The beautifully printed, encyclopedic Great Women Sculptors brings together more than 300 artists who have been excluded from institutions and canons on the basis of gender.
The beautifully printed, encyclopedic Great Women Sculptors brings together more than 300 artists who have been excluded from institutions and canons on the basis of gender.
Nico Lang’s powerful American Teenager closely follows seven transgender young adults, rendering complex, searing and sensitive portraits of their lives.
Nico Lang’s powerful American Teenager closely follows seven transgender young adults, rendering complex, searing and sensitive portraits of their lives.

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The world is a complicated and changing place, with nations large and small cooperating and competing in trade, culture, and influence. Thankfully, a new guidebook places vital facts about every nation of the world at the fingertips of student and statesman alike. The World Today is a concise but comprehensive directory of the world’s nations from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe. This hefty volume provides thumbnail sketches of world powers and developing nations. Each nation’s entry begins with a small map and vital statistics, including capital, population, and gross national product. The entries go on to list a wealth of useful information, beginning with a short historical sketch, which generally concentrates on the country’s 20th-century developments but does not ignore major events or leaders from antiquity.

Overviews of territory and population, social statistics, and a description of the government follow. Summaries of the nation’s economy, defense structure, natural resources, trade, industry, communications, social institutions (such as courts), and culture complete the entry. While it’s hard to generate much excitement rattling off agricultural statistics, the historical summaries and descriptions of political institutions prevent the book from reading like a collection of box scores. The book is also a gold mine for trivia buffs and devotees of world history. If you’re interested in the GNP of Denmark ($22,120 per capita, with a population of 5.32 million), the miles of paved road in Lebanon (6,265 km), the capital of the island nation of Palau (Koror), or the year the Silla dynasty succeeded in uniting Korea into a single kingdom (668 AD), The World Today places the facts at your disposal. Of course, as a printed book, the guide cannot reflect the most recent world events. (For example, it lists Nawaz Sharif as prime minister of Pakistan.) Still, changes will inevitably occur after such a book goes to press, and this does not detract from the book’s impressive scope and timeliness. Whether you’re a student preparing a school report, a journalist researching a new assignment, or a politician boning up for a pop quiz, The World Today can be your one source for complete and up-to-date information.

Gregory Harris is a writer and editor living in Indianapolis.

The world is a complicated and changing place, with nations large and small cooperating and competing in trade, culture, and influence. Thankfully, a new guidebook places vital facts about every nation of the world at the fingertips of student and statesman alike. The World Today is a concise but comprehensive directory of the world’s nations […]
The Power of Fun provides instructions for filling your life with the kind of playful, connected fun that leaves you feeling nourished and refreshed.
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es for job seekers and employers It’s that time of year again. The days are short and dreary; your job seems tedious and boring. Staggering mountains of holiday bills convince you that career advancement should be a springtime priority.

We’ve all seen the TV commercial in which a prospective employee receives flowers and fruit baskets from CEOs trying to lure him to work for their companies. All he did was post his resume on the Internet. If he can do it, you think, so can I. A mountain of fruit baskets waits in your future! Who’s not thrilled about the prospect of your potential advancement? The human resources department at your present employer. As the clever commercial suggests, the HR game is getting tougher and tougher these days. It is not too strong a statement to say that successful hiring can directly affect a company’s bottom line.

In fact, Frederich W. Ball and Barbara B. Ball say the most critical battle waged in business today is the war for talent. They address this hot topic head-on in Impact Hiring: The Secrets of Hiring a Superstar. Today, these recruiting and interviewing experts say, job candidates aren’t interviewing to try to get a job; they interview to see if they even want a new job. Superstar candidates know that for every offer they receive, there are two or three more corporations queuing up to court them. This happened to a friend recently. Following an MBA program at a top school, he was offered seven jobs with different corporations; all considered him a superstar candidate. Each post offered significant pay and an array of wonderful benefits. All offered to help his spouse relocate, find childcare, even pay for closing costs on a new house. Ultimately his choice hinged on what the Balls call “knowing the candidate’s agenda.” The financial strength of the company, the entrŽe to an interesting and challenging position and the strength of the senior management team led him to choose a job with a company whose culture reflected his own beliefs and whose corporate vision was filled with future possibilities. CEOs and human resource directors, as well as upper level managers with hiring responsibility, should read this book. Ball and Ball offer insight into the secrets of tapping and, more importantly, attracting superstar candidates. With keen understanding and years of corporate experience to boot, they outline the crucial steps every recruiter (for businesses big or small) needs to succeed when bringing a superstar player on board. While Impact Hiring offers insight into how to attract the best new recruits, Winning the Talent Wars: How to manage and compete in the high-tech, high-speed, knowledge-based, superfluid economy by management expert Bruce Tulgan traces the reasons companies lose their best talent. Tulgan says company loyalty is a thing of the past. The corporate downsizing and restructuring of recent years sent a clear message to employees: individuals must take responsibility for their own careers. Free-agency is an existing mindset for employees, and it will drive a more efficient market-driven economy, Tulgan believes.

Winning the Talent Wars explores the macro-level employment forces at work in the economy and confronts employers with the reality that they need to reevaluate their compensation systems to best attract and retain talented employees. Tulgan says employers must embrace the new economy and come to understand its effect on current employment trends. He stresses pay-for-performance approaches and wants businesses to turn managers into coaches, leading the team to perform. He challenges corporate leaders to “create as many career paths as you have people” and restructure the traditional notion of climbing the corporate ladder. His is an exciting proposition, one that will appeal to many 25- to 40-year-olds seeking jobs.

Winning the Talent Wars tells the stories of corporate executives who have gone to battle for talent and are beginning to win the war. “More and more of your best people are leaving, or talking about it, or thinking about it,” Tulgan says. Learn strategy that allows retaining employees and hiring new ones to be a win-win situation.

In recent years, newspapers have seen a decline in classified advertising revenue as employers put more want-ads on the Internet. But not everyone, and certainly not every company, is taking advantage of the Internet revolution. Poor Richard’s Internet Recruiting: Easy, Low-Cost Ways to Find Great Employees Online by Barbara Ling is a great introduction to both looking for employees and looking for your own new job.

Why recruit on the Internet? For most businesses the advantages are easy to see. First, Ling says, it’s often free. And who doesn’t want to free up money for R&andD or salary incentives or customer research? Just look at the bottom line. The Web is quicker, can be read 24/7, is easy to use for both prospective employees and employers and is an easy form of corporate advertising.

Ling knows her subject area well. An online columnist for the Boston Herald, she has written on Internet recruiting and led seminars on the subject. After you’ve finished her comprehensive guide to web recruiting, you’ll be one step ahead of the competition.

Staying ahead of the competition is the idea behind Richard C. Whiteley’s Love the Work You’re With: A Practical Guide to Finding New Joy and Productivity in Your Job. What causes people to leave their jobs? Increasingly, personal satisfaction ranks high on the list of reasons. Employees, however, often find their new jobs also fail to offer an advanced level of personal enrichment. He likens this syndrome to a failed relationship. How many people walk away from one relationship only to make the same mistakes again in another? Whitely convincingly helps employees and their employers recognize unconscious patterns of attitude and behavior that mark unchallenging and passionless workplaces.

Sometimes, Whiteley says, employees live in fear that they will be downsized, discarded or laid off. They never develop their potential to enjoy their job because they go to work every day wondering, what next? Whitely encourages employees to see themselves as positive forces at work, responsible for their own level of job satisfaction.

Both employees and employers can benefit from Whiteley’s insights. In the competitive marketplace, he says, each employee, each CEO and each manager has to infuse the workplace with a spirit of energy. He offers a series of exercises and self-evaluations for employees. They should also be required reading for human resource professionals who watch long-time and long-sought employees walk out the door in search of the “perfect” opportunity.

Briefly noted Â¥ The Art of Innovation by Tom Kelley, one of design firm IDEO’s leaders, offers a rich and exciting ride through the mindset of a unique company. A leadership book with style, charisma and fun, this book also demonstrates how to capitalize on fresh ideas.

Â¥ Entrepreneur America: Lessons from Inside Rob Ryan’s High-Tech Start-Up Boot Camp by Rob Ryan. From Roaring Lion Ranch in Montana, the founder of Ascend Communications infuses this model of how to start a business with his unique humor, wit and practicality. Ryan shoots down entrepreneurial wannabes but goes on to tell them how to get up and continue the battle.

Â¥ The PR Crisis Bible: How to Take Charge of the Media When All Hell Breaks Loose by Robin Cohn is the definitive source for what to do when the worst case scenario unfolds at your company. How to handle public relations crisis, how to prepare for them and, most importantly, how to handle them honestly is the goal of this deft manual. Required reading for every CEO.

Sharon Secor, who helped jump-start two businesses, is a Nashville-based writer.

es for job seekers and employers It’s that time of year again. The days are short and dreary; your job seems tedious and boring. Staggering mountains of holiday bills convince you that career advancement should be a springtime priority. We’ve all seen the TV commercial in which a prospective employee receives flowers and fruit baskets […]
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How to get started in a career when the very notion of career is changing is the subject of Work This Way by Bruce Tulgan. The author runs a think tank devoted to the work lives of those post-Baby Boomers labeled “Generation X.” The media image is of “slackers,” but if 20-somethings follow the career plans offered in this book, which involve self-starting, continual education and all-around aggressiveness, they’ll prove themselves the hardest-working generation in memory. Starting with trends such as permanent downsizing, the rise of temporary employment and the increase in small business start-ups, Tulgan makes the point that more than ever people need to be entrepreneurial and creative about their careers. The changing job market offers more risks and rewards. People have to learn how to negotiate, keep their options open and keep learning. Tulgan provides lots of lists and mini-case studies of young people struggling and succeeding. His relentlessly upbeat advice is general but not vague. While directed to young people getting started, there’s worthy advice here for everyone in the work world.

Reviewed by Neil Lipschutz.

How to get started in a career when the very notion of career is changing is the subject of Work This Way by Bruce Tulgan. The author runs a think tank devoted to the work lives of those post-Baby Boomers labeled “Generation X.” The media image is of “slackers,” but if 20-somethings follow the career […]

Motherhood is a joyful gift, from a cooing baby’s first smile to a tottering toddler’s first steps, through the school-age years and into adulthood. Yet accompanying this amazing gift is perhaps the worst fear imaginable: that something could happen to your child. This worry resides in the back of every mother’s mind, simmering like a bubbling stew, punching through the joy when a child is sick, injured or suffering.

In her debut memoir, This Boy We Made: A Memoir of Motherhood, Genetics, and Facing the Unknown, Taylor Harris beautifully and heartbreakingly describes how this fear struck like a lightning bolt when her son Tophs began to experience a string of health issues that baffled medical experts. She struggled through the highs and lows of one diagnosis after another, all while coping with her own anxiety disorder and the systemic racism that, as a Black woman living in Charlottesville, Virginia, obstructed her path to accessing the best medical care for herself and her son. Tophs underwent test after test, including genetic testing that revealed the presence of a dreaded gene in their family.

Harris lays all these cards on the table, telling her story with raw candor and wit. She delves into her childhood experiences with anxiety and the subsequent assistance that helped her cope, including both counseling and medicine. These honest revelations provide a touchstone to her experiences as an adult, especially the unbelievable stress she faced while dealing with the unknown.

As a result, This Boy We Made is many books in one, combining elements of science and medicine, mental health and wellness, parenting principles and institutional racism. Fusing all these themes together in an entertaining and thoughtful way would seem an exhausting task, yet Harris does it with honesty and grace. With descriptive, poetic prose, her authentic message commands the reader’s full attention.

Taylor Harris beautifully describes how fear struck like a lightning bolt when her son began to experience baffling health issues.
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The wild life Wild Discovery Guide to Your Cat: Understanding and Caring for the Tiger Within and Wild Discovery Guide to Your Dog: Understanding and Caring for the Wolf Within ($24.95, 1563318059) are the perfect gifts for pet lovers, but they offer something for everyone. The 300 superb photographs of dogs and cats in domestic life and in the wild provide visual delight for any age reader. For the student, the books offer clear, authoritative information for a school report. Would-be and new pet owners can learn everything they need to know in detailed instructions on how to select, care for, and understand dogs or cats. Author Margaret E. Lewis, Ph.

D., specializes in the behavior and evolution of carnivores and provides scientific information for dog and cat fanciers. In her introduction, Elizabeth Marshall, Thomas, anthropologist and author of popular books on dogs and cats, writes [this] new material with old wisdom . . . is a window on the natural world.

The wild life Wild Discovery Guide to Your Cat: Understanding and Caring for the Tiger Within and Wild Discovery Guide to Your Dog: Understanding and Caring for the Wolf Within ($24.95, 1563318059) are the perfect gifts for pet lovers, but they offer something for everyone. The 300 superb photographs of dogs and cats in domestic […]
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For the record The Guinness Book of Records, the fact-filled annual compilation of the world’s superlatives, has decided to usher in the new millennium in a big way. Guinness World Records 2000, Millennium Edition is a dramatically different book than its predecessors. A large format hardcover, its silver-coated binding and raised lettering make an immediate visual impact. Inside, a lavish, full-color design, heavy on photos and light on text, is a browser’s delight. It contains not just updates of existing world records, but new ones as well, in areas such as extreme sports, technology, and the Internet. Whether it’s used as a reference guide to settle friendly wagers, or left casually lying around for family and friends to thumb through, Guinness World Records 2000 is sure to be a favorite in countless households.

For the record The Guinness Book of Records, the fact-filled annual compilation of the world’s superlatives, has decided to usher in the new millennium in a big way. Guinness World Records 2000, Millennium Edition is a dramatically different book than its predecessors. A large format hardcover, its silver-coated binding and raised lettering make an immediate […]

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