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Sculpting a novel that conveys vastness through inner lives alone is a tremendous challenge. Making that same novel a page-turning mystery that’s simultaneously moving and often nail-biting is another challenge altogether. With The Strange Case of Jane O., Karen Thompson Walker rises to meet both of these challenges head-on, and succeeds. 

The title character is—externally at least—an unremarkable woman, a single mother who works at the New York Public Library. Alarmed by potential hallucinations, blackouts and a feeling of lingering sadness and dread, she seeks the help of a psychiatrist, who takes an interest not just in Jane’s case, but in the way the woman sees the world. Told through a combination of the psychiatrist’s reflections on his sessions with Jane, and Jane’s own diary entries addressed to her infant son, The Strange Case of Jane O. seeks to excavate a particular human mind in such a way that the minds of everyone around her, and the very nature of their reality, might turn on what becomes of this fascinating protagonist.

Though this engrossing book often moves with a thriller’s pace, there is little sensationalism in Walker’s writing. She approaches Jane’s story through spare, deliberate prose, keeping each chapter lean and, when narrating from the psychiatrist’s point of view, sometimes clinical. But it’s not cold prose. In fact, as the psychiatrist discovers the nature of Jane’s unique memory, her hallucinations and the source of her dread, the precision of Walker’s word choice becomes key to deciphering the mystery. This is not a book that holds the reader’s hand through every revelation, but one that asks something of us, wanting us to decipher along with its characters a mystery that is bigger than psychiatry, bigger than crime, bigger than a single strange incident. 

Slowly, elegantly and with tremendous grace, Walker starts to draw parallels between therapist and patient, between mother and father, between woman and child, and The Strange Case of Jane O. becomes an emotional journey into the heart of what drives us, what breaks us and what keeps us walking the line of mundane daily life.

The very nature of reality might turn on what becomes of the fascinating lead character in Karen Thompson Walker’s The Strange Case of Jane O.

It would be hard to find a writer whose sensibility is better suited to unsettling times than British novelist Ali Smith. Unsurprisingly, her novel Gliff neatly matches the dominant sentiment of the 2020s. This brief, dystopian tale is both an evocative story of siblings in peril and a glimpse at where some of the trends roiling our world may be taking us.

Set in an unnamed country in an unspecified future time, the novel follows two children forced to navigate a threatening environment without the benefit of an adult presence. After their mother departs to care for her ailing sister, the narrator, known variously as Briar, Brice and Bri, is abandoned with younger sister Rose by the friend whose care their mother placed them in. 

Before long, the sisters are at large in a society marked by environmental degradation, omnipresent surveillance focused on a category of dissidents known as “unverifiables,” and an ominous machine called a supera bounder that randomly paints red lines around properties to mark them for destruction. Setting themselves at odds with the oppressive ethos of this culture, Briar and Rose quickly learn to survive using their wits and a handful of opportunistic alliances.

As in much of Smith’s work, there’s a pleasing fascination with language and wordplay. “It was always exciting to me the number of things a single word could mean,” says Briar. That curiosity extends to the eponymous word, gliff, whose meaning apparently encompasses everything from “a transient glance” to “an early AI tech tool used in the development of healthcare.” It’s also the name Rose gives to a horse that’s one of several she liberates from their corral and then makes her own.

The feeling one experiences reading Gliff is similar to that evoked when standing before an abstract impressionist work of art. Smith’s novel is less about creating fully fleshed-out characters or a meticulously structured plot than it is about summoning up a mood, one of “Unbelievable believable hope. . . . Impossible, possible.” That attitude offers what might serve as Smith’s paradoxical benediction over life in an increasingly anxious age. 

In Gliff, Ali Smith offers a paradoxical benediction over life in our increasingly anxious age: “Unbelievable believable hope. . . . Impossible, possible.”
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Fired from her lackluster job as an adjunct professor of writing, and on the verge of needing to move back in with her parents, Zelu has lost control of her life. Because she’s disinclined to pick up the pieces in a way that will satisfy her family, a Nigerian American dynasty for whom being exceptional is considered merely ordinary, she turns instead back to her writing. What comes out of those dark moments is a piece of science fiction set in the aftermath of humanity’s extinction. Upon publication, the novel captures the entire world’s imagination, quickly becoming a bestseller and almost immediately being optioned as a movie. But the consequences of Zelu’s meteoric rise aren’t all so dreamy. As they ripple out, they change her life forever, causing her to rethink her relationship to her writing, her family and even her own body.

Death of the Author, by acclaimed science fiction writer Nnedi Okorafor (Who Fears Death), is comfortable straddling the line between genres. Okorafor explores the dynamics Zelu experiences as a disabled Nigerian American author from the south suburbs of Chicago, rendering familiar experiences with remarkable specificity, pulling us in so that we understand Zelu’s truth, warts and all. As the book shines on a literary level, so, too, do its science fiction elements. In a metafictional twist, Okorafor peppers in chapters from Zelu’s bestselling novel with increasing frequency as the story progresses. Beyond being interesting in their own right, the chapters give us a lens through which to see Zelu more clearly—and influence the course of her journey. A remarkable exploration of storytelling, fame and the Nigerian American experience, Death of the Author surprises all the way to its brilliant ending.

Read our interview with Nnedi Okorafor about Death of the Author.

A remarkable exploration of storytelling, fame and the Nigerian American experience, acclaimed science fiction writer Nnedi Okorafor’s Death of the Author surprises all the way to its brilliant ending.
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Nnedi Okorafor knows that her latest novel is “a lot.” The way Okorafor delivers this pronouncement with a grin makes it clear that the description is anything but apologetic. “I feel like one of the things about this book that’s going to be interesting is this question of ‘What is it?’ Because it’s so much.”

This wouldn’t be the first time Okorafor’s work has defied easy categorization. Though many of her previous books, such as the Hugo and Nebula Award-winning Binti, were decidedly science fiction, their setting and perspective lacked a place within science fiction’s numerous subgenres, leading her to coin a new term, Africanfuturist, to describe them.

But with Death of the Author, Okorafor eschews the tidy boundaries of genre entirely. At its core, the book is a literary novel about a woman named Zelu, a disabled Nigerian American author from the suburbs of Chicago whose meteoric rise to literary stardom changes her life. Her story, which begins with being unceremoniously fired from her decidedly unglamorous teaching job, is told through a combination of close third person and interviews with family and friends that show her for the complex—and often flawed—person that she is. Interwoven with Zelu’s story are chapters from Zelu’s breakout novel, Rusted Robots, in which humans have been replaced by robots we created to live alongside us.

“I have a general rule that if I’m scared to write it, I have to write it.”

While those familiar with Okorafor’s science fiction may see a literary novel as a departure, Death of the Author is a book whose heritage mirrors that of its author. Although she’s a graduate of the Clarion Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers’ Workshop, Okorafor—like Zelu—also has a more traditional background as both an English PhD and as a professor of writing. “I learned a large part of my writing from professors who were very anti science fiction and fantasy,” she says. She credits both her literary and genre instructors for what Death of the Author became, and hopes that the novel can forge a middle ground between the two camps where everyone can “just love storytelling” regardless of genre.

Early in her career, Okorafor had dreamed of writing a literary book about the Nigerian American experience and all of its “complexity, all of its hypocrisy, its strengths, and its specificity.” After the death of her sister a few years ago, Okorafor felt compelled to return to the idea of writing the great Nigerian American novel. For her, that meant talking about food, something that in most Nigerian families is passed down from mother to child. “You develop this whole mythology around the food,” she says. “You love it so much that you bring it for lunch in grade school.” But other kids weren’t familiar with Nigerian food and would question her jollof rice or egusi soup. “You’re forced to explain what it is and either be insecure, or you start defending it, and that strengthens your cultural identity.”

In the book, Zelu’s relationship with food is complicated by the fact that she is the child not of two cultures, but of three: Yoruba, Igbo and American. “Nigerian men expect the wife to cook and be able to cook. . . . So if Zelu’s mom is marrying an Igbo man, then she’s going to have to know how to cook those foods. And then she’s proud of her own culture, so she’s going to cook Yoruba food, too.” Plus, like all children of Nigerian American immigrants, Zelu initially experiences Nigerian food prepared with American substitutions for all the ingredients that you just can’t get in the suburbs of Chicago. Being raised with these foods, in this context, Okorafor explains, connects Zelu to her Nigerian heritage and makes her who she is. “I’m sure it’s this way with other cultures,” she says, when asked about capturing the specificity of this experience, “but I’m speaking as a Nigerian American.”

She’s also speaking as a writer with a disability. Like Zelu, Okorafor became partially paralyzed after an accident. Although she did eventually learn to walk again, the experience profoundly affected her. She says that it felt like she was a “broken, rusting robot.” Instead of moving through the world with the agility of an athlete, “I had to think about every step that I took. I was programming myself instead of intuitively walking as I did when I was a baby.”

“Wanting to box something comes from wanting to feel comfortable, wanting to feel in control.”

And so when it came time for her to write about Zelu experimenting with exoskeleton-like prosthetics that would allow her to walk again, Okorafor drew from personal experience. She’d seen a similar type of prosthetic in the real world and had wondered: If she had the chance to augment the athleticism she’d lost, “would I do that? How would that change who I am?” It’s a fraught question among people with disabilities, she says, whether to see your disability as “something that’s wrong with you that needs to be corrected” or as a part of your identity that you should embrace. “That’s what I’ve had to do with my situation. There is no cure for it. . . . I’ve built my identity around that.” To use this kind of prosthetic “would just shatter so much about what I’ve built. It wouldn’t be as simple as one would think.”

Through playing out part of that debate in the pages of her novel, Okorafor wants to start a conversation, “not necessarily an argument,” about subjects that we might normally shy away from. Where Okorafor sees nuance, however, her main character often doesn’t. Zelu picks fights, and she is sometimes bullheaded, both traits that can be challenging in a main character. But, as Okorafor points out, “It’s not about right or wrong. This is the world, and this is how some people choose to navigate through the world.”

It wasn’t originally Okorafor’s intent to write Rusted Robots as part of Death of the Author. She was interested in writing a literary novel, after all, not more science fiction. But as she began to write about Zelu writing Rusted Robots, Okorafor knew that she wouldn’t be able to keep going if she didn’t at least write a chapter or two of Zelu’s book to understand it a little better. As someone whose science fiction typically depicts the future of humanity, Okorafor initially balked at the idea of writing something with no humans in it—nothing that would interact with the world in the same way that we do. “I was scared of that. But I have a general rule that if I’m scared to write it, I have to write it.” So she did. And within a few chapters, she was hooked. She began to write the two stories in parallel, noticing how what she wrote in Rusted Robots often reflected Zelu’s story, and vice versa. Where Zelu is paralyzed by an accident, the main character of Rusted Robots, Ankara, loses her legs in a brutal attack from a rival robotic faction. Both regain use of their legs in a way others in their lives see as distasteful or outright unnatural (Zelu with her prosthetics, and Ankara with the help of an AI from the faction responsible for the attack). These connections, Okorafor says, were at first unconscious, but later became an intentional way to show how the experiences of an author affect their subjects.

It’s the interplay between these two stories that gives Death of the Author its strength—and which might make it an intimidating read for some. Literary fiction readers may be tempted to skim the science fiction sections, and science fiction readers might “focus on the robots and totally miss out on the whole Nigerian American thing.” But Okorafor stresses that part of the point of the book is to strain against the need for a label. “Wanting to box something comes from wanting to feel comfortable, wanting to feel in control.”

This was a feeling Okorafor, too, has had to fight against. “I remember when I finished writing Death of the Author, I was like, ‘Oh my god, what have I done? How are people going to comfortably categorize this?’” But then she did as she hopes her readers will do: She let it go and focused on the joy of storytelling instead.

Read our starred review of Death of the Author.

Nnedi Okorafor author photo by Colleen Durkin.


The sci-fi superstar, author of Binti and Who Fears Death, takes a bold metafictional step in her masterful latest.
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In Old Crimes and Other Stories, Jill McCorkle’s characters face moments of reckoning and work to make sense of the past. A father has trouble connecting with his daughter and adjusting to the digital era in “The Lineman.” In “Confessional,” a husband and wife buy an antique confessional for their house—a purchase that leads to surprising discoveries. “Commandments” features a trio of women dumped by the same man who meet to share stories about him. Wistful and wise, McCorkle’s fifth collection is the work of a writer at the top of her game.

Louise Kennedy explores the lives of contemporary Irish women in her bleakly beautiful collection, The End of the World Is a Cul de Sac. Kennedy’s protagonists—rendered with authenticity and compassion—contend with fraught or dangerous relationships, motherhood issues and economic woes. Sarah, the main character of the title story, pays an ugly price for her husband’s poor business decisions, while the main character in “In Silhouette” is tormented by her brother’s participation in IRA activity. Kennedy’s moving stories offer numerous discussion topics for book clubs, including female fulfillment and the human need for connection.

Salt Slow finds Julia Armfield leaning in to science fiction and the supernatural in stories that examine urban life and women’s experiences. “Mantis” focuses on the turmoil of adolescence, as a young girl’s body mutates in startling fashion. In “Formerly Feral,” two stepsisters form an extraordinary bond with a wolf. Whether she’s writing about giant bugs or a zombie ex-girlfriend, Armfield is clearly at home with the odd and the uncanny, and the end result is a captivating group of stories. Themes of sexuality, spirituality and loss will get book clubs talking.

GennaRose Nethercott’s Fifty Beasts to Break Your Heart and Other Stories is sure to delight—and disquiet—readers. Ominous, imaginative and intriguing, Nethercott’s stories probe the tension between the wild and the tame as they exist in our daily lives. In “Homebody,” a young woman undergoes a strange physical transformation after moving into a new house with her partner. “Sundown at the Eternal Staircase” chronicles the goings-on at an eerie tourist attraction. Thanks to Nethercott’s remarkable narrative skills, the impossible becomes plausible. Inspired by folklore and fairy tales, she reinvigorates the short story form.

Round up your reading group and ring in 2025 with one of these fabulous short story collections.
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Every new Haruki Murakami book is an event, but The City and Its Uncertain Walls has a special importance for longtime readers of the Japanese master. This weighty tome is not just his first novel in six years, but also a return to one of his earliest works: 1985’s Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. In the book’s afterword, Murakami relates how he reworked the ideas of that early book, reflecting on 40 years of writing life in the process. Without giving too much of this glorious novel away, what emerges from those four decades of thought is a striking, moving meditation on the price of isolation, the nourishment of stories and how the most important things in our lives reach us in slow, unexpected ways. 

The unnamed narrator of The City and Its Uncertain Walls is a man caught between reality and an alternate world dominated by a strange Town surrounded by an impenetrable wall. When we meet this narrator, he’s reminiscing about both a teenage romance with an odd ending and the Town itself, which he once visited to work in a dark library as a Dream Reader. With the love story from his youth and his time in the Town dominating his mind, he sets out to change his life and find fulfillment working in a new, more conventional library. 

Many things about Murakami’s work are striking, but what stands out most when you dive into this book is his unmatched narrative patience. He does not rely on breakneck pacing to drive you from page to page. Instead, he moves the story forward steadily, with a confidence and wit that keeps you longing to read on. In his trademark assured, graceful prose, Murakami has produced a work of tremendous ambition that on a sentence-by-sentence level feels like sitting down with a friend to hear them tell a very strange story. It’s another masterwork from one of our finest living novelists, and a must-read for Murakami devotees.

Haruki Murakami’s latest masterwork, The City and Its Uncertain Walls, is a moving meditation on the price of isolation, the nourishment of stories and how the most important things in our lives reach us in slow, unexpected ways.
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Julia Armfield’s Private Rites is part speculative novel, part domestic drama, as three feuding sisters seek closure after their father’s death while the city they live in is slowly destroyed by heavy rains and flooding. 

Sisters Isla and Irene, and their much younger stepsister, Agnes, inhabit a London-like city where it has been raining longer than anyone can remember. All three are survivors of a traumatic upbringing: Their father, Stephen, was a harsh man, pitting the two older girls against one another and mocking their weaknesses. After divorcing Isla and Irene’s mother, Stephen, a notable avant-garde architect, quickly married again. But when Agnes was born, her mother disappeared, leaving all three girls to be brought up by their father. The sisters are resentful and jealous of one another, rarely getting together as adults. Bossy Isla is trying to keep her psychiatric practice going despite losing patients, and Irene spends her time scrolling through internet forums where people role-play the pre-apocalypse world: “I’d pick you up in my car because I have a car,” reads one post. Agnes, who’s used to drifting between sexual partners, meets a girl at the coffee shop where she works and is startled by the intimate relationship that develops. Meanwhile, as the rain continues, whole neighborhoods are lost to flooding, and their inhabitants are forced to move to higher and higher ground.

The fragile ties between the sisters further disintegrate after Stephen’s death. Harsh words are exchanged at Stephen’s funeral, and when the will is read, the two older sisters find that the family house has been left to Agnes, who doesn’t want it. The intense sibling drama can’t hide the fact that there are some very weird things going on besides the weather—the absence of their mothers, Agnes’ spotty memories and hazy dreams, and how strangers constantly recognize the three sisters when they are out in public. 

Private Rites excels as a spooky character study, moving seamlessly between the sisters and their partners and creating a rich narrative despite its brevity (barely over 200 pages). Following its clever echoes of King Lear (an overbearing father, three bickering daughters, endlessly howling storms) and all-too-believable evocation of climate apocalypse, the novel’s resolution unfortunately feels like a misstep. Until the end, however, Armfield goes deep into the damaged psyches of three unusual women who search for connection despite their father’s cruel legacy.

Private Rites excels as a spooky character study, with clever echoes of King Lear—an overbearing father, three bickering daughters, endlessly howling storms—and an all-too-believable evocation of climate apocalypse.
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The first thing you’ll notice when you open Tara Isabel Zambrano’s Ruined a Little When We Are Born is just how many stories she’s managed to pack into this slim volume. There are more than three dozen of them, some running less than two pages as part of her continued practice of flash fiction, others running to more conventional short fiction lengths, all of them united by common themes of family, femininity and motherhood. 

Rooted in the Indian diaspora, many of the stories in Ruined a Little When We Are Born are centered on rituals of one kind or another, ranging from the mundane to the arcane. In the opening story, “Mother, False,” a girl experiences shocking physical changes upon the death of her mother. In “Shabnam Salamat,” the arrival of her father’s new young bride sparks an awakening in a daughter. In the bewitching “There Are Places That Will Fill You Up,” a girl connects with her long-lost mother in a search for new meaning, with surprising results. And in “Milky-Eyed Orgasm Swallows Me Whole,” a woman has a conversation with the physical manifestation of her sexual climaxes.

Through beautifully constructed sentences that read as much like prayers as they do like prose, Zambrano’s stories slither and grow like unpredictable, invasive vines, creeping inside your brain and refusing to leave. It doesn’t seem to matter whether she gives herself 10 pages or just one; this is an author who understands that the job of fiction is to generate empathy and genuine emotional response in the reader, and who knows how to extract those things with poise and confidence. 

There’s a swagger to this book, a sense of being in gifted hands, and yet there’s also a dramatic vulnerability that comes through, particularly in the stories about growing up, learning what adulthood means or realizing that parents are not superheroes. Whether she’s exploring Indian folklore or introducing an old woman to the strange powers of a dishwasher, Zambrano is always in command, always writing earnestly and vividly. Anyone who enjoys the careful art of the short story will find that in this case, “art” is very much the key word.

Anyone who enjoys the careful art of the short story will find that in Ruined a Little When We Are Born, "art" is very much the key word.
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In a career spanning more than five decades, writer and director Pedro Almodóvar has established himself as an endlessly versatile storyteller and a true emotional explorer. Whether he’s examining wrinkles in the nature of human sexuality or probing motherhood in its many forms, Almodóvar always manages to reveal kernels of compelling, often surprising, truth.

Now, in his first work of prose published in English, Almodóvar has turned that same deeply textured, boundless talent to short stories. The Last Dream, like all his work, jumps between genres, subjects and formats, with some stories playing with elements of memoir. In the title story, Almodóvar retells the events of the day his mother died, while in “A Bad Novel” and “Memory of an Empty Day,” he examines his own nature as a writer and an aging person who’s hungry for immersion in a world that’s changing around him. In “Adiós, Volcano,” he pays tribute to the late singer Chavela Vargas, a fixture in many of his films, and in “The Visit” he reveals the groundwork for his film Bad Education.

But the stories aren’t limited to Almodóvar’s own life and career. The more fantastical include “The Life and Death of Miguel,” a story which he tells us was written when he was quite young, in which he examines a Benjamin Button-esque world where life and death happen in reverse. In “Joanna, The Beautiful Madwoman,” he tells the story of a princess driven mad by circumstance. In “Confessions of a Sex Symbol,” he dives into the mind of a porn star, while in “The Mirror Ceremony,” he examines a vampire’s strange conversion.

The sheer depth and breadth of the collection is astonishing, and it’s made more astonishing by the economy of language. A slim volume of just a dozen stories, The Last Dream is light on embellishment or lengthy description. Almodóvar’s prose is lean but evocative, elegant but grounded, and translator Frank Wynne has done a remarkable job rendering it into stylish, beautifully spare English. Almodóvar’s characters, like those in his films, are full of yearning and wonder. Both for fans of great short fiction and for fans of the director, The Last Dream is a must-read.

Renowned director Pedro Almodóvar turns his deeply textured, boundless talent to 12 short stories involving elements of autobiography and fantasy in The Last Dream.
3 short story collections as brilliant as summer lightning.

3 short story collections as brilliant as summer lightning

With the swiftness of a summer storm, the short stories in these collections electrify and illuminate.
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10 contemporary writers (Ali Smith! Tommy Orange!) apply their considerable talents to the signature style of Franz Kafka in this anthology.

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Book jacket image for Beautiful Days by Zach Williams

Zach Williams lets each of these 10 short stories unfold at their own quirky pace—like alien insects inching their way out of cocoons.

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Book jacket image for Ninetails by Sally Wen Mao

In Sally Wen Mao’s Ninetails, a fox spirit helps Asian women of diverse backgrounds and ages transcend the violence and turbulence of their lives.

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With the swiftness of a summer storm, the short stories in these collections electrify and illuminate.

Myth and folklore intertwine seamlessly with the tumultuous lives of Asian women in this mesmerizing collection of stories.

Each story in Ninetails: Nine Tales reveals the poignant struggles of young Asian women marginalized and scorned, struggling to eke out their identity, follow their heart and break free from political oppression and social expectations. At the heart of these tales of strength and transformation is Ninetails, a fox spirit known by many names—hulijing, huxian, fox demon or fox fairy—who helps women of diverse backgrounds and ages transcend the violence and turbulence of their lives.

The central story, divided into several parts, is called “The Haunting of Angel Island.” Set in the 1900s, against the backdrop of the Angel Island immigration station located in San Francisco Bay, it features Tye, a Chinese interpreter who witnesses the harrowing experiences of women detainees. Other stories include the tale of a silicone love doll who yearns to be human, the plight of a Korean girl bullied in a land foreign to her, and the story of two friends connected by being cheated on by the same man. Unfolding with gripping intensity through author Sally Wen Mao’s vivid depictions of the gritty settings and sobering situations that confront her characters, each premise is made even more powerful by the magical element introduced when a fox spirit manifests to liberate the women from their misery, or inflict retribution for wrongdoings.

Some of the stories in Ninetails end abruptly and can feel a little disjointed; nevertheless, Mao’s compelling depiction of Asian women’s experiences is powerfully unsettling in its authenticity. Through themes of revenge and redemption, these stories illuminate our enduring capacity for resilience.

In Sally Wen Mao’s Ninetails, a fox spirit helps Asian women of diverse backgrounds and ages transcend the violence and turbulence of their lives.
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There’s a quiet intensity to the way Zach Williams crafts short fiction, like a coiled spring ready to snap, or a snake about to strike. You can sense tension lurking like a camouflaged animal in the careful prose and dreamy strangeness of the worlds Williams builds.

In Beautiful Days, his first collection, Williams delivers intensity on page after page, but it’s how he uses the tension he creates that makes the work so remarkable. In stories that take the mundane to wondrous, frightening and deeply affecting places, Williams keeps finding new ways to remind us of the strangeness of being human, and the many ways our lives can transform in an unexpected instant.

There are no real limits to the subject matter of the 10 tales within this volume. The settings shift from skyscrapers to secluded cabins, seductive bedrooms to the quiet house next door. The characters are parents, roommates, neighbors, co-workers, even mice whose lives hang in the balance of another character’s quest for the right trap. In “Trial Run,” a man visits his office amid a snowstorm, only to find a storm of a different kind waiting inside. In “Red Light,” a sexually adventurous fitness buff finds himself in a particularly mysterious bedroom. And in “Wood Sorrel House,” which might be the most unsettling short story you read in all of 2024, new parents find themselves in a house outside of time, watching in horror as their baby refuses to age even as their own bodies fail.

Many of these stories push their subjects into the realm of the unreal, the supernatural and even the horrific, but genre conventions do not concern Williams any more than neat endings do. What’s most striking about Beautiful Days is not the premises of the stories, but the way in which the author lets them unfold at their own quirky pace, like alien insects inching their way out of cocoons. His prose is precise, witty and full of vivid imagery, dropping us into 10 distinct worlds that might all be part of the same dreamy landscape, or might be individual pocket universes. Either way, we can get lost, because Williams has a gift for marrying tension and humanity that calls to mind John Cheever or Shirley Jackson. That makes Beautiful Days a powerful, unsettling, genuinely thrilling collection, one that singles Williams out as a must-read voice in fiction.

Zach Williams lets each of these 10 short stories unfold at their own quirky pace—like alien insects inching their way out of cocoons.

Conceived as a tribute to Franz Kafka on the 100th anniversary of his death, A Cage Went in Search of a Bird: Ten Kafkaesque Stories features short stories by 10 contemporary writers in the idiosyncratic style of the literary genius, a style Merriam-Webster defines as “having a nightmarishly complex, bizarre, or illogical quality.” Watching writers that include Ali Smith and Tommy Orange apply their considerable talent to this task makes for a mind-bending and consistently enjoyable reading experience.

One of the principal pleasures of this project is the range of subject matter and variety of styles the authors bring to their stories. In “God’s Doorbell,” for example, Naomi Alderman reimagines the biblical account of the Tower of Babel in a fashion that seems especially relevant to our current concerns with the promise and peril of artificial intelligence. Yiyun Li’s “Apostrophe’s Dream” is a whimsical piece presented in the form of a dramatic work featuring squabbling punctuation marks as its characters.

But when one thinks of Kafka’s short stories, what most often surfaces is the image of an individual trapped in a bizarre, inexplicable situation. The volume features several works in that genre, among them Elif Batuman’s “The Board,” where the prospective purchaser of an apartment confronts the baffling commentary of the building’s implacable governing body. In “Headache,” by Leone Ross, the protagonist is drawn against her will into an increasingly problematic health care system.

Screenwriter and director Charlie Kaufman has acknowledged Kafka as an early influence, and so it’s fitting that the collection ends with his story, “This Face Can Even Be Proved by Means of the Sense of Hearing,” whose enigmatic title comes from an entry in Kafka’s The Blue Octavo Notebooks. In Kaufman’s story, a novelist identified only as “I.” descends, after a disastrous launch event for his latest novel, into an ever more complex and seemingly inescapable literary labyrinth as his identity shape-shifts, blurring the boundary between fact and fiction.

A Cage Went in Search of a Bird is a roller coaster ride that will delight the adventuresome reader, even if the twists and turns of some of its most daring stories may challenge those who enjoy more conventional short fiction. Somewhere, though, it’s easy to imagine Kafka paging through these varied and deeply imagined tales and nodding in admiration.

10 contemporary writers (Ali Smith! Tommy Orange!) apply their considerable talents to the signature style of Franz Kafka in this anthology.

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