June 2000


By Miriam Austin
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Fat chance: help for healthy living Miriam Austin’s excellent step-by-step book, Yoga For Wimps: Poses For The Flexibly Impaired eases you into healthy living by introducing a yoga program that you can do for life. If you want to learn yoga, but think the movements are too difficult to execute, Austin’s book solves the problem. By using such props as a chair, rolled face cloths, books, and an old belt, bending and stretching is much easier even for the flexibly impaired. Each series of yoga movements (poses) is demonstrated in large, color photos and accompanied by easy-to-follow instructions. Because many of the movements in her book are preliminary poses, Austin believes that “regular practice of these poses will prepare our bodies for doing the traditional, more difficult poses” later on. Yoga is an excellent body conditioner, and its affects can be seen and felt in gradual weight loss, improved strength and breathing, sounder sleep, and flexible limbs. Yoga For Wimps is especially recommended for those who haven’t exercised in years.

Pat Regel race-walks in Nashville.

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