The author’s latest, Confounding Oaths, comes complete with an evil fairy godmother, plus sweet new releases from Emma R. Alban and Katie Shepard in this month’s romance column.
The author’s latest, Confounding Oaths, comes complete with an evil fairy godmother, plus sweet new releases from Emma R. Alban and Katie Shepard in this month’s romance column.

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Sabrina Jeffries introduces a family of dukes in Project Duchess. Fletcher “Grey” Pryde, the fifth Duke of Greycourt and eldest brother of the clan, leaves London to support his newly widowed mother. Her other children and relatives are with her, including Beatrice Wolfe, the cousin of Grey’s half brother. Outspoken Beatrice catches his attention, and Grey volunteers to prepare her for her society debut. Through dancing and etiquette lessons, they grow closer, and though whispers grow louder regarding Grey’s stepfather’s death, suspicions don’t get in the way of passion. An excellent blend of great characters and witty dialogue make this a delicious first in a new series

Sabrina Jeffries introduces a family of dukes in Project Duchess.

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Travis Ford has been Port Jefferson’s pride and joy ever since he was a high school MVP knocking grand slams out of the park. The fame and success that followed (topped with a certain scandal-sheet notoriety: photos from an interrupted interlude earned him the nickname Two Bats) surprised no one, least of all Georgie Castle, his best friend’s little sister who always idolized him from afar. But when Travis returns to town, directionless and depressed after an injury and multiple surgeries have drained his career and his sense of self-worth, Georgie catches his eye in a way she never had before—by chucking greasy leftovers at his head and dragging him, kicking and screaming, back to life.

With the small-town vibe, the local-boy-makes-good-hero story, the second-chance romance and the best-friend’s-sister trope all coming together, you may think you know where Fix Her Up is going, especially when Travis and Georgie concoct a plan to fake a relationship to boost their reputations. If you’re certain it’ll inevitably lead to hijinks, misunderstandings, personal resolutions not to get attached and irresistible attraction that makes the fake romance real in spite of everything . . . well, you’re right. So what? You know where a rollercoaster is going before you get on. That doesn’t stop it from being an amazingly fun ride. And this story has more than enough heat and excitement and sweetness and charm to keep you glued to the page.

Travis really will make your heart (and other places) throb with his physical confidence, his full-throttle sensuality and the delicious way he gets caught up in the heroine despite his attempts to keep his distance. And girl-next-door heroine Georgie is definitely sweet. She works as a clown at kids’ birthday parties, and her easy propensity for joy is as natural and infectious as any child’s. And yet she is also fully grown up in her tastes and desires and deeply insightful in the way she angers, teases, soothes and motivates Travis into discovering the man underneath the playboy façade. My favorite part of Fix Her Up is how good they are for each other—and how much richer their lives are from having the other’s support on the way to seizing their dreams.

With a couple this fresh, engaging and endearing, a happy ending seems like an inescapable conclusion. But in the hands of Tessa Bailey, it feels more like a justly earned reward for everything Travis and Georgie have done to make us fall in love with them along the way. I already can’t wait to see them making cameos in the author’s upcoming sequel, Love Her or Lose Her.

Travis Ford has been Port Jefferson’s pride and joy ever since he was a high school MVP knocking grand slams out of the park. The fame and success that followed (topped with a certain scandal-sheet notoriety: photos from an interrupted interlude earned him the nickname Two Bats) surprised no one, least of all Georgie Castle, his best friend’s little sister who always idolized him from afar.

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Olivia Dade’s Teach Me is set in the decidedly unglamorous world of the public school system, and its clear-eyed acceptance of the stresses and injustices of that environment only makes its central romance all the more wondrous. No crazy tropes, no gimmicks, no twists—just two people falling deservedly in love.

And it certainly helps that reserved history teacher Rose Owens and her new coworker, kindhearted single dad Martin Krause, are so compelling that either could be the subject of an entire novel. As a plus-size woman who grew up extremely poor, Rose is painfully clear on all the ways the world (and specifically the patriarchy) can try to tear her down. And so she has constructed an impeccable, impermeable image—perfectly tailored, always jet black clothing; a full face of expertly applied makeup; and a polite but chilly demeanor. Rose doesn’t make friends with her colleagues and her closest friends are her former in-laws. But to her students, she is all warmth and acceptance, and always willing to help an overwhelmed or troubled teenager.

Martin is witness to both sides of Rose during their awkward first meeting, where Dade cleverly uses Martin’s reactions to his new coworker to establish his own character. A new addition to the social studies department, Martin has been given Rose’s favorite world history classes in a typically boneheaded and sexist move by Dale, an administrator who has it out for Rose. Martin intuits what has happened and the injustice of it during his first interactions with his new colleague, and is mature enough to realize that Rose’s reserve isn’t directed towards him. If anything, it is actually a sign that she’s treating him like she would any other colleague, and he is rightfully impressed and grateful for this. Martin’s emotional intelligence and unquestioning respect for personal boundaries allow Rose to feel safe enough to open up to him as they work together over the course of the school year.

As their romance unfolds, Dade ensures that Rose’s ice queen façade is just as appealing as her instinctual kindness. She doesn’t have to fully dismantle her strength to be loved. In fact, Martin finds her withering glares to deserving foes to be unbearably sexy. His pining for Rose is aching and palpable on the page, and Dade makes Rose’s inner turmoil just as compelling. Torn between her surprisingly strong desire for Martin and a longstanding fear of intimacy, Rose’s journey to her HEA is not linear and nor should it be. Teach Me is firmly grounded in reality, and acknowledges the foibles and traumas and flaws of both halves of its central couple. This is where its magic springs from—in its insistence that asking for and giving love is open to them regardless, and that love can bloom even under the deeply unflattering fluorescent lights of a public high school.

Olivia Dade’s Teach Me is set in the decidedly unglamorous world of the public school system, and its clear-eyed acceptance of the stresses and injustices of that environment only makes its central romance all the more wondrous. No crazy tropes, no gimmicks, no twists—just two people falling deservedly in love.

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Joanna Shupe kicks off her new Uptown Girls series with a headstrong, feminist heroine and the smooth-talking lawyer who is hopelessly in love with her. With a backdrop of New York City on the cusp of the suffragette movement, this romance introduces readers to the strong-willed Greene sisters and their exploits to further women’s rights.

Marion “Mamie” Greene is an uptown princess with a penchant of getting into trouble. She and her sister, Florence, frequently sneak out to casinos where they use their winnings—and their spoils from pickpocketing oblivious rich men—to give back to communities in need. There’s just one problem: their father’s lawyer, Frank Tripp, who takes his duty to his well-paying clients very seriously.

Frank knows that if Mamie’s father finds out about her exploits, it’d be disastrous for all involved. As he consistently tries to keep her out of harm’s way or from ending up in the city’s gossip rags, their sniping banter heightens to an unbridled lust. But Frank has admired Mamie for years and is painfully aware of how out of reach she truly is. Not only is Mamie soon to be engaged, but Frank is also hiding the truth about his pedigree. He isn’t a Yale graduate, conveniently hailing from Chicago. Instead, he grew up in the slums of Five Points and escaped a life he wouldn’t wish on his worst enemy.

With Mamie’s upcoming engagement, a murder case, corrupt policemen and an unexpected family reunion, The Rogue of Fifth Avenue is bursting with tension, supplemented by complicated, emotional moments. It’s a page-turner with a fantastic heroine who is tired of living her life on other people’s terms. Mamie wants something more than marrying to uphold a family legacy or maintaining her status among New York’s elite. She’s brash, confident and serves as a wonderful foil to Frank’s subtlety and charming facade. Their romance leans more toward a slow burn, and it’s torturous in the best way possible as they fight their attraction at every opportunity.

Shupe shines when writing complex social and political dynamics, and she adds fascinating cultural layers to an already beautiful story. And if this first book in the Uptown Girls series is any indication, that same energy is going to be continued in the next book with Florence. Despite being the middle sister, she’s definitely the defiant ringleader of the group (with a penchant for reading bawdy books).

Don’t miss out on this wonderfully crafted historical romance. Shupe’s sense of place is unmatched, and she does a fine job creating heroines who exude strength in all manner of ways and heroes who know how and when to grovel.

Joanna Shupe kicks off her new Uptown Girls series with a headstrong, feminist heroine and the smooth-talking lawyer who is hopelessly in love with her. With a backdrop of New York City on the cusp of the suffragette movement, this romance introduces readers to the strong-willed Greene sisters and their exploits to further women’s rights.

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Ever since I first discovered Anna Zabo’s fantastic Twisted Wishes series, I’ve been enthralled with Mish Sullivan. A towering, confident as all hell bass player, Mish is a mother hen to younger members of the band. She’s been a calm, quietly powerful presence in the previous two books in the series, Syncopation and Counterpoint, dispensing the sort of loving, firmly realistic advice that spoke to a hard-won inner strength. Reverb and its characters frequently refer to her as a rock goddess, and that title never once seems unearned.

To put it frankly, Mish Sullivan deserves a romance with her hot, respectful bodyguard David Altet. A prince among men who understandably worships Mish, David is a reserved, intriguing foil to the big personalities that make up Twisted Wishes and their coterie. It’s a shame that Mish has to go through being stalked by a sexist jerk in order to meet him, but such is the world in which we live.

Reverb handles its stalker narrative with the empathy and character specificity that has made Zabo a favorite of the romance community. They place the focus squarely on Mish, rather than dwelling overlong on the frightening, misogynistic actions of her stalker. There are even a few moments where Zabo doesn’t share his comments at all, focusing solely on Mish and directly prioritizing her experience over his opinion and attempted ownership of it. Her strength to carry on and choose to be present for the fans in spite of the danger, many of whom look up to the out-and-proud queer members of the band is deeply inspiring. And Zabo makes it perfectly clear—Mish does not need to be present for the fans or stay in the spotlight, and no one in the band or elsewhere demands it of her. It is a choice she makes, her own personal act of defiance, and it is in no way the only correct response.

David and Mish approach their relationship with maturity, openness and a refreshing lack of angst. They both acknowledge the risks, especially David, who fears that becoming involved with Mish could distract him from his job of protecting her. But both know that the other is something special, and they are old enough to know when they have to throw caution to the wind. Their relationship is particularly meaningful for David, who has become increasingly isolated since leaving the military and transitioning. Coming out plots and stories of struggle are extremely important, but stories where trans characters are unquestionably accepted for who they are and deal with obstacles beyond their fight for societal tolerance are just as vital. David is an extremely sexy and appealing love interest whose identity and experiences are never fetishized, least of all by the pansexual Mish. His story is one of romance with Mish but also of allowing himself to become part of the family that is Twisted Wishes, making Reverb the perfect parting gift for fans that have similarly fallen in love with Zabo’s band of kickass misfits.

Anna Zabo finishes their fantastic rockstar romance series with Reverb, a mature and sexy love story between a confident bass player and her bodyguard.

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Love is the most dangerous gamble imaginable for Johan Maximillian von Braustein, stepson to the king of the tiny, tumultuous nation of Liechtienbourg. Bullied as a child for his sensitive heart, he’s learned to protect himself with an unending display of glamour and debauchery designed to keep everyone distracted and at a distance. Known as “Bad Boy Jo-Jo,” he’s on a first-name basis with members of the paparazzi, and there are online communities dedicated to the appreciation of his, ahem, assets—which are on frequent display. Every move he makes is orchestrated and calculated to protect himself from ever having to be genuine or vulnerable. And while he’s known for his wild stunts, the one risk too hazardous for him to even consider is the idea of falling in love.

Meanwhile, love is quite literally a game for Nya Jerami. Sheltered (read: stifled) by her manipulative, controlling father for most of her life, she seeks refuge in online games that let her play at romance, intrigue and seduction. And if her favorite happens to be One True Prince, in which her character is required to seduce a certain Prince Hojan transparently based on a Liechtienbourgian playboy, then who’s to know? It’s not likely that a man like him would ever notice a wallflower like her.

A series of comedic mishaps throw Johan and Nya together during a mutual friends’ wedding celebration. Nya finds herself thrust into Johan’s arms—and right into the media spotlight. It’s her chance to chase the adventure she’s always craved, with the man she has always desired. But years of treating love as nothing more than a harmless, consequence-free game have done nothing to prepare her for the moment when it’s there in the flesh, right by her side.

Cole has a lot of fun with the luxury and decadence of the settings in A Prince on Paper, and plenty of palaces, private jets and other trappings of wealth play into the escapist tone of the story. Yet that privilege comes at a price. As the daughter of a powerful government minister whose Machiavellian tactics have landed him in jail, Nya faces equal measures of pity, suspicion and scorn from people all too willing to tar her with the same brush. On the other hand, Johan is solely responsible for his reputation, but that doesn’t stop it from being a burden. It just happens to be a burden he willingly bears, drawing fire on himself to protect his beloved half-brother, the heir to the throne, from media scrutiny.

But with Johan, Nya doesn’t have to hide. And with Nya, Johan doesn’t have to dissemble. Their no-holds-barred honesty with each other is shocking compared to all the wheels-within-wheels manipulations surrounding them, and that’s exactly what makes it so sweet and satisfying. Johan puts all his masks aside while Nya steps out of the shadows, and they meet in the middle in a love that’s not a gamble or a game but a reward for their courage and trust.

Love is the most dangerous gamble imaginable for Johan Maximillian von Braustein, stepson to the king of the tiny, tumultuous nation of Liechtienbourg.

Samantha Chase is back with the seventh installment of her popular Shaughnessy Brothers series. Set in a small coastal North Carolina town and as refreshing as a warm summer breeze, Tangled Up in You hits bookshelves at precisely the right time for summer reading.

When police officer Bobby Hannigan is shot in the line of duty, he’s forced to take some rest and relaxation. In his downtime, he meets single mother and widow Teagan Shaughnessy, who’s just brought her son back home to be near family.

The timing is wrong for Bobby and Teagan. Their future’s too uncertain, the changes too big. But as John Lennon said, “Life is what happens to you when you’re busy making other plans.” Their attraction is gentle at first, and they forge an undeniable bond through their shared emotional struggle to adjust to their respective new normals. Bobby’s love for Teagan’s son, Lucas, only reinforces their inevitable happy ever after.

Chase takes readers on an emotional journey, and you’ll laugh and cry and get sucked into the drama of the Shaughnessy clan. If you’re a fan of big, meddling families and a full cast of secondary characters, you’ll enjoy it all the more. And even if you haven’t read the preceding books in the series, Tangled Up in You is a great standalone love story.

Samantha Chase is back with the seventh installment of her popular Shaughnessy Brothers series. Set in a small coastal North Carolina town and as refreshing as a warm summer breeze, Tangled Up in You hits bookshelves at precisely the right time for summer reading.

The fourth installment in Theresa Romain’s Royal Rewards series, Lady Notorious, is a delightful, enthusiastic jaunt through Regency-era London. It picks up with another tale of the Bow Street Runners—focusing this time on a twin sister and brother duo—and the case of the Duke of Ardmore, who needs protection from an unknown foe.

When the duke’s son, George, Lord Northbrook, learns his father entered a wager with 10 men 40 years ago, and all but one of the investors have died (three under suspicious consequences in the last year), he decides to hire Cassandra and Charles Benton. But early on, Charles breaks his leg, so it’s up to his sister to forge ahead and ultimately save the day.

It takes a certain moxie and cleverness for women in historical fiction to make their way in life as independent, modern characters that contemporary readers can connect with. Romain often writes about characters that aren’t nobility, which is refreshing in historical romance, and Lady Notorious is doubly refreshing with its stalwart, investigative heroine. Cass may remind readers of Irene Adler in Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes—adventurous and confident, taking no quarter from the men around her. 

Lady Notorious is a quick read, with a busy cast of main and secondary characters. The pacing lags in some places, and reading the first three books in the series is a good idea, but it’s an enjoyable book all the same.

The fourth installment in Theresa Romain’s Royal Rewards series, Lady Notorious, is a delightful, enthusiastic jaunt through Regency-era London. It picks up with another tale of the Bow Street Runners—focusing this time on a twin sister and brother duo—and the case of the Duke of Ardmore, who needs protection from an unknown foe.

May McGoldrick (author duo and real-life couple Nikoo and Jim McGoldrick) gifts readers with a passionate, fast paced romance in Highland Crown, leaving satisfied but not fully sated readers ready for the next installment in the series.

History buffs will revel in the author’s expert geographical and historical knowledge, and romance fans will delight in the ever-present sexual and emotional tension between the protagonists. Doctor Isabella Drummond, née Murray, is a well-traveled, no-nonsense but kindhearted widow with unmatched medical prowess, her very existence an anomaly in both place and time. Beginning with the shipwreck of the novel’s namesake, the Highland Crown, upon the shores of Duff Head in the northeast Highlands, readers are immediately plunged into a fairy tale with a somewhat-familiar twist—in the vein of Hans Christian Andersen, there is indeed a human treasure from the wreck waiting to be saved on the beach—but the rescuer is none other than fierce Doctor Drummond herself, and her prize is a bedraggled, wounded seaman, Captain Cinead Mackintosh, who harbors a secretive past.

Isabella is immediately captivated by the stranger’s looks, but once they spend more time together and bond over life-or-death incidents, she finds herself drawn by the siren call of his confidence, warm demeanor and loyalty to protect those he loves. But questions eat away at her mind. Why did he destroy the cargo of his own beloved ship as she sank? Can they truly trust his relatives, Searc Mackintosh and Laird Lachlan? Can she even trust Cinead himself?

As lovable supporting character Auld Jean repeatedly chants, “The sea is a harsh mistress… [she] takes and [she] provides.” As both British soldiers and Scottish rebels pursue her, for the crime of alleged treason she hasn’t committed and the information she has been exposed to, Isabella soon loses sight of those she loves, but gains the mysterious and handsome Captain Mackintosh and his earnest promise to lay down his life for her in reciprocation for saving him. Together they must face vengeful British soldiers, angry Highland villagers and suspicious clan members to protect Maisie and Morrigan, Isabella’s sister and stepdaughter. McGoldrick expertly weaves true-to-life historical elements with the contemporary desire for numerous twists and turns on every page of Highland Crown. And in a fun, metafictional twist, each chapter opens with lines from the writings of a fictionalized Sir Walter Scott, a posthumous but nonetheless important supporting character in the plot.

McGoldrick has bestowed upon readers a feel-good whirlwind romance between two intelligent, driven individuals that is less about the complications of a new relationship and more about celebrating a partnership. Highland Crown also explores themes of self-discovery and the quest for happiness, as its main couple works together to pursue what is right for their loved ones, their country and their relationship.

May McGoldrick (author duo and real-life couple Nikoo and Jim McGoldrick) gifts readers with a passionate, fast-paced romance in Highland Crown, leaving satisfied but not fully sated readers ready for the next installment in the series.

Review by

Shelly Laurenston returns to the uproarious, madcap adventures of her Honey Badger Chronicles with In a Badger Way. Hybrid shifter Stevie MacKilligan has met the one bear shifter who doesn’t make her fearful—Shen Li, bodyguard and Giant Panda.

Stevie is a powerhouse due to the honey badger and tiger shifter abilities she shares. Unfortunately, she’s also a genius, highly sought after for her scientific insights, and prone to anxiety-induced panic attacks. It’s a deadly combination, especially as Stevie’s shifting becomes unpredictable when she’s riled up, anxious or off her much-needed medication. One of the few things that soothes her is Shen Li. Stevie thinks he’s adorable, given that he can shift into a Giant Panda instead of a terrifying bear that’ll send her blood pressure surging. When Shen is tasked with protecting and keeping the troublesome prodigy out of danger, he soon realizes this assignment should have come with a significant amount of hazard pay.

A scientist is doing experiments on shifters and the MacKilligan sisters have their hands full with finding their evil cousins, who are just coming into their own powers. The combination of both plots make this an action-packed paranormal romance and for those new to Laurenston, the best advice is to strap in for the rollercoaster ride of brash heroines, snarky side characters and over-the-top fight scenes. Laurenston really is one of a kind when it comes to rip-roaring shifter shenanigans.

Stevie’s relationship with her sisters is incredibly important and a central motivation for all three of the MacKilligan women, and Laurenston weaves in her developing relationship with Shen as a counterweight of sorts. In many of Laurenston’s romances the women take the lead, whereas the heroes serve to complement the heroines’ strengths in strong and supportive ways. In a Badger Way is no different. Shen is the calm to Stevie’s storm, and isn’t threatened by Stevie’s unbelievable hybrid strength or her abnormal intelligence. He isn’t scared off by her mental illness. He is Stevie’s rock in the best way possible and the way he anchors her makes him, in this reviewer’s eyes, worthy of sainthood.

In a Badger Way is pure, unadulterated fun. It’s ten pounds of bursting-at-the-seams excitement in a five pound bag. You’ll cheer on the MacKilligan sisters and their antics, wish you could cuddle with Shen Li and thoroughly wish for Stevie to get her happily ever after. No one does it like Shelly Laurenston when it comes to unique, unparalleled heroines and the heroes who can’t help but love them. Even when they’re honey badgers.

Shelly Laurenston returns to the uproarious, madcap adventures of her Honey Badger Chronicles with In a Badger Way. Hybrid shifter Stevie MacKilligan has met the one bear shifter who doesn’t make her fearful—Shen Li, bodyguard and Giant Panda.

Readers who like their romance spiced with mystery can’t go wrong with Stroke of Luck by B.J. Daniels. Will Sterling has opened his ranch to a special group early in the season, and when his cook can’t make it, he turns to his childhood friend Poppy Carmichael, who’s now a caterer. Will hasn’t seen Poppy in 20 years, and he’s grateful when she commits to four days at the isolated location. Poppy is delighted at the opportunity—she’s harbored fantasies about making the man fall for her like she fell for him as a young girl—but she’s not prepared for the very adult feelings she has for the sexy cowboy. To make matters worse, tension among the guests leads to murder. A blizzard delays the arrival of law enforcement, and it’s up to Will and Poppy to discern friend from foe, as well as to decide how to manage the undeniable attraction between them. This kickoff to Daniels’ new Sterling’s Montana series provides engrossing entertainment.

Readers who like their romance spiced with mystery can’t go wrong with Stroke of Luck by B.J. Daniels.

Former lovers get a second chance in Stefanie London’s Bad Influence. On the eve of a big move for her boyfriend’s job, Annie Maxwell decided to stay in New York City to support her mother during a medical crisis. The man in her life, Joseph Preston, left her behind, inspiring her to anonymously create a now-infamous app, Bad Bachelors, where women rate and review men of the city. Joseph returns just as a hacker threatens to reveal Annie’s identity, and she finds herself confiding in him, giving them a chance to face past mistakes and find closure. But will love rebloom instead? Annie and Joseph are flawed, authentic characters who must tread a fine line between loyalty to family and to each other. This is love with the blinders off, and it is all the more sophisticated and refreshing for that.

Former lovers get a second chance in Stefanie London’s Bad Influence.

When Phoebe, Lady Clare, travels to her brother’s wedding at the beginning of Lisa Kleypas’ Devil’s Daughter, she’s a reluctant guest. Phoebe knows she’ll meet West Ravenel, who bullied her sickly late husband at boarding school. But the old stories don’t do the mature West justice, even though he doesn’t deny the ugliness of his past. Phoebe sees the good man that West has become, and the only bad left in him is precisely the kind that a woman like herself finds oh-so-tempting. The romance is delicious as West’s best intentions to stay clear of Phoebe battle her resolve to get what she wants, and that push-pull drives the narrative. The reformed bad boy is a staple of the genre, and West is just the sort that readers adore. His regrets and overwhelming feelings for the heroine make him an unforgettable hero. Add in cameos from Kleypas’ beloved Wallflowers (Phoebe is the daughter of Devil in Winter’s Evie and Sebastian), and Devil’s Daughter is a must read.


ALSO IN BOOKPAGE: Read a Q&A with Lisa Kleypas for Devil’s Daughter.

When Phoebe, Lady Clare, travels to her brother’s wedding at the beginning of Lisa Kleypas’ Devil’s Daughter, she’s a reluctant guest

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