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Tis the season for finding great inspirational gifts. Whether your gift is for a family member, friend, in-law or outlaw, a wide variety of titles is available to encourage readers in their faith.

Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of famed evangelist Billy Graham, challenges readers in their personal beliefs with My Heart’s Cry: Longing For More of Jesus. Author of the best-selling Just Give Me Jesus and founder of the Just Give Me Jesus weekend events for women, Lotz takes readers on a journey of desiring God. In 12 well-written chapters, she explores the various attributes of Christ. Chapter five, “More of His Dirt on My Hands,” explores the importance of service, while chapter 10, “More of His Nearness in My Loneliness,” explores God’s omnipresence.

Throughout the book, Lotz draws on her own personal experiences and challenges. She describes speaking to large gatherings of pastors and having some turn their chairs around to face away from her because they disapproved of her speaking and teaching as a woman. She explains how the rejection strengthened her faith and pushed her toward God, rather than away.

Like her father, Anne Graham Lotz has a way of making the Bible, God and the road to life-changing faith interesting, exciting and heart-gripping. This bold woman not only lives but also exudes a contagious faith in her writing.

Another member of the Graham family, Ruth Bell Graham, wife of the well-known evangelist, offers a seasonal title on the special blessings of Christmas. Like any mother, grandmother or great-grandmother, Graham knows the significance and joy the holiday brings to anyone who has watched their child on Christmas morning or has been a child nestled in the warmth of family.

In A Quiet Knowing Christmas: A Joyful Celebration of the Season (W Publishing, $19.99, 176 pages, ISBN 084991762X) Graham presents a new collection of stories, recipes and poems, interspersed with family photos and holiday craft ideas.

As simple as the Christmas story itself, as elegant as such a celebration should be, A Quiet Knowing Christmas culminates in an intimate portrait of how the Graham family honors the name of Christ.

Lotz and Graham aren’t the only women sharing their beliefs these days. Best-selling author and Bible teacher Beth Moore introduces readers to Christ in Jesus, The One and Only (Broadman &and Holman, $19.99, 340 pages, ISBN 080542489X). Moore, who has written a number of studies including Breaking Free, takes readers to the dusty roads of Palestine to study the life of Christ. The book is an adaptation of her popular video-based interactive study of the same name.

Moore explores the life of Christ as he lived it long days as a carpenter and tough days traveling and teaching. She records the details, history and culture that are so often missed in a quick reading of the Gospels.

Rather than fall into the trap of giving all the answers, Moore spends time asking some questions of her own. What did Mary experience during her pregnancy? How long was the labor? How much pressure did she feel to be the perfect mother? In the process, the life and example lived by Christ become more personal and human.

For readers who don’t have time for an in-depth study, Charles Stanley offers an easy-to-read devotional, Seeking His Face: A Daily Devotional (Thomas Nelson, $19.99, 384 pages, ISBN 0785272992). The pastor of the 15,000-member First Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, and president of In Touch Ministries offers daily reading selections that challenge, encourage and inspire.

Each devotion includes a Scripture reading, key verse, prayer and a simple story or message. Reading Stanley’s book is like listening to a sermon in 45-second snippets. Readers are challenged to resist negative thoughts and embrace others with love and offer forgiveness. The writing is simple, direct and enjoyable.

The Best Christian Writing 2002 (HarperSanFrancisco, $15.95, 352 pages, ISBN 0060094834) offers a varied collection of articles on Christian belief today. The series editor, John Wilson, works as an editor at both Christianity Today and Books &and Culture. From a myriad of journals and magazines, he has compiled nearly two dozen pieces. One writer wrestles with the negative byproducts of feminism in “Three Bad Ideas for Women and What to Do About Them,” while another examines the tense but treasured relationship between Judaism and Christianity in “Salvation Is from the Jews.” Other highlights include Walter Wangerin Jr.’s “One Man on a Tractor Far Away” and Philip Yancey’s “The Ample Man Who Saved My Faith.” If you’re shopping for a young preteen boy (ages 8-12) you’ll want to consider Zonderkidz’ new 2:52 Soul Gear line of products, which includes The 2:52 Boys Bible (Zonderkidz, $26.99, ISBN 0310703204). The 2:52 designation is based on a Scripture found in the Gospel of Luke: “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.” Edited by best-selling author and speaker Rick Osborne, The 2:52 Boys Bible features a study system that takes boys through the Bible, highlighting people, stories and verses that show them how to grow.

Using the NIV translation, the Bible includes numerous side notes and boxes of extra information designed to engage young male readers. Cleverly titled, “Make It Stick” is a boy’s version of a journal written on sticky notes; “Get a Load of This” provides interesting and humorous facts about the Bible; and “Grossology” offers some gory facts from the Bible. The cover design (which is reminiscent of the reality television series Survivor logo) is rugged enough to convince boys it’s cool.

And finally, a beautiful new gift book reveals The Peace &and Power of Knowing God’s Name by Kay Arthur (WaterBrook, $17.99, 144 pages, ISBN 1578565502). The author explores the ancient meanings of the names of God found in Scripture passages and shows how they expand our understanding and knowledge of God. Co-founder of Precept Ministries International and the author of leading inductive Bible studies, Arthur writes with insight about 15 of the names given to God, including El Elyon meaning The God Most High; El Roi meaning The God Who Sees; and Jehovah-raah meaning The Lord My Shepherd. With a gorgeous cover and crisp photographs throughout, The Peace &and Power of Knowing God’s Name offers beautiful visual images along with its inspiring text. Margaret Feinberg is a writer based in Sitka, Alaska. She is author of God Whispers: Learning To Hear His Voice (Relevant Books).

Tis the season for finding great inspirational gifts. Whether your gift is for a family member, friend, in-law or outlaw, a wide variety of titles is available to encourage readers in their faith.

Anne Graham Lotz, daughter of famed evangelist Billy Graham, challenges…
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With Father's Day fast approaching, we've taken the opportunity to delve into several new books that examine the bond between fathers and children. Whether you're interested in a gift for Dad or a chance to ponder the importance of a father's role, these four selections offer meaningful ways to mark the occasion.

Keeping his priorities straight

Offer dad a little love and encouragement with My List: 24 Reflections on Life's Priorities, an inspiring book that will get him to focus on the important things in life. Based on the hit country single written by Nashville tunesmiths Rand Bishop and Tim James, the book will help readers put the song's powerful message into play. With a foreword by singer Toby Keith, who made the single a chart-topper, the book advises readers to set and achieve simple goals that can make life more fulfilling, including going for a walk, playing catch with the kids and sleeping late. It's a rewarding little read, filled with sparkling photos, Bible verses and memorable quotes, that's just right for stressed-out dads. And the enclosed CD of the single will keep him humming.

With Father's Day fast approaching, we've taken the opportunity to delve into several new books that examine the bond between fathers and children. Whether you're interested in a gift for Dad or a chance to ponder the importance of a father's role, these four selections…

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Elaine Pagels is a scholar of religious history who holds advanced degrees from top universities and has a wide reputation for pioneering research on early Christianity. She's also a mother who lost a 6-year-old son to a rare lung disease a wrenching tragedy that caused her to seek comfort in a church community and to re-examine her own faith in God.

In her latest book, Beyond Belief: The Secret Gospel of Thomas, Pagels brings readers both her personal and intellectual perspectives as she explores the development of the Christian religion. The book is like an effective sermon: learned, yet accessible to ordinary people engaged in their own spiritual journeys.

Pagels' best-known earlier book is The Gnostic Gospels, an influential examination of early Christian texts that were ultimately rejected as heretical by church leaders as they built their upstart movement into a major religion. Pagles builds on that work in Beyond Belief by closely comparing one of those texts, the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas, with the canonical Gospel of John.

Both argue that the Kingdom of God is not just a future dream, but exists now, if we know where to look for it. But they differ radically on how to find that divine light. John contends that Christians can find salvation only through belief in Jesus, who is God revealed in human form; Thomas believes we are all made in the image of God and need to seek our own inner understanding.

Pagels ably explains how the political circumstances of the first centuries after Christ led to the triumph of those who believed in John's message. Along the way, she tells of her personal search for faith as a teenager caught up in the evangelical movement, as a skeptical adult, as a grieving mother. "Most of us," she wisely writes, "sooner or later, find out that at critical points in our lives, we must strike out on our own to make a path where none exists.''


Anne Bartlett is a journalist who lives in South Florida.

Elaine Pagels is a scholar of religious history who holds advanced degrees from top universities and has a wide reputation for pioneering research on early Christianity. She's also a mother who lost a 6-year-old son to a rare lung disease a wrenching tragedy that caused…

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Bruce Feiler, the best-selling author of Walking the Bible, journeyed across time and place through three continents, five countries and four war zones to read, study and interview religious leaders and scholars in search of the man from whom much of the world's population claims to be descended. The result is Abraham: A Journey to the Heart of Three Faiths, a compelling look at the common origins of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

According to the biblical account in Genesis, God changed Abraham's name from Abram because he was "made the father of many nations." Taking his name seriously, Abraham initiated a religious legacy that now encompasses 12 million Jews, two billion Christians and one billion Muslims. Feiler sought out the ancient patriarch to recover and understand the man scholars say is "difficult to interpret." Feiler's book, however, is not. The combination of travelogue, historical research and spiritual journey might seem weighty, but the author's style makes Abraham an intriguing pleasure to read. Feiler adroitly humanizes his subject, who might have remained a flat abstract lost between the pages of ancient documents. He paints a multilayered portrait of a figure who struggles, yet participates in an interactive partnership with God.

Feiler argues that modern world events can be linked directly to Abraham's sons, with the Judeo-Christian nations descending from Isaac and the Arab nations from Ishmael. In trying to discern if the world's three monotheistic religions could ever get along, Feiler discovered that "[E]very clue in Judaism led to some desert hideaway in Christianity, led to some palm tree in Islam, under which was some spring yes! that suddenly cleared up some tangle described on the front page of that morning's paper."

Ultimately, Feiler concludes that both sons received a blessing. So will the readers of Abraham.

Bruce Feiler, the best-selling author of Walking the Bible, journeyed across time and place through three continents, five countries and four war zones to read, study and interview religious leaders and scholars in search of the man from whom much of the world's population claims…

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Let's be honest. For many women, the holiday season isn't entirely joyful. They spend untold hours shopping, baking, cleaning and traveling like madwomen, and they deserve a little reward. We've selected an array of books designed to give your mother, wife, sister or best friend a respite from the hectic holidays. Covering everything from beauty advice to the miracle of birth, these gift selections aim to refresh mind, body and spirit and not a moment too soon.

When was the last time you really savored a cup of coffee, or paused to listen to a songbird? For most women, it's been awhile, and Sarah Ban Breathnach is out to change that. During the 1980s, Ban Breathnach lost her senses literally. A ceiling panel fell on her head in a restaurant, leaving her extremely sensitive to touch and sound, and unable to taste or smell for months. Bedridden and disoriented, she was struck by a profound yearning for simple pleasures, such as the taste of a ripe peach or the smell of freshly washed clothes. After she recovered, Ban Breathnach compiled her thoughts in her best-selling Simple Abundance: A Daybook of Comfort and Joy, and Something More, among others. In the same vein comes her new release, Romancing the Ordinary, a guide to rediscovering the mystery and surprise in everyday life. This inspirational litany of recipes, rituals, decorating hints, fashion and gardening tips is intended to reinvigorate body and soul. With chapters designed to be read in increments throughout the year, Ban Breathnach invites female readers to join her on a journey to renew their sense of wonder and bask in ordinary delights.

Beauty knows no bounds, including age. That's the theme of makeup guru Bobbi Brown's new book, Bobbi Brown Beauty Evolution: A Guide to a Lifetime of Beauty. Written with Sally Wadyka, Brown's guide takes a practical look at the changing face of beauty. Each chapter focuses on a different stage of life and outlines the shifts women should make in their beauty routines through the years. This down-to-earth reference encourages women to celebrate their looks at any age and gives them the know-how to get started from choosing the right makeup brushes to selecting a flattering hair color. Brown's book also includes a section on beauty and health tips for pregnant women, for those going through chemotherapy, and for those considering plastic surgery. It presents interviews with women about self-image and a section on makeovers. A chapter full of grooming tips for men rounds out the mix. With a warm, inclusive tone and more than 300 glossy, color photographs, Beauty Evolution redefines beauty and celebrates it across the generations.

Supermodel Christy Turlington may be rich and gorgeous, but she's also a thoughtful, spiritual woman dedicated to living a balanced existence. In Living Yoga: Creating a Life Practice, the cover girl and serious yoga student presents the basics of the practice, interspersed with reflections and anecdotes about her ongoing journey toward personal discovery. In straightforward prose, Turlington tells how her dedication to the ancient art has helped her weather difficult times, including her father's death from lung cancer. She describes the benefits of meditation, clears up some common misunderstandings about yoga and explains the philosophy behind different poses. Complete with a history of yoga, an overview of different styles, an extensive glossary of terms and a resource directory, this elegantly illustrated book is ideal for beginners or advanced practitioners looking for some inner equilibrium.

If you're searching for the perfect gift to bestow on expectant mothers, look no further than From Conception to Birth: A Life Unfoldsby Alexander Tsiaras, with text by Barry Werth. This lavishly designed book combines stunning visual art with medical science to present a child's development in the womb as never seen before. Scientific visualization software, designed and patented by Tsiaras, presents the developing baby from new angles and in luminous images "painted" by Tsiaras on the computer. The accompanying text explains how a child's life begins, starting with the basics. It also includes information about heredity, DNA, infertility and more all written in an engaging, light style. Absorbing from a scientific as well as an artistic perspective, From Conception to Birth is the kind of book that parents-to-be will consult in wonderment throughout the pregnancy and beyond.

And finally, in a delightfully small package comes a tribute to that most feminine of carrying cases the purse. Who would have thought that so much could be inferred, stated and communicated about the purses, pocketbooks and handbags in which nearly every woman carries her necessities, conveniences and other mysterious paraphernalia? In Handbags: The Power of the Purse author Anna Johnson examines the evolution of the purse, from the era when it brought independence to women (who previously relied on men to carry items for them), to today's functional and fashionable trends.

Purses of all shapes, sizes and materials announce the carrier's character and status from former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's chunky "trusty companion" to Grace Kelly's elegant Hermes Haute Courroies bag. Most women aren't content to own just one or two purses; there must be choices fit for work and play, fun and function, day and evening. With more than 900 color photographs, Handbags aims to capture every imaginable variety of the purse, from beaded to brocaded, from dainty to downright dorky. This wallet-sized selection would make an ideal stocking stuffer for the fashion-conscious lady on your list.

Let's be honest. For many women, the holiday season isn't entirely joyful. They spend untold hours shopping, baking, cleaning and traveling like madwomen, and they deserve a little reward. We've selected an array of books designed to give your mother, wife, sister or best…

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Halloween is right around the corner. The neighbors have carved their pumpkins (including the chic miniature pumpkins which are more avant garde these days), your kids swear their friends already have costumes and the check-out lanes at the grocery store are clogged with bags of candy. Are you really going to be this ordinary? Please, there are alternatives. Consult these new books for inspiration on innovative ways to celebrate a hair-raising, high-spirited Halloween.

Witch Crafting

Let's face it witches have gotten a raw deal in history. From the Salem trials to Oz's Wicked Witch of the West, witches are portrayed as scary, ugly and evil. Author Phyllis Curott, a Wiccan high priestess, certainly doesn't fit that stereotype. A svelte blonde and former civil liberties lawyer, Curott told the story of her own journey toward accepting Wicca in the 1998 memoir Book of Shadows. Her latest effort, Witch Crafting: A Spiritual Guide to Making Magic, is a practical guide to the whys and hows of making Wiccan magic. With Curott's advice, you can find your own inner goddess just in time for Halloween.

How To Communicate with Spirits

Ever felt like touching the other side ? Then this is your book. In How to Communicate with Spirits, certified medium Elizabeth Owens gathers advice from noted experts on how to contact the spirits of those who have passed on. But beware: the spirits you contact may be naughty rather than nice. While positive spirits can help you out of difficult situations (like getting a seat on a crowded airplane), a negative spirit can be a household menace, stealing items from your kitchen or sending you into fits of depression. Shocking.

Coast to Coast Ghosts

Bored by the same old ghost stories around the campfire? Leslie Rule has solved your dilemma by traveling the country to collect eerie tales of our nation's most haunted places. Guaranteed to send a chill down your spine, Coast to Coast Ghosts: True Stories of Hauntings Across Americadescribes haunted houses, schools, hotels, bridges, forts and, of course, cemeteries. The author, who is the daughter of true-crime writer Ann Rule, includes plenty of photographs for those who need cold, hard evidence that there are goblins and ghouls among us.

Ghost Dogs of the South

Reading scary stories can haunt your bedtime hours with nightmares. And after reading Ghost Dogs of the South, your nightmares will be full of slobber and paws. In these mysterious tales compiled by folklorists Randy Russell and Janet Barnett, dead dogs from Dixie return in ghostly form, while in even stranger cases, humans who die come back as ghost dogs. Think again before you buy that cheaper bag of dog food at the market.

Origami Monsters

If you're interested in the Japanese art of paper folding, why waste your time on a delicate swan or butterfly when you can create such origami ogres as Frankenstein's monster or a snapping goblin? Far less messy than carving a pumpkin, Steve and Megumi Biddle's Origami Monsters should keep the little demons at your house occupied for hours. The book includes well-illustrated instructions and paper for creating several seasonably appropriate creatures.

Handmade Halloween

If your house is the least spooky on the block, don't despair. You can become the Martha Stewart of Halloween decorating by implementing a few practical suggestions from Handmade Halloween: Ideas for a Happy, Haunted Celebration. Tissue paper ghosts will hang from your windows, a front-door scarecrow will grace your entrance and skeleton luminarias will light the way for trick-or-treaters arriving at your stylishly haunted house. Author Zazel Loven also includes cute costume ideas suitable for frantic moms who have never mastered the sewing machine.

Halloween is right around the corner. The neighbors have carved their pumpkins (including the chic miniature pumpkins which are more avant garde these days), your kids swear their friends already have costumes and the check-out lanes at the grocery store are clogged with bags of…

Interview by

Being to the gift of each day: a talk with Robert Benson The shelves at Robert Benson’s home office weigh heavily from the many books of his favorite writers. My six wise guys, he calls them including Annie Dillard, Thomas Merton, Graham Greene writers he says have been given to me as teachers and guides. The reader indeed hears their echoes in Benson’s evocative prose; Benson’s first book, Between the Dreaming and the Coming True, drew favorable comparisons to the work of another of his mentors: Frederick Buechner. Now Benson’s newest, Living Prayer, continues his spiritual explorations, this time with a focus on prayer in daily life. Through images and personal stories he recounts his delighted discovery of the ancient Christian monastic tradition of using liturgical prayers throughout the day. Timothy Jones: What lies behind the title, Living Prayer? Robert Benson: My editors were the ones who came up with it. As they read bits and pieces of my story in the manuscript, they said, This is a book about living a life of prayer. I admit I am embarrassed a bit by the title. It implies that I’ve arrived in some way. I’m nowhere in the neighborhood of holy. But prayer is something pre-eminently to be lived.

TJ: What kind of reader will find this book helpful? RB: I wrote it keeping in mind people who have been in the church before, maybe all their life. But then they left. Or they’ve stayed but are dissatisfied.

They feel distant from the church because it didn’t speak to them in real ways about real things going on in their lives. They have had questions harder than somebody wanted to answer. Now they want to find or reclaim real ways to practice their faith. And real ways to pray.

TJ: You suggest in the book that nothing in our culture encourages us to marry our religion with the rest of our lives. RB: You don’t have a life and then somehow attach prayer to it. Prayer needs to sanctify all of life, not just pieces of it.

I grew up in an evangelical Protestant tradition. I learned one kind of prayer, extemporaneous prayer. That kind of prayer is fine as far as it goes, but until I was almost 40 years old that’s basically all I knew. Then I discovered the liturgy of the hours, sometimes called the daily office. Nobody had told me about this rich prayer tradition of the monks, about the regular prayers they have prayed for centuries. As I began to experience that kind of prayer, I connected at artistic, poetic, and spiritual levels. I said to myself, I have finally wandered my way into praying a kind of prayer that has lived in me all my life. Journaling, silence, and praying the Psalms and printed prayers are all part of this tradition. Suddenly I realized that there are all kinds of ways to articulate and live a wide-ranging life of prayer.

TJ: You write that today the primary rule of work is to cram as much into the hours of the days as you can. How is that a problem? RB: I worked for years in marketing and editorial departments in the music and book businesses. We all let work eat us alive. In our culture work takes all our energy. It’s the way we come to value ourselves and measure success.

Society overvalues work to the detriment of other values like prayer, rest, community.

TJ: But there’s another way. How would you describe it? RB: The life I live now as a writer is the life I always dreamed I would when I was 12 or 13. It took me about 30 years to get the courage and wisdom to actually try it. Not everybody should be a writer, of course. The world already has plenty of us! But whatever the profession, it seems to me that you can live in a way that lets who you are drive how you spend your time and energy, as opposed to what you do. TJ: How does prayer fit into that picture? RB: If all you do is work, then it is going to be hard to have any time to pray. Because most of prayer has to do with stillness and quiet and rest and waiting. It takes patience. Deep prayer is hard to do with a cell phone ringing in your ear. If you never stop, if you are never still, there’s a limit to what can happen when you pray. So take the phone off the hook. Or get up in the middle of the night. Or take a week of your vacation and spend it on a personal retreat in a monastery.

TJ: How can prayer, especially the monastic tradition of saying prayers at regular intervals, frame a day? RB: Those rhythms of prayer remind us the day is whole unto itself. When you pray the liturgy of the hours, you begin the morning by remembering God’s creation of the world, God’s saying, Let there be light. You remember that just as the world has been created, your day starts with your saying to God, in effect, Here I am. I’m sent off to work, to do what’s been set on my table.

Then in the middle of the day, according to the tradition, you stop, eat, rest, and pray. You acknowledge the gifts and graces God has given you and refocus yourself for the rest of the day. As you get to late afternoon, light begins to fade, and you allow yourself to pray, I didn’t get this or that done, or I can’t wait to get home to the kids. And the day fades and you say the vespers prayers. And the night comes and you ask Christ to be with you. Darkness comes, you put the house to bed, and you make your confession, and say, God is waking. Lord, guard my sleeping. And then what you do more than anything else is die. Because for all you know, for all the good you are for the next six or seven or eight hours, you’re dead. Until sometime in the darkness and void, there is light. And the day starts again.

This frame makes it possible to live fully in and for today. At the end of the day, I put all the day’s history aside, ready to start clean. Which means I can awaken with joy, not worrying about yesterday.

Timothy Jones is the author of The Art of Prayer (Ballantine) and 21 Days to a Better Quiet Time with God (Zondervan).

Being to the gift of each day: a talk with Robert Benson The shelves at Robert Benson's home office weigh heavily from the many books of his favorite writers. My six wise guys, he calls them including Annie Dillard, Thomas Merton, Graham Greene writers he…

Interview by

While in Nashville promoting his current book, Reaching to Heaven: A Spiritual Journey Through Life and Death, James Van Praagh visited with BookPage. Highlights of the conversation follow.

James Van Praagh: When you write about esoteric things, it can be way out there. I wanted to give this information to people so they can understand it regardless of their background.

BookPage: You demystify it. It’s not as if you have the key and no one else does.

JVP: That’s right, everyone has it. I wrote this book to help people access that greater part of themselves and to have the courage to be who they really are. Everyone can experience loving himself and opening up to awareness. Fear holds us back. Fear or love. That’s all there is. We make all our decisions based on these two things. And 90 percent of the people in the world make their decisions based on fear. When you open up to awareness, it frees up your whole life. Once you realize you’re a spiritual being, you see life so differently. You respect things. You’re more responsible to yourself and others.

BP: You’ve worked so hard to develop your skill as a medium.

JVP: Thank you. God Bless you. Not many people realize this. I spent 20 years of sitting in dark rooms every Tuesday night developing this ability. I wasn’t an overnight success. Spirit planned the whole thing, but I also worked for it. I never wanted to be an author or thought I could be. I had been doing private readings for ten years when my guides said, "We want you to reach more people." Then I said "How?" They said, "You’re going to write a book." And I said, "Oh, yeah sure, I’m going to write a book. No way." But I did an outline. And I got pushed by my development circle. Other people in the circle began receiving messages from my guide, Dr. Harry, he’s an Englishman, who’d say "You have to finish this book. It’s important to the world." So I finally said okay and did two chapters and then kept going.

BP: I was most intrigued by the chapter in which you spoke of the higher realms of heaven.

JVP: As we were talking about earlier, we limit ourselves so much. And, we limit heaven too. We think it’s a place where angels just play harps. And hell has to be fire and brimstone. But that’s very untrue. That’s man’s interpretation of what the spirit world is. But the spirits talk of many levels. It’s not a physical level where you go up the steps to get to the next one. It’s consciousness and how evolved spiritually you are.

BP: I also liked your chapter on children.

JVP: Thank you. It’s very important to instill values in children. We unfortunately are conditioned at a very young age, "You have to do this to be loved." That’s why I put in the children. You have to open them up early, encourage them, and listen to them. I want to write a book about teaching children about death and dying. It will be a book that parents and children can read together. I want to teach parents how they can help their kids with death, grief, and losing things, the journey of life.

BP: With your busy schedule, do you still have time to read?

JVP: Yes, I do read, but not as much as I’d like to. I take five books at once and just scan through them. I do like a good mystery. I’m reading Edgar Allan Poe now. I also like autobiographies. I love people, studying people. That’s the Scorpio part of me. We are natural detectives; we like to find things out.


While in Nashville promoting his current book, Reaching to Heaven: A Spiritual Journey Through Life and Death, James Van Praagh visited with BookPage. Highlights of the conversation follow.

James Van Praagh: When you write about esoteric things, it can be way out there.…

Interview by

Bruce Feiler has been called the new George Plimpton. With his journalistic curiosity in tow, Feiler has managed to infiltrate unique areas of culture, emerging successfully with books that tell an insider’s story. In Learning to Bow, Feiler examined Japanese society; in Looking for Class, he profiled the learned atmosphere at Oxford and Cambridge; in Under the Big Top, he cavorted behind the scenes of a traveling circus. More recently, Feiler scored with Dreaming Out Loud, a look at the country music business.

Feiler’s latest, Walking the Bible: A Journey by Land Through the Five Books of Moses, is probably more scholarly in nature than his previous works, but certainly no less a testimony to accepting the journalistic challenge. Part travelogue, part religious history, part geological survey, part commentary on contemporary Mideast sociopolitical realities, Walking the Bible finds Feiler traipsing through the Holy Land, linking hard archaeological facts to the historic people and places found in the Old Testament’s first five books. From Jerusalem to Cairo, from the Red Sea to the Nile, from Mount Ararat to Mount Nebo, Feiler wends his way through some of the region’s political hot spots, interviewing pilgrims, immigrants, soldiers, farmers, priests and scholars, in his attempt to gain perspective on the spiritual dimensions of Moses’ Promised Land.

Yale graduate Feiler has, like many a good journalist, hung his hat in various places: Nashville, Washington, D.C., England, Japan and currently New York. "In 1997, I visited an old friend living in Jerusalem," Feiler says from his Manhattan apartment. "Her husband was teaching a group of high schoolers. When he pointed out that here is the rock where Abraham sacrificed Isaac, I said to myself, These are actual places? These abstractions are real? I decided to take the Bible this embodiment of old-fashioned knowledge and approach it with contemporary methods of learning, essentially plunging into it like any other world I had entered. As in my other books, I learned by doing."

Noah’s ark, the burning bush, the Ten Commandments these were the touchstones of Feiler’s geographic enlightenment. Key to this education were the various guides who helped him find his way through mountain, desert and military checkpoint. Not the least of these was Israeli archaeologist Avner Goren, a well-known man of scientific knowledge but also one whose recurring search for the Bible perfectly complemented Feiler’s own nascent fixation. Feiler grew up Jewish in Savannah, Georgia, claiming a strong religious identity, but no particular spirituality.

"I said over and over, when I started this project, that this was not about me and my religion or my God," he says. "This was supposed to be about me and the Bible. It did not take very long for me to realize that I was being self-protective. If I’d had a religious identity but had not been spiritual before, by the end of this journey, my experience made me more spiritual and less religious."

Besides offering observations on the current social climate of the region, Feiler makes a profound connection with the Bible’s stories, lands and characters. Says Feiler: "In the desert you are between being in extreme places, having extreme emotions, and opening yourself up to spiritual ideas that never existed before. That’s why the desert is such a powerful place. You’re pushed to the limits of your capacity and you crave nonhuman, nonrational support that is, God. That’s what Jews, Christians and Muslims all have in common: a single man goes out into the desert and has a transforming experience."

Feiler was also forced to deal with transformation as a journalist. In writing a lengthy volume that earnestly captures the Bible’s meaning, the author had to confront his usual methodology. "Before, I was writing about subcultures," says Feiler. "Here I was writing about culture itself. The stakes are a lot higher. In addition, it was a lot more emotional both researching the book and writing it. Finally, it was hard to be funny. I had been a circus clown, after all! To get the tone right, to be wide-eyed and naive and fun, was tricky. The Bible, after all, at its heart, is a great adventure story." But so, it turns out, is Walking the Bible.

Martin Brady is an editor, writer and critic. He lives in Nashville.


Bruce Feiler has been called the new George Plimpton. With his journalistic curiosity in tow, Feiler has managed to infiltrate unique areas of culture, emerging successfully with books that tell an insider's story. In Learning to Bow, Feiler examined Japanese society; in Looking for…

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Since the age of three, Sylvia Browne has used her psychic talents to give comfort to grieving families and help those seeking guidance for the future. A best-selling author who appears frequently on TV, Browne turned her talents to dreams many years ago while teaching a college course in California. Her students kept talking about their dreams, prompting Browne to begin studying both her dreams and those of her readers and fans. In her new book, Sylvia Browne’s Book of Dreams, Browne maintains that many of her self-professed skills premonition, telepathy and the ability to “visit” the dead are shared by almost everyone who dreams. Once people realize their potential for these talents and learn simple ways to practice them, Browne says, these skills can be improved and used nightly. BookPage recently asked Browne about her new book and her own experiences with dreams.

BookPage: What benefits have there been in your life since you’ve started exploring the world of dreams? Sylvia Browne: The world of dreams opens up ways for us to release negative thoughts, to program positive ones, to reach loved ones who have passed and even to be precognitive. How can you identify dreams that are past life memories? Past life dreams usually come with a very distinct setting. Feeling or seeing yourself as an American Indian or in a Victorian setting, etc. especially if it happens often, can indicate that you may have once lived in that time or place.

Is there a way to get rid of recurring nightmares or traumatic dreams? When you have a nightmare, question yourself about what preceded or may have triggered this dream. Then tell yourself during that dream that you will face your fears and turn it into good rather than bad.

What are the benefits of keeping a dream journal? The benefits of a dream journal are great because patterns begin to form of fears that have to be dismissed, old hurts you have to let go of, or things that are to come.

What if you just can’t remember your dreams? Is there a way to make the process of remembering them easier? All people dream, they just often go in too deep. So ask God before you go to sleep to help you remember your dreams, and keep a pen and paper by your bed to write them down as soon as you wake up.

You include a lot of prayers in your book. Do you see prayer as an essential way to understand and constructively use what we experience in our dreams? I include prayer in all my books. I think every part of life should have God included. Yes, ask God and you will receive.

Since the age of three, Sylvia Browne has used her psychic talents to give comfort to grieving families and help those seeking guidance for the future. A best-selling author who appears frequently on TV, Browne turned her talents to dreams many years ago while…
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Karen Armstrong takes an active approach to Scripture I see Scripture more as an activity than a text, says Karen Armstrong, the foremost historian of religion in our time, whose new book The Bible: A Biography is being published this month. It’s a bit like using weights in the gym to enhance your physique. You work with Scripture to enhance your spirit. This vision of how to read the Bible how to activate Scripture in our lives exemplifies the dynamic character of Armstrong’s work as a whole, which ranges across the entire world of comparative religion. Armstrong spoke with BookPage from her London home, frankly acknowledging her urgent sense of purpose in composing this richly interwoven and often surprising history of Biblical interpretation for the Atlantic Monthly Press series, Books That Changed the World.

Scripture is now being used not just by Jews and Christians, but by many others in a very unhelpful spirit, a belligerent spirit, Armstrong says. There’s a growing dogmatism in our world: One must be right at all costs. Each party believes that it alone has the truth, often citing religious truths’ as an archetype for absolute, diehard certainty. All of this is pure misreading, Armstrong explains, and a breach of faith with the long life of biblical interpretation (i.e., its biography). Not until the modern period did people start looking at Scripture in a literal-minded way. People had been originally far more inventive with the truth. The Bible was not meant to endorse your prejudices but to lead you out of them to something greater. Among the historical strands of ingenious biblical interpretation, Armstrong is particularly keen to celebrate the interpretive inventiveness of the rabbis and the church fathers. The rabbis have a great deal to tell us about the importance of truth, but not in any literal sense. They make the Bible speak to our condition, always stressing the primacy of charity, compassion, loving-kindness. Rabbi Akiva says that love of neighbor is the only principle of Torah. Similarly, Augustine, the founder of Western Christianity, says that religion teaches nothing but charity. Armstrong swiftly turns to the potential usefulness of these ancient insights for us, here and now. This effort of finding charity in the Biblical text is a training for us to find a charitable interpretation of events in our own world, she says. But in order to grasp this radical rabbinical and Augustinian outlook, we must relinquish our misguided and historically aberrant preoccupation with the Bible as a record of actual events.

I don’t think the Bible is writing history in the modern sense. Once you examine the history of Palestine in the 18th century B.C.

E., for instance, Abraham becomes an impossibility. The archaeologists have found nothing to support the biblical narrative. In a way, that’s reassuring, because it’s wonderful to think that those horrible massacres described in the book of Joshua probably never happened. For Armstrong, the Bible gives us something much more far-reaching than historical fact, which it was never meant to provide. She reflects generously on what it has given her: Here I am in my study, day by day, hour by hour, immersing myself in these great texts and being inspired and nourished by them all. I see my study as a form of prayer and contemplation. I write about that in the last chapter of my memoir, The Spiral Staircase. It’s part of a quest for me, a quest for spiritual rehabilitation. You can see me, if you like, as spiritually convalescent after a bad experience in my youth, and these texts are healing me. Furthermore, I would say, very strongly, that studying these other traditions Judaism, Islam and more recently those of China and India, has helped me to see my own original Christian tradition in a fuller light. This global perspective serves as the foundation for Armstrong’s previous book, The Great Transformation, a vast and thrilling account of the spiritual breakthroughs which took place concurrently and independently in Greece, Israel, India and China two-and-a-half millennia ago. This is a great spiritual opportunity for us, unparalleled in previous world history, because we now have the linguistic and communicative skills to find out the great similarity that lies at the heart of all these major traditions. And we have the ability to learn from each other, Armstrong says. All of these traditions have their own particular and distinctive genius, and all of them have their own peculiar failings or limitations. We can learn from other people how to do things better. For example, we can learn from the Buddhists, from their reticence about describing the Ultimate. Too often, we in the West degrade God to the status of idol made in our own image and likeness. When asked about certain characterizations of her work from the religious right as being anti-traditional, she strongly demurs. I’m not trying to undermine anybody’s commitment to their own tradition. In our global world, it is imperative that we learn to live together, to learn about the highest and deepest aspirations of our neighbors in our drastically shrunk world. Comparative religion can really help us in that. Other people may express these truths differently, but they have so much in common with us. With characteristic clarity and drama, Armstrong closes the interview with an anecdote. I was with the Dalai Lama two years ago on September 11, moderating an interfaith session he was giving on that day. He told a young girl who had converted from Christianity to Buddhism that there was no need for her to have done so. You needn’t have bothered to convert, he said, because all religions teach the same thing. They all teach compassion. And so you learn that your own faith isn’t a lonely little idiosyncratic quest for truth, but part of a giant quest for meaning, part of who we are as human beings. Michael Alec Rose is composer and a professor at Vanderbilt University’s Blair School of Music.

Karen Armstrong takes an active approach to Scripture I see Scripture more as an activity than a text, says Karen Armstrong, the foremost historian of religion in our time, whose new book The Bible: A Biography is being published this month. It's a bit like…

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