The third installment of Emily March’s Eternity Springs series, Heartache Falls tells the story of Mackenzie and Alison Timberlake. When their youngest child leaves for college and Mac accepts a challenging promotion, the Timberlake home grows tense and lonely. In an effort to mix things up (and hopefully reheat what has become a frigid marital bed), Ali moves out of her home in a huff and accepts a job in Eternity Springs working for her friend Celeste Blessing.
Although her children are worried and her husband is furious, Ali’s respite in Eternity Springs—a tiny, close-knit town in the Colorado Rockies—is incredibly restorative. She remembers dreams from before her marriage and why she fell in love with her husband in the first place. Meanwhile back in Denver, Mac’s own reflections lead him to confront some of the demons from his past. Changes are in store for the Timberlakes as they think over what they want in this second half of their lives.
Without a doubt, we could all use a dose of Eternity Springs to ease the transitions of our lives. Emily March graciously takes readers there in this immensely readable story of love reborn.