In the personable Bodega Bakes, pastry chef Paola Velez presents just that: sweets that can be made solely from the ingredients found at a corner store.
In the personable Bodega Bakes, pastry chef Paola Velez presents just that: sweets that can be made solely from the ingredients found at a corner store.

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Aunt Agnes’s daughter Nadine married your former neighbor’s son Neville recently. Nadine and Neville, the ambitious newlyweds, are hosting a housewarming party and you’re invited. What housewarming gift comes in a variety of colors, matches every period piece in every room, and can accentuate even the most sparse decor? Why, books, of course! Nadine had to part with Fluffy, her pampered, prize-winning Persian, due to Neville’s allergies. To help ease the pain caused by Fluffy’s absence, why not give her a copy of Cat: Wild Cats and Pampered Pets (Watson Guptill, $19.95, 0823005712). Author Andrew Edney, who is also a veterinarian, includes more than 300 depictions of felines slinking, sleeping, socializing, and so much more! This 400-page oblong book offers a unique addition to a cat lover’s coffee table or library.

What kind of gift is given away, but meant to be returned? Tommy Nelson, a division of Thomas Nelson, Inc., has developed Grandmother’s Memories to Her Grandchild ($12.99, 084995911X) and Grandfather’s Memories to His Grandchild for just such a purpose. These make wonderful keepsakes, especially when completed and given away. Set in journal format against a backdrop of renowned artist Thomas Kinkade’s breathtaking landscapes, headings for each section include Me, My Hometown, Early School Years, My First Romance, etc. Each section is broken into segments, with titles like A time I had to stand up for my beliefs, or Something I want you to remember about me when you are grown up, and space is provided for folks to write their responses. Grandparents with multiple grandchildren, beware you may unwrap several of these! Nadine’s recollections from her wedding are, no doubt, still fresh on her mind. Why not encourage her to laugh about them with This Is Your Day! But Everybody Has An Opinion (Villard, $14.95, 0375502653)? Perfect for newlywed brides or brides-to-be, author Lisa K. Weiss offers humorous tidbits of pre- and post-wedding truisms. Victoria Roberts’s cartoony illustrations complement tongue-in-cheek advice cliches, such as Now that you’re married, it will be easy to fine-tune his wardrobe, and Including your pets in the ceremony can add a warm, cozy touch. A definite garnish to the Emily Post and Amy Vanderbilt books, it is a perfect gift for those who tend to take life (and life’s events) too seriously.

Anne Boleyn is an unlikely target for the tabloids. Chances are even slimmer for a tell-all book about Guy de Maupassant. London writer Mark Bryant, however, has compiled all sorts of entertaining facts about 200 well-known figures in Private Lives: Curious Facts About the Famous and Infamous (Cassell/Sterling Publications, $29.95, 0304343153). For example, did you know that Queen Elizabeth I drank beer for breakfast? Or that Walt Disney wasn’t the first person to draw Mickey Mouse? Private Lives is also available in paperback ($14.95, 0304349232), and makes a wonderful gift for trivia buffs and researchers.

Who said, It is more blessed to give than to receive ? (Well, okay, besides your Gift Gallery helpers!) The quote actually originated with Aristotle but has been paraphrased by others, including Jesus. Anyone who loves to quote, but has difficulty remembering whom they are quoting, will appreciate Random House’s all-new Webster’s Quotationary ($45, 0679448500). Author Leonard Roy Frank has assembled over 20,000 quotations by subject, but makes it easy to locate a quote through cross-referencing as well. Varied profundities from Plato to Oprah make this one of the most comprehensive reference books around. You may want to study it ahead of time and wow Nadine and Neville’s party guests!

Aunt Agnes’s daughter Nadine married your former neighbor’s son Neville recently. Nadine and Neville, the ambitious newlyweds, are hosting a housewarming party and you’re invited. What housewarming gift comes in a variety of colors, matches every period piece in every room, and can accentuate even the most sparse decor? Why, books, of course! Nadine had […]
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Aunt Agnes’s daughter Nadine married your former neighbor’s son Neville recently. Nadine and Neville, the ambitious newlyweds, are hosting a housewarming party and you’re invited. What housewarming gift comes in a variety of colors, matches every period piece in every room, and can accentuate even the most sparse decor? Why, books, of course! Nadine had to part with Fluffy, her pampered, prize-winning Persian, due to Neville’s allergies. To help ease the pain caused by Fluffy’s absence, why not give her a copy of Cat: Wild Cats and Pampered Pets (Watson Guptill, $19.95, 0823005712). Author Andrew Edney, who is also a veterinarian, includes more than 300 depictions of felines slinking, sleeping, socializing, and so much more! This 400-page oblong book offers a unique addition to a cat lover’s coffee table or library.

What kind of gift is given away, but meant to be returned? Tommy Nelson, a division of Thomas Nelson, Inc., has developed Grandmother’s Memories to Her Grandchild and Grandfather’s Memories to His Grandchild ($12.99, 0849959128) for just such a purpose. These make wonderful keepsakes, especially when completed and given away. Set in journal format against a backdrop of renowned artist Thomas Kinkade’s breathtaking landscapes, headings for each section include Me, My Hometown, Early School Years, My First Romance, etc. Each section is broken into segments, with titles like A time I had to stand up for my beliefs, or Something I want you to remember about me when you are grown up, and space is provided for folks to write their responses. Grandparents with multiple grandchildren, beware you may unwrap several of these! Nadine’s recollections from her wedding are, no doubt, still fresh on her mind. Why not encourage her to laugh about them with This Is Your Day! But Everybody Has An Opinion (Villard, $14.95, 0375502653)? Perfect for newlywed brides or brides-to-be, author Lisa K. Weiss offers humorous tidbits of pre- and post-wedding truisms. Victoria Roberts’s cartoony illustrations complement tongue-in-cheek advice cliches, such as Now that you’re married, it will be easy to fine-tune his wardrobe, and Including your pets in the ceremony can add a warm, cozy touch. A definite garnish to the Emily Post and Amy Vanderbilt books, it is a perfect gift for those who tend to take life (and life’s events) too seriously.

Anne Boleyn is an unlikely target for the tabloids. Chances are even slimmer for a tell-all book about Guy de Maupassant. London writer Mark Bryant, however, has compiled all sorts of entertaining facts about 200 well-known figures in Private Lives: Curious Facts About the Famous and Infamous (Cassell/Sterling Publications, $29.95, 0304343153). For example, did you know that Queen Elizabeth I drank beer for breakfast? Or that Walt Disney wasn’t the first person to draw Mickey Mouse? Private Lives is also available in paperback ($14.95, 0304349232), and makes a wonderful gift for trivia buffs and researchers.

Who said, It is more blessed to give than to receive ? (Well, okay, besides your Gift Gallery helpers!) The quote actually originated with Aristotle but has been paraphrased by others, including Jesus. Anyone who loves to quote, but has difficulty remembering whom they are quoting, will appreciate Random House’s all-new Webster’s Quotationary ($45, 0679448500). Author Leonard Roy Frank has assembled over 20,000 quotations by subject, but makes it easy to locate a quote through cross-referencing as well. Varied profundities from Plato to Oprah make this one of the most comprehensive reference books around. You may want to study it ahead of time and wow Nadine and Neville’s party guests!

Aunt Agnes’s daughter Nadine married your former neighbor’s son Neville recently. Nadine and Neville, the ambitious newlyweds, are hosting a housewarming party and you’re invited. What housewarming gift comes in a variety of colors, matches every period piece in every room, and can accentuate even the most sparse decor? Why, books, of course! Nadine had […]
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Beyond nerd chic We are all nerds now. Or maybe there are no nerds anymore. One way or the other, technology has reached the masses in the past two decades. This sense that humanity’s relationship with technology is attaining a certain maturity seems to permeate a crop of recent books that cover the past, present, and future of high-tech industries.

Case in point: Folks can launch their own satellites now. One of the most inspiring business books of the past year tells how a little company full of big ideas, Virginia-based Orbital Sciences Corp., got into the business of putting commercial satellites into space. In Silicon Sky: How One Small Start-Up Went Over the Top to Beat the Big Boys into Satellite Heaven, author Gary Dorsey chronicles the progress of a pipe dream as it has evolved into a company with 1998 revenues of $734 million.

Orbital founder David Thompson gave Dorsey unfettered access to the company’s inner workings from the beginning of its efforts to design a commercially viable communications satellite in 1992 through the first launch in 1995. The author clearly identifies with Thompson’s entrepreneurial ardor, contrasting Orbital’s culture of discovery with the feudal, unimaginative culture of old-line aerospace companies addicted to government contracts.

What Dorsey lacks in objectivity, he makes up for in clarity. From his fly-on-the-wall perch, sitting in on company meetings and peering over the shoulders of workers in the lab, he has observed and distilled into concise prose the details that made Orbital’s success possible. Dorsey explains the technology behind the business so fluidly that it hardly seems like rocket science.

If Orbital’s story offers inspiration, another new book offers exactly the opposite. When you see an airplane crashing from a clear blue sky, you just have to watch. When you encounter one of the great triumph-to-disaster stories in the history of American business the rise and fall of Apple Computer Inc. you just have to read on.

Michael S. Malone’s Infinite Loop: How The World’s Most Insanely Great Computer Company Went Insane (Currency/Doubleday, $27.50, 0385486847) is the stuff of a corporate horror movie, replete with moments of terrible Scooby-Doo inevitability. Apple founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak might as well be the teenaged couple wandering through the spooky factory, about to pry open the icebox door to see what’s making the noise inside. You want to put hands over eyes and scream: Wozniak, no! Don’t give away blocks of your founders’ stock to 30 buddies on a whim! Jobs, no! Don’t shoot down CEO John Sculley’s idea of making the Macintosh IBM-compatible! This is the tale of a company that had it all and blew it. Early in the personal computer age, Apple had superior technology on its side. Its customers displayed fanatical product loyalty. Its young founders became instant archetypes of the creative energy that made U.S. high-tech industries the envy of the world. But Jobs and Wozniak achieved too much too early in life. Success thoroughly ruined their magic and nearly ruined the company.

Malone tries to cut through the Silicon Valley mythology that now surrounds the company’s beginnings in the garage of Jobs’s Santa Clara, California home, and he makes a special effort to recognize key players in its first years who have not shared the limelight since. Malone was an insider for part of Apple’s early journey and covered the company as a journalist at other times. He brings to this account an authority and an evident big-picture understanding that lay to rest any conflict-of-interest concerns. Still, his disgust with Steve Jobs fairly oozes from these pages. There is a grudging tone to his rather passing acknowledgment that a more grown-up Jobs (now a wise old man of 43) has presided over quite a turnaround at Apple since he engineered a boardroom coup and returned to the helm in 1997. The book went to press in October 1998, just as the new iMac line of PCs had begun to rack up some of Apple’s best sales in years. Since then the numbers have made a Merlin of Jobs once more. Apple’s profits are way up, and the company said in April that it had doubled its share of the retail desktop market over the past year.

In The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity (Macmillan Computer Publishing, $25, 0672316498), Alan Cooper has a message for fellow technologists: Get human.

A much-lauded software author and designer, Cooper sets out in this book to make the business case for interaction design. Interaction design is a lofty-sounding term for what ought to be an obvious concept: making things (such as computer software and hardware) that people can easily use.

Such a simple truth has eluded Silicon Valley’s best minds, in Cooper’s view. And he says it doesn’t have to be that way. Designers don’t have to make guinea pigs out of customers, rolling out half-baked versions of computer products and then relying on users’ complaints as the basis to tweak subsequent editions.

Cooper’s book is a plea for technology’s high priests to meet the masses halfway. Sure, people in business must come to terms with bits and bytes, he argues but those who turn ones and zeroes into screen icons need to do a much better job of focusing on the needs of computer users.

Inmates’ main audience is the general business reader, for whom the book is a glimpse at how the technologists do their thing and how they could do it better, making the lives of computer users easier and making companies that depend on technology more successful.

Cooper offers an alternative to the Microsoft way of doing things. In fact, Bill Gates makes a case against interaction design in Business @ The Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System (written with Collins Hemingway; Warner Books, $30, 0446525685; Little Brown, Abridged, $24.98, 1570427526; Time Warner Audio, Unabridged, $49.98, 1570427534). You’re usually better off tackling smaller processes and building on them, Gates argues, and then improv[ing] the solution as you get user feedback. To many of the millions who work with Microsoft products every day, user feedback sounds like a euphemism for the anguished squawks emitted when a program performs an illegal operation and shuts itself down, or when that annoying little paperclip guy pops up on screen to ask whether you know how to write a letter.

But the Microsoft way is here to stay, and, on balance, that may be a good thing. More than anyone else, Gates has brought computer technology into the everyday lives of people the world over. One can politely debate him, as Cooper does, or hate him but not ignore him. He is the Alpha Nerd.

Business @ The Speed of Thought lays out Gates’s vision of the near future in worldwide business and society. His underlying message: You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. For all the productivity gains registered by businesses in the past decade through the skillful deployment of technology, the hot-wired organizations of the 21st century hold the promise of even greater progress. The book is full of real-world examples of companies whose digital nervous systems are making them more efficient and profitable by improving the flow of information among decision-makers at all levels.

Not all of these systems are necessarily produced by Microsoft. Gates uses his company’s inner workings to show the processes that go into digitizing a business, but he also candidly discusses Microsoft’s, and his own, failures of strategic vision in the past most notably its tardiness in embracing the internet’s potential.

Gates makes a persuasive argument that technology can be a liberating force. In businesses, improved digital information systems can empower employees to move beyond carrying out orders and take more initiative on their own. Beyond business in education, government, and elsewhere in society the same systems can benefit the common good.

Nashville journalist E. Thomas Wood is the author of Karski: How One Man Tried to Stop the Holocaust (Wiley).

Beyond nerd chic We are all nerds now. Or maybe there are no nerds anymore. One way or the other, technology has reached the masses in the past two decades. This sense that humanity’s relationship with technology is attaining a certain maturity seems to permeate a crop of recent books that cover the past, present, […]
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Fat chance: help for healthy living If you’re struggling to keep up in our fast-paced world, author Stu Mittleman offers this sage advice: “Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and you must prepare accordingly.” In Slow Burn: The Power of Excessive Moderation, Mittleman shares the secrets of endurance that enabled him to set eight long-distance records, including a world record for a 1,000-mile run. A member of Anthony Robbins’s elite coaching team since 1992, Mittleman energetically motivates and teaches the principles of endurance and energy. His positive can-do enthusiasm is infectious and his exercise tips, valuable. “Suppose you could sleep less yet feel even more rested and alive what would you do with the extra hours that suddenly appear in your day?” Anyone who has incorporated a regular fitness program into a busy lifestyle can attest to sustained energy levels. According to Mittleman, movement is the key: “What your body wants and craves is movement. Movement unleashes your body’s energy potential.” In Slow Burn, Mittleman shows how to achieve your goals by breaking them down into smaller ones. He offers strategies for daily aerobic movement that tap into fat stores and allow weight loss. His nutrition strategies power you up to eat for long-term endurance and life-time vitality. Mittleman’s three-part program (Think, Train, Eat) is a formula for success that anyone can use.

Pat Regel race-walks in Nashville.

Fat chance: help for healthy living If you’re struggling to keep up in our fast-paced world, author Stu Mittleman offers this sage advice: “Life is a marathon, not a sprint, and you must prepare accordingly.” In Slow Burn: The Power of Excessive Moderation, Mittleman shares the secrets of endurance that enabled him to set eight […]
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Elvis as you’ve never seen him before When he was on the cusp of national stardom (the first Ed Sullivan Show performance was only months away), Elvis Presley was photographed by Marvin Israel who trailed the once-and-future-King in Dayton, Ohio, and later, back home in Memphis, for Seventeen magazine. Except for two photos, Israel’s shots (mostly candids) have never been published. That is, until now. Elvis Presley: 1956, edited and designed by Martin Harrison, is a paean to the New York School of photography, which means the images are gritty, black-and-white, and cutting-edge. For Presley fans, as well as photo buffs who may know Israel as an artist and art director who teamed with Diane Arbus and Richard Avedon on books and exhibitions, the book’s most vivid images are of the young rock ‘n’ roller emoting on stage. Further proof that there’s never been anyone else quite like the King.

Elvis as you’ve never seen him before When he was on the cusp of national stardom (the first Ed Sullivan Show performance was only months away), Elvis Presley was photographed by Marvin Israel who trailed the once-and-future-King in Dayton, Ohio, and later, back home in Memphis, for Seventeen magazine. Except for two photos, Israel’s shots […]
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Beyond nerd chic. We are all nerds now. Or maybe there are no nerds anymore. One way or the other, technology has reached the masses in the past two decades. This sense that humanity’s relationship with technology is attaining a certain maturity seems to permeate a crop of recent books that cover the past, present, and future of high-tech industries.

Case in point: Folks can launch their own satellites now. One of the most inspiring business books of the past year tells how a little company full of big ideas, Virginia-based Orbital Sciences Corp., got into the business of putting commercial satellites into space. In Silicon Sky: How One Small Start-Up Went Over the Top to Beat the Big Boys into Satellite Heaven (Perseus Books, $26, 0738200948), author Gary Dorsey chronicles the progress of a pipe dream as it has evolved into a company with 1998 revenues of $734 million.

Orbital founder David Thompson gave Dorsey unfettered access to the company’s inner workings from the beginning of its efforts to design a commercially viable communications satellite in 1992 through the first launch in 1995. The author clearly identifies with Thompson’s entrepreneurial ardor, contrasting Orbital’s culture of discovery with the feudal, unimaginative culture of old-line aerospace companies addicted to government contracts.

What Dorsey lacks in objectivity, he makes up for in clarity. From his fly-on-the-wall perch, sitting in on company meetings and peering over the shoulders of workers in the lab, he has observed and distilled into concise prose the details that made Orbital’s success possible. Dorsey explains the technology behind the business so fluidly that it hardly seems like rocket science.

If Orbital’s story offers inspiration, another new book offers exactly the opposite. When you see an airplane crashing from a clear blue sky, you just have to watch. When you encounter one of the great triumph-to-disaster stories in the history of American business the rise and fall of Apple Computer Inc. you just have to read on.

Michael S. Malone’s Infinite Loop: How The World’s Most Insanely Great Computer Company Went Insane (Currency/Doubleday, $27.50, 0385486847) is the stuff of a corporate horror movie, replete with moments of terrible Scooby-Doo inevitability. Apple founders Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak might as well be the teenaged couple wandering through the spooky factory, about to pry open the icebox door to see what’s making the noise inside. You want to put hands over eyes and scream: Wozniak, no! Don’t give away blocks of your founders’ stock to 30 buddies on a whim! Jobs, no! Don’t shoot down CEO John Sculley’s idea of making the Macintosh IBM-compatible! This is the tale of a company that had it all and blew it. Early in the personal computer age, Apple had superior technology on its side. Its customers displayed fanatical product loyalty. Its young founders became instant archetypes of the creative energy that made U.S. high-tech industries the envy of the world. But Jobs and Wozniak achieved too much too early in life. Success thoroughly ruined their magic and nearly ruined the company.

Malone tries to cut through the Silicon Valley mythology that now surrounds the company’s beginnings in the garage of Jobs’s Santa Clara, California home, and he makes a special effort to recognize key players in its first years who have not shared the limelight since. Malone was an insider for part of Apple’s early journey and covered the company as a journalist at other times. He brings to this account an authority and an evident big-picture understanding that lay to rest any conflict-of-interest concerns. Still, his disgust with Steve Jobs fairly oozes from these pages. There is a grudging tone to his rather passing acknowledgment that a more grown-up Jobs (now a wise old man of 43) has presided over quite a turnaround at Apple since he engineered a boardroom coup and returned to the helm in 1997. The book went to press in October 1998, just as the new iMac line of PCs had begun to rack up some of Apple’s best sales in years. Since then the numbers have made a Merlin of Jobs once more. Apple’s profits are way up, and the company said in April that it had doubled its share of the retail desktop market over the past year.

In The Inmates Are Running the Asylum: Why High-Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How to Restore the Sanity (Macmillan Computer Publishing, $25, 0672316498), Alan Cooper has a message for fellow technologists: Get human.

A much-lauded software author and designer, Cooper sets out in this book to make the business case for interaction design. Interaction design is a lofty-sounding term for what ought to be an obvious concept: making things (such as computer software and hardware) that people can easily use.

Such a simple truth has eluded Silicon Valley’s best minds, in Cooper’s view. And he says it doesn’t have to be that way. Designers don’t have to make guinea pigs out of customers, rolling out half-baked versions of computer products and then relying on users’ complaints as the basis to tweak subsequent editions.

Cooper’s book is a plea for technology’s high priests to meet the masses halfway. Sure, people in business must come to terms with bits and bytes, he argues but those who turn ones and zeroes into screen icons need to do a much better job of focusing on the needs of computer users.

Inmates’ main audience is the general business reader, for whom the book is a glimpse at how the technologists do their thing and how they could do it better, making the lives of computer users easier and making companies that depend on technology more successful.

Cooper offers an alternative to the Microsoft way of doing things. In fact, Bill Gates makes a case against interaction design in Business @ The Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System (written with Collins Hemingway; Warner Books, $30, 0446525685; Little Brown, Abridged, $24.98, 1570427526; Time Warner Audio, Unabridged, $49.98, 1570427534). You’re usually better off tackling smaller processes and building on them, Gates argues, and then improv[ing] the solution as you get user feedback. To many of the millions who work with Microsoft products every day, user feedback sounds like a euphemism for the anguished squawks emitted when a program performs an illegal operation and shuts itself down, or when that annoying little paperclip guy pops up on screen to ask whether you know how to write a letter.

But the Microsoft way is here to stay, and, on balance, that may be a good thing. More than anyone else, Gates has brought computer technology into the everyday lives of people the world over. One can politely debate him, as Cooper does, or hate him but not ignore him. He is the Alpha Nerd.

Business @ The Speed of Thought lays out Gates’s vision of the near future in worldwide business and society. His underlying message: You ain’t seen nothin’ yet. For all the productivity gains registered by businesses in the past decade through the skillful deployment of technology, the hot-wired organizations of the 21st century hold the promise of even greater progress. The book is full of real-world examples of companies whose digital nervous systems are making them more efficient and profitable by improving the flow of information among decision-makers at all levels.

Not all of these systems are necessarily produced by Microsoft. Gates uses his company’s inner workings to show the processes that go into digitizing a business, but he also candidly discusses Microsoft’s, and his own, failures of strategic vision in the past most notably its tardiness in embracing the internet’s potential.

Gates makes a persuasive argument that technology can be a liberating force. In businesses, improved digital information systems can empower employees to move beyond carrying out orders and take more initiative on their own. Beyond business in education, government, and elsewhere in society the same systems can benefit the common good.

Nashville journalist E. Thomas Wood is the author of Karski: How One Man Tried to Stop the Holocaust (Wiley).

Beyond nerd chic. We are all nerds now. Or maybe there are no nerds anymore. One way or the other, technology has reached the masses in the past two decades. This sense that humanity’s relationship with technology is attaining a certain maturity seems to permeate a crop of recent books that cover the past, present, […]

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