popular saying that the crowd can be wise—in this case, the crowd was mad. Reason took flight and existed in only a few sturdy individuals, who were not vulnerable to the wild passion of the masses. People must learn to think for themselves—to sift and sort what the media and politicians and pastors are saying and take nothing at face value. If you are in a media bubble, listening to all the same sources, pop it and find some contrary ones. Do your own homework, don't just go with the flow. To be a responsible citizen is not to be a sheep!

Paul Starobin’s Madness Rules the Hour is a lively and informative look at the political leaders, preachers and propagandists who inflamed Charleston with war fever in 1860.
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Stephan Talty’s book The Black Hand focuses on Joseph Petrosino, the first Italian police detective sergeant in the U.S, and his obsession with bringing down a deadly secret society of Italian criminals—the Black Hand. With his "Italian Squad" of NYPD cops, Petrosino fought back against the society and their ruthless tactics of extortion, black mail and bombings that exacerbated already tense relations between native-born Americans and Italian immigrants. 

Talty, whose parents immigrated from County Clare, Ireland, is the author of five nonfiction books, and the co-author of A Captain’s Duty with Captain Richard Phillips, a book that was later made into a movie starring Tom Hanks. We contacted Talty at his home in New York to ask him a few questions about the fascinating detective, the echoes of Italian immigrants’ plight in today’s society and more.

You’ve written on a wide variety of historical subjects, from the Dalai Lama to the pirate Captain Henry Morgan. What brought you to Joseph Petrosino and the Black Hand secret society?
I’m drawn to people who achieve things against long odds, often when going up against an entrenched system. For Captain Morgan, it was the Spanish empire. For Petrosino, it was the Black Hand. The fact that my parents were both emigrants (from Ireland) probably played a part, as well. Immigrant stories feel personal to me.

From death threats to social rejection, Petrosino’s life was made incredibly difficult by his position on the police force and his dogged pursuit of the Black Hand. What do you think drove him to go to such lengths in his attempts to bring down the Black Hand?
Petrosino was like many immigrants who came from societies where governance was awful. He fell in love with America; he saw the government and civic life here as a gift. But he knew the number one obstacle to that goal was the American view that Italians were prone to crime. And the Black Hand advertised that in this extraordinarily vivid way. So it wasn’t only the individual murders and acts of extortion that he was fighting against—it was the image of the Italian American as a person who lived outside the law. Petrosino despised that image, and he thought by finishing off the Black Hand, he would be able to show Americans what Italians were truly like. So for him it was a war for the Italian-American soul.

The terror of the Black Hand fed into a deep fear of immigrants in America. Because of the Black Hand’s criminal activity, many people believed that all Italian immigrants were violent. Do you see any parallels between this 20th-century panic and the state of America’s view on immigration today?
I do. There are several patterns that you see again and again in how America sees immigrants. There’s often a belief that the new citizens still hold on to loyalties to foreign entities. With the Irish, it was the Pope. John F. Kennedy had to address this in his presidential campaign. For Italians in the early 1900s, it was secret societies, or what one journalist called the “alta Mafia,” the high Mafia. Some Americans really believed that a criminal mastermind in Naples would snap his fingers and his underlings in the U.S. would leap into action. The same thing is happening with Muslims—many people doubt their loyalty to the country and think that when push comes to shove, faith will trump patriotism. But that’s been proved wrong time and time again.

Petrosino was brilliant—a skilled detective, a master of disguise, a delightful dinner companion, an incorruptible cop and a patriot with a true desire to see justice done. With all these gifts, what do you think his greatest flaw was?
That’s a great question. He had small flaws that cut down on his effectiveness. He found it hard to trust people at first, in part, I think, because of the abuse he’d suffered as one of the few Italians in the largely Irish NYPD. He didn’t understand that other people found it difficult to be as physically brave as he was; he grew so angry at Black Hand victims who refused to testify that it’s a miracle he didn’t have a heart attack at some point in his career. But what hurt him the most was overconfidence at the end—he’d survived so many threats in New York that I think he went to Italy overestimating how untouchable he was.

Sensationalist tabloids helped spread the terror of the Black Hand. Do you see similar events unfolding in the press today?
I do. What’s interesting about that is that so many Americans at the time saw the Black Hand as a “medieval” organization. But really they were thoroughly modern: The Industrial Revolution brought the Italians to America, the modern press and the competition between dailies in New York acted as an advertising agency for the Black Hand, and their structure resembled a modern franchise system. Their success wouldn’t have been possible without modernity. I do think that the similarities with what’s happening today show that some features in human beings change very little over time: our fear of outsiders, our mistrust of the world beyond the Atlantic and Pacific.

While ruthless and brutal, the Blank Hand was undeniably effective and far-reaching, employing many clever tactics from coast to coast and even overseas. What do you think their greatest strength was?
When you look at statistics from that era, Italians committed fewer crimes per capita than many other ethnic groups. But it was the brilliance—you could almost say the theatricality of the crimes—that made them stand out. There was an elaborate process to a Black Hand job: the precise tone of the letters, the offers of help from family “friends” (who were often associates of the Black Hand gang), the psychology that allows the victim to be drained of his last cent. There’s just a sophistication to their methods that no other ethnic group could match. Many Italian Americans resent this association with crime that seems to follow them around generation after generation. And they’re right. But you almost have to admire the audacity and the cunning that went into being a Black Hander.

The majority of the NYPD loathed Petrosino’s Italian Squad. Why do you think they were so hostile toward such a successful unit of hardworking detectives?
Mostly, because they were Italian in a time when the NYPD was practically an Irish guild. Irish cops gave their 8-year-old sons little nightsticks to get them ready for the job. The NYPD was seen as a birthright, something the Irish had earned in full. So the fact that Petrosino and his band of Sicilians were digging out this foothold in the department—and performing brilliantly!—did not go down well. The Irish felt that Manhattan was their promised land, but so did many Italians.

So many Italian immigrants came to America hoping for a better life, only to be met with poverty and hatred. Some turned to the Black Hand society and crime. Do you think that if the reception of Italians in America had been different, the Black Hand would have gained power?
I do think that a great deal of the Black Hand’s power came from Italian culture and history. In the small towns of Southern Italy, the policeman and the government were enemies. It’s hard to shed that attitude in a matter of months. But what they found in America helped the criminals too, because Americans didn’t understand Italian crime and didn’t sympathize with Italian victims. That great line from The Godfather comes to mind: “They’re animals anyway, so let them lose their souls.” That’s often how Americans thought.

Petrosino is an engaging character, from his love of opera to his incredible and varied skills as a detective. What fact about him do you find most interesting or surprising?
He was unique. His memory was nothing short of astonishing. Then there are little flashes of humor to his personality—there are even reports that Petrosino, this hard-edged legend, would do imitations at parties after a few glasses of wine. But what I found the most remarkable thing was that he could even function under the pressure he was under. It’s one thing to be an Eliot Ness and to go after crime organizations with the full backing of your government, your people and your conscience. That’s difficult enough. But to wake up every morning knowing that there were hundreds of the men in the city who wanted to kill you, that genuinely saw you as a kind of Antichrist, and that thousands of your fellow countrymen considered you a sellout, and then to get almost no help from the FBI and the political leaders of the country you’d given up everything for, I just don’t know how he did it. How he carried on. That kind of spiritual toughness is special.

Did you talk to any intriguing sources while researching this book or discover any exciting firsthand material?
Petrosino’s granddaughter, Susan Burke, is still alive and I spoke with her. She actually remembered Petrosino’s wife, Adelina, and gave me these details of how scandalously independent Adelina was in the early 1900s. It was so much fun to talk to someone for whom this is family history.

The film rights to your book have been optioned by Paramount and the movie is set to star Leonardo DiCaprio. Have you been involved in the process of turning the book into a movie so far?
We’re still in the very early stages, so not really. I’d love to help. The clothes, the street scenes, the political atmosphere in the country at the time: you only have one shot to get those things right. I think it’s one of the great American immigrant stories, and it’s important to make it work.

(Author photo by Nathacha Vilceus.)

We talk to Stephan Talty about his new book about a diabolical gang of criminals and the detective determined to take them down, The Black Hand.
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“Less than one hundred years ago,” The Quest for Z opens, “maps of the world still included large ‘blank spots.’ ” If anyone is going to draw young readers into the story of Percy Fawcett’s early 20th-century explorations of these blank spots—an obsession that ultimately led to his disappearance—I’m glad it’s Greg Pizzoli. Here Pizzoli discusses his book’s unusual and welcome portrayal of failure.

As I understand it, this is the first book for children about Fawcett’s story. Did that make you feel pressured to get it just right?
Of course! I always feel pressure to get every book “just right.” But Fawcett was such a unique and often bizarre character that it took a lot of work to get the story to be just right for a picture book.

You write in the author’s note that, while working on this book, you’d often felt like you’d “lost your way.” Was it because Fawcett, as you also noted, wasn’t a “typical hero”?
I think what I meant was that it was tough to pace a book that wasn’t going to have a happy ending. It’s fascinating to know that Fawcett was correct about large cities in the Amazon, but it’s hard to polish the fact that he never returned home with a discovery. But I think it’s valuable to children (and everyone!) to read about failure, and to read more about figures in history that devoted their lives to something, worked toward a single achievement and failed in the end.

Plus, Fawcett was pretty bizarre figure with a lot of interesting and strange quirks, and I had to find a balance in what I wanted to include because I only had 48 pages to tell his story.

In what ways did your trip to Central America inform this story, beyond it giving you a jolt of inspiration to finish the story?
Seeing the pyramids and forests in Central America were influential, but I think the real bursts of inspiration came from visiting the Royal Geographical Society in London and holding some of Fawcett’s original journals and letters, and also visiting Angkor Wat in Cambodia. The way I imagined the city of Z is largely based on photos and drawings I made while in Angkor Wat.

What was the most challenging part of telling Fawcett’s story?
I hinted at it before, but the hardest part was cutting out all the really good stuff I just didn’t have space to include. Luckily I was able to include a “selected sources” page, so anyone interested can find some of the books and websites I referenced and get more information.

I love your illustrations of the anaconda, particularly the one where it’s shaped like a “Z.” Did that immediately come to you?
It did actually. I knew from the beginning that I wanted to create a theme with the pictures of hiding Zs wherever I felt it could be subtle enough to not detract from the story. There’s more than one.

What’s one thing it would make you really happy to hear that child readers have taken away from this story?
I’ve read this book with kids a few times already, and I love talking with them about the mystery of what happened to Fawcett and what Z might have been like. The thing that I like about it is that the book asks a question, it gives them something to talk about, and I’ve already been witness to a few disagreements over Fawcett’s fate! It’s so great.

It sounds like it’s been a long and winding road, working on this book. What was the most rewarding thing about it?
I’m not sure—I think that is still yet to come. Since it’s just coming out now, I haven’t done a ton of school visits with classes that have read it yet. I have really enjoyed talking with kids about Tricky Vic over the last couple of years, so I think the upcoming school year will be very fun. In terms of the art making, I think it’s my best work (except for what I’m working on right now).

What’s next for you?
I’m working on several projects—publishing next is The Twelve Days of Christmas with Disney-Hyperion, and next year Hi, Jack!, the early reader series Mac Barnett and I are working on, will start coming out. And a new nonfiction book coming in 2019! But I have to finish that one yet. . . .


ALSO IN BOOKPAGE: Read our review of The Quest for Z.

Julie Danielson features authors and illustrators at Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast, a children’s literature blog.

“Less than one hundred years ago,” The Quest for Z opens, “maps of the world still included large ‘blank spots.’” If anyone is going to draw young readers into the story of Percy Fawcett’s early 20th-century explorations of these blank spots—an obsession that ultimately led to his disappearance—I’m glad it’s Greg Pizzoli. Here Pizzoli discusses his book’s unusual and welcome portrayal of failure.

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