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Fat chance: help for healthy living If you’re struggling to keep up in our fast-paced world, author Stu Mittleman offers this sage advice: “Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and you must prepare accordingly.” In Slow Burn: The Power of Excessive Moderation, Mittleman shares the secrets of endurance that enabled him to set eight long-distance records, including a world record for a 1,000-mile run. A member of Anthony Robbins’s elite coaching team since 1992, Mittleman energetically motivates and teaches the principles of endurance and energy. His positive can-do enthusiasm is infectious and his exercise tips, valuable. “Suppose you could sleep less yet feel even more rested and alive what would you do with the extra hours that suddenly appear in your day?” Anyone who has incorporated a regular fitness program into a busy lifestyle can attest to sustained energy levels. According to Mittleman, movement is the key: “What your body wants and craves is movement. Movement unleashes your body’s energy potential.” In Slow Burn, Mittleman shows how to achieve your goals by breaking them down into smaller ones. He offers strategies for daily aerobic movement that tap into fat stores and allow weight loss. His nutrition strategies power you up to eat for long-term endurance and life-time vitality. Mittleman’s three-part program (Think, Train, Eat) is a formula for success that anyone can use.

Pat Regel race-walks in Nashville.

Fat chance: help for healthy living If you’re struggling to keep up in our fast-paced world, author Stu Mittleman offers this sage advice: “Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and you must prepare accordingly.” In Slow Burn: The Power of Excessive Moderation, Mittleman shares the secrets of endurance that enabled him to set eight […]
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Fat chance: help for healthy living Miriam Austin’s excellent step-by-step book, Yoga For Wimps: Poses For The Flexibly Impaired eases you into healthy living by introducing a yoga program that you can do for life. If you want to learn yoga, but think the movements are too difficult to execute, Austin’s book solves the problem. By using such props as a chair, rolled face cloths, books, and an old belt, bending and stretching is much easier even for the flexibly impaired. Each series of yoga movements (poses) is demonstrated in large, color photos and accompanied by easy-to-follow instructions. Because many of the movements in her book are preliminary poses, Austin believes that “regular practice of these poses will prepare our bodies for doing the traditional, more difficult poses” later on. Yoga is an excellent body conditioner, and its affects can be seen and felt in gradual weight loss, improved strength and breathing, sounder sleep, and flexible limbs. Yoga For Wimps is especially recommended for those who haven’t exercised in years.

Pat Regel race-walks in Nashville.

Fat chance: help for healthy living Miriam Austin’s excellent step-by-step book, Yoga For Wimps: Poses For The Flexibly Impaired eases you into healthy living by introducing a yoga program that you can do for life. If you want to learn yoga, but think the movements are too difficult to execute, Austin’s book solves the problem. […]
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Fat chance: help for healthy living “Focus on permanent, not temporary changes” is the recommendation of Jeffery and Norean Wilbert. “Remember the rule of thumb: Don’t do anything on a diet you’re not willing to do the rest of your life.” This common sense advice appears in their new book, Fattitudes: Beat Self-Defeat and Win Your War with Weight. The Wilberts believe that all too often, those who want to lose weight are their own worst enemy: “Recognize that the universal obstacle to healthy weight management is self-defeating behavior.” Their remedy is to learn to recognize and change your fattitude, which they define as a “thought or pattern of thinking that leads to self-defeating behavior in weight management efforts.” You may not even be aware that you have a fattitude. According to the Wilberts, an adjustment is probably in order if you’re unable to stay on a healthy eating track, if you sabotage your own weight loss success, or if your exercise habits last only a few weeks. In Fattitudes, the Wilberts tackle the complexities of emotional eating, warn you about how certain relationships can set you up for failure, and show you how to establish emotional freedom from the fattitudes that have been at work in your life for a long time. This book will help you find out a lot about yourself and your love/hate relationship with food.

Pat Regel race-walks in Nashville.

Fat chance: help for healthy living “Focus on permanent, not temporary changes” is the recommendation of Jeffery and Norean Wilbert. “Remember the rule of thumb: Don’t do anything on a diet you’re not willing to do the rest of your life.” This common sense advice appears in their new book, Fattitudes: Beat Self-Defeat and Win […]
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Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne’s first book was a revelation for knitters regardless of their skill and experience level. Beginning knitters found courage and support in the authors’ humor and encouragement to experiment. Experienced knitters loved the "back to basics" approach, one that freed them from patterns and encouraged them to make seemingly simple approaches their own.

With Mason-Dixon Knitting Outside the Lines, popular bloggers Gardiner and Shayne offer readers more of their conversational style and unconventional approach while also pushing knitters to explore shapes beyond the rectangle that formed the basis of so much of their first volume. Here knitters will find patterns for cardigans, stoles, pullovers and kids’ clothing, as well as creative, tasteful housewares: throws, Christmas decorations, table runners and more. Several of these items are designed by others, many of whom (like the authors) have gained fame in the online knitting community.

Throughout, Gardiner and Shayne preserve their emphasis on education (by providing a clinic on cables in the guise of a sock pattern, for example) and on encouraging individuality (by providing several examples of knitted coats, at least one of which is sure to match any reader’s personal style). They provide one of the best introductions I’ve seen on Fair Isle knitting—complete with decidedly untraditional, even modern patterns utilizing this traditional technique, much as they did with log cabin techniques in the previous volume.

And, of course, the authors weave all these patterns, tidbits and lessons together with the trademark blend of irreverent humor and practicality that has drawn so many people to their blog, with sections like: "Oh Crap! I’ve Overfelted the Bag! Should I Consider Suicide?" and "How to Overcome Gravity and Look Great, Too!" Once again, this dynamic Mason-Dixon knitting duo will appeal to knitters of all stripes – and Fair Isle, too.


Kay Gardiner and Ann Shayne’s first book was a revelation for knitters regardless of their skill and experience level. Beginning knitters found courage and support in the authors’ humor and encouragement to experiment. Experienced knitters loved the "back to basics" approach, one that freed them from patterns and encouraged them to make seemingly simple approaches […]
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Get used to it. For the next 20 years, books on anti-aging will come out regularly. Active boomers may be getting older, but they’ve never just sat around allowing gravity and the years to take their toll. The Boomer Generation was built on youth, beauty, and activity. Sure, they’ll go, but they’ll go kicking and screaming and keeping a sharp lookout along the way for anything that’ll keep them on their surfboards just a little bit longer.

Before long you may take a good hard look in the mirror and decide to start searching for ways to turn back the clock, or at least slow it down. One of the first books you should read is Gary Null’s Ultimate Anti-Aging Program. His recent appearance in the PBS special How to Live Forever was enough to convince many that they can look and feel younger no matter what age they are. Gary Null’s Ultimate Anti-Aging Program will show you how to reverse or eliminate menopause, stop wrinkles and gray hair, keep eyesight sharp, improve sexual performance, end fatigue, keep mentally alert, and improve memory. But it does much more. Null begins by showing you how to assess where you are now and how to begin the program. Then he explains the importance of detoxifying your body of the poisons that accumulate and cause it to age. Fortifying your immune system is next, but fortifying it naturally through nutrition and diet is key. You’ll pick up useful information about building fat-burning muscle and strengthening your bones, and how to use the mind-body connection to conquer stress, banish depression, and lift your spirits. When you’re well into the program, Null continues to guide you with down-to-earth meal planning and gives advice about making choices that will help you stay lean and supple. Appendices contain a helpful section on Specific Applications of Vitamins, Nutrients, and Herbs, and the bibliography offers additional selected reading.

Gary Null, Ph.

D., has authored over 50 books on health, nutrition, and healing, and is recognized for his documentary films and his nationally syndicated radio program Natural Living with Gary Null.

Pat Regel is a reviewer in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee.

Get used to it. For the next 20 years, books on anti-aging will come out regularly. Active boomers may be getting older, but they’ve never just sat around allowing gravity and the years to take their toll. The Boomer Generation was built on youth, beauty, and activity. Sure, they’ll go, but they’ll go kicking and […]
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Getting the facts on fat It has taken a long time. Yes, there are still a few misguided souls who are persuaded that the Twiggy look of the ’60s is absolutely in, but we’re all wising up. What nutritionists and fitness gurus have been trying to tell us for decades is beginning to sink in: Weight loss can only be achieved by a sensible reduction in calories and a combination of aerobic and strength training exercises. Whether you’re a veteran who’s fought many battles of the bulge, or whether you’ve never had a weight problem until now, two books will help you understand our national obsession with weight control. You may not be surprised to learn that one American in four is obese, but you may not know the reasons why or what to do about it. Shawna Vogel’s The Skinny on Fat: Our Obsession with Weight Control (W.

H. Freeman, $22.95, 071673091X) zeros in on how fat loss really works, what research reveals about how we gain weight, and what we can do to achieve our ideal weight. Freeman begins with a history of our national fixation on diets and follows the craze down to present-day research. Then she reveals the latest on how diet and exercise affect the mind and body, how to get fat off the healthy way, how to be a successful loser, and how to think beyond dieting.

The most frustrating thing about weight gain for those who have their fingers on the pulse of the nation is that the United States is heading toward 100 percent obesity by the year 2230. But we aren’t alone. The rates are also rising in other parts of the world and at the same rapid clip. Vogel’s book isn’t just for fat people. Sooner or later everyone is affected by fat and by a marketplace waiting to cash in on our collective tonnage. From no-fat, low-calorie, low-sugar, low-salt foods to slimming fashions and exercise equipment, This book and the research in it . . . are about health and weight regulation in all people. In Michelle Joy Levine’s I Wish I Were Thin, I Wish I Were Fat: The Real Reasons We Overeat and What We Can Do About It, you’ll discover the answers to the questions that have always bothered you about your weight: Why do I fail at diets? Why do I gain my weight back? Why do I binge? Why can’t I get thin? Levine has helped many break the destructive diet/binge cycle through an awareness of the factors at work in uncontrollable hunger. She discusses the most common unconscious culprits behind overeating and how to recognize them. She also presents practical strategies for separating eating from emotions and, as a bonus, includes calorie-free ideas for soothing the spirit and pampering the body. And yes, she talks about the two things that all weight control programs talk about because they work: the need to eat less and exercise.

Levine’s message is empowering. It is possible to achieve lasting weight loss, but she warns that staying thin is a lifestyle . . . You must make a habit of exercise and self-denial. Pat Regel writes, runs, and lifts weights in Nashville.

Getting the facts on fat It has taken a long time. Yes, there are still a few misguided souls who are persuaded that the Twiggy look of the ’60s is absolutely in, but we’re all wising up. What nutritionists and fitness gurus have been trying to tell us for decades is beginning to sink in: […]
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Getting the facts on fat It has taken a long time. Yes, there are still a few misguided souls who are persuaded that the Twiggy look of the ’60s is absolutely in, but we’re all wising up. What nutritionists and fitness gurus have been trying to tell us for decades is beginning to sink in: Weight loss can only be achieved by a sensible reduction in calories and a combination of aerobic and strength training exercises. Whether you’re a veteran who’s fought many battles of the bulge, or whether you’ve never had a weight problem until now, two books will help you understand our national obsession with weight control. You may not be surprised to learn that one American in four is obese, but you may not know the reasons why or what to do about it. Shawna Vogel’s The Skinny on Fat: Our Obsession with Weight Control zeros in on how fat loss really works, what research reveals about how we gain weight, and what we can do to achieve our ideal weight. Freeman begins with a history of our national fixation on diets and follows the craze down to present-day research. Then she reveals the latest on how diet and exercise affect the mind and body, how to get fat off the healthy way, how to be a successful loser, and how to think beyond dieting.

The most frustrating thing about weight gain for those who have their fingers on the pulse of the nation is that the United States is heading toward 100 percent obesity by the year 2230. But we aren’t alone. The rates are also rising in other parts of the world and at the same rapid clip. Vogel’s book isn’t just for fat people. Sooner or later everyone is affected by fat and by a marketplace waiting to cash in on our collective tonnage. From no-fat, low-calorie, low-sugar, low-salt foods to slimming fashions and exercise equipment, This book and the research in it . . . are about health and weight regulation in all people. In Michelle Joy Levine’s I Wish I Were Thin, I Wish I Were Fat: The Real Reasons We Overeat and What We Can Do About It (Simon ∧ Schuster, $23.95, 0965668649), you’ll discover the answers to the questions that have always bothered you about your weight: Why do I fail at diets? Why do I gain my weight back? Why do I binge? Why can’t I get thin? Levine has helped many break the destructive diet/binge cycle through an awareness of the factors at work in uncontrollable hunger. She discusses the most common unconscious culprits behind overeating and how to recognize them. She also presents practical strategies for separating eating from emotions and, as a bonus, includes calorie-free ideas for soothing the spirit and pampering the body. And yes, she talks about the two things that all weight control programs talk about because they work: the need to eat less and exercise.

Levine’s message is empowering. It is possible to achieve lasting weight loss, but she warns that staying thin is a lifestyle . . . You must make a habit of exercise and self-denial. Pat Regel writes, runs, and lifts weights in Nashville.

Getting the facts on fat It has taken a long time. Yes, there are still a few misguided souls who are persuaded that the Twiggy look of the ’60s is absolutely in, but we’re all wising up. What nutritionists and fitness gurus have been trying to tell us for decades is beginning to sink in: […]
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Working out on the road By Pat Regel After the holidays, you had a serious talk with yourself and decided to take action. So far, you’ve dropped ten pounds, and your personal commitment to getting back in shape is starting to pay off. But, now you have a problem. How can you exercise while you’re traveling? You don’t have to check into a hotel that offers gym facilities just tuck one of these books into your luggage. Each is relatively small and describes in words and pictures exercises that you can do in your hotel room without any special equipment.

Karen Bressler’s compact Workout on the Go (Andrews McMeel, $10.95, 0836265319) is the smallest of the three books and even comes with a fitness band that you can use while doing the exercises. Anyone who has used a fitness band can attest to its effectiveness in toning and firming muscles. A band increases the intensity of your workout, and intensity makes the difference between a workout that yields results and one that doesn’t. Not wild about exercising with elastic? Bressler also includes upper and lower body exercises that use only the furniture in your hotel room. Fitness bands have been around for some 30 years and haven’t changed much. They’re still perfect for travelers because they weigh practically nothing, are easy to pack, and simple to use.

A Flat Stomach ASAP (Pocket Books, $16, 0671014080) by Ellington Darden explains not only how to tighten and shrink your stomach but also guarantees inch loss all over your body. Dr. Darden is a nationally renowned fitness expert with some 40 health and fitness books to his credit. His new step-by-step program details a method that helps you lose from 7 to 11 pounds of fat and 2 1/2 inches from your midsection in two weeks. His no-fad strategy is based on eating five mini-meals a day, superhydrating, and performing super-slow strength training exercises for 30 minutes a few days a week. His program is designed especially for busy people on the go who don’t have access to gym equipment. The book’s remarkable before-and-after pictures provide enough encouragement to keep you dedicated and pointed in the direction of your goal. If you need extra motivation to stick to an exercise/diet program, Patrick The Sarge Avon provides it. His book, Boot Camp: The Sergeant’s Fitness and Nutrition Program gives you more than just pep talks: . . . spare me your whining and hit the deck, soldier. Get the idea? The Sarge combines military-style humor with sound instruction in his three-week fitness and nutrition program that has worked for thousands of real-life civilians. This program consists of 15 workout sessions that take 45 minutes each. As Avon states, . . . health and fitness are about progression, not maintenance. If you only do as many repetitions as you can until you start to feel the exercise, you will not progress. You must push beyond that point. Get used to it now! Good advice. The idea that fitness is a journey, not a destination, becomes crystal clear. Take a lesson: If your only goal is to fit into a smaller dress or jeans, it’s a shortsighted goal that will not help you get fit. Sooner or later, anyone who stays in shape is struck by a simple truth: There will never be a time when you can stop exercising or monitoring calorie intake. These three books keep you on the road to good health that must be traveled daily no matter where you happen to be.

Pat Regel writes, gardens, and weightlifts in Nashville.

Working out on the road By Pat Regel After the holidays, you had a serious talk with yourself and decided to take action. So far, you’ve dropped ten pounds, and your personal commitment to getting back in shape is starting to pay off. But, now you have a problem. How can you exercise while you’re […]
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Working out on the road By Pat Regel After the holidays, you had a serious talk with yourself and decided to take action. So far, you’ve dropped ten pounds, and your personal commitment to getting back in shape is starting to pay off. But, now you have a problem. How can you exercise while you’re traveling? You don’t have to check into a hotel that offers gym facilities just tuck one of these books into your luggage. Each is relatively small and describes in words and pictures exercises that you can do in your hotel room without any special equipment.

Karen Bressler’s compact Workout on the Go (Andrews McMeel, $10.95, 0836265319) is the smallest of the three books and even comes with a fitness band that you can use while doing the exercises. Anyone who has used a fitness band can attest to its effectiveness in toning and firming muscles. A band increases the intensity of your workout, and intensity makes the difference between a workout that yields results and one that doesn’t. Not wild about exercising with elastic? Bressler also includes upper and lower body exercises that use only the furniture in your hotel room. Fitness bands have been around for some 30 years and haven’t changed much. They’re still perfect for travelers because they weigh practically nothing, are easy to pack, and simple to use.

A Flat Stomach ASAP by Ellington Darden explains not only how to tighten and shrink your stomach but also guarantees inch loss all over your body. Dr. Darden is a nationally renowned fitness expert with some 40 health and fitness books to his credit. His new step-by-step program details a method that helps you lose from 7 to 11 pounds of fat and 2 1/2 inches from your midsection in two weeks. His no-fad strategy is based on eating five mini-meals a day, superhydrating, and performing super-slow strength training exercises for 30 minutes a few days a week. His program is designed especially for busy people on the go who don’t have access to gym equipment. The book’s remarkable before-and-after pictures provide enough encouragement to keep you dedicated and pointed in the direction of your goal. If you need extra motivation to stick to an exercise/diet program, Patrick The Sarge Avon provides it. His book, Boot Camp: The Sergeant’s Fitness and Nutrition Program (Simon ∧ Schuster, $12, 0684848996) gives you more than just pep talks: . . . spare me your whining and hit the deck, soldier. Get the idea? The Sarge combines military-style humor with sound instruction in his three-week fitness and nutrition program that has worked for thousands of real-life civilians. This program consists of 15 workout sessions that take 45 minutes each. As Avon states, . . . health and fitness are about progression, not maintenance. If you only do as many repetitions as you can until you start to feel the exercise, you will not progress. You must push beyond that point. Get used to it now! Good advice. The idea that fitness is a journey, not a destination, becomes crystal clear. Take a lesson: If your only goal is to fit into a smaller dress or jeans, it’s a shortsighted goal that will not help you get fit. Sooner or later, anyone who stays in shape is struck by a simple truth: There will never be a time when you can stop exercising or monitoring calorie intake. These three books keep you on the road to good health that must be traveled daily no matter where you happen to be.

Pat Regel writes, gardens, and weightlifts in Nashville.

Working out on the road By Pat Regel After the holidays, you had a serious talk with yourself and decided to take action. So far, you’ve dropped ten pounds, and your personal commitment to getting back in shape is starting to pay off. But, now you have a problem. How can you exercise while you’re […]
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Working out on the road By Pat Regel After the holidays, you had a serious talk with yourself and decided to take action. So far, you’ve dropped ten pounds, and your personal commitment to getting back in shape is starting to pay off. But, now you have a problem. How can you exercise while you’re traveling? You don’t have to check into a hotel that offers gym facilities just tuck one of these books into your luggage. Each is relatively small and describes in words and pictures exercises that you can do in your hotel room without any special equipment.

Karen Bressler’s compact Workout on the Go is the smallest of the three books and even comes with a fitness band that you can use while doing the exercises. Anyone who has used a fitness band can attest to its effectiveness in toning and firming muscles. A band increases the intensity of your workout, and intensity makes the difference between a workout that yields results and one that doesn’t. Not wild about exercising with elastic? Bressler also includes upper and lower body exercises that use only the furniture in your hotel room. Fitness bands have been around for some 30 years and haven’t changed much. They’re still perfect for travelers because they weigh practically nothing, are easy to pack, and simple to use.

A Flat Stomach ASAP (Pocket Books, $16, 0671014080) by Ellington Darden explains not only how to tighten and shrink your stomach but also guarantees inch loss all over your body. Dr. Darden is a nationally renowned fitness expert with some 40 health and fitness books to his credit. His new step-by-step program details a method that helps you lose from 7 to 11 pounds of fat and 2 1/2 inches from your midsection in two weeks. His no-fad strategy is based on eating five mini-meals a day, superhydrating, and performing super-slow strength training exercises for 30 minutes a few days a week. His program is designed especially for busy people on the go who don’t have access to gym equipment. The book’s remarkable before-and-after pictures provide enough encouragement to keep you dedicated and pointed in the direction of your goal. If you need extra motivation to stick to an exercise/diet program, Patrick The Sarge Avon provides it. His book, Boot Camp: The Sergeant’s Fitness and Nutrition Program (Simon ∧ Schuster, $12, 0684848996) gives you more than just pep talks: . . . spare me your whining and hit the deck, soldier. Get the idea? The Sarge combines military-style humor with sound instruction in his three-week fitness and nutrition program that has worked for thousands of real-life civilians. This program consists of 15 workout sessions that take 45 minutes each. As Avon states, . . . health and fitness are about progression, not maintenance. If you only do as many repetitions as you can until you start to feel the exercise, you will not progress. You must push beyond that point. Get used to it now! Good advice. The idea that fitness is a journey, not a destination, becomes crystal clear. Take a lesson: If your only goal is to fit into a smaller dress or jeans, it’s a shortsighted goal that will not help you get fit. Sooner or later, anyone who stays in shape is struck by a simple truth: There will never be a time when you can stop exercising or monitoring calorie intake. These three books keep you on the road to good health that must be traveled daily no matter where you happen to be.

Pat Regel writes, gardens, and weightlifts in Nashville.

Working out on the road By Pat Regel After the holidays, you had a serious talk with yourself and decided to take action. So far, you’ve dropped ten pounds, and your personal commitment to getting back in shape is starting to pay off. But, now you have a problem. How can you exercise while you’re […]
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Of course, you may be perfectly happy with your weight and physical condition some people are. But, like most, you’re probably . . . well, fed-up with eating regimens, exercise, and extra inches that don’t seem to come off no matter what you do. If this is the case, Just the Weigh You Are shows you how to improve your nutrition without dieting and how to exercise moderately with positive results. Authors Steven Jonas and Linda Konner propose a foolproof, natural approach to living that won’t make you feel deprived; the personal life histories of their everyday clients will sound all too familiar. This book teaches you how to accept yourself now, not 50 pounds later.

Of course, you may be perfectly happy with your weight and physical condition some people are. But, like most, you’re probably . . . well, fed-up with eating regimens, exercise, and extra inches that don’t seem to come off no matter what you do. If this is the case, Just the Weigh You Are shows […]
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If he won’t stop and ask for directions, he probably won’t read this book but she will. When the Man You Love Won’t Take Care of His Health by Ken Goldberg is a helpful guide for women, who are more likely to be the caretakers in a relationship. Goldberg covers everything they need to know to help the men in their lives stay healthy, including the most common male health issues. He explains simple self-exams for the most common forms of male cancer, starting and maintaining an exercise program, male nutrition and weight loss, coping with prostate problems, stress, depression, impotence, STDs, and the biggest mystery of all why men don’t take care of themselves.

If he won’t stop and ask for directions, he probably won’t read this book but she will. When the Man You Love Won’t Take Care of His Health by Ken Goldberg is a helpful guide for women, who are more likely to be the caretakers in a relationship. Goldberg covers everything they need to know […]
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It probably won’t come as a surprise that the market for alternative medicine therapies has grown into a 14 billion dollar industry or that one-third of all Americans used such services last year. If you were one of those users, you’ll be interested in Energy Medicine by Donna Eden. Practitioners of T’ai Chi Ch’uan and other martial arts know the secrets of the body’s energy flow and how to control it, but now, Eden offers the everyday consumer a practical guide for managing these energies. For 22 years, she has studied the subtle energies that underlie the body’s health and shown how certain therapies work with the body as an energy system. Her case studies, recent supportive research, and program for personal self-care warrant a closer look.

It probably won’t come as a surprise that the market for alternative medicine therapies has grown into a 14 billion dollar industry or that one-third of all Americans used such services last year. If you were one of those users, you’ll be interested in Energy Medicine by Donna Eden. Practitioners of T’ai Chi Ch’uan and […]

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