In the magical, feuding lands of Norta, a poor young woman is thrust into the center of an elite world where she must hide her true self and discover her inner strength and power to survive.
Seventeen-year-old street thief Mare Barrow has always understood the blood-based hierarchy of her nation: Unremarkable Reds serve the Silvers, who possess supernatural abilities to control metal, fire, minds and more. But when Mare, a Red, discovers that she possesses one of these superhuman abilities, she turns the entire social system on its head and must become someone she never thought she could be just to stay alive.
Author Victoria Aveyard’s debut novel builds a world that’s rife with classism, political jostling and unfathomable power. Red Queen is the first in a trilogy, and with Aveyard’s steady, masterful reveal of this world’s dark inner workings, readers will have much to devour.
Justin Barisich is a freelancer, satirist, poet and performer living in Atlanta. More of his writing can be found at
This article was originally published in the February 2015 issue of BookPage. Download the entire issue for the Kindle or Nook.