January 2002

Contract fulfillment

By Caroline Myss
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Do you want to keep this year’s resolutions? Gain insight on what stopped you from pursuing the career of your fantasies? Just in time for the annual post-holiday self-inventory period, Caroline Myss offers guidance in her new book Sacred Contracts: Awakening Your Divine Potential.

In Sacred Contracts, Myss continues her quest to empower readers to imagine their lives as they were meant to be lived and shares practical tools to help them get there. A dynamic speaker and teacher, with many fans in the New Age community, Myss lectures on the chakra system through which each person manages his personal energy and the archetypes that influence the creation and response to one’s life situations. In this new book, she explains the basics of chakras and archetypes and explains how they are related to the sacred contracts that each person draws up prior to birth.

To enjoy Sacred Contracts to its fullest, purchase a journal and record your thoughts as you read. Myss has included many exercises designed to help readers understand the underlying forces that prompt their decisions. Although it doesn’t come with a guarantee, Sacred Contracts is certain to make at least one aspect of your life seem less mysterious.

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