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The Home Owner’s Manual is a straightforward guide to taking care of house and home. Sort of. Coming from an imprint whose name says it all, THOM is accordingly bizarrely technical in places and plain weird in others. You’ll learn, for example, that a door is a hinged or sliding component that allows occupants to pass through a wall. Hmm.

How seriously can you take a book printed in trendy shades of turquoise, hazard-warning orange and brown, with drawings reminiscent of airline safety cards? As it happens, the manual includes many helpful tips from author Dan Ramsey, a licensed contractor, and his Fix-it Club, such as checklists for buying, selling or undertaking any household repairs. Useful definitions are sprinkled throughout the book and collected in a glossary and those illustrations are a clever way to illustrate different dwelling styles. While THOM is not without humor, it underscores the very serious point that being a homeowner requires a lot of work.

The Home Owner’s Manual is a straightforward guide to taking care of house and home. Sort of. Coming from an imprint whose name says it all, THOM is accordingly bizarrely technical in places and plain weird in others. You’ll learn, for example, that a door is a hinged or sliding component that allows occupants to […]
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Those who want a more traditional reference guide to cleaning challenges will enjoy the perky advice and attractive design of Cleaning Plain and Simple. Donna Smallin, author of Organizing Plain and Simple, is an expert on the clean and organized life ( clean smarter not harder ), and her handbook is a sparkling example of how a well-ordered space can help you live better. Smallin recognizes that we all have different dirt tolerances and cleaning styles, so the book presents a detailed room-by-room cleaning crash course that allows quick bursts or deep cleaning sessions, always keeping in mind the hurried pace of modern lives. She helps readers maintain their living spaces first by de-cluttering, then eliminating dirt, mold, germs and dust from floor to ceiling. And she offers advice on how to properly clean everything from a toilet to a reptile’s cage. The book is neatly packed with plenty of interesting sidebars (did you know there are self-cleaning windows?), allergy information, safety tips and green recipes as well as chemical-based methods for getting a house in tip-top shape, making it the perfect spring shower present for both bride and groom.

Those who want a more traditional reference guide to cleaning challenges will enjoy the perky advice and attractive design of Cleaning Plain and Simple. Donna Smallin, author of Organizing Plain and Simple, is an expert on the clean and organized life ( clean smarter not harder ), and her handbook is a sparkling example of […]
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Ellen Sandbeck, an organic landscaper and worm farmer, raises consciousness while promoting simple, environmentally friendly and cheap solutions to every cleaning challenge in Organic Housekeeping: In Which the Nontoxic Avenger Shows You How to Improve Your Health and That of Your Family While You Save Time, Money and Perhaps Your Sanity, due out in May. Sandbeck, who lives with kids and pets yet never loses her dry sense of humor or passion for a healthfully clean house, has terrific ideas for housekeeping that minimizes the household’s negative impact on the environment. She proves a spirited and encyclopedic guide to the natural and nontoxic home, covering every element of the paper-not-plastic lifestyle, including domestic odor control and indoor air quality, de-cluttering, making laundry less odious (try rain- or snow-washing), and general cleaning and disinfecting (with a terrific and inexpensive nontoxic sanitizer made of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar). Sandbeck even discusses fire safety and caring for cars, the garden and pets with health and the environment in mind.

Readers who equate natural with still slightly dirty should know that Sandbeck a former housecleaner is fond of using a toothbrush to get at gunky nooks and crannies, and has perfected a system of damp cloths (washable, bleachable, landfill-friendly old cotton T-shirts) on a rubber mop head to sop up muddy footprints before they dry. This crunchy granola Martha Stewart also covers common green topics such as organic food, recycling, reducing consumption, and reusing everything from foil to plastic containers and old clothes. Her sensible, safe and more effective methods for clean, healthy living help both ordinary families and the world.

Ellen Sandbeck, an organic landscaper and worm farmer, raises consciousness while promoting simple, environmentally friendly and cheap solutions to every cleaning challenge in Organic Housekeeping: In Which the Nontoxic Avenger Shows You How to Improve Your Health and That of Your Family While You Save Time, Money and Perhaps Your Sanity, due out in May. […]
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<b>Murphy’s Law strikes the garden</b> What gardener doesn’t indulge in <i>schadenfreude</i> from the smug perch of an armchair in early spring, before their own epic mistakes come to roost in their exotics? <b>The $64 Tomato: How One Man Nearly Lost His Sanity, Spent a Fortune, and Endured an Existential Crisis in the Quest for a Perfect Garden</b> is a delicious ride through one man’s seriocomic horticultural adventure: to create the most impressive garden ever to set off his historic, rundown old heap of a house in New York’s Hudson Valley. And that man, William Alexander husband, father and director of technology by day meets his emotional and intellectual match while cultivating a few acres of fruits, vegetables, roses and cottage flowers. Encountering the jolly act of weeding more than 20 beds and trying to figure out how the sod mealworms got up the hill to his corn, his transformation to gentleman farmer well-versed in Murphy’s Law is presented in chapters including One Man’s Weed Is Jean-Georges’s Salad, Nature Abhors a Meadow (But Loves a Good Fire), Statuary Rape, and Whore in the Bedroom, Horticulturist in the Garden. As Alexander cans peaches, learns to garden with his wife ( like trying to grow mint and horseradish in the same bed ), fights Japanese beetles and works with a gardener who looks and acts suspiciously like the actor Christopher Walken, readers will relate to his basic philosophical dilemma: am I becoming my garden, or is my garden becoming me? Through follies and mistakes and temper tantrums and bad decisions that reveal more about personality and character than he’d like to admit (this committed environmentalist once soaked his vegetables in the pesticide diazinon in a fit over bugs), Alexander is eventually humbled and awed by Mother Nature’s final word, always delivered without anger or acrimony.

<b>Murphy’s Law strikes the garden</b> What gardener doesn’t indulge in <i>schadenfreude</i> from the smug perch of an armchair in early spring, before their own epic mistakes come to roost in their exotics? <b>The $64 Tomato: How One Man Nearly Lost His Sanity, Spent a Fortune, and Endured an Existential Crisis in the Quest for a […]
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Apparently, Prince Charles was right: talking to plants isn’t barmy. As it turns out, however, it’s not the words of encouragement that keep the primroses blooming, but the huff of breath while talking to and watering houseplants that helps those routine-lovers adjust to changing wind conditions around the house and garden. This and many other rich tidbits in The Complete Houseplant Survival Manual will convince hapless home gardeners that they can have the many benefits of indoor landscapes without committing horticultural homicide. Here’s something the guilt-ridden might like to know, thanks to author Barbara Pleasant: some houseplants are only meant to survive a year or two (whew), many can’t cope with dry indoor air without daily help, and even within varieties, plants are like children, each having their own personalities and needing a slightly different approach. That said, this attractive illustrated directory boosts beginners’ confidence with a directory of hardy houseplants from cacti and succulents to orchids, bulbs and blooming plants. Pleasant discusses each variety’s characteristics and needs including water/humidity, food and light (she has a fantastic method for determining indoor lighting strengths and best plant positions). A handy symbol a cute flowerpot also marks the most hardy, abuse-proof houseplants (think Devil’s Ivy) to ensure that even novices can have immediate success.

Apparently, Prince Charles was right: talking to plants isn’t barmy. As it turns out, however, it’s not the words of encouragement that keep the primroses blooming, but the huff of breath while talking to and watering houseplants that helps those routine-lovers adjust to changing wind conditions around the house and garden. This and many other […]
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The Victory Garden is the longest-running gardening program on American television, popular for its folksy style and Yankee practicality. Despite new generations of hosts and changes in garden styles, that unpretentious tone has remained refreshingly consistent, especially in books inspired by the show including the latest, The Victory Garden Companion. Released April 1 to coincide with the program’s 30th anniversary season on public television, the book covers every basic principle of domestic gardening in a readable, conversational style, from views and vantage points and braving the elements including sun, wind and rain, to entrances and exits, backyard fixtures and features, an excellent section on lawn (or the lack of necessity for it), flowers, the urban garden and the edible garden, which inspired the series’ name. Add step-by-step weekend projects, Inspired Gardens features on horticultural highlights from around the world, the Best Bets columns such as the top five tools for vegetable gardeners, Digging Deeper sections on current gardening trends including heirloom seeds and solar power, lush color illustrations and the reasonable price, and this book becomes black gold for any gardener looking for that perfect combination of how-to and why in one handy volume.

The Victory Garden is the longest-running gardening program on American television, popular for its folksy style and Yankee practicality. Despite new generations of hosts and changes in garden styles, that unpretentious tone has remained refreshingly consistent, especially in books inspired by the show including the latest, The Victory Garden Companion. Released April 1 to coincide […]
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Mother Nature doesn’t need a paint chip to combine colors. Even her most garish combinations, like a field of riotous wild flowers in spring, have a grace and beauty about them that amateur gardeners often find difficult to duplicate. So America’s favorite gardener turns timid paint-by-number gardeners into bold and creative artists in P. Allen Smith’s Colors for the Garden: Creating Compelling Color Themes. Painting on a canvas as large as a backyard can be daunting, so Smith provides his usual reassuring and clear advice, linking home and garden colors to create a harmonious palette using the garden home concepts introduced in his previous books such as enclosure, activity, whimsy and abundance. Smith helps gardeners discover their color preferences and incorporate cool, warm and neutral plant hues against the backdrop of walkways, arbors, fences and other hardscape elements. The book also explores how texture, shape and light affect colors, and how to use natural elements as frames for outdoor compositions. Excellent photographs underline Smith’s points, and his plant directory features vigorous, easy-care and dependable varieties from shrubs and trees to annuals, along with seasonal combinations in each color temperature, that can be used as a paint box to create original, living art.

Mother Nature doesn’t need a paint chip to combine colors. Even her most garish combinations, like a field of riotous wild flowers in spring, have a grace and beauty about them that amateur gardeners often find difficult to duplicate. So America’s favorite gardener turns timid paint-by-number gardeners into bold and creative artists in P. Allen […]
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The Engaged Groom (subtitled You’re Getting Married Read This Book ) is more intent on quelling that rising gorge in your throat with savvy advice on subjects ranging from picking a date to surviving a bachelor party, and even has a handy diagram showing the proper bow-tying technique.

The best thing I can say is that I’m glad I don’t have to go through it again (though I wouldn’t trade the experience, or my wife, for anything). I can now enjoy these books, then pass them on to my recently engaged son. That might be a good idea for you, too, if you’ve got a male relative or friend preparing for the big step.

The Engaged Groom (subtitled You’re Getting Married Read This Book ) is more intent on quelling that rising gorge in your throat with savvy advice on subjects ranging from picking a date to surviving a bachelor party, and even has a handy diagram showing the proper bow-tying technique. The best thing I can say is […]
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For a no-nonsense guide to wedding planning, Countdown to Your Perfect Wedding: From Engagement to Honeymoon, A Week-by-Week Guide to Planning the Happiest Day of Your Life can’t be beat. This thoroughly inclusive guide sets out the steps to plan your dream wedding in a year or less. Written by Joyce Scardina Becker, certified wedding consultant and contributing editor to, Countdown provides a logical framework for someone who likes a structured timeline for everything, and will certainly set Type-A couples down the path to wedding-planning bliss. Sarah E. White is a freelance writer in Arkansas.

For a no-nonsense guide to wedding planning, Countdown to Your Perfect Wedding: From Engagement to Honeymoon, A Week-by-Week Guide to Planning the Happiest Day of Your Life can’t be beat. This thoroughly inclusive guide sets out the steps to plan your dream wedding in a year or less. Written by Joyce Scardina Becker, certified wedding […]
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One of the first things many women do when they get engaged is pick up wedding magazines. InStyle Weddings takes articles and wedding stories from the magazine of the same name. This richly illustrated tome will help those visual people who want to see the difference between an A-line and an Empire dress before they go shopping or to consider the virtues of a chignon instead of a ponytail in the comfort of their home. This book offers basic checklists such as the duties of the wedding party and a six-month health regimen. However, InStyle Weddings is more about showing the options than giving advice, including stories from celebrity weddings such as Rob Thomas and Marisol Maldonado’s California ranch wedding and Toni Braxton and Keri Lewis’ Tiffany-inspired soiree. It’s not the most sensible wedding book on the planet, but, hey, a girl can dream.

Sarah E. White is a freelance writer in Arkansas.

One of the first things many women do when they get engaged is pick up wedding magazines. InStyle Weddings takes articles and wedding stories from the magazine of the same name. This richly illustrated tome will help those visual people who want to see the difference between an A-line and an Empire dress before they […]
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For brides who want to dream big (with a budget to match), this book from Vogue’s favorite wedding coordinator offers many beautiful, modern and stylish ideas. Jo Gartin’s Weddings: An Inspiring Guide for the Stylish Bride is basically a portfolio of the author’s favorite work for her clients, famous and not. It offers lavish ideas for invitations, dresses, flowers, ceremony dŽcor, welcome gifts, party favors, seating arrangement displays, tiny desserts and towering cakes and rarely does Gartin suggest that any of the above isn’t necessary. There are a few tips for the budget-conscious (and sewing-savvy) bride as Gartin illustrates dress and shoe makeovers to convert an off-the-rack find to a one-of-a-kind creation, though one wonders how many brides-to-be would be willing to take a pair of scissors to their precious dresses. Sarah E. White is a freelance writer in Arkansas.

For brides who want to dream big (with a budget to match), this book from Vogue’s favorite wedding coordinator offers many beautiful, modern and stylish ideas. Jo Gartin’s Weddings: An Inspiring Guide for the Stylish Bride is basically a portfolio of the author’s favorite work for her clients, famous and not. It offers lavish ideas […]
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For brides who want something unique for their floral design, To Have and to Hold: Magical Wedding Bouquets is an indispensable guide to flowers. This lush book illustrates a wide variety of floral options, arranged by when the flowers are in season for greater economy.

The book is incredibly New York City-centric because that’s where authors David Stark and Avi Adler are sought-after event planners. A price guide is offered based on the going rate for blooms in the city, but no suggestions are given for how brides who don’t live in big cities might have beautiful flowers without spending a fortune. Still, To Have and to Hold offers valuable tips on selecting flowers (and thinking beyond just flowers) and arranging them for different looks. Some how-tos are included, so a crafty bride could recreate some of these looks herself, and the novel ideas for wrapping flowers will spark readers’ imaginations.

Sarah E. White is a freelance writer in Arkansas.

For brides who want something unique for their floral design, To Have and to Hold: Magical Wedding Bouquets is an indispensable guide to flowers. This lush book illustrates a wide variety of floral options, arranged by when the flowers are in season for greater economy. The book is incredibly New York City-centric because that’s where […]
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How-to books read by folks who already know how-to can’t help but elicit rueful chuckles; imagine how a mechanic feels reading Car Repair for Dummies. Speaking as someone who’s been married twice, once three decades ago, once last year (and who was ignorant both times), I found Peter Scott’s Well Groomed to be full of laughs, some intentional, some not. Well Groomed subtitled A Wedding Planner for What’s-His-Name (And His Bride) is deliberately tongue-in-cheek humorous. When Scott draws comparisons between Bride Magazin and Penthouse, the married groom (known as the husband), laughs and shakes his head, because he knows the truth behind the laughs. Scott also brings his wry insight to bear on such exotic subjects (to the male, anyway) as The Guest List, The Reception Menu and That Pesky Wedding Day Nausea.

How-to books read by folks who already know how-to can’t help but elicit rueful chuckles; imagine how a mechanic feels reading Car Repair for Dummies. Speaking as someone who’s been married twice, once three decades ago, once last year (and who was ignorant both times), I found Peter Scott’s Well Groomed to be full of […]

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