Emphasizing personal style, Joan Barzilay Freund’s Defining Style is a freeing, inspiring and extremely innovative look at interior design.
Emphasizing personal style, Joan Barzilay Freund’s Defining Style is a freeing, inspiring and extremely innovative look at interior design.

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Despite its humorous, self-effacing marketing tag ("His first memoir in five years"), this may be Burroughs' darkest journey yet.
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Bad Dog, by R.D. Rosen, Harry Prichett and Rob Battles, follows the format of last year’s bestseller, Bad Cat in depicting the very strange behavior of household pets. Or should we say the strange (and sometimes unforgivable) behavior of their owners? Each page features a color photo of a pooch dressed in an outlandish get-up (a bright pink wig, a witch’s hat, a tiara, a football helmet and a striped prison uniform are among the accessories). The photos have captions that try to define the pups’ attitudes, revealing them to be, by turns, a bemused, hostile, embarrassed, feisty, resigned and sometimes very put-upon bunch. “I may be rich, but I still like to sniff a fire hydrant now and then,” sniffs a Bijon wearing multiple strands of jewelry. The photos include submissions by pet owners, which makes us wonder just who really needs obedience training.

Martin Brady is a writer in Nashville.


Bad Dog, by R.D. Rosen, Harry Prichett and Rob Battles, follows the format of last year's bestseller, Bad Cat in depicting the very strange behavior of household pets. Or should we say the strange (and sometimes unforgivable) behavior of their owners? Each page features a…

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As a stand-up comedian and, more recently, in his WB television program “Blue Collar TV,” Jeff Foxworthy has gained a reputation for having a little more savoir faire than his redneck peers. That doesn’t by any means put Jeff Foxworthy’s Redneck Dictionary on the highbrow end of comic material. This compendium, compiled by Foxworthy and four other comedy writers, looks for the “punning” nature to be found in “cornpone-speak,” as old words emerge with new meanings. The text is arranged like a conventional dictionary, including pronunciation and usage tips, with each word used “appropriately” in a sentence. Take, for example, intense: “Next time we go campin’, I suggest we sleep intense.” So it goes through a couple hundred entries, which celebrate the stereotyped view of working-class Southerners and their distinctive dialect.

Martin Brady is a writer in Nashville.

As a stand-up comedian and, more recently, in his WB television program "Blue Collar TV," Jeff Foxworthy has gained a reputation for having a little more savoir faire than his redneck peers. That doesn't by any means put Jeff Foxworthy's Redneck Dictionary on the…
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John Dean, who served as Nixon’s counsel during the Watergate era, takes a look at another president with a troubled reputation in Warren G. Harding. No stranger to controversy and condemnation in a chief executive, Dean considers the legacy of scandal associated with Harding and winds up with a convincing redemptive portrait. Tainted in history (and after his death in office) by the subsequent exposure of the infamous Teapot Dome scandal, Harding is often pilloried as leading “the most corrupt administration in American history.” Accused of complicity, laziness and lack of intellect, Harding has for many years served as a prime example of an administration gone wrong. Yet Dean places the realities of Harding’s actions and decisions under a microscope and argues that the label is largely myth. The result is an eye-opening examination of just how popular misconceptions can falsely darken the legacy of able men. Dean’s book provides an informative look at a relatively forgotten time in American history and may well change your view of Harding and his presidency.

Howard Shirley is a writer in Nashville.

John Dean, who served as Nixon's counsel during the Watergate era, takes a look at another president with a troubled reputation in Warren G. Harding. No stranger to controversy and condemnation in a chief executive, Dean considers the legacy of scandal associated with Harding and…
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Guides for shaping up after the holidays For millions of Americans, the increasing obesity rate isn’t just a news story it’s a personal matter. And after rounds of turkey, pie and cookies consumed during holiday celebrations, many people put losing weight at the top of their New Year’s resolutions. To help out, we’ve gathered four of the biggest diet books of the year. With expert advice from the authors of these best-selling books, you and your family can be on the road to health and fitness in no time flat.

Advice for teens Adults aren’t the only ones at risk of being overweight. Increasing rates of diabetes and heart disease in teenagers prove that they too need to be aware of the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet. Phil McGraw’s son, Jay McGraw, takes on this timely topic in his new book, The Ultimate Weight Solution for Teens: The 7 Keys to Weight Freedom (Free Press, $15.95, 295 pages, ISBN 0743257472). As the “teen expert” on the Dr. Phil show and the author of the best-selling Life Strategies for Teens, Jay McGraw understands the specific challenges faced by teenagers. The Ultimate Weight Solution for Teens is filled with the personal stories of young adults who have struggled with weight issues (McGraw interviewed more than 10,000 teens while researching the book). He encourages teens to set goals, avoid “bully thinking” (“I’m a failure,” “I’ll never lose weight”), choose a fun method of exercise, find a group of supportive friends and family, and think about how changing their environment can change their eating habits. Each chapter highlights one of McGraw’s seven keys, and includes space for readers to answer questions and find their own solutions to common weight loss problems. The conversational tone and interactive nature of this sensible book make it a must-have for teens and parents alike.

Doctor’s orders Jay McGraw’s book for teens was inspired by his father’s latest bestseller, The Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom (Free Press, $26, 320 pages, ISBN 0743236742). Talk-show host Dr. Phil McGraw applies his no-nonsense attitude to weight loss, reminding readers that losing weight isn’t quick or easy. He believes that in most cases, being overweight is the result of lifestyle choices, and that if people are willing to alter their routines to create a healthier lifestyle, losing weight is all but guaranteed. The Ultimate Weight Solution encourages people to take control of their weight with a common-sense approach to portion sizes, exercise and attitude. Dr. Phil promises that a total commitment to all seven keys will lead to success, and hundreds of people have taken the challenge. This inspiring book which claims that willpower and calorie-counting aren’t necessary for success is a great guide for those who want to slim down.

Going Greene So you’ve got the weight off now what? Another Oprah favorite, personal trainer Bob Greene, is weighing in with two new installments in his Get with the Program! series. Get with the Program! Getting Real about Your Weight, Health, and Emotional Well-Being (Simon &and Schuster, $12, 224 pages, ISBN 0743238044) offers indispensable advice on maintaining a healthy weight along with motivational, personal anecdotes from Greene’s own clients. Greene divides his plan into four phases, which readers can complete at their own pace. Phase One puts you in the right mindset by changing your attitude about diet and exercise. After you’ve made your commitment to staying in shape, Phase Two teaches you how to jump-start your metabolism with exercise. Phase Three seeks out the reasons behind overeating and tries to resolve them, and Phase Four unifies the three previous phases, reinforcing what you’ve learned and helping you step up your exercise and dieting to build muscle. Another excellent resource for people who want to stay in shape is The Get with the Program! Guide to Fast Food and Family Restaurants. This pocket-sized reference reminds readers of the rules for healthy eating, then lists low-fat menu options at more than 50 chain and fast-food restaurants like Applebee’s, Schlotzsky’s Deli, McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Burger King. (Here’s a hint super-sizing is a no-go.) While that Big Mac is always a temptation, Greene’s guide proves that resolute dieters can accompany friends and family to their favorite restaurants without sabotaging their weight-loss goals.

Guides for shaping up after the holidays For millions of Americans, the increasing obesity rate isn't just a news story it's a personal matter. And after rounds of turkey, pie and cookies consumed during holiday celebrations, many people put losing weight at the top of…
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Guides for shaping up after the holidays For millions of Americans, the increasing obesity rate isn’t just a news story it’s a personal matter. And after rounds of turkey, pie and cookies consumed during holiday celebrations, many people put losing weight at the top of their New Year’s resolutions. To help out, we’ve gathered four of the biggest diet books of the year. With expert advice from the authors of these best-selling books, you and your family can be on the road to health and fitness in no time flat.

Advice for teens Adults aren’t the only ones at risk of being overweight. Increasing rates of diabetes and heart disease in teenagers prove that they too need to be aware of the benefits of a healthy, balanced diet. Phil McGraw’s son, Jay McGraw, takes on this timely topic in his new book, The Ultimate Weight Solution for Teens: The 7 Keys to Weight Freedom (Free Press, $15.95, 295 pages, ISBN 0743257472). As the “teen expert” on the Dr. Phil show and the author of the best-selling Life Strategies for Teens, Jay McGraw understands the specific challenges faced by teenagers. The Ultimate Weight Solution for Teens is filled with the personal stories of young adults who have struggled with weight issues (McGraw interviewed more than 10,000 teens while researching the book). He encourages teens to set goals, avoid “bully thinking” (“I’m a failure,” “I’ll never lose weight”), choose a fun method of exercise, find a group of supportive friends and family, and think about how changing their environment can change their eating habits. Each chapter highlights one of McGraw’s seven keys, and includes space for readers to answer questions and find their own solutions to common weight loss problems. The conversational tone and interactive nature of this sensible book make it a must-have for teens and parents alike.

Doctor’s orders Jay McGraw’s book for teens was inspired by his father’s latest bestseller, The Ultimate Weight Solution: The 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom (Free Press, $26, 320 pages, ISBN 0743236742). Talk-show host Dr. Phil McGraw applies his no-nonsense attitude to weight loss, reminding readers that losing weight isn’t quick or easy. He believes that in most cases, being overweight is the result of lifestyle choices, and that if people are willing to alter their routines to create a healthier lifestyle, losing weight is all but guaranteed. The Ultimate Weight Solution encourages people to take control of their weight with a common-sense approach to portion sizes, exercise and attitude. Dr. Phil promises that a total commitment to all seven keys will lead to success, and hundreds of people have taken the challenge. This inspiring book which claims that willpower and calorie-counting aren’t necessary for success is a great guide for those who want to slim down.

Going Greene So you’ve got the weight off now what? Another Oprah favorite, personal trainer Bob Greene, is weighing in with two new installments in his Get with the Program! series. Get with the Program! Getting Real about Your Weight, Health, and Emotional Well-Being offers indispensable advice on maintaining a healthy weight along with motivational, personal anecdotes from Greene’s own clients. Greene divides his plan into four phases, which readers can complete at their own pace. Phase One puts you in the right mindset by changing your attitude about diet and exercise. After you’ve made your commitment to staying in shape, Phase Two teaches you how to jump-start your metabolism with exercise. Phase Three seeks out the reasons behind overeating and tries to resolve them, and Phase Four unifies the three previous phases, reinforcing what you’ve learned and helping you step up your exercise and dieting to build muscle. Another excellent resource for people who want to stay in shape is The Get with the Program! Guide to Fast Food and Family Restaurants (Simon &and Schuster, $12.95, 168 pages, ISBN 0743256212). This pocket-sized reference reminds readers of the rules for healthy eating, then lists low-fat menu options at more than 50 chain and fast-food restaurants like Applebee’s, Schlotzsky’s Deli, McDonald’s, Wendy’s and Burger King. (Here’s a hint super-sizing is a no-go.) While that Big Mac is always a temptation, Greene’s guide proves that resolute dieters can accompany friends and family to their favorite restaurants without sabotaging their weight-loss goals.

Guides for shaping up after the holidays For millions of Americans, the increasing obesity rate isn't just a news story it's a personal matter. And after rounds of turkey, pie and cookies consumed during holiday celebrations, many people put losing weight at the top of…
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English journalist Sarfraz Manzoor peeks behind the curry curtain in modern U.K. Pakistani culture in his memoir, Greetings from Bury Park. As the rope in a tug-of-war between two cultures pulling in strikingly contradictory directions, he finds himself in a situation similar to that of Jesminder Bhamra, the young Brit of Sikh descent at the center of Gurinder Chadha's film Bend It Like Beckham. Instead of being infatuated with a now-aging footballer, though, he's infatuated with a now-aging rock icon.

Even for those of us rock fans no farther than a bus ride from the Jersey shore where he ascended to Bosshood three decades ago, Bruce Springsteen has come to represent all things American: hard work, hard play, hard rock. Oh, and one more item, even more precious to a young misfit whose hard-toiling immigrant dad regarded his passion as frivolity at best and wastefulness at worst – freedom. While Manzoor may have taken his obsession with Springsteen's lyrics and lifestyle several leagues beyond simple fandom, he does uncover a simple truth: No engine has sufficient horsepower to permit us to slip the surly bonds of our upbringing.

In some ways, Sarfraz's journey mirrors Springsteen's own: first rebellious, then reflective, finally reconciled. InManzoor's case, the last came a bit too late, as his father passed away the very same day Sarfraz's first byline graced the pages of the Manchester Evening News, proof positive that the Vauxhall assembly line – Manzoor senior's path – wasn't the only road to respectability.

When Manzoor visits America, both pre- and post-9/11, he's forced to confront the fact that his Muslim heritage and his British residency have conspired to tangle him in the roots he once longed to sever, and which now seem more comforting than confining. The mature Manzoor is now living out his own Springsteen lyric: "Some folks got fortune, some got eyes of blue / What you got will always see you through / You're a lucky man."


Thane Tierney's musings on The Boss may be found in the "World of Bruce Springsteen" feature on the Apple iTunes website.

English journalist Sarfraz Manzoor peeks behind the curry curtain in modern U.K. Pakistani culture in his memoir, Greetings from Bury Park. As the rope in a tug-of-war between two cultures pulling in strikingly contradictory directions, he finds himself in a situation similar to that of…

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