June 2005

Life lessons for Father’s Day

By Michael Lewis
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<b>Life lessons for Father’s Day</b> This book explores another growing gap today the gap between what our fathers thought would make a boy a man, and what many of us now believe. <b>Coach: Lessons on the Game of Life</b> is a slim book, but no less powerful for that. Author Michael Lewis offers a fascinating study of an aging high school baseball coach and the enormous impact he had on the lives of the young men who were his charges. The story also explores the coach’s confrontation with a new generation of parents who disagree with his strict sometimes harsh approach. The questions raised here remain open: are discipline and exacting standards essential to growth? Is self-esteem really the recipe for a happy, successful life? <b>Coach</b> is a must-read for Dads and Moms alike, or for anyone who’s ever been challenged to be better than they thought they could be. <i>Howard Shirley is a son and a father.</i>

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