The author’s latest, Confounding Oaths, comes complete with an evil fairy godmother, plus sweet new releases from Emma R. Alban and Katie Shepard in this month’s romance column.
The author’s latest, Confounding Oaths, comes complete with an evil fairy godmother, plus sweet new releases from Emma R. Alban and Katie Shepard in this month’s romance column.

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Susan Anne Mason begins her Canadian Crossings series with The Best of Intentions, an inspirational romance between two grief-stricken people following the end of World War I.

Grace Abernathy is journeying to Canada from England, hoping to reunite with her sister, Rose, and young nephew. She aims to bring them back home since Rose lost her husband in the war. Grace also believes that reuniting their family in England will be the key to turning their ailing mother’s health around. By the time she arrives in Toronto three weeks later, Grace is dismayed to learn that her sister has passed away from the Spanish flu and her nephew, Christian, has been given over to Rose’s in-laws, the very same people who disowned their son for marrying Rose.

Panic sets in at the thought of her nephew in the hands of the Eastons. She aims to claim guardianship over Christian, but she hopes to watch over them a bit first. She discovers the Eastons are in need of a nanny and, assuming an alias, she takes the job.

Andrew Easton’s world has been turned upside down with the presence of this adorable baby. Since his brother died during the war, he feels personally responsible for the child, especially after his parents decided to disown his older brother. It’s the only way he can try to make it up to his late brother. He’s understandably overcome with guilt at the rift in their relationship, especially now that there’s no way to fix things. But Andrew is all too familiar with his parents’ sense of duty and the sacrifices they expect from him to maintain their stature within the community. They believe that Andrew’s sole focus should be on wooing Cecilia, the very fine woman his brother previously jilted.

Mason sets up a very complex web of relationships between the Easton and Abernathy families, but they are seamlessly woven into the story. Each character is distinct and memorable as Andrew and Grace try to fight against their forbidden attraction. Andrew is promised to another, after all, while Grace isn’t who she says she is. That both protagonists are managing grief plays a large part in this romance and especially how they deal with its suddenness. What do you do with things left unsaid? How do you process the regrets you may have? But grief can also be something that brings people together, and Andrew and Grace learn that they don’t have to deal with their heartbreak alone. And Grace’s faith propels her to keep Rose’s memory alive through her quest to gain guardianship over Christian. It grounds her, and those who find peace in spiritual connection or scripture will find Grace to be a kindred spirit.

The Best of Intentions is a moving examination of the emotions of mourning, complicated family dynamics and the way love can be a powerful, healing force.

Susan Anne Mason begins her Canadian Crossings series with The Best of Intentions, an inspirational romance between two grief-stricken people following the end of World War I.

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Dangerous is the first in Minerva Spencer’s new Outcasts series of Regency romances, and it has such deliciously juicy backstories for its charming protagonists that it’s impossible to imagine anything topping it. The devilishly delectable hero—Adam de Courtney, Lord Exley—is known as the Murderous Marquess due to the mysterious deaths of both of his former wives, and the heroine has spent nearly two decades in a sultan’s harem! Though English born and bred, Lady Euphemia “Mia” Marlington was abducted by corsairs while sailing through the Mediterranean when she was just 14. She survived 17 years of cutthroat palace intrigue before she was rescued and returned to England, to the shock and embarrassment of her extremely stuffy father, the Duke of Carlisle. The duke is, in fact, so very eager to marry her off and get his scandalous daughter out of his house that he’ll even push her towards the widely-shunned Lord Exley, who has three daughters from his previous marriages but lacks a son and heir.

It’s a match made somewhere very far from heaven, and yet, despite a bumpy beginning, a strong relationship quickly falls into place. Mia’s spent too much time being judged by society to give credence to the rumors about Adam, who is so frustrated by society’s fakery that he relishes his wife’s uninhibited boldness. Not only is Mia stubborn and outspoken, she’s also sensual and passionate, with none of the bashfulness or uncertainty about her body sometimes seen in Regency heroines. While the intimacy between the characters quickly steams up the pages, it is actually remarkably sweet to see how his wife’s open, easy affection softens Adam’s long-frozen heart. The tenderness that develops between them makes it all the more dramatic when the secret Mia has kept—the one that has driven all her decisions, down to her choice to marry Adam—rises up and threatens to tear their marriage apart.

With so much going on, and such high stakes, it’s perhaps inevitable that some elements feel rather unfinished. Characters who seem important in early scenes disappear entirely in the book’s second half. Some plot elements are mentioned once and then never brought up again. But with a story this giddy and exciting, it’s hard to blame the author for getting a little carried away. Spencer certainly succeeds in sweeping the reader up in the same dizzying whirl! Sexy and wildly entertaining, Dangerous is a promising romance debut.

Dangerous is the first in Minerva Spencer’s new Outcasts series of Regency romances, and it has such deliciously juicy backstories for its charming protagonists that it’s impossible to imagine anything topping it. The devilishly delectable hero—Adam de Courtney, Lord Exley—is known as the Murderous Marquess due to the mysterious deaths of both of his former wives, and the heroine has spent nearly two decades in a sultan’s harem! Though English born and bred, Lady Euphemia “Mia” Marlington was abducted by corsairs while sailing through the Mediterranean when she was just 14. She survived 17 years of cutthroat palace intrigue before she was rescued and returned to England, to the shock and embarrassment of her extremely stuffy father, the Duke of Carlisle. The duke is, in fact, so very eager to marry her off and get his scandalous daughter out of his house that he’ll even push her towards the widely-shunned Lord Exley, who has three daughters from his previous marriages but lacks a son and heir.

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Maisey Yates gives readers a twist on the friends-to-lovers trope by adding layers of negative family history on both sides, considerably raising the emotional stakes in her latest romance, Untamed Cowboy. Kaylee Capshaw has been in love with Bennett Dodge since she was 13, but to protect her heart, she never pursued him. She’s struggled to cope with unrequited feelings ever since, even as the best friends share a veterinary practice in rural Gold Valley, Oregon. Kaylee has psychological reasons to keep her attraction to Bennett a secret—her parents’ marriage was a disaster and Kaylee was constantly aware she was unwanted and unloved. Her friendship with Bennett is important to her and Yates develops a long, comfortable, affectionate history between them.

After his mother’s death when he was a child, followed by too many stepmothers to count, Bennett has followed a strict plan for his life that ensures a quiet, well-organized existence. Powerful emotion isn’t allowed and he’s unaware that he subconsciously, purposefully, never considered Kaylee as a potential girlfriend. When his sensible fiancée breaks off their engagement and immediately falls in love with another man, Bennett is at loose ends. He’s disappointed but thinks he’s coping with the situation as well as could be expected. But then his regimented life is hit by a bombshell when a social worker arrives on his doorstep with the son he didn’t know existed.

Bennett’s determined to meet the challenge of fatherhood and turns to Kaylee for support. While they’re taking a break from their worries at a bar one night, she bluntly tells him that if he’s looking for a hookup, she’ll volunteer. He’s shocked but also instantly, overwhelmingly, in favor of the idea. Neither of them expected their reckless decision to have such far-reaching consequences. Their connection is earthshaking, laying bare all the emotions they’ve both denied for years, and they’re both knocked off kilter. Yates does an excellent job of painting two honest, vulnerable people who are each carrying a ton of baggage from their childhoods. Nevertheless, they are equally determined to find their way past their scarred psyches to secure a future together.


Lois Dyer writes from her home in Port Orchard, Washington.

Maisey Yates gives readers a twist on the friends-to-lovers trope by adding layers of negative family history on both sides, considerably raising the emotional stakes in her latest romance, Untamed Cowboy. Kaylee Capshaw has been in love with Bennett Dodge since she was 13, but to protect her heart, she never pursued him. She’s struggled to cope with unrequited feelings ever since, even as the best friends share a veterinary practice in rural Gold Valley, Oregon. Kaylee has psychological reasons to keep her attraction to Bennett a secret—her parents’ marriage was a disaster and Kaylee was constantly aware she was unwanted and unloved. Her friendship with Bennett is important to her and Yates develops a long, comfortable, affectionate history between them.

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Debut author Helen Hoang knocks it out of the park with The Kiss Quotient, which follows a romance between an analytical heroine and the gorgeous escort who teaches her all about the benefits of falling in love.

Stella Lane is in love with data and numbers. As an econometrician, she’s most comfortable when poring over statistics and finding anomalies or trends. Stella also has Asperger’s, a fact of which her mother, between her unceasing requests for grandchildren, constantly reminds her. But romance and a relationship hold very little appeal to Stella, especially after some lackluster experiences. And since Stella never does anything halfway, she’ll only accept the best “tutor” she can find.

Enter Michael Phan, an escort whose looks could easily grace any fashion magazine. Though he really needs the money, he’s also charmed by Stella’s checklist of things to tackle. Any romance reader knows where this is going, and things between Stella and Michael start to stray from strictly business.

This book is a unicorn. It’s magical and one of a kind. Stella’s Asperger’s isn’t talked about in veiled or coded language. It’s very much part of who she is, and she’s learned to live her life in a way that suits her and makes her (mostly) happy. Though uncomfortable when it comes to the realm of social interactions, Stella is self-assured about her work ethic. She really loves her job and finds comfort in the work she does.

Michael is a great foil for Stella’s awkward moments. He’s smooth and effortless in how he handles her nervousness, inexperience and everything in between. Michael fully embodies the romance hero ideal, and he’s set the bar high for all other heroes to come.

While the notion of getting better at sex and dating may seem like a thin plot device, the interactions between Stella and Michael is so much more than that. The love scenes explore human connection, belonging and the expectations we and others put on ourselves. They are both adorable and sexy, all at the same time.

Hoang has a fresh, contemporary voice that’s easy to fall into for hours at a time, and The Kiss Quotient will undoubtedly create a fandom of readers who will read whatever future books she writes. But be warned, this reading experience is one that requires preparation. You will smile so hard your cheeks will ache. You’ll subconsciously start to fan yourself. You’ll look at the clock and realize it’s way past your bedtime.

The Kiss Quotient is the perfect balm for any reading slump and a wonderful palate cleanser for the summer. It also might just be the best book you read all year.


ALSO IN BOOKPAGE: Go Behind the Book with Helen Hoang.

Debut author Helen Hoang knocks it out of the park with The Kiss Quotient, which follows a romance between an analytical heroine and the gorgeous escort who teaches her all about the benefits of falling in love.

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Katharine Ashe transports readers to Edinburgh, Scotland, for The Prince, the fourth entry in her Devil’s Duke series. There is much to enjoy in this wonderful novel, including the beautiful city of Edinburgh, the intriguing historical details and all the twists and turns of a murder mystery steeped in danger. But the shining stars of this romance novel are its unique main characters.

Elizabeth Shaw is the brilliant daughter of a respected physician in Edinburgh. Determined to become a member of the city’s Royal College of Surgeons, she’s stymied at every turn, as the medical school will only accept men. When her father accepts a year-long appointment in London, leaving Elizabeth to stay in Scotland with friends, she embraces the opportunity to launch a plan. Dressed as a male, she attends a public surgical dissection. None of the other students seated with her in the theater balcony see through her disguise. One observer in the general audience, however, recognizes her immediately. Gifted portraitist Ziyaeddin met Libby Shaw only once, two years earlier, but he has never forgotten her. In fact, he’s still fascinated by the shape of her lips—and everything else about her. The artist in him instantly sees the woman beneath her disguise of male clothing and glued-on facial whiskers.

Worried at first that Ziyaeddin will expose her charade, Libby soon conceives a plan that requires his cooperation. Ziyaeddin is stunned when she arrives on his doorstep and declares she will agree to sit for a portrait if he will allow her to live in his home and pose as a male student. He refuses at first, for the plan is wildly outrageous. But after some consideration, he accepts. He has never met a woman with Libby’s fierce determination, blunt honesty and brilliant mind. She clearly must be a surgeon, and, just as clearly, he must aid her. Ziyaeddin is well aware that he’s breaking society’s rules. He doesn’t care.

Thus begins a deeply emotional and fascinating journey for these two amazing individuals. Ashe delves into the complicated lives of both Libby and Ziyaeddin. Libby has OCD and struggles to balance her compulsions with her commitment to medicine. Ziyaeddin was born a prince of the (fictional) Middle Eastern country Tabir, but was ripped away from his birthright as a child. Saved by a benefactor, he was trained by a gifted artist, only to be later enslaved and scarred by the amputation of a foot. Rescue by a duke brought him to Edinburgh, where his portraits have brought him both fame and fortune. When Ziyaeddin and Libby begin to live in the same house, sharing daily life, the sexual tension between them is strong and grows more powerful by the week. Ashe amplifies the slow burn of attraction between them, focusing on how their genuine respect for each other rises with every interaction.

Added to the suspense of the ever-present possibility that Libby’s disguise may be uncovered is a very real threat to her life when she realizes someone in the college is selling cadavers for profit and possibly committing murder to satisfy demand. Ziyaeddin is terrified Libby will be harmed by the threats that surround her but knows that perhaps it is he, himself, who poses the greatest threat to her happiness. The steady, careful character development Ashe devoted herself to earlier in the novel pays off in spades, as readers will find themselves desperately anxious that these two amazing people find their way to happily ever after.


Lois Dyer writes from her home in Port Orchard, Washington.

Katharine Ashe transports readers to Edinburgh, Scotland, for The Prince, the fourth entry in her Devil’s Duke series. There is much to enjoy in this wonderful novel, including the beautiful city of Edinburgh, the intriguing historical details and the twists and turns of a murder mystery steeped in danger. But the shining stars of this romance novel are its unique main characters.

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Brynn Kelly delivers the danger in A Risk Worth Taking, the latest installment of her Legionnaires series.

Samira Desta might have the skills to upend the world order with her laptop, but she was happy with her quiet life as a computer systems security engineer—until her whistle-blowing fiancé was murdered. After that, she stepped up to find and expose the truth. She’s been on the run ever since. There’s been no safety and no solace on her journey except for a stolen moment she shared with French Foreign Legion medic Jamie Armstrong. It’s been a year since they last met, but when Samira needs him again, he rushes to her side. While scrambling through Europe, barely one step ahead of the mercenaries on their trail, the passion between them reignites.

Kelly’s characters show all the smarts and abilities necessary to face down overwhelming odds, but they also demonstrate surprising vulnerability. Samira’s fierce drive for justice is contrasted by overpowering fear that sometimes sends her into full-fledged panic attacks. She struggles with feelings of helpless, vulnerability, paranoia and a heavy load of guilt over her fiancé’s death, for which she blames herself.

And while Jamie might wisecrack like an action movie star while bullets are flying, his charming façade masks deep problems that are slowly revealed over the course of the story. It’s heartbreaking watching him brace himself for the moment when Samira realizes he’s not a perfect hero after all. He believes he’ll let her down, like he’s let down so many people in his life before.

Hunting the pair down is a somewhat Trumpian villain, a politician with a lot of popular appeal—and a beautiful, well-spoken daughter who is his biggest advocate—which lets him brush aside the accusations against him as a politically-motivated witch hunt. But deep down, he’s as calculating as he is brutal, and every time Samira or Jamie falters, his henchmen edge in a little closer. The tension stays as tight and tense as a high wire. It can be a little exhausting, watching every safe haven become a danger zone just a short while later, but it’s certainly exciting to experience unrelenting suspense all the way to the end.

This story offers extra rewards for fans of the earlier books in the series, especially in a crucial role played by in the final act by Rafe and Holly from Deception Island. New readers may be so intrigued by the references to past adventures that they’ll hunt down the previous Legionnaires books!

Brynn Kelly delivers the danger in A Risk Worth Taking, the latest installment of her Legionnaires series.

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High school senior Megan Harper has always shied away from the spotlight. She loves the theater, but she wants to direct, not star. And Megan might be an incorrigible flirt, but she’s never been anyone’s true love. In fact, the many boys she’s dated have a history of finding their perfect matches right after they’ve dumped her.

When Megan—whose drama school application requires her to have some acting experience—accidentally lands the lead role in Romeo & Juliet, she’s terrified, especially when it turns out she’s acting opposite her most recent ex, who’s now madly in love with her best friend. Consequently, Megan is eager to find her next fling—but maybe she needs to slow down and find someone who believes that even supporting characters deserve their own happy endings.

Writing duo Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka know of what they write—they met in high school while studying Shakespeare. Readers will relate to Megan’s exuberant voice and her endearing imperfections, as well as to the challenges of balancing complex families, academic ambition and (maybe) love, all while trying to put on a show.

The course of true love never did run smooth—but, as in Shakespeare, navigating the rough parts is what makes for a funny, romantic and memorable story.


This article was originally published in the June 2018 issue of BookPage. Download the entire issue for the Kindle or Nook.

High school senior Megan Harper has always shied away from the spotlight. She loves the theater, but she wants to direct, not star. And Megan might be an incorrigible flirt, but she’s never been anyone’s true love. In fact, the many boys she’s dated have a history of finding their perfect matches right after they’ve dumped her.

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High school junior Twinkle Mehra’s ultimate dream is to become a great filmmaker. She also wants to leave behind the social stratum she’s dubbed “the groundlings” and carve out a place among the “silk hats,” where her former best friend, Maddie, and Twinkle’s longtime crush, Neil, are counted as members. When Neil’s geeky twin brother, Sahil, offers to help Twinkle shoot a film for the annual arts festival, she jumps at the chance. Sahil’s kindness, love of film and respect for Twinkle’s art soon have her falling hard. But Twinkle’s goals thus far—making films, regaining Maddie’s friendship and winning Neil’s heart—have become so entwined that it’s hard for her to make room for a new goal and new possibilities with Sahil. Twinkle speaks out through her films, but is she seeing the world around her for what it truly is, or has her perspective become warped by long-held assumptions?

In her second novel, Sandhya Menon (When Dimple Met Rishi) gives readers a spunky, smart but sometimes misguided heroine, a delightful romantic hero, a strong cast of secondary characters and a window into the world of amateur filmmaking. Narrated through Twinkle’s letters to her favorite female directors, From Twinkle, with Love will both resonate with creative young people and remind them to balance their search for art and truth with respect and empathy.


This article was originally published in the June 2018 issue of BookPage. Download the entire issue for the Kindle or Nook.

In her second novel, Sandhya Menon (When Dimple Met Rishi) gives readers a spunky, smart but sometimes misguided heroine, a delightful romantic hero, a strong cast of secondary characters and a window into the world of amateur filmmaking. Narrated through Twinkle’s letters to her favorite female directors, From Twinkle, with Love will both resonate with creative young people and remind them to balance their search for art and truth with respect and empathy.

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Cheris Hodges pairs a New York businessman and a Southern entrepreneur in her latest novel, Strategic Seduction. Comparisons between the North and South fly thick and fast, most noticeably when the pair is sampling mouthwatering food. Readers will find themselves craving a trip to Georgia just to visit the restaurants, diners and coffee shops mentioned in this smart contemporary romance.

When Alicia Michaels returns to Atlanta to launch her new PR company, she doesn’t expect to meet the man of her dreams. Especially when said man is newly divorced Richmond Crawford, a wealthy New Yorker and the brother-in-law of one of Alicia’s best friends. Both she and Richmond have plenty to prove—Richmond with his first solo hotel project for the family corporation, and Alicia with the launch of her own firm. Neither is looking for love, and both have an abundance of emotional baggage that makes them cynical and wary.

The novel’s supporting cast of characters includes a group of hilarious, successful girlfriends whom Alicia considers sisters. They worry about her dating a man who’s so recently divorced, and given the scheming nature of Richmond’s ex, it’s soon clear the friends have cause for concern. The reappearance of his avaricious ex-wife heightens the tension and further threatens the couple’s hopes for a happy ending. In the end, however, a loving future is more dependent on Alicia conquering her own insecurities than a threat from any outside force. When unexpected news shocks Alicia and Richmond, both will have to face life-changing choices before they can finally put their pasts to rest and embrace a bright tomorrow.


Lois Dyer writes from her home in Port Orchard, Washington.

Cheris Hodges pairs a New York businessman and a Southern entrepreneur in her latest novel, Strategic Seduction. Comparisons between the North and South fly thick and fast, most noticeably when the pair is sampling mouthwatering food. Readers will find themselves craving a trip to Georgia just to visit the restaurants, diners and coffee shops mentioned in this smart contemporary romance.

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Mary Balogh returns to her lush Westcott Family series with Someone to Care, an immersive story of a disgraced former countess searching for her new normal.

Two years after the death of her husband, the Earl of Riverdale—and the very public revelation of some very scandalous family secrets—Viola Kingsley finds herself stuck in place, unable to move on the way her children and loved ones have. She panics and runs from the embrace of her family to an obscure country inn, where an accident strands her and she finds herself captivated once more by the ardent gaze of Marcel Lamarr, the Marquess of Dorchester.

The marquess also finds himself caught in the memory of his brief flirtation with Viola 14 years prior, which ended when she became one of the only women in his long history of dalliances to turn him down. At the inn, he takes a risky step away from his pride, she takes a chance and meets him halfway, and the two of them unconsciously begin to heal the hurts of their past and grow together.

Someone to Care is a truly unique offering from an already accomplished author. With this latest novel, Balogh brings insight, innovation and maturity to a genre that can often feel repetitive. Much of what makes this story so fresh is its mature leading couple. Romance novels often focus on young, bright-eyed heroines or dashing, boyish rogues, but Someone to Care dares to delve into what the world looks like after decades of chasing empty dreams, and the insecurities that come with rebuilding after life has done its worst.

The narrative shows sensitivity and refinement, but for all her elegance of language, Balogh nonetheless gives her love story a delectably sexy streak, crafting pictures of intimacy that leave the reader longing for just one or two more gorgeous details. This element, plus all the aristocratic scandal and intrigue to be desired in historical romance, makes this latest Westcott novel a master class in romance.

Someone to Care is fresh, uplifting and absorbing. Don’t miss this perfect addition to any summer romance reading list.

Mary Balogh returns to her lush Westcott Family series with Someone to Care, an immersive story of a disgraced former countess searching for her new normal.

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In her latest installment in the Penhallow Dynasty series, The Bride Takes a Groom, Lisa Berne takes all the classic elements of a Regency romance and turns them upside down. The most charming surprise is the hero himself, Hugo Penhallow, who stands out from the legion of Regency leading men before him by being kind, pleasant and affable. Hugo is not a cad or a rake, nor is he the relentlessly proper image of decorum. He’s not cold and bitter from a broken heart, nor sarcastic and snide from a chilly upbringing. Instead, Hugo is a genuinely sunny soul, reared by a delightfully quirky family he adores. While he is marvelously well connected through his influential family name and strikingly handsome (in a gentle jab at the usual tropes, nearly everyone he meets compares him to a Greek god while he politely refrains from rolling his eyes), Hugo is so impoverished after his military service that he must marry well or see his family become destitute. Despite this, Hugo never seems gloomy or desperate. He genuinely believes he can live happily ever after, and hopes to build that happiness with heiress Katherine Brooke.

As the daughter of absurdly wealthy and deeply shallow parents (a clever bit of set dressing has their library filled with handsome leather volumes, with weighty and important titles stamped on the spine, and pages that are entirely blank), Katherine’s sole responsibility is to be a dazzling social success. So of course, her greatest wish is simply to be left alone. When she’s forced to socialize, she plays at taking on the personas of the heroines she admires from the novels she sneaks in under her mother’s nose. After all, being herself has never worked out well.

Katherine and Hugo marry quickly, but a true union takes longer to form. The forthright Hugo struggles to connect with a Katherine, who has always known who she was supposed to be but hasn’t the faintest idea who she truly is. It’s her journey to selfhood that makes Katherine so frustrating and fascinating—especially when she starts to move from being the leading lady of a melodrama to being a heroine in her own life. Does she really want to be a belle dame sans merci, or can she let herself choose to be kind? The answer, once she discovers it, is as sweet as the chocolates she also used to sneak behind her mother’s back and that she comes to share with the husband she eventually allows herself to adore.

In her latest installment in the Penhallow Dynasty series, The Bride Takes a Groom, Lisa Berne takes all the classic elements of a Regency romance and turns them upside down. The most charming surprise is the hero himself, who stands out from the legion of Regency leading men before him by being kind, pleasant and affable.

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Shelly Laurenston’s world of shape-shifters is hilarious, sexy, often casually violent and always absolutely fascinating. The latest novel in the series, Hot and Badgered, features a vicious, dangerous honey badger shifter and the amiable grizzly bear shifter who can’t resist her. Who knew romance could involve so much mayhem and so many laugh-out-loud moments?

Honey badger shifter Charlie Taylor-MacKilligan and her two younger half-sisters are each uniquely talented and trained to kill. They’ve had each other’s backs since they were children. When someone attacks Charlie in Switzerland, she knows her estranged criminal father must be at the heart of the plot. She escapes to a nearby hotel room where a big, handsome grizzly shifter helps her escape. Charlie and her sisters head for New York City, where their father is allegedly in the city morgue. Unfortunately, the morgue has the wrong man, a discovery that Charlie finds intensely irritating.

Holed up in a cousin’s safe house, the sisters discover their cousin is friends with Berg Dunn, the grizzly shifter who saved Charlie in Switzerland. Berg was impressed with Charlie’s handling of her would-be assassins and wants to spend more time with her. He finds the sisters a safe house on his street in an all-bear neighborhood. The three sisters fascinate and delight the bears, especially since Charlie bakes when stressed and the bears can gorge themselves on her cakes and pies. Plus, she bakes with honey. It’s a win-win situation—now Charlie and her sisters have multiple big human protectors who are 1,000 pounds of pure mean when shifted into their bear forms.

For the first time, the MacKilligan sisters aren’t alone, and while having a gang of bears defending them is unusual, they kind of like it. Plus, Charlie more than likes Berg and the feeling is mutual. The two make the most of their stolen moments together in between fending off murder attempts, kidnapping attempts and the sisters’ introduction to the world of NYC shape-shifters. There are fisticuffs in a hockey rink, a brawl with female wolverines, a furious Charlie taking down two of the best enforcers in the shifter military unit and other violent, slapstick escapades. The plot zips along with surprising twists, turns and fearless honey badger bravery. That the almost nonstop action also allows for excellent character development and lots of snarky humor is a testament to Laurenston’s skills.


Lois Dyer writes from her home in Port Orchard, Washington.

Shelly Laurenston’s world of shape shifters is hilarious, sexy, often casually violent and always absolutely fascinating. The latest novel in the series, Hot and Badgered, features a vicious, dangerous honey badger shifter and the amiable grizzly bear shifter who can’t resist her. Who knew romance could involve so much mayhem and so many laugh-out-loud moments?

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Alisha Rai concludes her emotional Forbidden Hearts series with a love story between an heiress struggling to live life on her own terms and her tattooed, very much off-limits crush.

Evangeline Chandler has suffered greatly trying to live up to her father’s expectations. Emotional abuse doesn’t even begin to cover it. She’s determined to make decisions for herself from now on to ensure her own happiness, which results in a beautiful, satisfying arc that unfolds alongside the romantic plot.

For years, Eve has crushed on Gabriel Hunter, though her love is seemingly unrequited. Gabe rejected her in the past and Eve has never forgotten it. Gabe is not only much older than her, but he’s also “the help,” and one of her brother’s friends. All of which are things Eve knows should keep her away. But despite Gabe’s rejection of Eve in the past, he’s been harboring his own feelings. He knows he can’t offer her the future she deserves. She has money to burn and her family’s clout and, in his mind, he’s just the son of a housekeeper. But nothing is insurmountable in romance!

When Eve and Gabe are forced together for a wedding weekend, avoiding each other becomes impossible and it quickly becomes clear there’s more chemistry between them than either previously thought. Eve’s growth as a self-assured woman is one of the best aspects of Hurts to Love You. Floundering under the opinions and expectations of others, Eve realizes that she needs to take ownership of her life, and one of the first steps to doing that is admitting her attraction to Gabe. That’s easier said than done—both are working to overcome toxic family dynamics and painful moments in their past, and are also hopelessly shy and awkward at times. But the emotional fallout of Eve shedding her shell and Gabe coming clean is balanced by how utterly helpless they are in each other’s presence.

It’s an irresistible attraction and Rai writes it seamlessly. Her ability to capture raw and realistic emotions is such a strength. Every conflict feels real and twists the reader’s heart. Every tender moment will make you sigh. Hurts to Love You is an emotional rollercoaster that you’ll want to ride again and again.

Additionally, any loose ends leftover from the previous Forbidden Hearts installments are satisfactorily resolved. While Hurts to Love You is still an amazing read on its own, the relationships and histories of books one and two add a depth that should not be missed. The only bad thing about this book is accepting that it’s the end of the series. Surely, Rai won’t deprive us of more romance for long.

Alisha Rai concludes her emotional Forbidden Hearts series with a love story between an heiress struggling to live life on her own terms and her tattooed, very much off-limits crush.

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