What are you most looking forward to during the holiday season?
I look forward to my family being together—they have started to scatter! So it's wonderful when we manage to be together. Our in-law families are all close and we have a great time with Secret Santa, stealing gifts from one another and having time to appreciate one another. We know that we're lucky and we try to help others out as well.
Why do books make the best gifts?
Books make incredible gifts—they can just about last forever! I think they're also thoughtful gifts. I know that my daughter-in-law, an incredible young artist, adores picture books but she doesn't always feel they fit into a newlywed budget. Buying her a book she's been wanting is a great pleasure. Especially this year—we've had some tough times. Books can be great friends at these times.
What are you planning to give to friends and family?
What am I planning to give? Well, naturally, lots of books. I do 10 stockings a year—books are a great way to stuff those stockings! I try to make my gifts fit the person, so my list will also include clothing, fishing gear, Disney tickets and more.
What was the best book you read this year?
One of my greatest pleasures was reading for an upcoming anthology for Mystery Writers of America. There were so many truly wonderful stories that honing down the numbers was almost impossible. The talent out there is boundless.