Fourteen-year-old Till was murdered in a nondescript barn in the Mississippi Delta. But few know the barn still stands today, or fully understand its history. Thompson believes we should.
Fourteen-year-old Till was murdered in a nondescript barn in the Mississippi Delta. But few know the barn still stands today, or fully understand its history. Thompson believes we should.
With candor and humor, Connie Chung shares the highs and lows of her trailblazing career as a journalist in her invigorating memoir, Connie.
With candor and humor, Connie Chung shares the highs and lows of her trailblazing career as a journalist in her invigorating memoir, Connie.

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The three most important words in real estate may be “Location, location, location!” but in parenting they are “Patience, patience, patience!” Patience is like toilet paper; you’re always running out of it, but because you’re the parent, you are expected to keep some in reserve.

How to perform this amazing feat? Parenting books are full of encouragement and offer welcome reassurance that you’re not alone out there. Besides, when your grandchildren are born, you can pass on the highlighted, underlined, question-marked, dog-eared, coffee and tear-stained remnants to the new parents.

Any of the following new books would make a great start for your collection.

How to Behave So Your Preschooler Will, Too! by Sal Severe, Ph.

D. (Viking, $23.95, 272 pages, ISBN 0670031089) makes it clear that good parenting begins with self-control. Forget the saying, “Do as I say, not as I do,” because whether we like it or not, a parent is a child’s most influential teacher and role model and preschoolers are avid students. Of course, no one is a perfect parent person all the time. Sal Severe advocates being honest with our kids and ourselves when our behavior has been less than stellar. “It is always better for you and your child,” he writes, “if you admit your mistake and take responsibility for your own behavior.” From your example, the child will learn that the best way to handle mistakes is by admitting them, apologizing and trying to do better the next time. Chapters cover topics such as “How Motivation Affects Behavior,” “Alternatives to Spanking,” “Preschool Fears” and “How to Choose a Preschool.” Emily Post’s The Gift of Good Manners: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Respectful, Kind, Considerate Children by Peggy Post and Cindy Post Senning, Ed.

D., (HarperResource, $24.95, 400 pages, ISBN 006018549X) tackles teaching the rules of etiquette from the time children are toddlers through their teenage years. Good manners are an extension of good behavior and are indeed a gift; well-mannered children are more apt to be welcome visitors and guests wherever they go, thereby increasing their level of sociability and hence their range of experiences and opportunities as they mature. Still, the incentive for practicing good manners shouldn’t just be the results achieved for the child. Whether it is making eye contact, sharing toys or writing thank-you notes, the authors contend “manners express in action the values we hold dear” and should be an outgrowth of “the higher values of respect for others, integrity, loyalty, self-sacrifice, and honesty.” The Secure Child: Helping Children Feel Safe and Confident in a Changing World by Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D. (Perseus, $20, 160 pages, ISBN 0738207500) is a timely book not only for parents, but for educators and others who worked with children. The events of September 11 have made it all too clear that we live in an unpredictable world. This book outlines numerous ways to help children grow to adulthood with confidence and faith in their ability to solve problems. “Security,” Greenspan writes, “resides in advancing one’s ability to resolve difficult situations.” He offers both short-term strategies for difficult times (spend time together as a family, help children express their feelings, contribute to others in need) and long-term goals for preparing children to face an uncertain world. Greenspan’s prescription is not an easy fix; it involves establishing secure relationships for children and broadening their knowledge and understanding of people around the world. Girls Will Be Girls: Raising Confident and Courageous Daughters by JoAnn Deak, Ph.

D. deals with overcoming the obstacles particular to girls as they struggle with body image, self-esteem, intellectual and physical growth and other issues while getting mixed messages from contemporary culture. Having raised a daughter, not to mention being female myself, I wish I had had this book by my side over the years. Two of my favorite chapters were “Aiming to Please: Moving Beyond the Tyranny of Niceness” and “Girls in Action: The Magic of Doing,” but underlying every chapter is the same theme: the importance of fostering what Deak calls “the three C’s of self-esteem in girls:” competence, confidence and connectedness. The goal being that girls will not only feel good about themselves, but also be able to take action from positions of strength. Unhappy Teenagers: A Way for Parents and Teachers to Reach Them by William Glasser, M.D. (HarperCollins, $24.95, 198 pages, ISBN 0060007982). The best time to read a book about dealing with teenagers is well before your child actually becomes one not that you still won’t be taken by surprise, but surprise is better than total shock. So even if your children are still young, this is a good book to have on hand. If you are already in the “I’ve tried everything” stage, however, and your store of patience is running low, it’s not too late to grab this book and benefit from it. Glasser offers a different approach to reaching teens than the typical methods of grounding or taking away privileges. “Get rid of your use of external control” he advises, and “replace it with choice theory.” He uses real-life examples to illustrate choice theory in action and to help parents who are at once frustrated, angry and heart-sick re-establish communication with their troubled teens. Glasser also deserves kudos for his courageous remarks about breaking with traditional teaching methods in order to reach all students It’s NOT That Complicated: The Twelve Rules for Raising Happy, Self-Reliant Children by Doug Peine, (Health Communications, $10.95, 175 pages, ISBN 0757300049). This title probably already has you halfway out the door headed to the nearest bookstore a simple guide? Only 12 rules? For once, something too good to be true actually measures up. At less than a dollar a rule, with lots of wonderful insights into human nature thrown in, this little gem is a must-have at a bargain price. The rules are simple but time-tested: never hold grudges, don’t fight in front of your children and read to your child every night. A word of caution however: “not complicated” doesn’t mean “easy.” Parenting is hard work. While the major principles are easily understood, “putting them into practice is where most people fail,” says Peine. “To parent well,” he cautions, “requires time and effort. Parenting cannot be accomplished in absentia. You must be there in person, and you must be there a lot.” So much for hiding in the bathroom. Briefly noted Parenting Principles: From the Heart of a Pediatrician by William T. Slonecker, M.D. (Fredricksburg, $19.95, 213 pages, ISBN 0967039908) shares a Christian perspective on parenting from a pediatrician who practiced for 43 years. Slonecker urges parents to balance love and authority, using firm discipline to set boundaries for the child. Though based on theology, the book has many practical suggestions as well, on topics ranging from potty training to conflicts with grandparents. Three tips for parents: 1. Get plenty of rest. (Which admittedly will be next to impossible when your children are young.) 2. Drink plenty of fluids. (Frequent trips to the bathroom may be your only means of escape.) 3. Keep plenty of parenting books on hand. (They are full of sound advice and will give you something to read while hiding in the bathroom.)

The three most important words in real estate may be “Location, location, location!” but in parenting they are “Patience, patience, patience!” Patience is like toilet paper; you’re always running out of it, but because you’re the parent, you are expected to keep some in reserve. How to perform this amazing feat? Parenting books are full […]
Review by

The three most important words in real estate may be “Location, location, location!” but in parenting they are “Patience, patience, patience!” Patience is like toilet paper; you’re always running out of it, but because you’re the parent, you are expected to keep some in reserve.

How to perform this amazing feat? Parenting books are full of encouragement and offer welcome reassurance that you’re not alone out there. Besides, when your grandchildren are born, you can pass on the highlighted, underlined, question-marked, dog-eared, coffee and tear-stained remnants to the new parents.

Any of the following new books would make a great start for your collection.

How to Behave So Your Preschooler Will, Too! by Sal Severe, Ph.

D. (Viking, $23.95, 272 pages, ISBN 0670031089) makes it clear that good parenting begins with self-control. Forget the saying, “Do as I say, not as I do,” because whether we like it or not, a parent is a child’s most influential teacher and role model and preschoolers are avid students. Of course, no one is a perfect parent person all the time. Sal Severe advocates being honest with our kids and ourselves when our behavior has been less than stellar. “It is always better for you and your child,” he writes, “if you admit your mistake and take responsibility for your own behavior.” From your example, the child will learn that the best way to handle mistakes is by admitting them, apologizing and trying to do better the next time. Chapters cover topics such as “How Motivation Affects Behavior,” “Alternatives to Spanking,” “Preschool Fears” and “How to Choose a Preschool.” Emily Post’s The Gift of Good Manners: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Respectful, Kind, Considerate Children by Peggy Post and Cindy Post Senning, Ed.

D., (HarperResource, $24.95, 400 pages, ISBN 006018549X) tackles teaching the rules of etiquette from the time children are toddlers through their teenage years. Good manners are an extension of good behavior and are indeed a gift; well-mannered children are more apt to be welcome visitors and guests wherever they go, thereby increasing their level of sociability and hence their range of experiences and opportunities as they mature. Still, the incentive for practicing good manners shouldn’t just be the results achieved for the child. Whether it is making eye contact, sharing toys or writing thank-you notes, the authors contend “manners express in action the values we hold dear” and should be an outgrowth of “the higher values of respect for others, integrity, loyalty, self-sacrifice, and honesty.” The Secure Child: Helping Children Feel Safe and Confident in a Changing World by Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D. is a timely book not only for parents, but for educators and others who worked with children. The events of September 11 have made it all too clear that we live in an unpredictable world. This book outlines numerous ways to help children grow to adulthood with confidence and faith in their ability to solve problems. “Security,” Greenspan writes, “resides in advancing one’s ability to resolve difficult situations.” He offers both short-term strategies for difficult times (spend time together as a family, help children express their feelings, contribute to others in need) and long-term goals for preparing children to face an uncertain world. Greenspan’s prescription is not an easy fix; it involves establishing secure relationships for children and broadening their knowledge and understanding of people around the world. Girls Will Be Girls: Raising Confident and Courageous Daughters by JoAnn Deak, Ph.

D. (Hyperion, $23.95, 320 pages, ISBN 078686768X) deals with overcoming the obstacles particular to girls as they struggle with body image, self-esteem, intellectual and physical growth and other issues while getting mixed messages from contemporary culture. Having raised a daughter, not to mention being female myself, I wish I had had this book by my side over the years. Two of my favorite chapters were “Aiming to Please: Moving Beyond the Tyranny of Niceness” and “Girls in Action: The Magic of Doing,” but underlying every chapter is the same theme: the importance of fostering what Deak calls “the three C’s of self-esteem in girls:” competence, confidence and connectedness. The goal being that girls will not only feel good about themselves, but also be able to take action from positions of strength. Unhappy Teenagers: A Way for Parents and Teachers to Reach Them by William Glasser, M.D. (HarperCollins, $24.95, 198 pages, ISBN 0060007982). The best time to read a book about dealing with teenagers is well before your child actually becomes one not that you still won’t be taken by surprise, but surprise is better than total shock. So even if your children are still young, this is a good book to have on hand. If you are already in the “I’ve tried everything” stage, however, and your store of patience is running low, it’s not too late to grab this book and benefit from it. Glasser offers a different approach to reaching teens than the typical methods of grounding or taking away privileges. “Get rid of your use of external control” he advises, and “replace it with choice theory.” He uses real-life examples to illustrate choice theory in action and to help parents who are at once frustrated, angry and heart-sick re-establish communication with their troubled teens. Glasser also deserves kudos for his courageous remarks about breaking with traditional teaching methods in order to reach all students It’s NOT That Complicated: The Twelve Rules for Raising Happy, Self-Reliant Children by Doug Peine, (Health Communications, $10.95, 175 pages, ISBN 0757300049). This title probably already has you halfway out the door headed to the nearest bookstore a simple guide? Only 12 rules? For once, something too good to be true actually measures up. At less than a dollar a rule, with lots of wonderful insights into human nature thrown in, this little gem is a must-have at a bargain price. The rules are simple but time-tested: never hold grudges, don’t fight in front of your children and read to your child every night. A word of caution however: “not complicated” doesn’t mean “easy.” Parenting is hard work. While the major principles are easily understood, “putting them into practice is where most people fail,” says Peine. “To parent well,” he cautions, “requires time and effort. Parenting cannot be accomplished in absentia. You must be there in person, and you must be there a lot.” So much for hiding in the bathroom. Briefly noted Parenting Principles: From the Heart of a Pediatrician by William T. Slonecker, M.D. (Fredricksburg, $19.95, 213 pages, ISBN 0967039908) shares a Christian perspective on parenting from a pediatrician who practiced for 43 years. Slonecker urges parents to balance love and authority, using firm discipline to set boundaries for the child. Though based on theology, the book has many practical suggestions as well, on topics ranging from potty training to conflicts with grandparents. Three tips for parents: 1. Get plenty of rest. (Which admittedly will be next to impossible when your children are young.) 2. Drink plenty of fluids. (Frequent trips to the bathroom may be your only means of escape.) 3. Keep plenty of parenting books on hand. (They are full of sound advice and will give you something to read while hiding in the bathroom.)

The three most important words in real estate may be “Location, location, location!” but in parenting they are “Patience, patience, patience!” Patience is like toilet paper; you’re always running out of it, but because you’re the parent, you are expected to keep some in reserve. How to perform this amazing feat? Parenting books are full […]
Review by

The three most important words in real estate may be “Location, location, location!” but in parenting they are “Patience, patience, patience!” Patience is like toilet paper; you’re always running out of it, but because you’re the parent, you are expected to keep some in reserve.

How to perform this amazing feat? Parenting books are full of encouragement and offer welcome reassurance that you’re not alone out there. Besides, when your grandchildren are born, you can pass on the highlighted, underlined, question-marked, dog-eared, coffee and tear-stained remnants to the new parents.

Any of the following new books would make a great start for your collection.

How to Behave So Your Preschooler Will, Too! by Sal Severe, Ph.

D. makes it clear that good parenting begins with self-control. Forget the saying, “Do as I say, not as I do,” because whether we like it or not, a parent is a child’s most influential teacher and role model and preschoolers are avid students. Of course, no one is a perfect parent person all the time. Sal Severe advocates being honest with our kids and ourselves when our behavior has been less than stellar. “It is always better for you and your child,” he writes, “if you admit your mistake and take responsibility for your own behavior.” From your example, the child will learn that the best way to handle mistakes is by admitting them, apologizing and trying to do better the next time. Chapters cover topics such as “How Motivation Affects Behavior,” “Alternatives to Spanking,” “Preschool Fears” and “How to Choose a Preschool.” Emily Post’s The Gift of Good Manners: A Parent’s Guide to Raising Respectful, Kind, Considerate Children by Peggy Post and Cindy Post Senning, Ed.

D., (HarperResource, $24.95, 400 pages, ISBN 006018549X) tackles teaching the rules of etiquette from the time children are toddlers through their teenage years. Good manners are an extension of good behavior and are indeed a gift; well-mannered children are more apt to be welcome visitors and guests wherever they go, thereby increasing their level of sociability and hence their range of experiences and opportunities as they mature. Still, the incentive for practicing good manners shouldn’t just be the results achieved for the child. Whether it is making eye contact, sharing toys or writing thank-you notes, the authors contend “manners express in action the values we hold dear” and should be an outgrowth of “the higher values of respect for others, integrity, loyalty, self-sacrifice, and honesty.” The Secure Child: Helping Children Feel Safe and Confident in a Changing World by Stanley I. Greenspan, M.D. (Perseus, $20, 160 pages, ISBN 0738207500) is a timely book not only for parents, but for educators and others who worked with children. The events of September 11 have made it all too clear that we live in an unpredictable world. This book outlines numerous ways to help children grow to adulthood with confidence and faith in their ability to solve problems. “Security,” Greenspan writes, “resides in advancing one’s ability to resolve difficult situations.” He offers both short-term strategies for difficult times (spend time together as a family, help children express their feelings, contribute to others in need) and long-term goals for preparing children to face an uncertain world. Greenspan’s prescription is not an easy fix; it involves establishing secure relationships for children and broadening their knowledge and understanding of people around the world. Girls Will Be Girls: Raising Confident and Courageous Daughters by JoAnn Deak, Ph.

D. (Hyperion, $23.95, 320 pages, ISBN 078686768X) deals with overcoming the obstacles particular to girls as they struggle with body image, self-esteem, intellectual and physical growth and other issues while getting mixed messages from contemporary culture. Having raised a daughter, not to mention being female myself, I wish I had had this book by my side over the years. Two of my favorite chapters were “Aiming to Please: Moving Beyond the Tyranny of Niceness” and “Girls in Action: The Magic of Doing,” but underlying every chapter is the same theme: the importance of fostering what Deak calls “the three C’s of self-esteem in girls:” competence, confidence and connectedness. The goal being that girls will not only feel good about themselves, but also be able to take action from positions of strength. Unhappy Teenagers: A Way for Parents and Teachers to Reach Them by William Glasser, M.D. (HarperCollins, $24.95, 198 pages, ISBN 0060007982). The best time to read a book about dealing with teenagers is well before your child actually becomes one not that you still won’t be taken by surprise, but surprise is better than total shock. So even if your children are still young, this is a good book to have on hand. If you are already in the “I’ve tried everything” stage, however, and your store of patience is running low, it’s not too late to grab this book and benefit from it. Glasser offers a different approach to reaching teens than the typical methods of grounding or taking away privileges. “Get rid of your use of external control” he advises, and “replace it with choice theory.” He uses real-life examples to illustrate choice theory in action and to help parents who are at once frustrated, angry and heart-sick re-establish communication with their troubled teens. Glasser also deserves kudos for his courageous remarks about breaking with traditional teaching methods in order to reach all students It’s NOT That Complicated: The Twelve Rules for Raising Happy, Self-Reliant Children by Doug Peine, (Health Communications, $10.95, 175 pages, ISBN 0757300049). This title probably already has you halfway out the door headed to the nearest bookstore a simple guide? Only 12 rules? For once, something too good to be true actually measures up. At less than a dollar a rule, with lots of wonderful insights into human nature thrown in, this little gem is a must-have at a bargain price. The rules are simple but time-tested: never hold grudges, don’t fight in front of your children and read to your child every night. A word of caution however: “not complicated” doesn’t mean “easy.” Parenting is hard work. While the major principles are easily understood, “putting them into practice is where most people fail,” says Peine. “To parent well,” he cautions, “requires time and effort. Parenting cannot be accomplished in absentia. You must be there in person, and you must be there a lot.” So much for hiding in the bathroom. Briefly noted Parenting Principles: From the Heart of a Pediatrician by William T. Slonecker, M.D. (Fredricksburg, $19.95, 213 pages, ISBN 0967039908) shares a Christian perspective on parenting from a pediatrician who practiced for 43 years. Slonecker urges parents to balance love and authority, using firm discipline to set boundaries for the child. Though based on theology, the book has many practical suggestions as well, on topics ranging from potty training to conflicts with grandparents. Three tips for parents: 1. Get plenty of rest. (Which admittedly will be next to impossible when your children are young.) 2. Drink plenty of fluids. (Frequent trips to the bathroom may be your only means of escape.) 3. Keep plenty of parenting books on hand. (They are full of sound advice and will give you something to read while hiding in the bathroom.)

The three most important words in real estate may be “Location, location, location!” but in parenting they are “Patience, patience, patience!” Patience is like toilet paper; you’re always running out of it, but because you’re the parent, you are expected to keep some in reserve. How to perform this amazing feat? Parenting books are full […]
Review by

Ten years in the making, Dale Peterson's definitive biography Jane Goodall: The Woman Who Redefined Man finally shows us Goodall's life as a whole: her charmed childhood in the English countryside, her early career as a secretary, her association with renowned anthropologist Louis Leakey and her later role as animal rights activist. From Peterson, we learn that Goodall's defining scientific discovery that chimpanzees create and use tools to secure their termite lunches came in her first year of life among the chimps. Goodall's other landmark achievements her documentation of a chimp-enacted genocide, her many books and films and her advocacy for laboratory chimps all unfold with a satisfying wealth of detail. Goodall fans will be interested to learn the important role her mother, Vanne, played as a companion in Jane's earliest African sojourns and the occasional suffocation Goodall felt in both her marriages to domineering men. The chapter in which Goodall's student assistants are kidnapped and held for half a million dollars in ransom is also a serious page-turner.

Perhaps more importantly, Peterson captures the qualities of character and determination that have made Goodall a legend. We see the young scientist marching tirelessly ahead of her male escorts, none of whom were able to keep up with her and who threatened mutiny against Goodall's regimen of long hours, hard climbs and Spartan meals. We see her turning over nearly all her income to establish research foundations and tirelessly rescuing mistreated chimps. An epiphanic moment in Peterson's book shows us a cab driver recognizing Goodall in his rearview mirror. Soon he has pulled the car over to the side of the road; driver and celebrity have a long discussion about Goodall's work and what it means to the cabbie's children. In this small episode, we see that Goodall's importance is almost impossible to measure because she means so much to so many people, legions of whom live far from the ivory towers of academic science. The lessons of Goodall's life cheer spiritual seekers, rally animal rights activists, affirm wilderness conservationists, and walk alongside young women incubating their own hopes and dreams.

Ten years in the making, Dale Peterson's definitive biography Jane Goodall: The Woman Who Redefined Man finally shows us Goodall's life as a whole: her charmed childhood in the English countryside, her early career as a secretary, her association with renowned anthropologist Louis Leakey and her later role as animal rights activist. From Peterson, we […]
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Volker Skierka’s Fidel Castro: A Biography was first published in Germany in 2000 but has been updated for the American edition. It is a meticulous accounting of Castro’s rise to power, his frequent run-ins with his more cautious Russian supporters and his close but ambivalent relationship with Che Guevara, who, as the author demonstrates, was the political purist Fidel could never afford to be. Skierka provides a valuable sketch of what Cuba was like under Castro’s predecessor, Fulgencio Batista, and his allies in the American Mafia. It may surprise some to learn that Castro was a childhood admirer of Franklin D. Roosevelt, even going so far as to write him a “fan letter,” a copy of which is reproduced in the book. Skierka includes a detailed bibliography, 16 pages of photos and a list of relevant CD-ROMs and websites. While he has no illusions about Castro’s flaws or Cuba’s unrelenting turmoil, Skierka concludes that, “Identification with the revolution is still high among ordinary people, including many young people, and it will outlive [Castro]. One thing Cubans certainly don’t want is to return to the old dependence on the great neighbor to the north.”

Volker Skierka’s Fidel Castro: A Biography was first published in Germany in 2000 but has been updated for the American edition. It is a meticulous accounting of Castro’s rise to power, his frequent run-ins with his more cautious Russian supporters and his close but ambivalent relationship with Che Guevara, who, as the author demonstrates, was […]
Review by

Germany was a signatory to the Hague Declaration of 1889, a decision that helped to establish the principle that some kinds of wartime combat were “uncivilized.” Among those types of combat was the use of “deleterious gases.” In April 1915, Germany violated its pledge, and chemical warfare as we know it was born. In A Higher Form of Killing: The Secret History of Chemical and Biological Warfare, authors Robert Harris and Jeremy Paxman present a general history of gas and germ warfare. The book was first published in 1982, but in this updated paperback edition, the authors have added new material covering recent developments. Compelling, timely and important, the book is even more relevant today than when it first appeared. Despite concerted efforts around the world to outlaw chemical and biological warfare, the threat still looms large. In this well-researched, briskly written account, the authors focus on the scientific and military aspects of the subject, as well as governmental and diplomatic issues. They also look at the effects of the breakup of the Soviet Union and the black market in weaponry that resulted. Recent terrorist attacks and attempts by Third World countries to establish arsenals are also given thorough coverage.

Because the research and development of these weapons has been done clandestinely, the authors use the term “secret history” in their title. The book takes us behind the secrecy to reveal the stories of victims who suffered and died, some by design, others by accident. And we learn of such figures as the Japanese army major, Shiro Ishii, who was given government permission to build the world’s first biological warfare installation in 1937, thus starting the biological arms race. Of particular interest is the reluctance of both sides to use biological or chemical weapons during World War II. Although either side might have deployed them under certain circumstances, both FDR and Hitler were opposed to their use. FDR regarded poison gas as “barbaric and inhumane” and rejected all proposals to use it. Hitler had been wounded by mustard gas in World War I and, the authors say, “was known to have a marked aversion to using chemical weapons.” Top Nazi leaders repeatedly advised Hitler to use them but to no avail. Churchill, on the other hand, strongly promoted the production and possible use of gas. The British were the first, in 1940, to prepare serious plans for using it. As late as July 1944, Churchill, proposed in an extraordinary memo, which the authors quote in full, that his service chiefs seriously calculate again the pros and cons of such use.

Robert Harris is known for best-selling fiction thrillers like Fatherland, Enigma and Archangel. Jeremy Paxman is a prominent news anchorman in Great Britain whose distinguished career has taken him to the Middle East, Africa and Central America, among other places. As the two point out, “Proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is now perhaps the most urgent problem facing Western military planners.” Their exploration of this grim but important subject helps us to understand it in a wider historical perspective. Roger Bishop is a regular contributor to BookPage.

Germany was a signatory to the Hague Declaration of 1889, a decision that helped to establish the principle that some kinds of wartime combat were “uncivilized.” Among those types of combat was the use of “deleterious gases.” In April 1915, Germany violated its pledge, and chemical warfare as we know it was born. In A […]

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